/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Nicolas HADACEK (hadacek@kde.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "pdfimport.h" #include "pdfimport.moc" #include #include // debug #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" using namespace PDFImport; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PdfImportFactory : KGenericFactory { public: PdfImportFactory() : KGenericFactory("kwordpdfimport") {} protected: virtual void setupTranslations() { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kofficefilters"); } }; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(libpdfimport, PdfImportFactory()) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PdfImport::PdfImport(KoFilter *, const char *, const QStringList&) {} KoFilter::ConversionStatus PdfImport::convert(const QCString& from, const QCString& to) { // check for proper conversion if ( to!="application/x-kword" || from!="application/pdf" ) return KoFilter::NotImplemented; // read file KoFilter::ConversionStatus result = _doc.init(m_chain->inputFile(), QString::null, QString::null); if ( result!=KoFilter::OK ) return result; // options dialog { Dialog dialog(_doc.nbPages(), _doc.isEncrypted(), 0); dialog.exec(); if ( dialog.result()==QDialog::Rejected ) return KoFilter::UserCancelled; _options = dialog.options(); } // progress dialog KProgressDialog pd(0, "progress_dialog", i18n("PDF Import"), i18n("Initializing..."), true); pd.setMinimumDuration(0); pd.progressBar()->setTotalSteps( _options.range.nbPages()*2 ); pd.progressBar()->setValue(1); qApp->processEvents(); // if passwords : reread file if ( !_options.ownerPassword.isEmpty() || !_options.userPassword.isEmpty() ) { result = _doc.init(m_chain->inputFile(), _options.ownerPassword, _options.userPassword); if ( result!=KoFilter::OK ) return result; } // data KoPageLayout page; DRect rect = _doc.paperSize(page.format); kdDebug(30516) << "paper size: " << rect.toString() << endl; page.orientation = _doc.paperOrientation(); Data data(m_chain, rect, page, _options); _doc.initDevice(data); // treat pages QTime time; time.start(); SelectionRangeIterator it(_options.range); for (uint k=0; k<2; k++) { bool first = ( k==0 ); data.pageIndex = 0; if ( !first ) _doc.init(); for (it.toFirst(); it.current()!=it.end(); it.next()) { QString s = (first ? i18n("First pass: page #%1...") : i18n("Second pass: page #%1...")); pd.setLabel( s.arg(it.current()) ); qApp->processEvents(); if (pd.wasCancelled()) return KoFilter::UserCancelled; kdDebug(30516) << "-- " << "pass #" << k << " treat page: " << it.current() << "----------------" << endl; if (first) _doc.treatPage( it.current() ); else _doc.dumpPage(data.pageIndex); pd.progressBar()->advance(1); data.pageIndex++; } } data.endDump(); kdDebug(30516) << "treatement elapsed=" << time.elapsed() << endl; // output KoStoreDevice* out = m_chain->storageFile("root", KoStore::Write); if( !out ) { kdError(30516) << "Unable to open output file!" << endl; return KoFilter::StorageCreationError; } // kdDebug(30516) << data.document().toCString() << endl; QCString cstr = data.document().toCString(); out->writeBlock(cstr, cstr.length()); out->close(); treatInfoDocument(); return KoFilter::OK; } void PdfImport::treatInfoDocument() { QDomDocument infoDocument("document-info"); infoDocument.appendChild( infoDocument.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); QDomElement infoElement = infoDocument.createElement( "document-info" ); infoDocument.appendChild(infoElement); QDomElement aboutTag = infoDocument.createElement("about"); infoElement.appendChild(aboutTag); QDomElement authorTag = infoDocument.createElement("author"); infoElement.appendChild(authorTag); QDomElement fullNameTag = infoDocument.createElement("full-name"); authorTag.appendChild(fullNameTag); QDomText authorText = infoDocument.createTextNode( _doc.info("Author") ); fullNameTag.appendChild(authorText); QDomElement titleTag = infoDocument.createElement("title"); aboutTag.appendChild(titleTag); QDomText titleText = infoDocument.createTextNode( _doc.info("Title") ); titleTag.appendChild(titleText); // output KoStoreDevice *out = m_chain->storageFile("documentinfo.xml", KoStore::Write); if ( !out ) kdWarning(30516) << "unable to open doc info. continuing anyway\n"; else { QCString cstr = infoDocument.toCString(); out->writeBlock(cstr, cstr.length()); out->close(); } }