KOffice filters status:   RTF FILTER

Import | Export


Import RTF for kword

Last update 2003-09-01
Features - Document information (author, title, comments, company).
- Page size and margins.
- Headers and footers (with margins).
- Tables (including non-rectangular), horizontal alignment.
- Table cell background color and borders (style, color, width).
- Embedded pictures (JPEG/PNG/BMP) and clipart (EMF/WMF).
- Word 97-2000 picture support.
- Style sheet.
- Character formatting (size, color, bold, italic, underline, strikeout, subscript, superscript...).
- Font mapping (using TQFont/TQFontInfo).
- Paragraph layout (horizontal alignment, indents, space before/after, frame break).
- Paragraph borders (style, color, width).
- Tabulators, automatic tabulator for hanging indent.
- Unicode and codepages support.
- Special characters.
- Footnotes.
- Fields (time, date, page number, symbol etc.).
- Hyperlinks.
Todo - Fix line spacing.
- Columns.
- Improve list handling.
- Shaps, especially picture that are in shapes
History 15 July 2001: First useful version (rewritten for TQDom).
18 July 2001: Fixed function finishTable() (some tables crashed KWord).
23 July 2001: Added table alignment, background color and cell borders.
31 August 2001: Faster version, uses read buffers and optimized XML output.
2 October 2001: Clipart import fixed (requires libwmf).
23 July 2002: Added field and hyperlink support, fixed embedded pictures.
Authors  Ewald Snel
Tomasz Grobelny
Links Fileformat discription
Progress report The filter produces a useful KWord document from most RTF files.


Export kword to RTF

Last update 2005-02-12
Features - Character conversion, including Unicode.
- Text formatting. (font, size, weight, italic, underline, colour, etc.)
- Table presentations (with cell borders).
- Page sizes.
- Margins.
- Document information. (author, title, etc.).
- Tabulator tags .
- Page headers.
- Page footers.
- Date markers.
- Time markers.
- Page numbers.
- Pictures.
- Page hard breaks.
Todo - Footnotes and endnotes(only partially done).
- Multi column.
- Text boxes.
- Kpart inserts (kspread, kpresenter, etc.).
- Identification of the ansi code page.
- Multi-strike markup. (no current plans).
- Bidirectional markup. (no current plans).
- Paragraph numbering. (Head 1,2,3 Numeric, Alpha, Roman, bullet)
- Multi level paragraph numbering. (1.2.5, etc.)
- Paragraph borders and coloured borders..
History - March 2001: First version pending test
- April 2001: First working version. Modified for latest kword xml.
- May 2001: Capabilities added - tab sets, colored text and borders, super/subscript, strikeout, page headers, time and date markers, page numbering. Paragraph numbering improved and underlined text fixed.
- September 2002: new filter
- February 2005: export all file information
Authors -
Links -
Progress report -