// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*- /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Toshitaka Fujioka Copyright (C) 2005 Thorsten Zachmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KPrClosedLineObject.h" #include "KPrPointObject.h" #include "KPrGradient.h" #include "KPrSVGPathParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; KPrClosedLineObject::KPrClosedLineObject() : KPr2DObject() { } KPrClosedLineObject::KPrClosedLineObject( const KoPointArray &_points, const KoSize &_size, const KoPen &_pen, const TQBrush &_brush, FillType _fillType, const TQColor &_gColor1, const TQColor &_gColor2, BCType _gType, bool _unbalanced, int _xfactor, int _yfactor, const TQString _typeString ) : KPr2DObject( _pen, _brush, _fillType, _gColor1, _gColor2, _gType, _unbalanced, _xfactor, _yfactor ) { points = KoPointArray( _points ); ext = _size; typeString = _typeString; } KPrClosedLineObject::KPrClosedLineObject( const KPrPointObject &object ) : KPr2DObject( object.getPen(), Qt::NoBrush, FT_BRUSH, TQColor(), TQColor(), BCT_PLAIN, false, 0, 0 ) { ext = object.getSize(); orig = object.getOrig(); objectName = object.getObjectName(); points = object.getPoints().copy(); points.putPoints( points.count(), 1, points.at( 0 ).x(), points.at( 0 ).y() ); switch ( object.getType() ) { case OT_FREEHAND: typeString = i18n( "Closed Freehand" ); break; case OT_POLYLINE: typeString = i18n( "Closed Polyline" ); break; case OT_CUBICBEZIERCURVE: typeString = i18n( "Closed Cubic Bezier Curve" ); break; case OT_TQUADRICBEZIERCURVE: typeString = i18n( "Closed Quadric Bezier Curve" ); break; default: break; } } KPrClosedLineObject &KPrClosedLineObject::operator=( const KPrClosedLineObject & ) { return *this; } #if 0 DCOPObject* KPrClosedLineObject::dcopObject() { if ( !dcop ) dcop = new KPClosedLineObjectIface( this ); return dcop; } #endif TQDomDocumentFragment KPrClosedLineObject::save( TQDomDocument& doc, double offset ) { TQDomDocumentFragment fragment = KPr2DObject::save( doc, offset ); TQDomElement elemObjectsName = doc.createElement( "OBJECTSNAME" ); elemObjectsName.setAttribute( "NAME", typeString ); fragment.appendChild( elemObjectsName ); if ( !points.isNull() ) { TQDomElement elemPoints = doc.createElement( "POINTS" ); KoPointArray::ConstIterator it; for ( it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it ) { TQDomElement elemPoint = doc.createElement( "Point" ); KoPoint point = (*it); elemPoint.setAttribute( "point_x", point.x() ); elemPoint.setAttribute( "point_y", point.y() ); elemPoints.appendChild( elemPoint ); } fragment.appendChild( elemPoints ); } return fragment; } bool KPrClosedLineObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { KPrShadowObject::saveOasisDrawPoints( points, sc ); return true; } const char * KPrClosedLineObject::getOasisElementName() const { return "draw:polygon"; } double KPrClosedLineObject::load( const TQDomElement &element ) { double offset = KPr2DObject::load( element ); TQDomElement e = element.namedItem( "OBJECTSNAME" ).toElement(); if ( !e.isNull() ) { if ( e.hasAttribute( "NAME" ) ) typeString = e.attribute( "NAME" ); } e = element.namedItem( "POINTS" ).toElement(); if ( !e.isNull() ) { TQDomElement elemPoint = e.firstChild().toElement(); unsigned int index = 0; while ( !elemPoint.isNull() ) { if ( elemPoint.tagName() == "Point" ) { double tmpX = 0; double tmpY = 0; if( elemPoint.hasAttribute( "point_x" ) ) tmpX = elemPoint.attribute( "point_x" ).toDouble(); if( elemPoint.hasAttribute( "point_y" ) ) tmpY = elemPoint.attribute( "point_y" ).toDouble(); points.putPoints( index, 1, tmpX,tmpY ); } elemPoint = elemPoint.nextSibling().toElement(); ++index; } } return offset; } void KPrClosedLineObject::setSize( double _width, double _height ) { KoSize origSize( ext ); KPrObject::setSize( _width, _height ); double fx = ext.width() / origSize.width(); double fy = ext.height() / origSize.height(); updatePoints( fx, fy ); } void KPrClosedLineObject::updatePoints( double _fx, double _fy ) { int index = 0; KoPointArray tmpPoints; KoPointArray::ConstIterator it; for ( it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint point = (*it); double tmpX = point.x() * _fx; double tmpY = point.y() * _fy; tmpPoints.putPoints( index, 1, tmpX,tmpY ); ++index; } points = tmpPoints; } void KPrClosedLineObject::paint( TQPainter* _painter,KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, int /* pageNum */, bool drawingShadow, bool drawContour ) { int _w = ( pen.style() == TQt::NoPen ) ? 1 : int( pen.pointWidth() ); if ( drawContour ) { TQPointArray pointArray2 = points.zoomPointArray( _zoomHandler ); TQPen pen3( TQt::black, 1, TQt::DotLine ); _painter->setPen( pen3 ); _painter->setRasterOp( TQt::NotXorROP ); _painter->drawPolygon( pointArray2 ); return; } TQPointArray pointArray = points.zoomPointArray( _zoomHandler, _w ); TQPen pen2 = pen.zoomedPen( _zoomHandler ); if ( drawingShadow || getFillType() == FT_BRUSH || !gradient ) { _painter->setPen( pen2 ); _painter->setBrush( getBrush() ); _painter->drawPolygon( pointArray ); } else { TQSize size( _zoomHandler->zoomSize( ext ) ); if ( m_redrawGradientPix || gradient->size() != size ) { m_redrawGradientPix = false; gradient->setSize( size ); TQRegion clipregion( pointArray ); m_gradientPix.resize( size ); m_gradientPix.fill( TQt::white ); TQPainter p; p.begin( &m_gradientPix ); p.setClipRegion( clipregion ); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, gradient->pixmap() ); p.end(); m_gradientPix.setMask( m_gradientPix.createHeuristicMask() ); } TQRect _rect = pointArray.boundingRect(); _painter->drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_gradientPix, 0, 0, _rect.width(), _rect.height() ); _painter->setPen( pen2 ); _painter->setBrush( TQt::NoBrush ); _painter->drawPolygon( pointArray ); } } void KPrClosedLineObject::flip( bool horizontal ) { KPr2DObject::flip( horizontal ); // flip the points KoPointArray tmpPoints; int index = 0; if ( ! horizontal ) { KoPointArray::ConstIterator it; double horiz = getSize().height()/2; for ( it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint point = (*it); if ( point.y()> horiz ) tmpPoints.putPoints( index, 1, point.x(),point.y()- 2*(point.y()-horiz) ); else tmpPoints.putPoints( index, 1, point.x(),point.y()+ 2*(horiz - point.y()) ); ++index; } } else { KoPointArray::ConstIterator it; double vert = getSize().width()/2; for ( it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it ) { KoPoint point = (*it); if ( point.x()> vert ) tmpPoints.putPoints( index, 1, point.x()- 2*(point.x()-vert), point.y() ); else tmpPoints.putPoints( index, 1, point.x()+ 2*(vert - point.x()),point.y() ); ++index; } } points = tmpPoints; } void KPrClosedLineObject::loadOasis( const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info ) { kdDebug()<<"void KPrClosedLineObject::loadOasis( const TQDomElement &element )***********\n"; KPr2DObject::loadOasis( element,context, info ); TQString tag( element.tagName() ); if ( tag == "polygon" ) { KPrShadowObject::loadOasisDrawPoints( points, element, context, info ); } else if ( tag == "path" ) // this is used to load closed draw:path objects { TQString d = element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "d", TQString()); kdDebug(33001) << "path d: " << d << endl; KPrSVGPathParser parser; points = parser.getPoints( d, true ); loadOasisApplyViewBox( element, points ); } else if ( tag == "custom-shape" ) { TQDomElement enhancedGeometry = KoDom::namedItemNS( element, KoXmlNS::draw, "enhanced-geometry" ); if ( !enhancedGeometry.isNull() ) { TQString d = enhancedGeometry.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "enhanced-path", TQString() ); TQRegExp rx( "^([0-9 MLZ]+)N$" ); if ( rx.search( d ) != -1 ) { d = rx.cap( 1 ); kdDebug(33001) << "enhanced-path d: " << d << endl; KPrSVGPathParser parser; points = parser.getPoints( d, true ); loadOasisApplyViewBox( enhancedGeometry, points ); } } } else { kdDebug(33001) << "KPrClosedLineObject::loadOasis unsupported tag" << endl; } } KoSize KPrClosedLineObject::getRealSize() const { KoSize size( ext ); KoPoint realOrig( orig ); KoPointArray p( points ); getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( p, angle, size, realOrig ); return size; } KoPoint KPrClosedLineObject::getRealOrig() const { KoSize size( ext ); KoPoint realOrig( orig ); KoPointArray p( points ); getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( p, angle, size, realOrig ); return realOrig; }