/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Ariya Hidayat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_FORMULA #define KSPREAD_FORMULA #include #include class KLocale; namespace KSpread { class Cell; class Sheet; class Value; /** * Token */ class Token { public: /** * token types */ enum Type { Unknown = 0, ///< unknown type Boolean, ///< True, False (also i18n-ized) Integer, ///< 14, 3, 1977 Float, ///< 3.141592, 1e10, 5.9e-7 String, ///< "KOffice", "The quick brown fox..." Operator, ///< +, *, /, - Cell, ///< $A$1, F4, Sheet2!B5, 'Sales Forecast'!Sum Range, ///< C1:C100 Identifier ///< function name or named area }; /** * operator types */ enum Op { InvalidOp = 0, ///< invalid operator Plus, ///< + (addition) Minus, ///< - (substraction, negation) Asterisk, ///< * (multiplication) Slash, ///< / (division) Caret, ///< ^ (power) LeftPar, ///< ( RightPar, ///< ) Comma, ///< , Semicolon, ///< ; (argument separator) Ampersand, ///< & (string concat) Equal, ///< = NotEqual, ///< <> Less, ///< < Greater, ///< > LessEqual, ///< <= GreaterEqual, ///< >= Percent ///< % }; /** * Creates a token. */ Token( Type type = Unknown, const TQString& text = TQString(), int pos = -1 ); static const Token null; Token( const Token& ); Token& operator=( const Token& ); /** * Returns type of the token. */ Type type() const { return m_type; } /** * Returns text associated with the token. * * If you want to obtain meaningful value of this token, instead of * text(), you might use asInteger(), asFloat(), asString(), sheetName(), * etc. */ TQString text() const { return m_text; } int pos() const { return m_pos; }; /** * Returns true if token is a boolean token. */ bool isBoolean() const { return m_type == Boolean; } /** * Returns true if token is a integer token. */ bool isInteger() const { return m_type == Integer; } /** * Returns true if token is a floating-point token. */ bool isFloat() const { return m_type == Float; } /** * Returns true if token is either integer or floating-point token. */ bool isNumber() const { return (m_type == Integer) || (m_type == Float); } /** * Returns true if token is a string token. */ bool isString() const { return m_type == String; } /** * Returns true if token is an operator token. */ bool isOperator() const { return m_type == Operator; } /** * Returns true if token is a cell reference token. */ bool isCell() const { return m_type == Cell; } /** * Returns true if token is a range reference token. */ bool isRange() const { return m_type == Range; } /** * Returns true if token is an identifier. */ bool isIdentifier() const { return m_type == Identifier; } /** * Returns boolean value for an boolean token. * For any other type of token, return value is undefined. */ bool asBoolean() const; /** * Returns integer value for an integer token. * For any other type of token, returns 0. */ long asInteger() const; /** * Returns floating-point value for a floating-point token. * For any other type of token, returns 0.0. */ double asFloat() const; /** * Returns string value for a string token. * For any other type of token, it returns TQString(). * * Note that token text for a string token still has leading and trailing * double-quotes, i.e for "KOffice", text() return "KOffice" * (with the quotes, 9 characters) while asString() only return KOffice * (without quotes, 7 characters). */ TQString asString() const; /** * Returns operator value for an operator token. * For any other type of token, returns Token::InvalidOp. */ Op asOperator() const; /** * Returns sheet name in a cell reference token. * For any other type of token, it returns TQString(). * * If the cell reference doesn't specify sheet name, an empty string * is returned. As example, for "Sheet1!B3" , sheetName() returns * "Sheet1" while for "A2" sheetName() returns "". * * When sheet name contains quotes (as if the name has spaces) like * in "'Sales Forecast'!F4", sheetName() returns the name * without the quotes, i.e "Sales Forecast" in this case. */ TQString sheetName() const; /** * Returns a short description of the token. * Should be used only to assist debugging. */ TQString description() const; protected: Type m_type; TQString m_text; int m_pos; }; /** * Class Tokens represents array of tokens. * */ class Tokens: public TQValueVector { public: Tokens(): TQValueVector(), m_valid(true) {}; bool valid() const { return m_valid; } void setValid( bool v ){ m_valid = v; } protected: bool m_valid; }; /** * Class Formula encapsulates a formula for a cell. * * A Formula is a equations which perform calculations on values in the cells * and sheets. Every formula must start with an equal sign (=). * * */ class Formula { public: /** * Creates a formula. It must be owned by a sheet, and optionally sheet. */ Formula (Sheet *sheet, Cell *cell = 0); /** * Creates a formula that is not owned by any sheet. * This might be useful in some cases. */ Formula(); /** * Destroys the formula. */ ~Formula(); /** * Returns the cell which owns this formula. */ Sheet* sheet() const; /** * Returns the cell which owns this formula. */ Cell* cell() const; /** * Sets the expression for this formula. */ void setExpression( const TQString& expr ); /** * Gets the expression of this formula. */ TQString expression() const; /** * Clears everything, makes as like a newly constructed formula. */ void clear(); /** * Returns true if the specified expression is valid, i.e. it contains * no parsing error. * Empty formula (i.e. without expression) is always invalid. */ bool isValid() const; /** * Returns list of tokens associated with this formula. This has nothing to * with the formula evaluation but might be useful, e.g. for syntax * highlight or similar features. * If the formula contains error, the returned tokens is invalid. */ Tokens tokens() const; /** * Evaluates the formula and returns the result. */ Value eval() const; /** * Given an expression, this function separates it into tokens. * If the expression contains error (e.g. unknown operator, string no terminated) * this function returns tokens which is not valid. */ Tokens scan( const TQString& expr, KLocale* locale = 0 ) const; TQString dump() const; protected: void compile( const Tokens& tokens ) const; /** * helper function: return true for valid named area */ bool isNamedArea( const TQString& expr ) const; private: class Private; Private *d; // no copy or assign Formula( const Formula& ); Formula& operator=( const Formula& ); }; /** * Dumps the formula, should be used only to assist debugging. */ TQTextStream& operator<<( TQTextStream& ts, Formula formula ); /** * helper function: return operator of given token text * e.g. "*" yields Operator::Asterisk, and so on */ Token::Op matchOperator( const TQString& text ); /** * helper function: return true for valid identifier character */ bool isIdentifier( TQChar ch ); } // namespace KSpread #endif // KSPREAD_FORMULA