/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Nicolas HADACEK (hadacek@kde.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "data.h" #include #include #include using namespace PDFImport; static const char *TEXT_FRAMESET_NAMES[Nb_ParagraphTypes] = { I18N_NOOP("Body Frameset #%1"), I18N_NOOP("Header Frameset #%1"), I18N_NOOP("Footer Frameset #%1") }; Data::Data(KoFilterChain *chain, const DRect &pageRect, KoPageLayout page, const Options &options) : pageIndex(0), _chain(chain), _imageIndex(1), _textIndex(1), _textFramesets(Nb_ParagraphTypes), _pageRect(pageRect), _options(options) { _document = QDomDocument("DOC"); _document.appendChild( _document.createProcessingInstruction( "xml","version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); _mainElement = _document.createElement("DOC"); _mainElement.setAttribute("editor", "KWord's PDF Import Filter"); _mainElement.setAttribute("mime", "application/x-kword"); _mainElement.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", 2); _document.appendChild(_mainElement); QDomElement element = _document.createElement("ATTRIBUTES"); element.setAttribute("processing", 1); element.setAttribute("hasHeader", 0); element.setAttribute("hasFooter", 0); element.setAttribute("hasTOC", 0); element.setAttribute("unit", "mm"); _mainElement.appendChild(element); _paper = _document.createElement("PAPER"); _paper.setAttribute("format", page.format); _paper.setAttribute("width", pageRect.width()); _paper.setAttribute("height", pageRect.height()); _paper.setAttribute("orientation", page.orientation); _paper.setAttribute("columns", 1); _paper.setAttribute("hType", 0); _paper.setAttribute("fType", 0); _mainElement.appendChild(_paper); // framesets _framesets = _document.createElement("FRAMESETS"); _mainElement.appendChild(_framesets); // standard style QDomElement styles = _document.createElement("STYLES"); _mainElement.appendChild(styles); QDomElement style = _document.createElement("STYLE"); styles.appendChild(style); element = _document.createElement("FORMAT"); Font font; font.format(_document, element, 0, 0, true); style.appendChild(element); element = _document.createElement("NAME"); element.setAttribute("value","Standard"); style.appendChild(element); element = _document.createElement("FOLLOWING"); element.setAttribute("name","Standard"); style.appendChild(element); // pictures _pictures = _document.createElement("PICTURES"); _mainElement.appendChild(_pictures); // treat pages _bookmarks = _document.createElement("BOOKMARKS"); _mainElement.appendChild(_bookmarks); } QDomElement Data::pictureFrameset(const DRect &r) { QDomElement frameset = createFrameset(Picture, QString::null); QDomElement frame = createFrame(Picture, r, false); frameset.appendChild(frame); return frameset; } QDomElement Data::createFrameset(FramesetType type, const QString &n) { bool text = (type==Text); uint &index = (text ? _textIndex : _imageIndex); QDomElement frameset = _document.createElement("FRAMESET"); frameset.setAttribute("frameType", (text ? 1 : 2)); QString name = n; if ( name.isNull() ) name = (text ? i18n("Text Frameset %1") : i18n("Picture %1")).arg(index); frameset.setAttribute("name", name); frameset.setAttribute("frameInfo", 0); // kdDebug(30516) << "new frameset " << index << (text ? " text" : " image") // << endl; index++; return frameset; } QDomElement Data::createFrame(FramesetType type, const DRect &r, bool forceMainFrameset) { bool text = (type==Text); bool mainFrameset = (text ? (forceMainFrameset ? true : _textIndex==1) : false); QDomElement frame = _document.createElement("FRAME"); if (text) frame.setAttribute("autoCreateNewFrame", 0); frame.setAttribute("newFrameBehavior", 1); frame.setAttribute("runaround", 0); frame.setAttribute("left", r.left()); frame.setAttribute("right", r.right()); double offset = pageIndex * _pageRect.height(); frame.setAttribute("top", r.top() + offset); frame.setAttribute("bottom", r.bottom() + offset); if ( text && !mainFrameset ) frame.setAttribute("bkStyle", 0); return frame; } void Data::initPage(const QValueVector &rects, const QValueList &pictures) { for (uint i=0; i::const_iterator it; for (it = pictures.begin(); it!=pictures.end(); ++it) _framesets.appendChild(*it); // page bookmark QDomElement element = createElement("BOOKMARKITEM"); element.setAttribute("name", Link::pageLinkName(pageIndex)); element.setAttribute("cursorIndexStart", 0); // ? element.setAttribute("cursorIndexEnd", 0); // ? element.setAttribute("frameset", "Text Frameset 1"); element.setAttribute("startparag", 0); // #### FIXME element.setAttribute("endparag", 0); // ? bookmarks().appendChild(element); _marginRect.unite(rects[Body]); } void Data::createParagraph(const QString &text, ParagraphType type, const QValueVector &layouts, const QValueVector &formats) { QDomElement paragraph = _document.createElement("PARAGRAPH"); _textFramesets[type].appendChild(paragraph); QDomElement textElement = _document.createElement("TEXT"); textElement.appendChild( _document.createTextNode(text) ); paragraph.appendChild(textElement); QDomElement layout = _document.createElement("LAYOUT"); paragraph.appendChild(layout); QDomElement element = _document.createElement("NAME"); element.setAttribute("value", "Standard"); layout.appendChild(element); for (uint i=0; i