KOffice filters status:   Quattro Pro FILTER

Import | Export


Import Quattro Pro (Spreadsheet) for kspread

Last update 27 june 2001
Features -Currently supports only older type Quattro Pro files (*.wb?).
-Translation is at the basic level (i.e. without regard to fonts, colours e.t.c.).
-Supports multi-page spreadsheets.
-Some Quattro Pro functions may cause the filter to crash.
Todo -Handle all functions without crashing.
-Support later file types (*.qpw).
-Handle attibutes (fonts, colours, line drawing e.t.c).
17 may 2001  :   Added my first filter version (alpha)
Authors  Graham Short
Links -
Progress report Quattro Pro has about 160 functions. I am currently working my way through these, testing and checking for equivalent kspread functions.
I am currently up to STDS which is number 122.


Export kspread to Quattro Pro (Spreadsheet)

Last update -
Features None
Todo Everything
History -
Authors -
Links -
Progress report Once I have coded the import filter to user take note of the cell attributes (fonts, colours etc.) then I will have a more complete understanding of Quattro Pro file format. This knowledge will enable me to produce the export filter.