/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Nicolas HADACEK (hadacek@kde.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "FilterPage.h" #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "transform.h" #include "dialog.h" #define TIME_START(str) { \ kdDebug(30516) << str << endl; \ _time.restart(); \ } #define TIME_END { kdDebug(30516) << "elapsed=" << _time.elapsed() << endl; } namespace PDFImport { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page::Page(Data &data) : TextPage(false), _data(data), _lastStr(0), _rects(Nb_ParagraphTypes) { _links.setAutoDelete(true); } void Page::clear() { TextPage::clear(); _lastStr = 0; _links.clear(); _pars.clear(); } void Page::beginString(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0) { // This check is needed because Type 3 characters can contain // text-drawing operations. if (curStr) { ++nest; return; } // _data.checkTextFrameset(); curStr = new String(state, x0, y0, fontSize, _data.textIndex()); // kdDebug(30516) << "---" << endl; } void Page::endString() { // kdDebug(30516) << "endString..." << " len=" << curStr->len // << " " << _lastStr // << " len=" << (_lastStr ? _lastStr->len : -1) << endl; TextPage::endString(); // kdDebug(30516) << " ...endString done" << endl; } void Page::addString(TextString *str) { // kdDebug(30516) << "addString..." << endl; // if ( str->len==0 ) kdDebug(30516) << "empty string !" << endl; if (_lastStr) _lastStr->checkCombination(str); _lastStr = (str->len==0 ? 0 : static_cast(str)); // QString s; // for (int i=0; ilen; i++) s += QChar(str->text[i]); // kdDebug(30516) << "string: " << s << " (" // << (str->len>0 ? s[0].unicode() : 0) << ")" << endl; TextPage::addString(str); // kdDebug(30516) << " ...addString done" << endl; } TextBlock *Page::block(TextLine *line, int index) { uint k = 0; if ( index<0 ) for (TextBlock *block = line->blocks; block; block = block->next) k++; k += index; uint i = 0; for (TextBlock *block = line->blocks; block; block = block->next) { if ( i==k ) return block; i++; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Page::isLastParagraphLine(TextLine *line, const Paragraph &par) { // last line of page if ( line->next==0 ) return true; double dy = line->next->yMin - line->yMax; double ndy = line->next->yMax - line->next->yMin; String *str = static_cast(line->blocks->strings); String *nStr = static_cast(line->next->blocks->strings); // next line far below if ( dy>0.5*ndy ) return true; // image displayed before next line (?) if ( str->frameIndex()!=nStr->frameIndex() ) return true; if ( line->blocks==0 ) return false; // should not happen // if contains one or more inside tabs if (line->blocks->next) return true; if ( line->next && line->next->blocks==0 ) return false;//should not happen // if next line contains one or more inside tabs if ( line->next && line->next->blocks->next ) return true; TextBlock *b = block(line, -1); if ( b==0 || b->len==0 ) return false; // should not happen QChar c = QChar(b->text[b->len-1]); // last line char is not '.' or ':' if ( c!='.' && c!=':' ) return false; // if at line end and block aligned : same paragraph return ( !equal(b->xMax, par.rect().right()) ); } void Page::createParagraphs() { TextLine *first = lines; uint nbLines = 0; for (TextLine *line = lines; line; line = line->next) { nbLines++; Paragraph par(first, nbLines); if ( isLastParagraphLine(line, par) ) { _pars.push_back(par); nbLines = 0; first = line->next; } } } void Page::checkHeader() { uint s = _pars.size(); if ( s==0 ) return; Paragraph &par = _pars[0]; if ( par.lines().count()!=1 ) return; const TextLine *first = par.lines().first(); const TextLine *second = (s>1 ? _pars[1].lines().first() : 0); double limit = 0.2 * _data.pageRect().height(); double delta = 2 * kMin(first->yMax - first->yMin, 12.0); // kdDebug(30516) << "first: " << first->yMax << " (" << limit << ")" << endl; // if (second) kdDebug(30516) << "second: " << second->yMin << " " // << second->yMin-first->yMax << " (" << delta // << ")" << endl; if ( first->yMax>limit ) return; if ( second && (second->yMin-first->yMax)0 ? _pars[0].type==Header : false); } void Page::checkFooter() { uint s = _pars.size(); if ( s==0 ) return; Paragraph &par = _pars[s-1]; if ( par.lines().count()!=1 ) return; const TextLine *last = par.lines().first(); const TextLine *blast = (s>1 ? _pars[s-2].lines().last() : 0); double limit = 0.8 * _data.pageRect().height(); double delta = 2 * kMin(last->yMax-last->yMin, 12.0); // kdDebug(30516) << "last: " << last->yMax << " (" << limit << ")" << endl; // if (blast) kdDebug(30516) << "blast: " << blast->yMin << " " // << last->yMin-blast->yMax << " (" << delta // << ")" << endl; if ( last->yMinyMin-blast->yMax)0 ? _pars[_pars.size()-1].type==Footer : false); } void Page::endPage() { TIME_START("coalesce strings"); TextPage::coalesce(); TIME_END; createParagraphs(); // check header and footer checkHeader(); // if ( hasHeader() ) kdDebug(30516) << "has header" << endl; checkFooter(); // if ( hasFooter() ) kdDebug(30516) << "has footer" << endl; // compute body rect uint begin = (hasHeader() ? 1 : 0); uint end = _pars.size() - (hasFooter() ? 1 : 0); for (uint i=begin; i::const_iterator it; for (it = par.lines().begin(); it!=par.lines().end(); ++it) { // compute tabulations Tabulator tab; for (TextBlock *blk = (*it)->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) { // if tabulated text is aligned on right edge: put a tab // on right edge and the tab type will be right aligned... double tabRightAligned = equal(blk->xMax, pright); double dx = (tabRightAligned ? pright : blk->xMin) - pleft; // #### if the tab is just at the frame edge: // the text is sent to next line ??? if (tabRightAligned) dx -= 0.1; int res = par.findTab(dx, *it); if ( res==-1 ) { tab.pos = dx; if (tabRightAligned) { tab.alignment = Tabulator::Right; kdDebug(30516) << "tabulated text right aligned.." << endl; } else tab.alignment = Tabulator::Left; par.tabs.push_back(tab); } } qHeapSort2(par.tabs); // compute indents double left = (*it)->blocks->xMin - pleft; if ( par.isFirst(*it) ) { par.firstIndent = left; par.leftIndent = left; } else if ( par.isSecond(*it) ) par.leftIndent = left; else par.leftIndent = kMin(par.leftIndent, left); } // compute alignment for (it = par.lines().begin(); it!=par.lines().end(); ++it) { double left = (*it)->blocks->xMin; double right = block(*it, -1)->xMax; double mean = (left + right) / 2; // QString text; // for (int i=0; iblocks->len); i++) // text += QChar((*it)->blocks->text[i]); // kdDebug(30516) << text << " left=" << left // << " pleft=" << pleft + par.leftIndent // << " indent=" << par.leftIndent // << " findent=" << par.firstIndent << endl; if ( centered && !equal(mean, pmean) ) centered = false; if ( leftAligned && (!par.isFirst(*it) || par.hasOneLine()) && !equal(left, pleft + par.leftIndent, 0.05) ) { kdDebug(30516) << "not left aligned" << endl; leftAligned = false; } if ( rightAligned && (!par.isLast(*it) || par.hasOneLine()) && !equal(right, pright, 0.05) ) { kdDebug(30516) << "not right aligned" << endl; rightAligned = false; } } // finalize alignment if (rightAligned) par.align = (leftAligned ? AlignBlock : AlignRight); else if (centered) par.align = AlignCenter; } void Page::fillParagraph(Paragraph &par, double &offset) const { const double pleft = _rects[par.type].left(); const double pright = _rects[par.type].right(); par.offset = par.lines().first()->yMin - offset; // kdDebug(30516) << "offset=" << offset // << " yMin=" << par.lines().first()->yMin // << " paroffset=" << par.offset << endl; if ( par.offset>0 ) offset += par.offset; QValueList::const_iterator it; for (it = par.lines().begin(); it!=par.lines().end(); ++it) { // end of previous line (inside a paragraph) if ( !par.isFirst(*it) ) { bool hyphen = false; if (_data.options().smart) { // check hyphen uint bi, pbi; int si = par.charFromEnd(0, bi); Q_ASSERT( si>=0 ); QChar c = par.blocks[bi].text[si]; int psi = par.charFromEnd(1, pbi); QChar prev = (psi<0 ? QChar::null : par.blocks[pbi].text[psi]); if ( !prev.isNull() && type(c.unicode())==Hyphen ) kdDebug(30516) << "hyphen ? " << QString(prev) << " type=" << type(prev.unicode()) << endl; TextString *next = ((*it)->next ? (*it)->next->blocks->strings : 0); if ( !prev.isNull() && type(c.unicode())==Hyphen && isLetter( type(prev.unicode()) ) && next && next->len>0 && isLetter( type(next->text[next->len-1]) ) ) { kdDebug(30516) << "found hyphen" << endl; hyphen = true; par.blocks[bi].text.remove(si, 1); } } if ( !hyphen ) { Block b; bool remove = _data.options().smart; if ( remove && par.align!=AlignBlock ) remove = ( par.rect().right()>0.9*pright ); b.text = (remove ? ' ' : '\n'); b.font = static_cast((*it)->blocks->strings)->font(); par.blocks.push_back(b); } } int lineHeight = 0; TextBlock *prevBlk = 0; for (TextBlock *blk = (*it)->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) { // tabulations double tabRightAligned = equal(blk->xMax, pright); double dx = (tabRightAligned ? pright : blk->xMin) - pleft; int res = par.findTab(dx, *it); if ( res>=0 ) { if (prevBlk) { double xMax = prevBlk->xMax - pleft; res = par.findNbTabs(res, xMax); if ( res==0 ) continue; } else res++; // no tabs for first block in AlignCenter and AlignRight // if smart mode if ( prevBlk || !_data.options().smart || (par.align!=AlignCenter && par.align!=AlignRight) ) { Block b; b.font = static_cast(blk->strings)->font(); for (uint k=0; k<(uint)res; k++) b.text += '\t'; par.blocks.push_back(b); } } // text & format for (TextString *str = blk->strings; str; str = str->next) { Block b; for (uint k = 0; klen); k++) b.text += QChar(str->text[k]); if (str->spaceAfter) b.text += ' '; String *fstr = static_cast(str); b.font = fstr->font(); b.link = fstr->link; par.blocks.push_back(b); lineHeight = kMax(lineHeight, b.font.height()); } prevBlk = blk; } offset += lineHeight; } } FontFamily Page::checkSpecial(QChar &c, const Font &font) const { Unicode res = 0; switch ( PDFImport::checkSpecial(c.unicode(), res) ) { case Bullet: kdDebug(30516) << "found bullet" << endl; // #### FIXME : if list, use a COUNTER // temporarly replace by symbol c = res; return Symbol; case SuperScript: kdDebug(30516) << "found superscript" << endl; // #### FIXME break; case LatexSpecial: if ( !font.isLatex() ) break; kdDebug(30516) << "found latex special" << endl; return Times; case SpecialSymbol: kdDebug(30516) << "found symbol=" << c.unicode() << endl; return Times; //return Symbol; default: break; } return Nb_Family; } void Page::checkSpecialChars(Paragraph &par) const { QValueList blocks; for (uint k=0; k blocks; blocks.push_back(par.blocks[0]); for (uint k=1; krect(); // kdDebug(30516) << "link " << r.toString() << endl; for (TextLine *line = lines; line; line = line->next) for (TextBlock *blk = line->blocks; blk; blk = blk->next) for (TextString *str = blk->strings; str; str = str->next) { String *fstr = static_cast(str); DRect sr = fstr->rect(); // kdDebug(30516) << "str " << sr.toString() << " " // << r.isInside(sr) << endl; if ( r.isInside(sr) ) fstr->link = link; } } TIME_END; TIME_START("init paragraphs"); for (uint i=0; i<_pars.size(); i++) { initParagraph(_pars[i]); // special case for wide and centered one liner without tab if ( _pars[i].align==AlignBlock && _pars[i].hasOneLine() && _pars[i].tabs.size()==0 && (_pars.size()==1 || (i!=0 && _pars[i-1].align==AlignCenter) || ((i+1)!=_pars.size() && _pars[i+1].align==AlignCenter)) ) _pars[i].align = AlignCenter; } TIME_END; TIME_START("fill paragraphs"); uint begin = 0; if ( hasHeader() ) { double offset = _rects[Header].top(); fillParagraph(_pars[0], offset); begin++; } uint end = _pars.size(); if ( hasFooter() ) { double offset = _rects[Footer].top(); end--; fillParagraph(_pars[end], offset); } double offset = _rects[Body].top(); for (uint i=begin; i layouts; QValueVector formats; // tabulations for (uint k=0; k0 ) { QDomElement element = _data.createElement("OFFSETS"); element.setAttribute("before", par.offset); layouts.push_back(element); } // flow if (_data.options().smart) { QString flow; // kdDebug(30516) << "flow=" << par.align << endl; switch (par.align) { case AlignLeft: break; case AlignRight: flow = "right"; break; case AlignCenter: flow = "center"; break; case AlignBlock: flow = "justify"; break; } if ( !flow.isEmpty() ) { QDomElement element = _data.createElement("FLOW"); element.setAttribute("align", flow.utf8()); layouts.push_back(element); } } // text and formats QString text; uint pos = 0; for (uint k=0; kformat(document, element, pos, b.text); if ( r || b.link ) formats.push_back(element); pos += len; } _data.createParagraph(text, par.type, layouts, formats); } void Page::dump() { prepare(); TIME_START("dump XML"); for (uint i=0; i<_pars.size(); i++) dump(_pars[i]); TIME_END; } } // namespace