#!/bin/bash if ! kde-config ; then echo 'kde-config not found ! Aborting. You need a more recent KDE, or to fix your $PATH.' exit 1 fi IFS=: echo -n "KDE prefixes: " kde-config --prefix # Check for the binary found=0 exedirs=`kde-config --path exe` for dir in $exedirs; do if [ -f "$dir/kword" ]; then echo "kword found in $dir" found=1 fi done if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kword not found - looked at $exedirs" fi mimelnks=`kde-config --path mime` # Relevant existing mimetypes mimes="" for dir in $mimelnks; do filename="application/msword.desktop" if [ -f "$dir$filename" ]; then echo -n "Found: $dir$filename... " hidden=`grep ^Hidden $dir$filename` if [ "$hidden" == "true" ]; then echo "deleted"; else mimetype=`grep ^MimeType $dir$filename|sed -e 's/.*=//'` mimes="$mimes:$mimetype"; # using ':' because of IFS patterns=`grep ^Patterns $dir$filename|sed -e 's/.*=//'` if [ -n "$patterns" ]; then echo -n "(associated with $patterns)" fi echo fi fi filename="application/msword2.desktop" if [ -f "$dir$filename" ]; then echo -n "Found: $dir$filename... " hidden=`grep ^Hidden $dir$filename` if [ "$hidden" == "true" ]; then echo "deleted"; else mimetype=`grep ^MimeType $dir$filename|sed -e 's/.*=//'` mimes="$mimes:$mimetype"; # using ':' because of IFS patterns=`grep ^Patterns $dir$filename|sed -e 's/.*=//'` if [ -n "$patterns" ]; then echo -n "(associated with $patterns)" fi echo fi fi done IFS=" " mimes=`echo $mimes | sed -e 's/^://g'` echo "Relevant mimetypes found: $mimes" IFS=: foundmagicfile=0 for dir in $mimelnks; do magic=$dir/magic if [ -f "$magic" ]; then echo "$magic says: " grep 'Microsoft\\ Word' $magic foundmagicfile=1 fi done if [ $foundmagicfile -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Magic file not found $magic" fi for dir in `kde-config --path services`; do echo Services dir $dir for mime in $mimes; do grep "Import=.*$mime" $dir/*.desktop done done