The design of this filter is a bit complicated due to the use of XPDF (which is not done for use as a library). PDFImport implements the KoFilter class and is the starting point in the process: PDFImport::convert | |- Dialog: ask for import options | |- Document::paperSize/pageOrientation: extract paper size/orientation | |- for each page | | | |- Document::treatPage -> [XPDF]PDFDoc::displayPage | which calls the following methods as appropriate | * Device::startPage -> new Page | * Device::endPage -> FilterPage::endPage | | | |- [XPDF]TextPage::coalesce | | | |- Page::createParagraphs | | | |- Page::checkHeader | | | |- Page::checkFooter | * Device::updateFont/... -> TextPage::updateFont | * Device::beginString -> new String -> new TextString | * Device::drawChar -> TextPage::addChar -> String::addChar | | | |- checkLigature | | | |- TextString:addChar | | | |- checkCombination | * Device::endString -> Page::endString -> TextPage::endString | -> Page::addString | | | |- checkCombination | | | |- TextPage::addString | * Device::drawLink -> Page::addLink | * Device::drawImage(Mask) -> Device::initImage -> Device::addImage | * Device::stroke/fill/... (ignore at the moment) | |- Document::init -> FilterDevice::init: compute and set body, header, and | footer rectangles for all pages | |- for each page | | | |- Document::dumpPage -> FilterDevice::dumpPage | | | |- Data::initPage | | | |- Page::dump | | | |- Page::prepare | | | | | |- associate links | | | | | |- Page::initParagraph: compute tabs, indents and alignments | | | | | |- Page::fillParagrap: remove hyphen/eol, add tabs, add text | | | | | |- Page::checkSpecialChars -> Page::checkSpecial | | | | | |- Page::coalesce(par) | | | |- Page::dump(par) | | | |- add tab, indents, offsets, flows, text and format | | | |- Data::createParagraph | |- Data::endDump | |- write XML to KoStoreDevice