KOffice filters status:   MSWRITE FILTER

Import | Export


Import from MS WinWrite to KWord

Last update $Date: 2004-05-18 13:20:54 +0200 (Tue, 18 May 2004) $
Features Imports almost everything except OLE from MS WinWrite (3.0 & 3.1) documents
- Character formatting (fonts, bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, "(page)" numbering)
- Optional/Soft Hyphenation
- Paragraph formatting (alignment, linespacing, indentation, tabulation)
- Paragraphs with multiple newlines
- Pagebreaking (at the start or end of the line and on the next line)
- Images (Standard WMFs, monochrome BMPs, position from left margin)
- Character Set Conversion

- Headers & Footers (including whether or not they are printed on first page)
- Page formatting (margins, positioning of headers & footers, page numbers starting from any number)
Todo - Accept Image Sizes for certain documents not created by Write
- Fix Character Set Conversion which doesn't always seem to work
- Fix a highly unusual bug: creating the dialog using dynamic memory allocation crashes KWord (or sometimes just even enabling the dialog causes a crash)

- Fix any remaining issues that can't be easily resolved at the time of writing and/or require changes to KWord
(see file IMPERFECT)
Version 0.5 (31 January 2003): KOffice 1.3
- portable rewrite using LibMSWrite
- tabstops are now the same size as Write's: 1/2 inch (36pts)
- more accurate scaled image sizes
- change to "At Least" linespacing

Version 0.3-2 (starting 4 May 2002): KOffice 1.2 Release (as well as all pre-releases > Beta2)
- page numbers starting from any number
- optional hyphenation
- paragraphs with multiple newlines
- major bug fixes: pageBreak at start of line, fontTable terminated by 0 numDataBytes
- character set conversion
- ported to new filter storageFile API
- dialog with Encoding and Import Options (disabled due to stability problems)

Version 0.3-1: KOffice 1.2 Beta1
- fixed mswritelib.cc crash on files with an unusual font table
- emulates image position from left margin by using paragraph indents
- WMFs now render correctly in KWord (thanks to Lorthiois Thierry); note that only TQWMF code was changed
- gcc 2.95.3 internal error workaround
- more *.desktop fixes

Version 0.3 (7 Jan 2002): Put into CVS for porting to new filter architecture
- imports nearly everything: now has full character, paragraph, page formatting
- experimental importing of images (Standard WMF + monochrome BMP)
- significant performance enhancements (new MSWriteLib + less XML output)
- emulates Write's unusual linespacing using OFFSETS tag
- includes filtertest.wri to test filter
- corrections to Makefile.am
- corrections/changes to *.desktop files (thanks to Werner Trobin)

Version 0.2 (4 Dec 2001): First stable release
- reads documents reliably
- can read text with full character formatting plus partial paragraph formatting
- nice and modular as it uses the new MSWriteView library (MSWriteLib)

Version 0.1 (7 Oct 2001): Initial release
- the underlying code to read in the format is there but the filter can only do plain text with alignment
Authors Clarence Dang
Links LibMSWrite: Portable library that imports and exports Write documents, used by this filter

How to Perfect the Filter: problems with the filter that are/were hard to fix at the time of writing

Development Roadmap: where development is heading

Test File
Progress report This filter is nearing completion and OLE may be implemented sometime in the future.


Export from KWord to MS WinWrite

Last update $Date: 2004-05-18 13:20:54 +0200 (Tue, 18 May 2004) $
Features Exports text, images and a useful amount of formatting to MS WinWrite 3.0 documents
This import/export filter pair is almost "symmetric" i.e. export (import (f)) = f.
It can export everything that the import filter can import except Page Layout.
Images of various types (e.g. BMP, JPEG, WMF, PNG) are supported.
Tables are simply dumped out as paragraphs.
Basic list support.
Todo Page Layout
History Version 0.5 (31 January 2003): KOffice 1.3
- portable export filter based on LibMSWrite
- improved inline image and table support (20 February 2003)
Authors Clarence Dang
Links LibMSWrite: Portable library that imports and exports Write documents, used by this filter
Progress report This filter is currently quite slow and is being improved...