/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2001 Simon Hausmann Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ! KDE_IS_VERSION( 3,1,90 ) #include #endif #include #include #include "KoPictureKey.h" #include "KoPictureBase.h" #include "KoPictureEps.h" KoPictureEps::KoPictureEps(void) : m_psStreamStart(0), m_psStreamLength(0), m_cacheIsInFastMode(true) { // Forbid TQPixmap to cache the X-Window resources (Yes, it is slower!) m_cachedPixmap.setOptimization(TQPixmap::MemoryOptim); } KoPictureEps::~KoPictureEps(void) { } KoPictureBase* KoPictureEps::newCopy(void) const { return new KoPictureEps(*this); } KoPictureType::Type KoPictureEps::getType(void) const { return KoPictureType::TypeEps; } bool KoPictureEps::isNull(void) const { return m_rawData.isNull(); } TQImage KoPictureEps::scaleWithGhostScript(const TQSize& size, const int resolutionx, const int resolutiony ) { if (!m_boundingBox.width() || !m_boundingBox.height()) { kdDebug(30003) << "EPS image has a null size! (in KoPictureEps::scaleWithGhostScript)" << endl; return TQImage(); } // ### TODO: do not call GhostScript up to three times for each re-scaling (one call of GhostScript should be enough to know which device is available: gs --help) // png16m is better, but not always available -> fallback to bmp16m, then fallback to ppm (256 colors) // ### TODO: pcx24b is also a true colour format // ### TODO: support alpha (other gs devices needed) const char* deviceTable[] = { "png16m", "bmp16m", "ppm", 0 }; TQImage img; for ( int i = 0; deviceTable[i]; ++i) { if ( tryScaleWithGhostScript( img, size, resolutionx, resolutiony, deviceTable[i] ) != -1 ) { return img; } } kdError(30003) << "Image from GhostScript cannot be loaded (in KoPictureEps::scaleWithGhostScript)" << endl; return img; } // Helper method for scaleWithGhostScript. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error, -1 if nothing generated // (in which case another 'output device' can be tried) int KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript(TQImage &image, const TQSize& size, const int resolutionx, const int resolutiony, const char* device ) // Based on the code of the file tdelibs/kimgio/eps.cpp { kdDebug(30003) << "Sampling with GhostScript, using device \"" << device << "\" (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl; KTempFile tmpFile; tmpFile.setAutoDelete(true); if ( tmpFile.status() ) { kdError(30003) << "No KTempFile! (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl; return 0; // error } const int wantedWidth = size.width(); const int wantedHeight = size.height(); const double xScale = double(size.width()) / double(m_boundingBox.width()); const double yScale = double(size.height()) / double(m_boundingBox.height()); // create GS command line TQString cmdBuf ( "gs -sOutputFile=" ); cmdBuf += KProcess::quote(tmpFile.name()); cmdBuf += " -q -g"; cmdBuf += TQString::number( wantedWidth ); cmdBuf += "x"; cmdBuf += TQString::number( wantedHeight ); if ( ( resolutionx > 0) && ( resolutiony > 0) ) { #if 0 // Do not play with resolution for now. // It brings more problems at print than solutions cmdBuf += " -r"; cmdBuf += TQString::number( resolutionx ); cmdBuf += "x"; cmdBuf += TQString::number( resolutiony ); #endif } cmdBuf += " -dSAFER -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE="; cmdBuf += device; //cmdBuf += " -c 255 255 255 setrgbcolor fill 0 0 0 setrgbcolor"; cmdBuf += " -"; cmdBuf += " -c showpage quit"; // run ghostview FILE* ghostfd = popen (TQFile::encodeName(cmdBuf), "w"); if ( ghostfd == 0 ) { kdError(30003) << "No connection to GhostScript (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl; return 0; // error } // The translation is needed as GhostScript (7.07) cannot handle negative values in the bounding box otherwise. fprintf (ghostfd, "\n%d %d translate\n", -tqRound(m_boundingBox.left()*xScale), -tqRound(m_boundingBox.top()*yScale)); fprintf (ghostfd, "%g %g scale\n", xScale, yScale); // write image to gs fwrite( m_rawData.data() + m_psStreamStart, sizeof(char), m_psStreamLength, ghostfd); pclose ( ghostfd ); // load image if( !image.load (tmpFile.name()) ) { // It failed - maybe the device isn't supported by gs return -1; } if ( image.size() != size ) // this can happen due to rounding problems { //kdDebug(30003) << "fixing size to " << size.width() << "x" << size.height() // << " (was " << image.width() << "x" << image.height() << ")" << endl; image = image.scale( size ); // hmm, smoothScale instead? } kdDebug(30003) << "Image parameters: " << image.width() << "x" << image.height() << "x" << image.depth() << endl; return 1; // success } void KoPictureEps::scaleAndCreatePixmap(const TQSize& size, bool fastMode, const int resolutionx, const int resolutiony ) { kdDebug(30003) << "KoPictureEps::scaleAndCreatePixmap " << size << " " << (fastMode?TQString("fast"):TQString("slow")) << " resolutionx: " << resolutionx << " resolutiony: " << resolutiony << endl; if ((size==m_cachedSize) && ((fastMode) || (!m_cacheIsInFastMode))) { // The cached pixmap has already the right size // and: // - we are in fast mode (We do not care if the re-size was done slowly previously) // - the re-size was already done in slow mode kdDebug(30003) << "Already cached!" << endl; return; } // Slow mode can be very slow, especially at high zoom levels -> configurable if ( !isSlowResizeModeAllowed() ) { kdDebug(30003) << "User has disallowed slow mode!" << endl; fastMode = true; } // We cannot use fast mode, if nothing was ever cached. if ( fastMode && !m_cachedSize.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(30003) << "Fast scaling!" << endl; // Slower than caching a TQImage, but faster than re-sampling! TQImage image( m_cachedPixmap.convertToImage() ); m_cachedPixmap=image.scale( size ); m_cacheIsInFastMode=true; m_cachedSize=size; } else { TQTime time; time.start(); TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor ); m_cachedPixmap = scaleWithGhostScript( size, resolutionx, resolutiony ); TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); m_cacheIsInFastMode=false; m_cachedSize=size; kdDebug(30003) << "Time: " << (time.elapsed()/1000.0) << " s" << endl; } kdDebug(30003) << "New size: " << size << endl; } void KoPictureEps::draw(TQPainter& painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, bool fastMode) { if ( !width || !height ) return; TQSize screenSize( width, height ); //kdDebug() << "KoPictureEps::draw screenSize=" << screenSize.width() << "x" << screenSize.height() << endl; TQPaintDeviceMetrics metrics (painter.device()); kdDebug(30003) << "Metrics: X: " << metrics.logicalDpiX() << " x Y: " << metrics.logicalDpiX() << " (in KoPictureEps::draw)" << endl; if ( painter.device()->isExtDev() ) // Is it an external device (i.e. printer) { kdDebug(30003) << "Drawing for a printer (in KoPictureEps::draw)" << endl; // For printing, always re-sample the image, as a printer has never the same resolution than a display. TQImage image( scaleWithGhostScript( screenSize, metrics.logicalDpiX(), metrics.logicalDpiY() ) ); // sx,sy,sw,sh is meant to be used as a cliprect on the pixmap, but drawImage // translates it to the (x,y) point -> we need (x+sx, y+sy). painter.drawImage( x + sx, y + sy, image, sx, sy, sw, sh ); } else // No, it is simply a display { scaleAndCreatePixmap(screenSize, fastMode, metrics.logicalDpiX(), metrics.logicalDpiY() ); // sx,sy,sw,sh is meant to be used as a cliprect on the pixmap, but drawPixmap // translates it to the (x,y) point -> we need (x+sx, y+sy). painter.drawPixmap( x + sx, y + sy, m_cachedPixmap, sx, sy, sw, sh ); } } bool KoPictureEps::extractPostScriptStream( void ) { kdDebug(30003) << "KoPictureEps::extractPostScriptStream" << endl; TQDataStream data( m_rawData, IO_ReadOnly ); data.setByteOrder( TQDataStream::LittleEndian ); TQ_UINT32 magic, offset, length; data >> magic; data >> offset; data >> length; if ( !length ) { kdError(30003) << "Length of PS stream is zero!" << endl; return false; } if ( offset+length>m_rawData.size() ) { kdError(30003) << "Data stream of the EPSF file is longer than file: " << offset << "+" << length << ">" << m_rawData.size() << endl; return false; } m_psStreamStart = offset; m_psStreamLength = length; return true; } TQString KoPictureEps::readLine( const TQByteArray& array, const uint start, const uint length, uint& pos, bool& lastCharWasCr ) { TQString strLine; const uint finish = kMin( start + length, (uint)array.size() ); for ( ; pos < finish; ++pos ) // We are starting at pos { const char ch = array[ pos ]; // Read one character if ( ch == '\n' ) { if ( lastCharWasCr ) { // We have a line feed following a Carriage Return // As the Carriage Return has already ended the previous line, // discard this Line Feed. lastCharWasCr = false; } else { // We have a normal Line Feed, therefore we end the line break; } } else if ( ch == '\r' ) { // We have a Carriage Return, therefore we end the line lastCharWasCr = true; break; } else if ( ch == char(12) ) // Form Feed { // ### TODO: can a FF happen in PostScript? // Ignore the form feed continue; } else { strLine += ch; lastCharWasCr = false; } } return strLine; } bool KoPictureEps::loadData(const TQByteArray& array, const TQString& /* extension */ ) { kdDebug(30003) << "KoPictureEps::load" << endl; // First, read the raw data m_rawData=array; if (m_rawData.isNull()) { kdError(30003) << "No data was loaded!" << endl; return false; } if ( ( m_rawData[0]==char(0xc5) ) && ( m_rawData[1]==char(0xd0) ) && ( m_rawData[2]==char(0xd3) ) && ( m_rawData[3]==char(0xc6) ) ) { // We have a so-called "MS-DOS EPS file", we have to extract the PostScript stream if (!extractPostScriptStream()) // Changes m_rawData return false; } else { m_psStreamStart = 0; m_psStreamLength = m_rawData.size(); } TQString lineBox; // Line with the bounding box bool lastWasCr = false; // Was the last character of the line a carriage return? uint pos = m_psStreamStart; // We start to search the bounding box at the start of the PostScript stream TQString line( readLine( m_rawData, m_psStreamStart, m_psStreamLength, pos, lastWasCr ) ); kdDebug(30003) << "Header: " << line << endl; if (!line.startsWith("%!")) { kdError(30003) << "Not a PostScript file!" << endl; return false; } TQRect rect; bool lineIsBoundingBox = false; // Does "line" has a %%BoundingBox line? for(;;) { ++pos; // Get over the previous line end (CR or LF) line = readLine( m_rawData, m_psStreamStart, m_psStreamLength, pos, lastWasCr ); kdDebug(30003) << "Checking line: " << line << endl; // ### TODO: it seems that the bounding box can be delayed with "(atend)" in the trailer (GhostScript 7.07 does not support it either.) if (line.startsWith("%%BoundingBox:")) { lineIsBoundingBox = true; break; } // ### TODO: also abort on %%EndComments // ### TODO: %? , where ? is non-white-space printable, does not end the comment! else if (!line.startsWith("%%")) break; // Not a EPS comment anymore, so abort as we are not in the EPS header anymore } if ( !lineIsBoundingBox ) { kdError(30003) << "KoPictureEps::load: could not find a bounding box!" << endl; return false; } // Floating point values are not allowed in a Bounding Box, but ther are many such files out there... TQRegExp exp("(\\-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)\\s(\\-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)\\s(\\-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)\\s(\\-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)"); if ( exp.search(line) == -1 ) { // ### TODO: it might be an "(atend)" and the bounding box is in the trailer // (but GhostScript 7.07 does not support a bounding box in the trailer.) // Note: in Trailer, it is the last BoundingBox that counts not the first! kdError(30003) << "Not standard bounding box: " << line << endl; return false; } kdDebug(30003) << "Reg. Exp. Found: " << exp.capturedTexts() << endl; rect.setLeft((int)exp.cap(1).toDouble()); rect.setTop((int)exp.cap(2).toDouble()); rect.setRight((int)exp.cap(3).toDouble()); rect.setBottom((int)exp.cap(4).toDouble()); m_boundingBox=rect; m_originalSize=rect.size(); kdDebug(30003) << "Rect: " << rect << " Size: " << m_originalSize << endl; return true; } bool KoPictureEps::save(TQIODevice* io) const { // We save the raw data, to avoid damaging the file by many load/save cycles TQ_ULONG size=io->writeBlock(m_rawData); // WARNING: writeBlock returns TQ_LONG but size() TQ_ULONG! return (size==m_rawData.size()); } TQSize KoPictureEps::getOriginalSize(void) const { return m_originalSize; } TQPixmap KoPictureEps::generatePixmap(const TQSize& size, bool smoothScale) { scaleAndCreatePixmap(size,!smoothScale, 0, 0); return m_cachedPixmap; } TQString KoPictureEps::getMimeType(const TQString&) const { return "image/x-eps"; } TQImage KoPictureEps::generateImage(const TQSize& size) { // 0, 0 == resolution unknown return scaleWithGhostScript(size, 0, 0); } void KoPictureEps::clearCache(void) { m_cachedPixmap.resize(0, 0); m_cacheIsInFastMode=true; m_cachedSize=TQSize(); }