// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*- /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Laurent MONTEL Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thorsten Zachmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "KPrPage.h" #include "KPrView.h" #include "KPrPageIface.h" #include "KPrBackground.h" #include "KPrLineObject.h" #include "KPrRectObject.h" #include "KPrEllipseObject.h" #include "KPrAutoformObject.h" #include "KPrTextObject.h" #include "KPrPixmapObject.h" #include "KPrPieObject.h" #include "KPrPartObject.h" #include "KPrGroupObject.h" #include "KPrCommand.h" #include "KPrFreehandObject.h" #include "KPrPolylineObject.h" #include "KPrBezierCurveObject.h" #include "KPrPolygonObject.h" #include "KPrClosedLineObject.h" #include "KPrUtils.h" #include #include #include "KPrDocument.h" #include #include #include #include #include "KoPointArray.h" #include "KPrTextDocument.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct listAnimation { KPrObject *obj; int objIndex; bool appear; }; typedef TQMap > lstMap; KPrPage::KPrPage(KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *masterPage ) : m_doc( _doc ) , m_masterPage( masterPage ) , m_dcop( 0 ) , m_selectedSlides( true ) , m_bHasHeader( false ) , m_bHasFooter( false ) , m_useMasterBackground( false ) , m_displayObjectFromMasterPage( true ) , m_displayBackground( true ) , m_pageEffect( PEF_NONE ) , m_pageEffectSpeed( ES_MEDIUM ) , m_soundEffect( false ) , m_soundFileName( TQString() ) , m_pageTimer( 1 ) { kdDebug(33001)<<"create page : KPrPage::KPrPage(KPrDocument *_doc )"<pageList().findRef( this ); m_dcop = new KPrPageIface( this, pgnum ); } return m_dcop; } void KPrPage::saveOasisObject( KoStore *store, KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, KoSavingContext& context, int & indexObj, int &partIndexObj, KoXmlWriter* manifestWriter ) const { Q_UNUSED( store ); Q_UNUSED( manifestWriter ); KPrObject::KPOasisSaveContext sc( xmlWriter, context, indexObj, partIndexObj, isMasterPage() ); KTempFile animationTmpFile; animationTmpFile.setAutoDelete( true ); TQFile* tmpFile = animationTmpFile.file(); KoXmlWriter animationTmpWriter( TQT_TQIODEVICE(tmpFile) ); lstMap listObjectAnimation; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer()) continue; it.current()->saveOasisObject( sc ); if ( it.current()->hasAnimation() ) { if ( it.current()->getEffect() != EF_NONE || it.current()->getAppearStep() != 0 || !it.current()->getAppearSoundEffectFileName().isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(33001) << "has animation" << endl; listAnimation *lstappear = new listAnimation; lstappear->obj = it.current(); lstappear->objIndex = indexObj; lstappear->appear = true; //kdDebug()<<" indexObj :"<getAppearStep() ); if ( tmp!= listObjectAnimation.end() ) { //kdDebug()<<" group already exist \n"; tmp.data().append( lstappear ); } else { //kdDebug()<<" create new list \n"; TQPtrList tmp2; tmp2.append( lstappear ); listObjectAnimation.insert( it.current()->getAppearStep(), tmp2 ); } } if ( it.current()->getDisappear() ) { listAnimation *lstappear = new listAnimation; lstappear->obj = it.current(); lstappear->objIndex = indexObj; lstappear->appear = false; //kdDebug()<<" indexObj :"<getDisappearStep() ); if ( tmp!= listObjectAnimation.end() ) { //kdDebug()<<" group already exist \n"; tmp.data().append( lstappear ); } else { //kdDebug()<<" create new list \n"; TQPtrList tmp2; tmp2.append( lstappear ); listObjectAnimation.insert( it.current()->getDisappearStep(), tmp2 ); } } } ++indexObj; } if ( !listObjectAnimation.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug()<<"! listObjectAnimation.isEmpty() :"<appear ) it.data().at( 0 )->obj->saveOasisObjectStyleShowAnimation( animationTmpWriter, it.data().at( 0 )->objIndex ); else it.data().at( 0 )->obj->saveOasisObjectStyleHideAnimation( animationTmpWriter, it.data().at( 0 )->objIndex ); } else if ( it.data().count() > 1 ) { TQPtrList list = it.data(); animationTmpWriter.startElement( "presentation:animation-group" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i ) { if ( list.at(i) ) { kdDebug()<<" add group element : "<appear ) list.at(i)->obj->saveOasisObjectStyleShowAnimation( animationTmpWriter, list.at(i)->objIndex ); else list.at(i)->obj->saveOasisObjectStyleHideAnimation( animationTmpWriter, list.at(i)->objIndex ); } } animationTmpWriter.endElement(); } } animationTmpWriter.endElement();//close "presentation:animations" tmpFile->close(); xmlWriter.addCompleteElement( TQT_TQIODEVICE(tmpFile) ); } else tmpFile->close(); animationTmpFile.close(); } void KPrPage::load( const TQDomElement &element ) { m_kpbackground->load( element ); TQDomElement e=element.namedItem("PGEFFECT").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { int tmp=0; if(e.hasAttribute("value")) tmp=e.attribute("value").toInt(); setPageEffect(static_cast(tmp)); tmp = (int)ES_MEDIUM; if(e.hasAttribute("speed")) tmp=e.attribute("speed").toInt(); setPageEffectSpeed( static_cast(tmp) ); } e=element.namedItem("PGTIMER").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { int timer = 1; if(e.hasAttribute("timer")) timer=e.attribute("timer").toInt(); setPageTimer(timer); } else setPageTimer(1); e=element.namedItem("PGSOUNDEFFECT").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("soundEffect")) m_soundEffect=static_cast(e.attribute("soundEffect").toInt()); else m_soundEffect=false; if(e.hasAttribute("soundFileNmae")) // old typo m_soundFileName=e.attribute("soundFileNmae"); else m_soundFileName=e.attribute("soundFileName"); } else { m_soundFileName=TQString(); } e=element.namedItem("HEADERFOOTER").toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if(e.hasAttribute("header")) m_bHasHeader =static_cast(e.attribute("header").toInt()); else m_bHasHeader = false; if(e.hasAttribute("footer")) m_bHasFooter =static_cast(e.attribute("footer").toInt()); else m_bHasFooter = false; } } //TODO: implement display/hide background into old file format void KPrPage::loadOasis(KoOasisContext & context ) { m_kpbackground->loadOasis( context ); KoStyleStack& styleStack = context.styleStack(); kdDebug()<<"KPrPage::loadOasis()\n"; styleStack.setTypeProperties( "drawing-page" ); if ( !isMasterPage() ) { if ( !styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "fill" ) ) { // if non is set the fill style of the master slide is used: see OD 14.13.2 Drawing Page Style m_useMasterBackground = true; } //FIXME: fix it in old file format if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "background-objects-visible" ) ) { const TQString str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "background-objects-visible" ); m_displayObjectFromMasterPage = ( str == "true" ) ? true : false; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "background-visible" ) ) { const TQString str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "background-visible" ); m_displayBackground = ( str == "true" ) ? true : false; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "visibility" ) ) { const TQString str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::presentation, "visibility" ); if ( str=="hidden" ) slideSelected( false ); else kdDebug()<<" presentation:visibility parameter not implemented :"<save( doc ); TQDomElement element; if ( m_pageEffect != PEF_NONE) { element = doc.createElement("PGEFFECT"); element.setAttribute("value", static_cast( m_pageEffect )); element.setAttribute("speed", static_cast( m_pageEffectSpeed )); page.appendChild(element); } if ( m_pageTimer != 1 ) { element = doc.createElement( "PGTIMER" ); element.setAttribute( "timer", m_pageTimer ); page.appendChild( element ); } if ( m_soundEffect || !m_soundFileName.isEmpty() ) { element = doc.createElement( "PGSOUNDEFFECT" ); element.setAttribute( "soundEffect", static_cast(m_soundEffect) ); element.setAttribute( "soundFileName", m_soundFileName ); page.appendChild( element ); } element = doc.createElement( "HEADERFOOTER" ); element.setAttribute( "header", static_cast(m_bHasHeader ) ); element.setAttribute( "footer", static_cast(m_bHasFooter ) ); page.appendChild( element ); return page; } TQString KPrPage::oasisNamePage( int posPage ) const { return ( m_manualTitle.isEmpty() ? TQString( "page%1" ).arg( posPage ) : m_manualTitle ); } bool KPrPage::saveOasisPage( KoStore *store, KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, int posPage, KoSavingContext& context, int & indexObj, int &partIndexObj, KoXmlWriter* manifestWriter, TQMap &pageNames ) const { if ( isMasterPage() ) { KoGenStyle pageLayout = m_doc->pageLayout().saveOasis(); pageLayout.addAttribute( "style:page-usage", "all" ); // needed? TQString pageLayoutName( context.mainStyles().lookup( pageLayout, "pm" ) ); xmlWriter.startElement( "style:master-page" ); xmlWriter.addAttribute( "style:name", "Standard" ); xmlWriter.addAttribute( "style:page-layout-name", pageLayoutName ); TQString styleName = saveOasisPageStyle( store, context.mainStyles() ); if ( !styleName.isEmpty() ) xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:style-name", styleName ); saveOasisObject( store, xmlWriter, context, indexObj,partIndexObj, manifestWriter ); xmlWriter.startElement( "style:header" ); m_doc->header()->textObject()->saveOasisContent( xmlWriter, context ); xmlWriter.endElement(); xmlWriter.startElement( "style:footer" ); m_doc->footer()->textObject()->saveOasisContent( xmlWriter, context ); xmlWriter.endElement(); xmlWriter.endElement(); } else { //store use to save picture and co xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:page" ); TQString drawName( m_manualTitle ); TQRegExp rx( "^page[0-9]+$" ); if ( drawName.isEmpty() || pageNames.contains( drawName ) || rx.search( drawName ) != -1 ) { drawName = "page" + TQString::number( posPage ); } pageNames.insert( drawName, posPage ); xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:name", drawName ); //we must store a name xmlWriter.addAttribute( "koffice:name", m_manualTitle ); // so that we can have the same name for different pages xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:id", "page" + TQString::number( posPage ) ); xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:master-page-name", "Standard"); //by default name of page is Standard TQString styleName = saveOasisPageStyle( store, context.mainStyles() ); kdDebug()<<" styleName :"<saveOasisBackgroundPageStyle( stylepageauto, mainStyles ); } // todo return mainStyles.lookup( stylepageauto, "dp", isMasterPage() ? KoGenStyles::AutoStyleInStylesDotXml : KoGenStyles::NoFlag ); return mainStyles.lookup( stylepageauto, "dp" ); } bool KPrPage::saveOasisNote( KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter ) const { if ( m_noteText.isEmpty() ) return true; //todo : add size for draw:text-box otherwise we can't import into oo // xmlWriter.startElement( "presentation:notes" ); xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:frame" ); //todo save style xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:text-box" ); TQStringList text = TQStringList::split( "\n", m_noteText ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = text.begin(); it != text.end(); ++it ) { xmlWriter.startElement( "text:p" ); xmlWriter.addTextNode( *it ); xmlWriter.endElement(); } xmlWriter.endElement(); xmlWriter.endElement(); xmlWriter.endElement(); return true; } TQString KPrPage::saveOasisPageEffect() const { TQString transition; switch( m_pageEffect ) { case PEF_NONE: transition="none"; break; case PEF_CLOSE_HORZ: transition="close-vertical"; break; case PEF_CLOSE_VERT: transition="close-horizontal"; break; case PEF_CLOSE_ALL: transition="close"; break; case PEF_OPEN_HORZ: transition="open-vertical"; break; case PEF_OPEN_VERT: transition="open-horizontal"; break; case PEF_OPEN_ALL: transition="open"; break; case PEF_INTERLOCKING_HORZ_1: transition="interlocking-horizontal-left"; break; case PEF_INTERLOCKING_HORZ_2: transition="interlocking-horizontal-right"; break; case PEF_INTERLOCKING_VERT_1: transition="interlocking-vertical-top"; break; case PEF_INTERLOCKING_VERT_2: transition="interlocking-vertical-bottom"; break; case PEF_SURROUND1: transition="spiralin-left"; break; case PEF_FLY1: transition="fly-away"; break; case PEF_BLINDS_HOR: transition="horizontal-stripes"; break; case PEF_BLINDS_VER: transition="vertical-stripes"; break; case PEF_BOX_IN: transition="fade-to-center"; break; case PEF_BOX_OUT: transition="fade-from-center"; break; case PEF_CHECKBOARD_ACROSS: transition="horizontal-checkerboard"; break; case PEF_CHECKBOARD_DOWN: transition="vertical-checkerboard"; break; case PEF_COVER_DOWN: transition="fade-from-top"; break; case PEF_COVER_UP: transition="fade-from-bottom"; break; case PEF_COVER_LEFT: transition="fade-from-right"; break; case PEF_COVER_RIGHT: transition="fade-from-left"; break; case PEF_COVER_LEFT_UP: transition="fade-from-lowerright"; break; case PEF_COVER_LEFT_DOWN: transition="fade-from-upperright"; break; case PEF_COVER_RIGHT_UP: transition="fade-from-lowerleft"; break; case PEF_COVER_RIGHT_DOWN: transition="fade-from-upperleft"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_LEFT: transition="uncover-to-left"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_UP: transition="uncover-to-top"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_RIGHT: transition="uncover-to-right"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_DOWN: transition="uncover-to-bottom"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_LEFT_UP: transition="uncover-to-upperleft"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_LEFT_DOWN: transition="uncover-to-lowerleft"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_RIGHT_UP: transition="uncover-to-upperright"; break; case PEF_UNCOVER_RIGHT_DOWN: transition="uncover-to-lowerright"; break; case PEF_DISSOLVE: transition="dissolve"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_LEFT_UP: transition="fade-from-lowerright"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_LEFT_DOWN: transition="fade-from-upperright"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_RIGHT_UP: transition="fade-from-lowerleft"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_RIGHT_DOWN: transition="fade-from-upperleft"; break; case PEF_MELTING: transition="melt"; break; case PEF_LAST_MARKER://don't use it !!! break; case PEF_RANDOM: transition="random"; break; } return transition; } TQString KPrPage::saveOasisAdditionalPageEffect() const { TQString additionalEffect; switch( m_pageEffect ) { case PEF_STRIPS_LEFT_UP: additionalEffect="stripe-from-lowerright"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_LEFT_DOWN: additionalEffect="stripe-from-upperright"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_RIGHT_UP: additionalEffect="stripe-from-lowerleft"; break; case PEF_STRIPS_RIGHT_DOWN: additionalEffect="stripe-from-upperleft"; break; default: break; } return additionalEffect; } KPrObject *KPrPage::getObject(int num) { Q_ASSERT( num < (int)m_objectList.count() ); return m_objectList.at(num); } /* * Check if object name already exists. */ bool KPrPage::objectNameExists( KPrObject *object, TQPtrList &list ) { TQPtrListIterator it( list ); for ( it.toFirst(); it.current(); ++it ) { // object name can exist in current object. if ( it.current()->getObjectName() == object->getObjectName() && it.current() != object ) { return true; } else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) { TQPtrList objectList( static_cast(it.current())->getObjects() ); if ( objectNameExists( object, objectList ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } void KPrPage::unifyObjectName( KPrObject *object ) { if ( object->getObjectName().isEmpty() ) { object->setObjectName( object->getTypeString() ); } TQString objectName( object->getObjectName() ); TQPtrList list( m_objectList ); int count = 1; while ( objectNameExists( object, list ) ) { count++; TQRegExp rx( " \\(\\d{1,}\\)$" ); if ( rx.search( objectName ) != -1 ) { objectName.remove( rx ); } objectName += TQString(" (%1)").arg( count ); object->setObjectName( objectName ); } } void KPrPage::appendObject(KPrObject *_obj) { unifyObjectName(_obj); m_objectList.append(_obj); } void KPrPage::appendObjects( const TQValueList &objects ) { TQMap usedPageNames; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); // find the biggest number for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { TQString objectName( it.current()->getObjectName() ); TQRegExp rx( "(.*) \\((\\d{1,})\\)$" ); rx.setMinimal( true ); if ( rx.search( objectName ) != -1 && rx.numCaptures() == 2 ) { int id = rx.cap( 2 ).toInt(); if ( usedPageNames[rx.cap( 1 )] < id ) { usedPageNames[rx.cap( 1 )] = id; } } else { usedPageNames[objectName] = 1; } } TQValueListConstIterator oIt( objects.begin() ); for ( ; oIt != objects.end(); ++oIt ) { TQString objectName( ( *oIt )->getObjectName() ); TQRegExp rx( " \\(\\d{1,}\\)$" ); if ( rx.search( objectName ) != -1 ) { objectName.remove( rx ); } if ( usedPageNames.contains( objectName ) ) { usedPageNames[objectName]++; objectName += TQString(" (%1)").arg( usedPageNames[objectName] ); ( *oIt )->setObjectName( objectName ); } m_objectList.append( *oIt ); } } int KPrPage::takeObject( KPrObject *object ) { int pos = m_objectList.findRef( object ); m_objectList.take( pos ); return pos; } void KPrPage::replaceObject( KPrObject *oldObject, KPrObject *newObject ) { //XXX check if object name gets set unsigned int pos = m_objectList.findRef( oldObject ); m_objectList.take( pos ); m_objectList.insert( pos, newObject ); } void KPrPage::insertObject( KPrObject *object, int pos ) { unifyObjectName( object ); m_objectList.insert( pos, object ); } KCommand * KPrPage::deleteSelectedObjects() { TQPtrList objects = getSelectedObjects( true ); KPrDeleteCmd *deleteCmd=0L; if ( objects.count() > 0 ) { deleteCmd = new KPrDeleteCmd( i18n( "Delete Objects" ), objects, m_doc, this ); deleteCmd->execute(); } else m_doc->setModified(true); return deleteCmd ; } void KPrPage::copyObjs(TQDomDocument &doc, TQDomElement &presenter, TQValueList & savePictures) const { if ( !numSelected() ) return; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected()) { if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) { KoPictureKey key = static_cast( it.current() )->getKey(); if ( !savePictures.contains( key ) ) savePictures.append( key ); } TQDomElement object=doc.createElement("OBJECT"); object.setAttribute("type", static_cast( it.current()->getType() )); object.appendChild(it.current()->save( doc,0 )); presenter.appendChild(object); } } } void KPrPage::pasteObjs( const TQByteArray & data,int nbCopy, double angle, double increaseX, double increaseY, double moveX, double moveY ) { m_doc->deSelectAllObj(); int num = m_objectList.count(); if ( !data.size() ) return; TQBuffer buffer( data ); KoStore* store = KoStore::createStore( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&buffer), KoStore::Read ); int nbNewObject = -1 ; KMacroCommand *macro = 0L; if ( !store->bad() ) { if ( store->open( "root" ) ) { TQString errorMsg; int errorLine; int errorColumn; TQDomDocument domDoc; if ( !domDoc.setContent( store->device(), &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { kdError (30003) << "Parsing Error! Aborting! (in KPrPage::PasteObj)" << endl << " Line: " << errorLine << " Column: " << errorColumn << endl << " Message: " << errorMsg << endl; delete store; return; } TQDomElement topElem = domDoc.documentElement(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < nbCopy ; i++ ) { KCommand *cmd = m_doc->loadPastedObjs( domDoc.toString(),this ); if (cmd ) { if ( !macro ) macro = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Paste Objects" )); macro->addCommand( cmd ); } if ( nbNewObject == -1 ) nbNewObject = m_objectList.count() - num; } m_doc->loadPictureMap( topElem ); store->close(); int nbNewPartObject = -1; int nbElementBefore = m_objectList.count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < nbCopy ; i++ ) { m_doc->insertEmbedded( store, topElem, macro, this, num ); if ( nbNewPartObject ==-1 ) nbNewObject = nbNewObject + (m_objectList.count() - nbElementBefore); } } } delete store; //move and select all new pasted in objects KPrObject *_tempObj; int i = 0; int mod = 1; for (_tempObj = m_objectList.at(num); _tempObj; _tempObj = m_objectList.next(), i++ ) { if ( i >= nbNewObject ) mod++; _tempObj->moveBy( moveX*(double)mod,moveY*(double)mod); _tempObj->setSelected( true ); if ( angle == 0.0 || (increaseY == 0.0 && increaseX == 0.0)) m_doc->repaint(_tempObj); } if ( angle != 0.0) { KCommand *cmd = rotateSelectedObjects(angle, true); if (cmd ) { if ( !macro ) macro = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Paste Objects" )); macro->addCommand( cmd ); } } if ( increaseX != 0.0 || increaseY != 0.0 ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected()) { KCommand *cmd =new KPrResizeCmd( i18n("Resize"), KoPoint(0, 0), KoSize(increaseX, increaseY), it.current(), m_doc ); if ( cmd ) { cmd->execute(); if ( !macro ) macro = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Paste Objects" )); macro->addCommand( cmd ); } } } } if (macro) m_doc->addCommand(macro); //update sidebar if ( angle == 0.0 || (increaseY == 0.0 && increaseX == 0.0) ) { m_doc->updateSideBarItem( this ); } m_doc->setModified(true); } KPrTextObject * KPrPage::textFrameSet ( unsigned int _num ) const { unsigned int i = 0; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) { if(i==_num) return static_cast(it.current()); i++; } } return 0L; } int KPrPage::numSelected() const { int num = 0; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected()) num++; } return num; } int KPrPage::numTextObject() const { int num = 0; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) num++; } return num; } KPrObject* KPrPage::getSelectedObj() const { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected()) return it.current(); } return 0L; } TQPtrList KPrPage::getSelectedObjects( bool withoutHeaderFooter ) const { TQPtrList objects; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if( it.current()->isSelected() && ( !withoutHeaderFooter || it.current() != m_doc->header() && it.current()!= m_doc->footer() ) ) { objects.append( it.current() ); } } return objects; } void KPrPage::groupObjects() { TQPtrList objects( getSelectedObjects( true ) ); if ( objects.count() > 1 ) { KPrGroupObjCmd *groupObjCmd = new KPrGroupObjCmd( i18n( "Group Objects" ), objects, m_doc,this ); m_doc->addCommand( groupObjCmd ); groupObjCmd->execute(); } } void KPrPage::ungroupObjects( KMacroCommand ** macro ) { TQPtrList objects( getSelectedObjects( true ) ); TQPtrListIterator it( objects ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { KPrObject *object = it.current(); if ( object->getType() == OT_GROUP ) { UnGroupObjCmd *cmd = new UnGroupObjCmd( i18n( "Ungroup Objects" ), (KPrGroupObject*)object, m_doc, this ); cmd->execute(); if ( !*macro ) *macro = new KMacroCommand(i18n( "Ungroup Objects" )); (*macro)->addCommand( cmd ); } } } void KPrPage::lowerObjs(bool backward) { KPrObject *kpobject = 0; TQPtrList _new; for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_objectList.count(); j++ ) _new.append( m_objectList.at( j ) ); _new.setAutoDelete( false ); bool createCmd = false; int insertPos = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( _new.count() ); i++ ) { kpobject = _new.at( i ); if ( kpobject->isSelected() ) { if ( i == insertPos ) { ++insertPos; continue; } createCmd = true; _new.take( i ); if ( backward ) _new.insert(TQMAX(i-1,0) , kpobject); else _new.insert( insertPos++, kpobject ); } } if ( createCmd ) { KPrLowerRaiseCmd *lrCmd = new KPrLowerRaiseCmd( i18n( "Lower Objects" ), m_objectList, _new, m_doc,this ); lrCmd->execute(); m_doc->addCommand( lrCmd ); } } void KPrPage::raiseObjs(bool forward) { KPrObject *kpobject = 0; TQPtrList _new; for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_objectList.count(); j++ ) _new.append( m_objectList.at( j ) ); _new.setAutoDelete( false ); bool createCmd = false; int size = int( _new.count() ); int insertPos = size - 1; for ( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { kpobject = _new.at( i ); if ( kpobject->isSelected() ) { if ( i == insertPos ) { --insertPos; continue; } createCmd = true; _new.take( i ); if ( forward ) _new.insert( TQMIN( i+1, size - 1), kpobject); else _new.insert( insertPos--, kpobject ); } } if ( createCmd ) { KPrLowerRaiseCmd *lrCmd = new KPrLowerRaiseCmd( i18n( "Raise Objects" ), m_objectList, _new, m_doc,this ); lrCmd->execute(); m_doc->addCommand( lrCmd ); } } KCommand *KPrPage::insertObject( const TQString &name, KPrObject * object, const KoRect &r, bool addCommand ) { object->setOrig( r.x(), r.y() ); object->setSize( r.width(), r.height() ); object->setSelected( true ); KPrInsertCmd *insertCmd = new KPrInsertCmd( name, object, m_doc, this ); insertCmd->execute(); if ( addCommand ) { m_doc->addCommand( insertCmd ); return 0L; } return insertCmd; } void KPrPage::insertLine( const KoRect &r, const KoPen & pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le, LineType lt ) { KPrLineObject *kplineobject = new KPrLineObject( pen, lb, le, lt ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Line" ), kplineobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertRectangle( const KoRect &r, const KoPen & pen, const TQBrush &brush, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, int rndX, int rndY, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor ) { KPrRectObject *kprectobject = new KPrRectObject( pen, brush, ft, g1, g2, gt, rndX, rndY, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Rectangle" ), kprectobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertCircleOrEllipse( const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, const TQBrush & brush, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor ) { KPrEllipseObject *kpellipseobject = new KPrEllipseObject( pen, brush, ft, g1, g2, gt, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Ellipse" ), kpellipseobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertPie( const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, const TQBrush &brush, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, PieType pt, int _angle, int _len, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor ) { KPrPieObject *kppieobject = new KPrPieObject( pen, brush, ft, g1, g2, gt, pt, _angle, _len, lb, le, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Pie/Arc/Chord" ), kppieobject, r ); } KPrTextObject* KPrPage::insertTextObject( const KoRect& r, const TQString& text , KPrView * _view ) { KPrTextObject *kptextobject = new KPrTextObject( m_doc ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Textbox" ), kptextobject, r ); //TODO create macro command : now insertObject can return KCommand //TODO fix repaint object if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { KPrTextView *view = kptextobject->createKPTextView( _view ? _view->getCanvas() : 0L ); view->insertText( text ); view->terminate(); delete view; m_doc->repaint( kptextobject ); } return kptextobject; } void KPrPage::insertAutoform( const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, const TQBrush &brush, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, const TQString &fileName, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor ){ KPrAutoformObject *kpautoformobject = new KPrAutoformObject( pen, brush, fileName, lb, le, ft, g1, g2, gt, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Autoform" ), kpautoformobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertFreehand( const KoPointArray &points, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le ) { KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrFreehandObject *kpfreehandobject = new KPrFreehandObject( points, size, pen, lb, le ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Freehand" ), kpfreehandobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertPolyline( const KoPointArray &points, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le ) { KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrPolylineObject *kppolylineobject = new KPrPolylineObject( points, size, pen, lb, le ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Polyline" ), kppolylineobject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertQuadricBezierCurve( const KoPointArray &points, const KoPointArray &allPoints, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le ) { KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject *kpQuadricBezierCurveObject = new KPrQuadricBezierCurveObject( points, allPoints, size, pen, lb, le ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Quadric Bezier Curve" ), kpQuadricBezierCurveObject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertCubicBezierCurve( const KoPointArray &points, const KoPointArray &allPoints, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le ) { KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrCubicBezierCurveObject *kpCubicBezierCurveObject = new KPrCubicBezierCurveObject( points, allPoints, size, pen, lb, le ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Cubic Bezier Curve" ), kpCubicBezierCurveObject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertPolygon( const KoPointArray &points, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, const TQBrush &brush, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor, bool _checkConcavePolygon, int _cornersValue, int _sharpnessValue ) { KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrPolygonObject *kpPolygonObject = new KPrPolygonObject( points, size, pen, brush, ft, g1, g2, gt, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor, _checkConcavePolygon, _cornersValue, _sharpnessValue ); insertObject( i18n( "Insert Polygon" ), kpPolygonObject, r ); } void KPrPage::insertClosedLine( const KoPointArray &points, const KoRect &r, const KoPen &pen, const TQBrush &brush, FillType ft,const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor, ToolEditMode _mode ) { TQString _type; TQString _name; if ( _mode == INS_CLOSED_FREEHAND ) { _type = i18n( "Closed Freehand" ); _name = i18n( "Insert Closed Freehand" ); } else if ( _mode == INS_CLOSED_POLYLINE ) { _type = i18n( "Closed Polyline" ); _name = i18n( "Insert Closed Polyline" ); } else if ( _mode == INS_CLOSED_TQUADRICBEZIERCURVE ) { _type = i18n( "Closed Quadric Bezier Curve" ); _name = i18n( "Insert Closed Quadric Bezier Curve" ); } else if ( _mode == INS_CLOSED_CUBICBEZIERCURVE ) { _type = i18n( "Closed Cubic Bezier Curve" ); _name = i18n( "Insert Closed Cubic Bezier Curve" ); } KoSize size( r.width(), r.height() ); KPrClosedLineObject *kpClosedLineObject = new KPrClosedLineObject( points, size, pen, brush, ft, g1, g2, gt, unbalanced, xfactor, yfactor, _type ); insertObject( _name, kpClosedLineObject, r ); } KPrPartObject* KPrPage::insertObject( const KoRect& _rect, KoDocumentEntry& _e ) { KoDocument* doc = _e.createDoc( m_doc ); if ( !doc ) return NULL; if ( !doc->showEmbedInitDialog( 0 ) ) //TODO should really have parent return NULL; TQRect r = TQRect( (int)_rect.left(), (int)_rect.top(), (int)_rect.width(), (int)_rect.height() ); KPrChild* ch = new KPrChild( m_doc, doc, r ); m_doc->insertObject( ch ); KPrPartObject *kppartobject = new KPrPartObject( ch ); insertObject( i18n( "Embed Object" ), kppartobject, _rect ); //emit sig_insertObject( ch, kppartobject ); m_doc->repaint( false ); return kppartobject; } KCommand* KPrPage::setPen( const KoPen &pen, LineEnd lb, LineEnd le, int flags ) { KoPenCmd * cmd = NULL; KoPenCmd::Pen _newPen( pen, lb, le); TQPtrList _objects; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if( it.current()->isSelected() ) { _objects.append( it.current() ); } } if ( !_objects.isEmpty() && flags ) { cmd = new KoPenCmd( i18n( "Apply Styles" ), _objects, _newPen, m_doc, this, flags ); cmd->execute(); } return cmd; } KCommand * KPrPage::setBrush( const TQBrush &brush, FillType ft, const TQColor &g1, const TQColor &g2, BCType gt, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor, int flags ) { KPrBrushCmd * cmd = NULL; KPrBrushCmd::Brush _newBrush; _newBrush.brush = TQBrush( brush ); _newBrush.fillType = ft; _newBrush.gColor1 = g1; _newBrush.gColor2 = g2; _newBrush.gType = gt; _newBrush.unbalanced = unbalanced; _newBrush.xfactor = xfactor; _newBrush.yfactor = yfactor; TQPtrList _objects; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if( it.current()->isSelected() ) { _objects.append( it.current() ); } } if ( !_objects.isEmpty() && flags ) { cmd = new KPrBrushCmd( i18n( "Apply Styles" ), _objects, _newBrush, m_doc, this, flags ); cmd->execute(); } return cmd; } void KPrPage::slotRepaintVariable() { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT ) m_doc->repaint( it.current() ); } } void KPrPage::recalcPageNum() { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT ) { ( (KPrTextObject*)it.current() )->recalcPageNum( this ); m_doc->repaint( it.current() ); // TODO only if something changed } } } void KPrPage::changePicture( const KURL & url, TQWidget *parent ) { // filename has been chosen in KPrView with a filedialog, // so we know it exists KoPicture image = m_doc->pictureCollection()->downloadPicture( url, parent ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected() && it.current()->getType()==OT_PICTURE) { KPrPixmapObject* obj=dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if( obj) { KPrPixmapObject *pix = new KPrPixmapObject( m_doc->pictureCollection(), image.getKey() ); KPrChgPixCmd *chgPixCmd = new KPrChgPixCmd( i18n( "Change Pixmap" ),obj,pix, m_doc,this ); chgPixCmd->execute(); m_doc->addCommand( chgPixCmd ); } break; } } } void KPrPage::insertPicture( const TQString &filename, const KoPoint &pos ) { KoPictureKey key = m_doc->pictureCollection()->loadPicture( filename ).getKey(); KPrPixmapObject *kppixmapobject = new KPrPixmapObject(m_doc->pictureCollection() , key ); kppixmapobject->setOrig( pos ); kppixmapobject->setSelected( true ); kppixmapobject->setSize( m_doc->zoomHandler()->pixelXToPt( kppixmapobject->originalSize().width() ), m_doc->zoomHandler()->pixelYToPt( kppixmapobject->originalSize().height() ) ); kppixmapobject->setKeepRatio( true ); // pics have keep-aspect-ratio on by default. KPrInsertCmd *insertCmd = new KPrInsertCmd( i18n( "Insert Picture" ), kppixmapobject, m_doc, this ); insertCmd->execute(); m_doc->addCommand( insertCmd ); KoRect s = getPageRect(); float fakt = 1; if ( kppixmapobject->getSize().width() > s.width() ) fakt = (float)s.width() / (float)kppixmapobject->getSize().width(); if ( kppixmapobject->getSize().height() > s.height() ) fakt = TQMIN( fakt, (float)s.height() / (float)kppixmapobject->getSize().height() ); //kdDebug(33001) << k_funcinfo << "Fakt: " << fakt << endl; if ( fakt < 1 ) { int w = (int)( fakt * (float)kppixmapobject->getSize().width() ); int h = (int)( fakt * (float)kppixmapobject->getSize().height() ); //kdDebug(33001) << k_funcinfo << "Size: " << w << ", " << h << endl; kppixmapobject->setOrig(0,0); kppixmapobject->setSize(w, h); m_doc->repaint( false ); } } void KPrPage::insertPicture( const TQString &_file, const KoRect &_rect ) { KoPictureKey key = m_doc->pictureCollection()->loadPicture( _file ).getKey(); KPrPixmapObject *kppixmapobject = new KPrPixmapObject( m_doc->pictureCollection(), key ); kppixmapobject->setKeepRatio( true ); // pics have keep-aspect-ratio on by default. insertObject( i18n( "Insert Picture" ), kppixmapobject, _rect ); } void KPrPage::enableEmbeddedParts( bool f ) { KPrPartObject *obj=0L; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_PART) { obj=dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if(obj) obj->enableDrawing( f ); } } } void KPrPage::setBackColor(const TQColor &backColor1, const TQColor &backColor2, BCType bcType, bool unbalanced, int xfactor, int yfactor ) { m_kpbackground->setBackColor1( backColor1 ); m_kpbackground->setBackColor2( backColor2 ); m_kpbackground->setBackColorType( bcType ); m_kpbackground->setBackUnbalanced( unbalanced ); m_kpbackground->setBackXFactor( xfactor ); m_kpbackground->setBackYFactor( yfactor ); } void KPrPage::setBackPicture( const KoPictureKey & key ) { m_kpbackground->setBackPicture( key ); } bool KPrPage::getBackUnbalanced() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackUnbalanced(); } void KPrPage::setBackView( BackView backView ) { m_kpbackground->setBackView( backView ); } void KPrPage::setBackType( BackType backType ) { m_kpbackground->setBackType( backType ); } void KPrPage::setPageEffectSpeed( EffectSpeed pageEffectSpeed ) { m_pageEffectSpeed = pageEffectSpeed; } void KPrPage::setPageEffect( PageEffect pageEffect ) { m_pageEffect = pageEffect; } void KPrPage::setPageTimer( int pageTimer ) { m_pageTimer = pageTimer; } void KPrPage::setPageSoundEffect( bool soundEffect ) { m_soundEffect = soundEffect; } void KPrPage::setPageSoundFileName( const TQString &fileName ) { m_soundFileName = fileName; } BackType KPrPage::getBackType() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackType(); } BackView KPrPage::getBackView() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackView(); } KoPictureKey KPrPage::getBackPictureKey() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackPictureKey(); } KoPicture KPrPage::getBackPicture() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackPicture(); } TQColor KPrPage::getBackColor1() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackColor1(); } TQColor KPrPage::getBackColor2() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackColor2(); } int KPrPage::getBackXFactor() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackXFactor(); } int KPrPage::getBackYFactor() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackYFactor(); } BCType KPrPage::getBackColorType() const { return m_kpbackground->getBackColorType(); } EffectSpeed KPrPage::getPageEffectSpeed() const { return m_pageEffectSpeed; } PageEffect KPrPage::getPageEffect() const { return m_pageEffect; } int KPrPage::getPageTimer() const { return m_pageTimer; } bool KPrPage::getPageSoundEffect() const { return m_soundEffect; } TQString KPrPage::getPageSoundFileName() const { return m_soundFileName; } KoRect KPrPage::getPageRect() const { const KoPageLayout& p = m_doc->pageLayout(); return KoRect( p.ptLeft, p.ptTop, p.ptWidth - p.ptRight - p.ptLeft, p.ptHeight - p.ptTop - p.ptBottom ); } TQRect KPrPage::getZoomPageRect() const { return m_doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect(getPageRect()); } void KPrPage::completeLoading( bool _clean, int lastObj ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { // Pictures and cliparts have been loaded from the store, we can now // get the picture from the collection, and set it in the image/clipart object if ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) { if ( _clean || m_objectList.findRef( it.current() ) > lastObj ) { KPrPixmapObject* obj=dynamic_cast( it.current()); if(obj) obj->reload(); } } else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT ) { KPrTextObject*obj=dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if(obj) obj->recalcPageNum( this ); } else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) completeLoadingForGroupObject( it.current() ); } m_kpbackground->reload(); } void KPrPage::completeLoadingForGroupObject( KPrObject *_obj ) { KPrGroupObject *_groupObj = static_cast( _obj ); if ( _groupObj ) { TQPtrListIterator it( _groupObj->objectList() ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) { KPrPixmapObject *_pixObj = dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if ( _pixObj ) _pixObj->reload(); } else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT ) { KPrTextObject *_textObj= dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if ( _textObj ) _textObj->recalcPageNum( this ); } else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) completeLoadingForGroupObject( it.current() ); // recursion } } } KCommand * KPrPage::replaceObjs( bool createUndoRedo, double _orastX,double _orastY,const TQColor & _txtBackCol, const TQColor & _otxtBackCol ) { KPrObject *kpobject = 0; double ox=0, oy=0; TQPtrList _objects; TQValueList _diffs; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast( m_objectList.count() ); i++ ) { kpobject = m_objectList.at( i ); ox = kpobject->getOrig().x(); oy = kpobject->getOrig().y(); ox = static_cast(ox / m_doc->getGridX() * m_doc->getGridX()); oy = static_cast(oy / m_doc->getGridY() * m_doc->getGridY()); _diffs.append( KoPoint( ox - kpobject->getOrig().x(), oy - kpobject->getOrig().y() ) ); _objects.append( kpobject ); } KPrSetOptionsCmd *setOptionsCmd = new KPrSetOptionsCmd( i18n( "Set New Options" ), _diffs, _objects, m_doc->getGridX(), m_doc->getGridY(),_orastX, _orastY, _txtBackCol, _otxtBackCol, m_doc ); if ( createUndoRedo ) return setOptionsCmd; delete setOptionsCmd; return 0L; } TQString KPrPage::manualTitle() const { return m_manualTitle; } void KPrPage::insertManualTitle(const TQString & title) { m_manualTitle=title; } TQString KPrPage::pageTitle( const TQString &_title ) const { // If a user sets a title with manual, return it. if ( !m_manualTitle.isEmpty() ) return m_manualTitle; TQPtrList objs; // Create list of text objects in this page TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) objs.append( static_cast( it.current() ) ); } TQString title; if ( _title.isNull() ) { // MASTERPAGE if ( m_masterPage ) title = i18n( "Slide %1" ).arg( m_doc->pageList().findRef( this ) + 1 ); else title = i18n( "Slide Master" ); } else { title = _title; } if ( objs.isEmpty() ) return title; // Find object most on top KPrTextObject *tmp = objs.first(); KPrTextObject *textobject=tmp; for ( tmp = objs.next(); tmp; tmp = objs.next() ) if ( tmp->getOrig().y() < textobject->getOrig().y() ) textobject = tmp; // this can't happen, but you never know :- ) if ( !textobject ) return TQString( title ); TQString txt; if ( textobject->textDocument()->firstParag() ) txt = textobject->textDocument()->firstParag()->toString(); if ( txt.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() || txt=="\n" ) return title; return txt; } void KPrPage::setNoteText( const TQString &_text ) { m_noteText=_text; m_doc->setModified(true); } TQString KPrPage::noteText() const { return m_noteText; } void KPrPage::makeUsedPixmapList() { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if( it.current()->getType()==OT_PICTURE || it.current()->getType()==OT_CLIPART) m_doc->insertPixmapKey(static_cast( it.current() )->getKey() ); else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) makeUsedPixmapListForGroupObject( it.current() ); } if( m_kpbackground->getBackType()==BT_PICTURE || m_kpbackground->getBackType()==BT_CLIPART) m_doc->insertPixmapKey(m_kpbackground->getBackPictureKey()); } void KPrPage::makeUsedPixmapListForGroupObject( KPrObject *_obj ) { KPrGroupObject *_groupObj = static_cast( _obj ); if ( _groupObj ) { TQPtrListIterator it( _groupObj->objectList() ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) m_doc->insertPixmapKey(static_cast( it.current() )->getKey() ); else if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) makeUsedPixmapListForGroupObject( it.current() ); // recursion } } } TQValueList KPrPage::getEffectSteps() const { TQMap stepmap; stepmap[0] = true; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { stepmap[it.current()->getAppearStep()] = true; if ( it.current()->getDisappear() ) { stepmap[it.current()->getDisappearStep()] = true; } } return stepmap.keys(); } void KPrPage::deSelectAllObj() { TQPtrListIterator sIt( m_objectList ); for ( ; sIt.current() ; ++sIt ) { if(sIt.current()->isSelected()) deSelectObj(sIt.current() ); } } void KPrPage::deSelectObj( KPrObject *kpobject ) { kpobject->setSelected( false ); m_doc->repaint( kpobject ); } TQDomElement KPrPage::saveObjects( TQDomDocument &doc, TQDomElement &objects, double yoffset, int saveOnlyPage ) const { TQPtrListIterator oIt(m_objectList); for (; oIt.current(); ++oIt ) { //don't store header/footer (store in header/footer section) if ( oIt.current()==m_doc->header() || oIt.current()==m_doc->footer() || oIt.current()->getType() == OT_PART) continue; TQDomElement object=doc.createElement("OBJECT"); object.setAttribute("type", static_cast( oIt.current()->getType() )); bool _sticky = ( this->m_masterPage == 0 ); if (_sticky) object.setAttribute("sticky", static_cast(_sticky)); if ( saveOnlyPage != -1 ) yoffset=0; //add yoffset to compatibility with koffice 1.1 object.appendChild(oIt.current()->save( doc, yoffset )); objects.appendChild(object); } return objects; } bool KPrPage::oneObjectTextExist(bool forceAllTextObject) { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst,forceAllTextObject ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( (it.current() == m_doc->header() && !hasHeader()) || (it.current() == m_doc->footer() && !hasFooter()) ) continue; if (it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) return true; } return false; } bool KPrPage::oneObjectTextSelected() { return oneObjectTextExist(false); } bool KPrPage::isOneObjectSelected() { return 0 != getSelectedObj(); } bool KPrPage::haveASelectedPartObj() { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if (it.current()->getType() == OT_PART ) return true; } return false; } bool KPrPage::haveASelectedGroupObj() { TQPtrList objects( getSelectedObjects( true ) ); TQPtrListIterator it( objects ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP ) return true; } return false; } bool KPrPage::haveASelectedPixmapObj() { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if (( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) return true; } return false; } KoRect KPrPage::getRealRect( bool all ) const { KoRect rect; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer()) continue; if ( all || ( it.current()->isSelected() && ! it.current()->isProtect() ) ) rect |= it.current()->getRealRect(); } return rect; } //return true if we change picture bool KPrPage::chPic( KPrView *_view) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() && ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) ) { KPrPixmapObject* obj=dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if( obj) { _view->changePicture( obj->getFileName() ); return true; } } } return false; } bool KPrPage::savePicture( KPrView *_view ) const { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() && ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) ) { KPrPixmapObject* obj=dynamic_cast( it.current() ); if( obj) { _view->savePicture( obj ); return true; } } } return false; } // move object for releasemouseevent KCommand *KPrPage::moveObject(KPrView *_view, double diffx, double diffy) { bool createCommand=false; KPrMoveByCmd *moveByCmd=0L; TQPtrList _objects; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { //don't move a header/footer if ( it.current() == m_doc->header() || it.current() == m_doc->footer()) continue; if ( it.current()->isSelected() && !it.current()->isProtect()) { _objects.append( it.current() ); TQRect br = _view->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( it.current()->getRepaintRect() ); br.moveBy( _view->zoomHandler()->zoomItX( diffx ), _view->zoomHandler()->zoomItY( diffy ) ); m_doc->repaint( br ); // Previous position m_doc->repaint( it.current() ); // New position createCommand=true; } } if(createCommand) { moveByCmd = new KPrMoveByCmd( i18n( "Move Objects" ), KoPoint( diffx, diffy ), _objects, m_doc,this ); m_doc->updateSideBarItem( this ); } return moveByCmd; } KCommand *KPrPage::moveObject(KPrView *m_view,const KoPoint &_move,bool key) { TQPtrList _objects; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); KPrMoveByCmd *moveByCmd=0L; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { //don't move a header/footer if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer()) continue; if ( it.current()->isSelected() && !it.current()->isProtect()) { TQRect oldBoundingRect = m_view->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( it.current()->getRepaintRect() ); it.current()->moveBy( _move ); _objects.append( it.current() ); m_doc->repaint( oldBoundingRect ); m_doc->repaint( it.current() ); } } if ( key && !_objects.isEmpty()) moveByCmd = new KPrMoveByCmd( i18n( "Move Objects" ), KoPoint( _move ), _objects, m_doc,this ); return moveByCmd; } void KPrPage::repaintObj() { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->isSelected()) m_doc->repaint(it.current() ); } } KCommand *KPrPage::rotateSelectedObjects( float _newAngle, bool addAngle ) { KPrRotateCmd * cmd = NULL; TQPtrList _objects; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer() ) continue; if( it.current()->isSelected() && !it.current()->isProtect()) { _objects.append( it.current() ); } } if ( !_objects.isEmpty() ) { cmd = new KPrRotateCmd( i18n( "Change Rotation" ), _newAngle, _objects, m_doc, addAngle ); cmd->execute(); } return cmd; } KCommand *KPrPage::shadowObj(ShadowDirection dir,int dist, const TQColor &col) { KPrShadowCmd *shadowCmd=0L; bool newShadow=false; TQPtrList _objects; TQPtrList _oldShadow; KPrShadowCmd::ShadowValues _newShadow, *tmp; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); _oldShadow.setAutoDelete( false ); _newShadow.shadowDirection = dir; _newShadow.shadowDistance = dist; _newShadow.shadowColor = col; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { //don't shadow a header/footer if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer()) continue; if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { tmp = new KPrShadowCmd::ShadowValues; tmp->shadowDirection = it.current()->getShadowDirection(); tmp->shadowDistance =it.current()->getShadowDistance(); tmp->shadowColor = it.current()->getShadowColor(); if(!newShadow &&( tmp->shadowDirection!=_newShadow.shadowDirection || tmp->shadowDistance!=_newShadow.shadowDistance || tmp->shadowColor!=_newShadow.shadowColor)) newShadow=true; _oldShadow.append( tmp ); _objects.append( it.current() ); } } if ( !_objects.isEmpty() && newShadow ) { shadowCmd = new KPrShadowCmd( i18n( "Change Shadow" ), _oldShadow, _newShadow, _objects, m_doc ); shadowCmd->execute(); } else { _oldShadow.setAutoDelete( true ); _oldShadow.clear(); } return shadowCmd; } TQPtrList KPrPage::allTextObjects() const { TQPtrList lst; addTextObjects( lst ); return lst; } void KPrPage::addTextObjects(TQPtrList& lst) const { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) it.current()->addTextObjects( lst ); } KPrObject * KPrPage::getCursor( const TQPoint &pos ) { return getCursor( m_doc->zoomHandler()->unzoomPoint( pos ) ); } KPrObject * KPrPage::getCursor(const KoPoint &pos ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); KPrObject *kpobject = it.toLast(); while ( kpobject ) { if ( kpobject->contains( pos ) && kpobject->isSelected() ) return kpobject; kpobject = --it; } return 0L; } KPrObject* KPrPage::getObjectAt( const KoPoint &pos, bool withoutProtected ) const { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); KPrObject *o = 0; //tz Check first if there is a selected object at this pos! for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { o = it.toLast(); while ( o ) { if ( o != m_doc->footer() || o != m_doc->header() || ( m_bHasFooter && o == m_doc->footer() ) || ( m_bHasHeader && o == m_doc->header() ) ) { if ( ( o->isSelected() || i > 0 ) && o->contains( pos ) && !( o->isProtect() && withoutProtected ) ) return o; } o = --it; } } return 0L; } KPrPixmapObject * KPrPage::picViewOrigHelper() const { KPrPixmapObject *obj=0L; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() && ( ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) || ( it.current()->getType() == OT_CLIPART ) ) ) { obj=(KPrPixmapObject*)it.current(); break; } } return obj; } void KPrPage::applyStyleChange( KoStyleChangeDefMap changed ) { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst,true /*force*/ ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { KPrTextObject *obj=dynamic_cast(it.current()); if( obj) obj->applyStyleChange( changed ); } } void KPrPage::reactivateBgSpellChecking(bool refreshTextObj) { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst,true /*force*/ ); TQPtrListIterator oIt( lst ); for ( ; oIt.current() ; ++oIt ) { if(oIt.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) { static_cast( oIt.current() )->textObject()->setNeedSpellCheck(true); if(refreshTextObj) m_doc->repaint( oIt.current() ); } } } bool KPrPage::canMoveOneObject() const { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { //don't test header/footer all the time sticky if ( it.current()== m_doc->header() || it.current()== m_doc->footer()) continue; if(it.current()->isSelected()&& !it.current()->isProtect()) return true; } return false; } KCommand *KPrPage::alignVertical(VerticalAlignmentType _type ) { KMacroCommand *macro = 0L; TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) { KPrTextObject *obj = dynamic_cast(it.current()); if ( obj && !obj->isProtectContent()) { KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand * cmd = new KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand( i18n("ChangeQt::Vertical Alignment"), obj, obj->verticalAlignment(),_type, m_doc); if ( !macro ) macro = new KMacroCommand( i18n("ChangeQt::Vertical Alignment")); macro->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } } return macro; } void KPrPage::changeTabStopValue ( double _tabStop ) { TQPtrList lst; getAllObjectSelectedList(lst,true /*force*/ ); TQPtrListIterator it( lst ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if(it.current()->getType()==OT_TEXT) { KPrTextObject *obj = dynamic_cast(it.current()); if ( obj ) { obj->textDocument()->setTabStops( m_doc->zoomHandler()->ptToLayoutUnitPixX( _tabStop )); obj->layout(); m_doc->repaint( obj ); } } } } KPrObject *KPrPage::nextTextObject(KPrTextObject *obj) { if ( m_objectList.count()==0 ) return 0L; int pos = -1; if ( obj ) pos = m_objectList.findNextRef(obj); if (pos != -1 ) { KPrObject *frm=0L; for ( frm=m_objectList.at(pos); frm != 0; frm=m_objectList.next() ) { KPrTextObject *newObj = frm->nextTextObject(); if(newObj && newObj->nextTextObject()->textObject()->needSpellCheck()) return frm; } } else { KPrObject *frm=0L; for ( frm=m_objectList.at(0); frm != 0; frm=m_objectList.next() ) { KPrTextObject *newObj = frm->nextTextObject(); if(newObj && newObj->nextTextObject()->textObject()->needSpellCheck()) return frm; } } return 0L; } bool KPrPage::findTextObject( KPrObject *obj ) { return (m_objectList.findRef( obj )>=0 ); } void KPrPage::getAllObjectSelectedList(TQPtrList &lst, bool force ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) it.current()->getAllObjectSelectedList( lst,force ); } void KPrPage::getAllEmbeddedObjectSelected(TQPtrList &embeddedObjects ) { TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() && it.current()->getType() == OT_PART ) embeddedObjects.append( static_cast(it.current())->getChild() ); } } KPrPixmapObject* KPrPage::getSelectedImage() const { KPrPixmapObject *obj=0L; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() && it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE ) { obj=dynamic_cast(it.current()); break; } } return obj; } KCommand * KPrPage::setImageEffect(ImageEffect eff, TQVariant param1, TQVariant param2, TQVariant param3) { bool changed = false; KPrImageEffectCmd *imageEffectCmd = 0L; TQPtrList _objects; TQPtrList _oldSettings; KPrImageEffectCmd::ImageEffectSettings _newSettings, *tmp; _objects.setAutoDelete( false ); _oldSettings.setAutoDelete( false ); _newSettings.effect = eff; _newSettings.param1 = param1; _newSettings.param2 = param2; _newSettings.param3 = param3; TQPtrListIterator it( m_objectList ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_PICTURE && it.current()->isSelected()) { tmp = new KPrImageEffectCmd::ImageEffectSettings; tmp->effect = static_cast(it.current())->getImageEffect(); tmp->param1 = static_cast(it.current())->getIEParam1(); tmp->param2 = static_cast(it.current())->getIEParam2(); tmp->param3 = static_cast(it.current())->getIEParam3(); _oldSettings.append( tmp ); _objects.append( it.current() ); if( !changed && ( tmp->effect != _newSettings.effect || tmp->param1 != _newSettings.param1 || tmp->param2 != _newSettings.param2 || tmp->param3 != _newSettings.param3 ) ) changed = true; } } if ( !_objects.isEmpty() && changed ) { imageEffectCmd = new KPrImageEffectCmd( i18n( "Change Image Effect" ), _oldSettings, _newSettings, _objects, m_doc ); imageEffectCmd->execute(); } else { _oldSettings.setAutoDelete( true ); _oldSettings.clear(); } m_doc->setModified( true ); return imageEffectCmd; } void KPrPage::setHeader( bool b, bool _updateDoc ) { m_bHasHeader = b; if ( _updateDoc ) m_doc->setHeader(b); } void KPrPage::setFooter( bool b, bool _updateDoc ) { m_bHasFooter = b; if ( _updateDoc ) m_doc->setFooter( b ); } void KPrPage::setUseMasterBackground( bool useMasterBackground ) { m_useMasterBackground = useMasterBackground; } bool KPrPage::useMasterBackground() const { return m_useMasterBackground; } bool KPrPage::isMasterPage() const { return ( m_masterPage==0 ); } void KPrPage::setDisplayObjectFromMasterPage( bool _b ) { m_displayObjectFromMasterPage = _b; m_doc->setDisplayObjectMasterPage( _b ); } void KPrPage::setDisplayBackground( bool _b ) { m_displayBackground = _b; m_doc->setDisplayBackground( _b ); }