/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Ariya Hidayat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "palmdoc.h" #include #include #include #include PalmDoc::PalmDoc(): PalmDB() { m_result = PalmDoc::OK; setText( TQString() ); } PalmDoc::~PalmDoc() { } bool PalmDoc::load( const char* filename ) { bool ok; ok = PalmDB::load( filename ); if( !ok ) { m_result = PalmDoc::ReadError; return FALSE; } if( type() != "TEXt" ) { qDebug( "Type is \"%s\", not \"TEXt\", so this is not Palm DOC!", type().latin1() ); m_result = PalmDoc::InvalidFormat; return FALSE; } if( creator() != "REAd" ) { qDebug( "Creator is \"%s\", not \"REAd\", so this is not Palm DOC!", creator().latin1() ); m_result = PalmDoc::InvalidFormat; return FALSE; } // must have at least two records if( records.count() < 2 ) { qDebug( "Palm DOC has at least 2 records!" ); m_result = PalmDoc::InvalidFormat; return FALSE; } // the very first record is DOC header // NOTE: this is not PDB header (which is handled in PalmDB) ! TQByteArray header( *records.at( 0 ) ); // format of the DOC int format = (header[0]<<8) + header[1]; qDebug( "DOC format: %d (%s)", format, (format==1) ? "Plain" : (format==2) ? "Compressed" : "Unknown" ); // supported is only Plain or Compressed if( ( format != 1 ) && ( format != 2 ) ) { qDebug( "Unknown format of document!" ); m_result = PalmDoc::InvalidFormat; return FALSE; } // initialize setText( TQString() ); // assemble the records TQByteArray rec; unsigned i = 0; for( unsigned r = 1; r < records.count(); r++ ) { TQByteArray *p = records.at( r ); if( !p ) continue; rec.resize( rec.size() + p->size() ); for( unsigned s=0; ssize(); s++ ) rec[i++] = p->at( s ); } // if the text is compressed, then uncompress if( format == 2 ) setText( uncompress( rec ) ); // if the text is not compressed, simply append as string if( format == 1 ) setText( TQString::fromLatin1( rec.data(),rec.count() ) ); // done m_result = OK; return TRUE; } bool PalmDoc::save( const char* filename ) { // set proper database type and creator setType( "TEXt" ); setCreator( "REAd" ); // "touch" the database :-) setModificationDate( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() ); // Palm record size is always 4 KB unsigned recsize = 4096; // compress the text TQByteArray data = compress( text() ); // prepare the records records.clear(); for( unsigned i=0; i recsize ) rs = recsize; ptr->resize( rs ); for( unsigned m=0; m> 24) & 255; // uncompressed size header[5] = (docsize >> 16) & 255; header[6] = (docsize >> 8) & 255; header[7] = docsize & 255; header[8] = records.count()>> 8; // no of records header[9] = records.count() & 255; header[10] = recsize >>8; // record size header[11] = recsize & 255; header[12] = header[13] = 0; header[14] = header[15] = 0; // header should be the very first record records.prepend( new TQByteArray( header ) ); // write to file bool ok = PalmDB::save( filename ); if( !ok ) { m_result = WriteError; return FALSE; } // done m_result = OK; return TRUE; } // TODO describe in brief about compression algorithm TQByteArray PalmDoc::compress( const TQString& text ) { TQByteArray result; unsigned textlen = text.length(); const char *ctext = text.latin1(); unsigned int i, j; // we don't know the compressed size yet // therefore allocate buffer big enough result.resize( textlen ); for( i=j=0; i start); back-- ) if( ctext[i] == ctext[back] ) if( ctext[i+1] == ctext[back+1] ) if( ctext[i+2] == ctext[back+2] ) { match = true; match_pos = i-back; match_len = 3; if( i+3 < textlen ) if( ctext[i+3] == ctext[back+3] ) { match_len = 4; if( i+4 < textlen ) if( ctext[i+4] == ctext[back+4] ) { match_len = 5; } } } if( match ) { unsigned char p = 0x80 | ((match_pos >> 5)&0x3f); unsigned char q = ((match_pos & 0x1f) << 3) | (match_len-3); result[j++] = p; result[j++] = q; i+= match_len; } else { char ch = ctext[i++] & 0x7f; bool space_pack = false; if( ch == 0x20 ) if ( i= 0x40 ) space_pack = true; if( !space_pack ) result[j++] = ch; else result[j++] = ctext[i++] | 0x80; } } result.resize( j ); return result; } #define INRANGE(v,p,q) ((v)>=(p))&&((v)<=(q)) // TODO describe in brief about decompression algorithm TQString PalmDoc::uncompress( TQByteArray rec ) { TQString result; for( unsigned i = 0; i < rec.size(); i++ ) { unsigned char c = rec[i]; if( INRANGE(c,1,8) ) { i++; if( i < rec.size() ) for( unsigned char v = rec[i]; c>0; c-- ) result.append( v ); } else if( INRANGE(c,0x09,0x7F) ) result.append( c ); else if( INRANGE(c,0xC0,0xFF) ) result.append( 32 ).append( c^ 0x80 ); else if( INRANGE(c,0x80,0xBF) ) { unsigned char d = rec[++i]; int back = (((c<<8)+d) & 0x3fff) >> 3; int count = (d & 7) + 3; if( result.length()-back >= 0 ) for(; count>0; count-- ) result.append( result[result.length()-back] ); } } return result; }