/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Norbert Andres, nandres@web.de This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_util.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "kspread_style.h" using namespace KSpread; static uint calculateValue( TQPen const & pen ) { uint n = pen.color().red() + pen.color().green() + pen.color().blue(); n += 1000 * pen.width(); n += 10000 * (uint) pen.style(); return n; } Style::Style() : m_parent( 0 ), m_type( AUTO ), m_usageCount( 1 ), m_featuresSet( 0 ), m_alignX( Format::Undefined ), m_alignY( Format::Middle ), m_floatFormat( Format::OnlyNegSigned ), m_floatColor( Format::AllBlack ), m_formatType( Generic_format ), m_fontFlags( 0 ), m_bgColor( TQt::white ), m_backGroundBrush( TQt::red, TQt::NoBrush ), m_rotateAngle( 0 ), m_indent( 0.0 ), m_precision( -1 ), m_properties( 0 ) { TQFont f( KoGlobal::defaultFont() ); m_fontFamily = f.family(); m_fontSize = f.pointSize(); TQPen pen( TQt::black, 1, TQt::NoPen ); m_textPen = pen; m_leftBorderPen = pen; m_topBorderPen = pen; m_rightBorderPen = pen; m_bottomBorderPen = pen; m_fallDiagonalPen = pen; m_goUpDiagonalPen = pen; m_leftPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_topPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_rightPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_bottomPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_currency.type = 0; } Style::Style( Style * style ) : m_parent( ( style->m_type == BUILTIN || style->m_type == CUSTOM ) ? (CustomStyle *) style : 0 ), m_type( AUTO ), m_usageCount( 1 ), m_featuresSet( ( style->m_type == BUILTIN || style->m_type == CUSTOM ) ? 0 : style->m_featuresSet ), m_alignX( style->m_alignX ), m_alignY( style->m_alignY ), m_floatFormat( style->m_floatFormat ), m_floatColor( style->m_floatColor ), m_formatType( style->m_formatType ), m_fontFamily( style->m_fontFamily ), m_fontFlags( style->m_fontFlags ), m_fontSize( style->m_fontSize ), m_textPen( style->m_textPen ), m_bgColor( style->m_bgColor ), m_rightBorderPen( style->m_rightBorderPen ), m_bottomBorderPen( style->m_bottomBorderPen ), m_leftBorderPen( style->m_leftBorderPen ), m_topBorderPen( style->m_topBorderPen ), m_fallDiagonalPen( style->m_fallDiagonalPen ), m_goUpDiagonalPen( style->m_goUpDiagonalPen ), m_backGroundBrush( style->m_backGroundBrush ), m_rotateAngle( style->m_rotateAngle ), m_indent( style->m_indent ), m_strFormat( style->m_strFormat ), m_precision( style->m_precision ), m_prefix( style->m_prefix ), m_postfix( style->m_postfix ), m_currency( style->m_currency ), m_properties( style->m_properties ) { } Style::~Style() { } bool Style::operator == (const Style& style) const { //This is prone to error because if someone adds additional //properties to the style class they will have to remember //to correct this function - can we do this a better way? if ( m_featuresSet != style.m_featuresSet ) return false; if ( m_type != style.m_type ) return false; // NOTE Stefan: Only compare the values of the set features. if ( // tqlayout (4) ( m_featuresSet & SAlignX ) && ( m_alignX != style.m_alignX ) || ( m_featuresSet & SAlignY ) && ( m_alignY != style.m_alignY ) || ( m_featuresSet & SAngle ) && ( m_rotateAngle != style.m_rotateAngle ) || ( m_featuresSet & SIndent ) && ( m_indent != style.m_indent ) || // background (2) ( m_featuresSet & SBackgroundColor ) && ( m_bgColor != style.m_bgColor ) || ( m_featuresSet & SBackgroundBrush ) && ( m_backGroundBrush != style.m_backGroundBrush ) || // borders (6) ( m_featuresSet & SRightBorder ) && ( m_rightBorderPen != style.m_rightBorderPen ) || ( m_featuresSet & SBottomBorder ) && ( m_bottomBorderPen != style.m_bottomBorderPen ) || ( m_featuresSet & SLeftBorder ) && ( m_leftBorderPen != style.m_leftBorderPen ) || ( m_featuresSet & STopBorder ) && ( m_topBorderPen != style.m_topBorderPen ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFallDiagonal ) && ( m_fallDiagonalPen != style.m_fallDiagonalPen ) || ( m_featuresSet & SGoUpDiagonal ) && ( m_goUpDiagonalPen != style.m_goUpDiagonalPen ) || // format (7) (SFormatType twice) ( m_featuresSet & SPrecision ) && ( m_precision != style.m_precision ) || ( m_featuresSet & SPrefix ) && ( m_prefix != style.m_prefix ) || ( m_featuresSet & SPostfix ) && ( m_postfix != style.m_postfix ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFloatFormat ) && ( m_floatFormat != style.m_floatFormat ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFloatColor ) && ( m_floatColor != style.m_floatColor ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFormatType ) && ( m_formatType != style.m_formatType ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFormatType ) && ( m_currency.type != style.m_currency.type ) || ( m_featuresSet & SCustomFormat ) && ( m_strFormat != style.m_strFormat ) || // font (4) ( m_featuresSet & SFontFamily ) && ( m_fontFamily != style.m_fontFamily ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFontFlag ) && ( m_fontFlags != style.m_fontFlags ) || ( m_featuresSet & SFontSize ) && ( m_fontSize != style.m_fontSize ) || ( m_featuresSet & STextPen ) && ( m_textPen != style.m_textPen ) ) { return false; } // Properties (7) const uint differingProperties = m_properties xor style.m_properties; if ( ( m_featuresSet & SDontPrintText ) && ( differingProperties & PDontPrintText ) || ( m_featuresSet & SCustomFormat ) && ( differingProperties & PCustomFormat ) || ( m_featuresSet & SNotProtected ) && ( differingProperties & PNotProtected ) || ( m_featuresSet & SHideAll ) && ( differingProperties & PHideAll ) || ( m_featuresSet & SHideFormula ) && ( differingProperties & PHideFormula ) || ( m_featuresSet & SMultiRow ) && ( differingProperties & PMultiRow ) || ( m_featuresSet & SVerticalText ) && ( differingProperties & PVerticalText ) ) { return false; } return true; } void Style::loadOasisStyle( KoOasisStyles& oasisStyles, const TQDomElement & element ) { // NOTE Stefan: Don't fill the style stack with the parent styles! KoStyleStack styleStack; styleStack.push( element ); styleStack.setTypeProperties( "table-cell" ); loadOasisTableCellProperties( oasisStyles, styleStack ); styleStack.setTypeProperties( "text" ); loadOasisTextProperties( oasisStyles, styleStack ); styleStack.setTypeProperties( "paragraph" ); loadOasisParagraphProperties( oasisStyles, styleStack ); loadOasisDataStyle( oasisStyles, element ); } void Style::loadOasisDataStyle( KoOasisStyles& oasisStyles, const TQDomElement& element ) { TQString str; if ( element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "data-style-name" ) ) { // kdDebug()<<"element.attribute( style:data-style-name ) :"< -1) { m_precision = dataStyle.precision; m_featuresSet |= SPrecision; } } } } void Style::loadOasisParagraphProperties( KoOasisStyles& oasisStyles, const KoStyleStack& styleStack ) { Q_UNUSED( oasisStyles ); kdDebug() << "\t paragraph-properties" << endl; if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "text-align" ) ) { TQString str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "text-align" ); if ( str == "center" ) m_alignX = Format::Center; else if ( str == "end" ) m_alignX = Format::Right; else if ( str == "start" ) m_alignX = Format::Left; else m_alignX = Format::Undefined; m_featuresSet |= SAlignX; kdDebug() << "\t\t text-align: " << str << endl; } } void Style::loadOasisTableCellProperties( KoOasisStyles& oasisStyles, const KoStyleStack& styleStack ) { TQString str; if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "vertical-align" ) ) { m_alignY = Format::UndefinedY; str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "vertical-align" ); if ( str == "bottom" ) m_alignY = Format::Bottom; else if ( str =="top" ) m_alignY = Format::Top; else if ( str =="middle" ) m_alignY = Format::Middle; if (m_alignY != Format::UndefinedY) // file's property is invalid m_featuresSet |= SAlignY; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "background-color" ) ) { m_bgColor = TQColor( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "background-color" ) ); if ( m_bgColor.isValid() && m_bgColor != TQt::white ) m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundColor; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "wrap-option" )&&( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "wrap-option" )=="wrap" ) ) { setProperty( PMultiRow ); m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "cell-protect" ) ) { str = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "cell-protect" ); if ( str=="hidden-and-protected" ) { setProperty( PHideAll ); m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; } else if ( str == "protected formula-hidden" ) { setProperty( PHideFormula ); m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; } else if ( str == "protected" ) { setProperty( PNotProtected ); m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; } else if ( str =="formula-hidden" ) { //FIXME !!!! #if 0 setNotProtected( true ); setHideFormula( true ); setHideAll( false ); #endif } } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "print-content" ) && ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "print-content" )=="false" ) ) { setProperty( PDontPrintText ); m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "direction" ) && ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "direction" )=="ttb" ) ) { setProperty( PVerticalText ); m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "rotation-angle" ) ) { bool ok; int a = styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "rotation-angle" ).toInt( &ok ); kdDebug()<<" rotation-angle :"<dateFormatShort() ); const TQString dateFormat = convertDateFormat( KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat() ); if ( _format == "dd-MMM-yy" ) return date_format1; else if ( _format == "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) return date_format2; else if ( _format == "d-MM" ) return date_format3; else if ( _format == "dd-MM" ) //TODO ??????? return date_format4; else if ( _format == "dd/MM/yy" ) return date_format5; else if ( _format == "dd/MM/yyyy" ) return date_format6; else if ( _format == "MMM-yy" ) return date_format7; else if ( _format == "MMMM-yyyy" ) return date_format9; else if ( _format == "MMMMM-yy" ) return date_format10; else if ( _format == "dd/MMM" ) return date_format11; else if ( _format == "dd/MM" ) return date_format12; else if ( _format == "dd/MMM/yyyy" ) return date_format13; else if ( _format == "yyyy/MMM/dd" ) return date_format14; else if ( _format == "yyyy-MMM-dd" ) return date_format15; else if ( _format == "yyyy/MM/dd" ) return date_format16; else if ( _format == "d MMMM yyyy" ) return date_format17; else if ( _format == "MM/dd/yyyy" ) return date_format18; else if ( _format == "MM/dd/yy" ) return date_format19; else if ( _format == "MMM/dd/yy" ) return date_format20; else if ( _format == "MMM/dd/yyyy" ) return date_format21; else if ( _format == "MMM-yyyy" ) return date_format22; else if ( _format == "yyyy" ) return date_format23; else if ( _format == "yy" ) return date_format24; else if ( _format == "yyyy/MM/dd" ) return date_format25; else if ( _format == "yyyy/MMM/dd" ) return date_format26; else if ( _format == dateFormatShort ) return ShortDate_format; else if ( _format == dateFormat ) return TextDate_format; else return ShortDate_format; } FormatType Style::timeType( const TQString &_format ) { if ( _format == "h:mm AP" ) return Time_format1; else if ( _format == "h:mm:ss AP" ) return Time_format2; else if ( _format == "hh \\h mm \\m\\i\\n ss \\s" ) return Time_format3; else if ( _format == "hh:mm" ) return Time_format4; else if ( _format == "hh:mm:ss" ) return Time_format5; else if ( _format == "m:ss" ) return Time_format6; else if ( _format == "h:mm:ss" ) return Time_format7; else if ( _format == "h:mm" ) return Time_format8; else return Time_format; } FormatType Style::fractionType( const TQString &_format ) { if ( _format == "# ?/2" ) return fraction_half; else if ( _format =="# ?/4" ) return fraction_quarter; else if ( _format == "# ?/8" ) return fraction_eighth; else if ( _format == "# ?/16" ) return fraction_sixteenth; else if ( _format == "# ?/10" ) return fraction_tenth; else if ( _format == "# ?/100" ) return fraction_hundredth; else if ( _format == "# ?/?" ) return fraction_one_digit; else if ( _format == "# \?\?/\?\?" ) return fraction_two_digits; else if ( _format == "# \?\?\?/\?\?\?" ) return fraction_three_digits; else return fraction_half; } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumeric( KoGenStyle &style, KoGenStyles &mainStyles, FormatType _style, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_postfix, int _precision, const TQString& symbol ) { // kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; TQString styleName; TQString valueType; switch( _style ) { case Number_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericNumber( mainStyles, _style, _precision, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "float"; break; case Text_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericText( mainStyles, _style, _precision, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "string"; break; case Money_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericMoney( mainStyles, _style,symbol, _precision, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "currency"; break; case Percentage_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericPercentage( mainStyles, _style, _precision, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "percentage"; break; case Scientific_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericScientific( mainStyles, _style, _prefix, _postfix, _precision ); valueType = "float"; break; case ShortDate_format: case TextDate_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericDate( mainStyles, _style, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "date"; break; case Time_format: case SecondeTime_format: case Time_format1: case Time_format2: case Time_format3: case Time_format4: case Time_format5: case Time_format6: case Time_format7: case Time_format8: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericTime( mainStyles, _style, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "time"; break; case fraction_half: case fraction_quarter: case fraction_eighth: case fraction_sixteenth: case fraction_tenth: case fraction_hundredth: case fraction_one_digit: case fraction_two_digits: case fraction_three_digits: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericFraction( mainStyles,_style, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "float"; break; case date_format1: case date_format2: case date_format3: case date_format4: case date_format5: case date_format6: case date_format7: case date_format8: case date_format9: case date_format10: case date_format11: case date_format12: case date_format13: case date_format14: case date_format15: case date_format16: case date_format17: case date_format18: case date_format19: case date_format20: case date_format21: case date_format22: case date_format23: case date_format24: case date_format25: case date_format26: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericDate( mainStyles, _style, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "date"; break; case Custom_format: styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericCustom( mainStyles, _style, _prefix, _postfix ); break; case Generic_format: case No_format: if (_precision > -1 || !_prefix.isEmpty() || !_postfix.isEmpty()) { styleName = saveOasisStyleNumericNumber( mainStyles, _style, _precision, _prefix, _postfix ); valueType = "float"; } break; } if ( !styleName.isEmpty() ) { style.addAttribute( "style:data-style-name", styleName ); } return styleName; } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericNumber( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, FormatType /*_style*/, int _precision, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_suffix ) { TQString format; if ( _precision == -1 ) format="0"; else { TQString tmp; for ( int i = 0; i <_precision; i++ ) { tmp+="0"; } format = "0."+tmp; } return KoOasisStyles::saveOasisNumberStyle( mainStyles, format, _prefix, _suffix ); } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericText( KoGenStyles& /*mainStyles*/, FormatType /*_style*/, int /*_precision*/, const TQString &/*_prefix*/, const TQString &/*_suffix*/ ) { return ""; } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericMoney( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, FormatType /*_style*/, const TQString& symbol, int _precision, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_suffix ) { TQString format; if ( _precision == -1 ) format="0"; else { TQString tmp; for ( int i = 0; i <_precision; i++ ) { tmp+="0"; } format = "0."+tmp; } return KoOasisStyles::saveOasisCurrencyStyle( mainStyles, format, symbol, _prefix, _suffix ); } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericPercentage( KoGenStyles&mainStyles, FormatType /*_style*/, int _precision, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_suffix ) { // // //% // //TODO add decimal etc. TQString format; if ( _precision == -1 ) format="0"; else { TQString tmp; for ( int i = 0; i <_precision; i++ ) { tmp+="0"; } format = "0."+tmp; } return KoOasisStyles::saveOasisPercentageStyle( mainStyles, format, _prefix, _suffix ); } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericScientific( KoGenStyles&mainStyles, FormatType /*_style*/, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString _suffix, int _precision ) { // // // TQString format; if ( _precision == -1 ) format="0E+00"; else { TQString tmp; for ( int i = 0; i <_precision; i++ ) { tmp+="0"; } format = "0."+tmp+"E+00"; } return KoOasisStyles::saveOasisScientificStyle( mainStyles, format, _prefix, _suffix ); } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericDate( KoGenStyles&mainStyles, FormatType _style, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_suffix ) { TQString format; bool locale = false; switch( _style ) { //TODO fixme use locale of kspread and not kglobal case ShortDate_format: format = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormatShort(); locale = true; break; case TextDate_format: format = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat(); locale = true; break; case date_format1: format = "dd-MMM-yy"; break; case date_format2: format = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; break; case date_format3: format = "dd-M"; break; case date_format4: format = "dd-MM"; break; case date_format5: format = "dd/MM/yy"; break; case date_format6: format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; break; case date_format7: format = "MMM-yy"; break; case date_format8: format = "MMMM-yy"; break; case date_format9: format = "MMMM-yyyy"; break; case date_format10: format = "MMMMM-yy"; break; case date_format11: format = "dd/MMM"; break; case date_format12: format = "dd/MM"; break; case date_format13: format = "dd/MMM/yyyy"; break; case date_format14: format = "yyyy/MMM/dd"; break; case date_format15: format = "yyyy-MMM-dd"; break; case date_format16: format = "yyyy/MM/dd"; break; case date_format17: format = "d MMMM yyyy"; break; case date_format18: format = "MM/dd/yyyy"; break; case date_format19: format = "MM/dd/yy"; break; case date_format20: format = "MMM/dd/yy"; break; case date_format21: format = "MMM/dd/yyyy"; break; case date_format22: format = "MMM-yyyy"; break; case date_format23: format = "yyyy"; break; case date_format24: format = "yy"; break; case date_format25: format = "yyyy/MM/dd"; break; case date_format26: format = "yyyy/MMM/dd"; break; default: kdDebug()<<"this date format is not defined ! :"<<_style< // /// // /// // // // //: // // // // return ""; } TQString Style::saveOasisStyleNumericTime( KoGenStyles& mainStyles, FormatType _style, const TQString &_prefix, const TQString &_suffix ) { // // //: // // // // TQString format; bool locale = false; //TODO use format switch( _style ) { case Time_format: //TODO FIXME format = "hh:mm:ss"; break; case SecondeTime_format: //TODO FIXME format = "hh:mm"; break; case Time_format1: format = "h:mm AP"; break; case Time_format2: format = "h:mm:ss AP"; break; case Time_format3: // 9 h 01 min 28 s format = "hh \\h mm \\m\\i\\n ss \\s"; break; case Time_format4: format = "hh:mm"; break; case Time_format5: format = "hh:mm:ss"; break; case Time_format6: format = "m:ss"; break; case Time_format7: format = "h:mm:ss"; break; case Time_format8: format = "h:mm"; break; default: kdDebug()<<"time format not defined :"<<_style< // // TQString format; switch( _style ) { case fraction_half: format = "# ?/2"; break; case fraction_quarter: format = "# ?/4"; break; case fraction_eighth: format = "# ?/8"; break; case fraction_sixteenth: format = "# ?/16"; break; case fraction_tenth: format = "# ?/10"; break; case fraction_hundredth: format = "# ?/100"; break; case fraction_one_digit: format = "# ?/?"; break; case fraction_two_digits: format = "# \?\?/\?\?"; break; case fraction_three_digits: format = "# \?\?\?/\?\?\?"; break; default: kdDebug()<<" fraction format not defined :"<<_style<type() != BUILTIN || m_parent->name() != "Default") ) // FIXME this is not the OASIS parent style's name. it's its display name! style.addAttribute( "style:parent-style-name", m_parent->name() ); if ( featureSet( SAlignX ) && alignX() != Format::Undefined ) { TQString value; switch( alignX() ) { case Format::Center: value = "center"; break; case Format::Right: value = "end"; break; case Format::Left: value = "start"; break; case Format::Undefined: break; } if ( !value.isEmpty() ) { style.addProperty( "style:text-align-source", "fix" ); // table-cell-properties style.addProperty( "fo:text-align", value, KoGenStyle::ParagraphType ); } } if ( featureSet( SAlignY ) ) { TQString value; switch( alignY() ) { case Format::Top: value = "top"; break; case Format::Middle: value = "middle"; break; case Format::Bottom: value = "bottom"; break; case Format::UndefinedY: default: break; } if (!value.isEmpty()) // sanity style.addProperty( "style:vertical-align", value ); } if ( featureSet( SBackgroundColor ) && m_bgColor != TQColor() && m_bgColor.isValid() ) style.addProperty( "fo:background-color", colorName(m_bgColor) ); if ( featureSet( SMultiRow ) && hasProperty( PMultiRow ) ) style.addProperty( "fo:wrap-option", "wrap" ); if ( featureSet( SVerticalText ) && hasProperty( PVerticalText ) ) { style.addProperty( "style:direction", "ttb" ); style.addProperty( "style:rotation-angle", "0" ); style.addProperty( "style:rotation-align", "none" ); } #if 0 if ( featureSet( SFloatFormat ) ) format.setAttribute( "float", (int) m_floatFormat ); if ( featureSet( SFloatColor ) ) format.setAttribute( "floatcolor", (int)m_floatColor ); if ( featureSet( SCustomFormat ) && !strFormat().isEmpty() ) format.setAttribute( "custom", m_strFormat ); if ( featureSet( SFormatType ) && formatType() == Format::Money ) { format.setAttribute( "type", (int) m_currency.type ); format.setAttribute( "symbol", m_currency.symbol ); } #endif if ( featureSet( SAngle ) && m_rotateAngle != 0 ) { style.addProperty( "style:rotation-align", "none" ); style.addProperty( "style:rotation-angle", TQString::number( -1.0 *m_rotateAngle ) ); } if ( featureSet( SIndent ) && m_indent != 0.0 ) { style.addPropertyPt("fo:margin-left", m_indent, KoGenStyle::ParagraphType ); //FIXME //if ( a == Format::Undefined ) //currentCellStyle.addProperty("fo:text-align", "start" ); } if ( featureSet( SDontPrintText ) && hasProperty( PDontPrintText ) ) style.addProperty( "style:print-content", "false"); // protection bool hideAll = false; bool hideFormula = false; bool isNotProtected = false; if ( featureSet( SNotProtected ) && hasProperty( PNotProtected ) ) isNotProtected = true; if ( featureSet( SHideAll ) && hasProperty( PHideAll ) ) hideAll=true; if ( featureSet( SHideFormula ) && hasProperty( PHideFormula ) ) hideFormula = true; if ( hideAll ) style.addProperty( "style:cell-protect", "hidden-and-protected" ); else { if ( isNotProtected && !hideFormula ) style.addProperty( "style:cell-protect", "none" ); else if ( isNotProtected && hideFormula ) style.addProperty( "style:cell-protect", "formula-hidden" ); else if ( hideFormula ) style.addProperty( "style:cell-protect", "protected formula-hidden" ); else if ( featureSet( SNotProtected ) && !hasProperty( PNotProtected ) ) // write out, only if it is explicity set style.addProperty( "style:cell-protect", "protected" ); } // borders // NOTE Stefan: TQPen api docs: // For horizontal and vertical lines a line width of 0 is // the same as a line width of 1. // A line width of 0 will produce a 1 pixel wide line using // a fast algorithm for diagonals. A line width of 1 will // also produce a 1 pixel wide line, but uses a slower more // accurate algorithm for diagonals. if ( featureSet( SLeftBorder ) && featureSet( SRightBorder ) && featureSet( STopBorder ) && featureSet( SBottomBorder ) && ( m_leftBorderPen == m_topBorderPen ) && ( m_leftBorderPen == m_rightBorderPen ) && ( m_leftBorderPen == m_bottomBorderPen ) ) { if ( m_leftBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style.addProperty("fo:border", convertOasisPenToString( m_leftBorderPen ) ); } else { if ( featureSet( SLeftBorder ) && ( m_leftBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) style.addProperty( "fo:border-left", convertOasisPenToString( m_leftBorderPen ) ); if ( featureSet( SRightBorder ) && ( m_rightBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) style.addProperty( "fo:border-right", convertOasisPenToString( m_rightBorderPen ) ); if ( featureSet( STopBorder ) && ( m_topBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) style.addProperty( "fo:border-top", convertOasisPenToString( m_topBorderPen ) ); if ( featureSet( SBottomBorder ) && ( m_bottomBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) style.addProperty( "fo:border-bottom", convertOasisPenToString( m_bottomBorderPen ) ); } if ( featureSet( SFallDiagonal ) && ( m_fallDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) { style.addProperty("style:diagonal-tl-br", convertOasisPenToString( m_fallDiagonalPen ) ); } if ( featureSet( SGoUpDiagonal ) && ( m_goUpDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) ) { style.addProperty("style:diagonal-bl-tr", convertOasisPenToString(m_goUpDiagonalPen ) ); } // font if ( featureSet( SFontFamily ) ) // !m_fontFamily.isEmpty() == true { style.addProperty("fo:font-family", m_fontFamily, KoGenStyle::TextType ); } if ( featureSet( SFontSize ) ) // m_fontSize != 0 { style.addPropertyPt("fo:font-size",m_fontSize, KoGenStyle::TextType ); } if ( featureSet( SFontFlag ) && m_fontFlags & (uint) FBold ) style.addProperty("fo:font-weight","bold", KoGenStyle::TextType ); if ( featureSet( SFontFlag ) && m_fontFlags & (uint) FItalic ) style.addProperty("fo:font-style", "italic", KoGenStyle::TextType ); if ( featureSet( SFontFlag ) && m_fontFlags & (uint) FUnderline ) { //style:text-underline-style="solid" style:text-underline-width="auto" style.addProperty( "style:text-underline-style", "solid", KoGenStyle::TextType ); //copy from oo-129 style.addProperty( "style:text-underline-width", "auto", KoGenStyle::TextType ); style.addProperty( "style:text-underline-color", "font-color", KoGenStyle::TextType ); } if ( featureSet( SFontFlag ) && m_fontFlags & (uint) FStrike ) style.addProperty( "style:text-line-through-style", "solid", KoGenStyle::TextType ); if ( featureSet( STextPen ) && m_textPen.color().isValid() ) // always save; default: m_textPen.style() == TQt::NoPen { style.addProperty("fo:color", colorName(m_textPen.color()), KoGenStyle::TextType ); } //I don't think there is a reason why the background brush should be saved if it is null, //but remove the check if it causes problems. -- Robert Knight if ( featureSet( SBackgroundBrush ) && (m_backGroundBrush.style() != TQt::NoBrush) ) { TQString tmp = saveOasisBackgroundStyle( mainStyles, m_backGroundBrush ); if ( !tmp.isEmpty() ) style.addProperty("draw:style-name", tmp ); } TQString _prefix; TQString _postfix; int _precision = -1; if ( featureSet( SPrefix ) && !prefix().isEmpty() ) _prefix = m_prefix; if ( featureSet( SPostfix ) && !postfix().isEmpty() ) _postfix = m_postfix; if ( featureSet( SPrecision ) && m_precision != -1 ) _precision = m_precision; TQString symbol; if ( featureSet( SFormatType ) && m_formatType == Money_format ) { symbol = Currency::getCurrencyCode(m_currency.type); } TQString numericStyle = saveOasisStyleNumeric( style, mainStyles, m_formatType, _prefix, _postfix, _precision, symbol ); if ( !numericStyle.isEmpty() ) style.addAttribute( "style:data-style-name", numericStyle ); } TQString Style::saveOasisBackgroundStyle( KoGenStyles &mainStyles, const TQBrush &brush ) { KoGenStyle styleobjectauto = KoGenStyle( KoGenStyle::STYLE_GRAPHICAUTO, "graphic" ); KoOasisStyles::saveOasisFillStyle( styleobjectauto, mainStyles, brush ); return mainStyles.lookup( styleobjectauto, "gr" ); } void Style::saveXML( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & format ) const { if ( featureSet( SAlignX ) && alignX() != Format::Undefined ) format.setAttribute( "alignX", (int) m_alignX ); if ( featureSet( SAlignY ) && alignY() != Format::Middle ) format.setAttribute( "alignY", (int) m_alignY ); if ( featureSet( SBackgroundColor ) && m_bgColor != TQColor() && m_bgColor.isValid() ) format.setAttribute( "bgcolor", m_bgColor.name() ); if ( featureSet( SMultiRow ) && hasProperty( PMultiRow ) ) format.setAttribute( "multirow", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SVerticalText ) && hasProperty( PVerticalText ) ) format.setAttribute( "verticaltext", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SPrecision ) ) format.setAttribute( "precision", m_precision ); if ( featureSet( SPrefix ) && !prefix().isEmpty() ) format.setAttribute( "prefix", m_prefix ); if ( featureSet( SPostfix ) && !postfix().isEmpty() ) format.setAttribute( "postfix", m_postfix ); if ( featureSet( SFloatFormat ) ) format.setAttribute( "float", (int) m_floatFormat ); if ( featureSet( SFloatColor ) ) format.setAttribute( "floatcolor", (int)m_floatColor ); if ( featureSet( SFormatType ) ) format.setAttribute( "format",(int) m_formatType ); if ( featureSet( SCustomFormat ) && !strFormat().isEmpty() ) format.setAttribute( "custom", m_strFormat ); if ( featureSet( SFormatType ) && formatType() == Money_format ) { format.setAttribute( "type", (int) m_currency.type ); format.setAttribute( "symbol", m_currency.symbol ); } if ( featureSet( SAngle ) ) format.setAttribute( "angle", m_rotateAngle ); if ( featureSet( SIndent ) ) format.setAttribute( "indent", m_indent ); if ( featureSet( SDontPrintText ) && hasProperty( PDontPrintText ) ) format.setAttribute( "dontprinttext", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SNotProtected ) && hasProperty( PNotProtected ) ) format.setAttribute( "noprotection", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SHideAll ) && hasProperty( PHideAll ) ) format.setAttribute( "hideall", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SHideFormula ) && hasProperty( PHideFormula ) ) format.setAttribute( "hideformula", "yes" ); if ( featureSet( SFontFamily ) ) format.setAttribute( "font-family", m_fontFamily ); if ( featureSet( SFontSize ) ) format.setAttribute( "font-size", m_fontSize ); if ( featureSet( SFontFlag ) ) format.setAttribute( "font-flags", m_fontFlags ); // if ( featureSet( SFont ) ) // format.appendChild( util_createElement( "font", m_textFont, doc ) ); if ( featureSet( STextPen ) && m_textPen.color().isValid() ) format.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_textPen, doc ) ); if ( featureSet( SBackgroundBrush ) ) { format.setAttribute( "brushcolor", m_backGroundBrush.color().name() ); format.setAttribute( "brushstyle", (int) m_backGroundBrush.style() ); } if ( featureSet( SLeftBorder ) ) { TQDomElement left = doc.createElement( "left-border" ); left.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_leftBorderPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( left ); } if ( featureSet( STopBorder ) ) { TQDomElement top = doc.createElement( "top-border" ); top.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_topBorderPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( top ); } if ( featureSet( SRightBorder ) ) { TQDomElement right = doc.createElement( "right-border" ); right.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_rightBorderPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( right ); } if ( featureSet( SBottomBorder ) ) { TQDomElement bottom = doc.createElement( "bottom-border" ); bottom.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_bottomBorderPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( bottom ); } if ( featureSet( SFallDiagonal ) ) { TQDomElement fallDiagonal = doc.createElement( "fall-diagonal" ); fallDiagonal.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_fallDiagonalPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( fallDiagonal ); } if ( featureSet( SGoUpDiagonal ) ) { TQDomElement goUpDiagonal = doc.createElement( "up-diagonal" ); goUpDiagonal.appendChild( util_createElement( "pen", m_goUpDiagonalPen, doc ) ); format.appendChild( goUpDiagonal ); } } bool Style::loadXML( TQDomElement & format ) { bool ok; if ( format.hasAttribute( "type" ) ) { m_type = (StyleType) format.attribute( "type" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "alignX" ) ) { Format::Align a = (Format::Align) format.attribute( "alignX" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; if ( (unsigned int) a >= 1 || (unsigned int) a <= 4 ) { m_alignX = a; m_featuresSet |= SAlignX; } } if ( format.hasAttribute( "alignY" ) ) { Format::AlignY a = (Format::AlignY) format.attribute( "alignY" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; if ( (unsigned int) a >= 1 || (unsigned int) a < 4 ) { m_alignY = a; m_featuresSet |= SAlignY; } } if ( format.hasAttribute( "bgcolor" ) ) { m_bgColor = TQColor( format.attribute( "bgcolor" ) ); // FIXME: Is white always correct here? if ( m_bgColor != TQt::white ) m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundColor; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "multirow" ) ) { setProperty( PMultiRow ); m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "verticaltext" ) ) { setProperty( PVerticalText ); m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "precision" ) ) { int i = format.attribute( "precision" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( i < -1 ) { kdDebug(36001) << "Value out of range Cell::precision=" << i << endl; return false; } m_precision = i; m_featuresSet |= SPrecision; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "float" ) ) { Format::FloatFormat a = (Format::FloatFormat)format.attribute( "float" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; if ( (unsigned int) a >= 1 || (unsigned int) a <= 3 ) { m_floatFormat = a; m_featuresSet |= SFloatFormat; } } if ( format.hasAttribute( "floatcolor" ) ) { Format::FloatColor a = (Format::FloatColor) format.attribute( "floatcolor" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; if ( (unsigned int) a >= 1 || (unsigned int) a <= 2 ) { m_floatColor = a; m_featuresSet |= SFloatColor; } } if ( format.hasAttribute( "format" ) ) { int fo = format.attribute( "format" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( ! ok ) return false; m_formatType = ( FormatType ) fo; m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "custom" ) ) { m_strFormat = format.attribute( "custom" ); m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; } if ( m_formatType == Money_format ) { if ( format.hasAttribute( "type" ) ) { m_currency.type = format.attribute( "type" ).toInt( &ok ); if (!ok) m_currency.type = 1; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "symbol" ) ) { m_currency.symbol = format.attribute( "symbol" ); } m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "angle" ) ) { m_rotateAngle = format.attribute( "angle" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; m_featuresSet |= SAngle; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "indent" ) ) { m_indent = format.attribute( "indent" ).toDouble( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; m_featuresSet |= SIndent; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "dontprinttext" ) ) { setProperty( PDontPrintText ); m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "noprotection" ) ) { setProperty( PNotProtected ); m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "hideall" ) ) { setProperty( PHideAll ); m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "hideformula" ) ) { setProperty( PHideFormula ); m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; } // TODO: remove that... TQDomElement font = format.namedItem( "font" ).toElement(); if ( !font.isNull() ) { TQFont f( util_toFont( font ) ); m_fontFamily = f.family(); m_fontSize = f.pointSize(); if ( f.italic() ) m_fontFlags |= FItalic; if ( f.bold() ) m_fontFlags |= FBold; if ( f.underline() ) m_fontFlags |= FUnderline; if ( f.strikeOut() ) m_fontFlags |= FStrike; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "font-family" ) ) { m_fontFamily = format.attribute( "font-family" ); m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "font-size" ) ) { m_fontSize = format.attribute( "font-size" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "font-flags" ) ) { m_fontFlags = format.attribute( "font-flags" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "brushcolor" ) ) { m_backGroundBrush.setColor( TQColor( format.attribute( "brushcolor" ) ) ); // It is not necessary to set this feature just because the color changes. // FIXME: Or is it? //m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundBrush; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "brushstyle" ) ) { m_backGroundBrush.setStyle( (Qt::BrushStyle) format.attribute( "brushstyle" ).toInt( &ok ) ); if ( !ok ) return false; if ( m_backGroundBrush.style() != TQt::NoBrush ) m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundBrush; } TQDomElement pen = format.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_textPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_textPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= STextPen; } TQDomElement left = format.namedItem( "left-border" ).toElement(); if ( !left.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = left.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_leftBorderPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_leftBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SLeftBorder; } } TQDomElement top = format.namedItem( "top-border" ).toElement(); if ( !top.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = top.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_topBorderPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_topBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= STopBorder; } } TQDomElement right = format.namedItem( "right-border" ).toElement(); if ( !right.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = right.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_rightBorderPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_rightBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SRightBorder; } } TQDomElement bottom = format.namedItem( "bottom-border" ).toElement(); if ( !bottom.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = bottom.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_bottomBorderPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_bottomBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SBottomBorder; } } TQDomElement fallDiagonal = format.namedItem( "fall-diagonal" ).toElement(); if ( !fallDiagonal.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = fallDiagonal.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_fallDiagonalPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_fallDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SFallDiagonal; } } TQDomElement goUpDiagonal = format.namedItem( "up-diagonal" ).toElement(); if ( !goUpDiagonal.isNull() ) { TQDomElement pen = goUpDiagonal.namedItem( "pen" ).toElement(); if ( !pen.isNull() ) { m_goUpDiagonalPen = util_toPen( pen ); if ( m_goUpDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SGoUpDiagonal; } } if ( format.hasAttribute( "prefix" ) ) { m_prefix = format.attribute( "prefix" ); m_featuresSet |= SPrefix; } if ( format.hasAttribute( "postfix" ) ) { m_postfix = format.attribute( "postfix" ); m_featuresSet |= SPostfix; } return true; } void Style::setParent( CustomStyle * parent ) { m_parent = parent; if ( m_parent ) m_parentName = m_parent->name(); } CustomStyle * Style::parent() const { return m_parent; } bool Style::release() { --m_usageCount; if ( m_type == CUSTOM || m_type == BUILTIN ) return false; // never delete builtin styles... if ( m_usageCount < 1 ) return true; return false; } void Style::addRef() { ++m_usageCount; } bool Style::hasProperty( Properties p ) const { FlagsSet f; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: f = SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: f = SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: f = SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: f = SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: f = SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: f = SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: f = SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; return ( m_properties & (uint) p ); } return ( !m_parent || featureSet( f ) ? ( m_properties & (uint) p ) : m_parent->hasProperty( p ) ); } bool Style::hasFeature( FlagsSet f, bool withoutParent ) const { bool b = ( m_featuresSet & (uint) f ); // check if feature is defined here or at parent level if ( m_parent && !withoutParent ) b = ( m_parent->hasFeature( f, withoutParent ) ? true : b ); return b; } void Style::clearFeature( FlagsSet f ) { m_featuresSet &= ~(uint)f; } TQFont Style::font() const { TQString family = fontFamily(); int size = fontSize(); uint ff = fontFlags(); TQFont f( family, size ); if ( ff & (uint) FBold ) f.setBold( true ); if ( ff & (uint) FItalic ) f.setItalic( true ); if ( ff & (uint) FUnderline ) f.setUnderline( true ); if ( ff & (uint) FStrike ) f.setStrikeOut( true ); return f; } TQString const & Style::fontFamily() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFontFamily ) ? m_fontFamily : m_parent->fontFamily() ); } uint Style::fontFlags() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFontFlag ) ? m_fontFlags : m_parent->fontFlags() ); } int Style::fontSize() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFontSize ) ? m_fontSize : m_parent->fontSize() ); } TQPen const & Style::pen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( STextPen ) ? m_textPen : m_parent->pen() ); } TQColor const & Style::bgColor() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SBackgroundColor ) ? m_bgColor : m_parent->bgColor() ); } TQPen const & Style::rightBorderPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SRightBorder ) ? m_rightBorderPen : m_parent->rightBorderPen() ); } TQPen const & Style::bottomBorderPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SBottomBorder ) ? m_bottomBorderPen : m_parent->bottomBorderPen() ); } TQPen const & Style::leftBorderPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SLeftBorder ) ? m_leftBorderPen : m_parent->leftBorderPen() ); } TQPen const & Style::topBorderPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( STopBorder ) ? m_topBorderPen : m_parent->topBorderPen() ); } TQPen const & Style::fallDiagonalPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFallDiagonal ) ? m_fallDiagonalPen : m_parent->fallDiagonalPen() ); } TQPen const & Style::goUpDiagonalPen() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SGoUpDiagonal ) ? m_goUpDiagonalPen : m_parent->goUpDiagonalPen() ); } int Style::precision() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SPrecision ) ? m_precision : m_parent->precision() ); } int Style::rotateAngle() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SAngle ) ? m_rotateAngle : m_parent->rotateAngle() ); } double Style::indent() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SIndent ) ? m_indent : m_parent->indent() ); } TQBrush const & Style::backGroundBrush() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SBackgroundBrush ) ? m_backGroundBrush : m_parent->backGroundBrush() ); } Format::Align Style::alignX() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SAlignX ) ? m_alignX : m_parent->alignX() ); } Format::AlignY Style::alignY() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SAlignY ) ? m_alignY : m_parent->alignY() ); } Format::FloatFormat Style::floatFormat() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFloatFormat ) ? m_floatFormat : m_parent->floatFormat() ); } Format::FloatColor Style::floatColor() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFloatColor ) ? m_floatColor : m_parent->floatColor() ); } FormatType Style::formatType() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFormatType ) ? m_formatType : m_parent->formatType() ); } Format::Currency const & Style::currency() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SFormatType ) ? m_currency : m_parent->currency() ); } TQString const & Style::strFormat() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SCustomFormat ) ? m_strFormat : m_parent->strFormat() ); } TQString const & Style::prefix() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SPrefix ) ? m_prefix : m_parent->prefix() ); } TQString const & Style::postfix() const { return ( !m_parent || featureSet( SPostfix ) ? m_postfix : m_parent->postfix() ); } Style * Style::setAlignX( Format::Align alignX ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_alignX = alignX; style->m_featuresSet |= SAlignX; return style; } m_alignX = alignX; m_featuresSet |= SAlignX; return this; } Style * Style::setAlignY( Format::AlignY alignY ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_alignY = alignY; style->m_featuresSet |= SAlignY; return style; } m_alignY = alignY; m_featuresSet |= SAlignY; return this; } Style * Style::setFont( TQFont const & f ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); if ( style->m_fontFamily != f.family() ) { style->m_fontFamily = f.family(); style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; } if ( style->m_fontSize != f.pointSize() ) { style->m_fontSize = f.pointSize(); style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } if ( f.italic() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FItalic ) ) { if ( f.italic() ) style->m_fontFlags |= FItalic; else style->m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FItalic; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.bold() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FBold ) ) { if ( f.bold() ) style->m_fontFlags |= FBold; else style->m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FBold; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.underline() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FUnderline ) ) { if ( f.underline() ) style->m_fontFlags |= FUnderline; else style->m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FUnderline; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.strikeOut() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FStrike ) ) { if ( f.strikeOut() ) style->m_fontFlags |= FStrike; else style->m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FStrike; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } return style; } if ( m_fontFamily != f.family() ) { m_fontFamily = f.family(); m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; } if ( m_fontSize != f.pointSize() ) { m_fontSize = f.pointSize(); m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } if ( f.italic() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FItalic ) ) { if ( f.italic() ) m_fontFlags |= FItalic; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FItalic; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.bold() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FBold ) ) { if ( f.bold() ) m_fontFlags |= FBold; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FBold; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.underline() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FUnderline ) ) { if ( f.underline() ) m_fontFlags |= FUnderline; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FUnderline; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.strikeOut() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FStrike ) ) { if ( f.strikeOut() ) m_fontFlags |= FStrike; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FStrike; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } return this; } Style * Style::setFontFamily( TQString const & fam ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { if ( m_fontFamily != fam ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_fontFamily = fam; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; return style; } return this; } m_fontFamily = fam; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; return this; } Style * Style::setFontFlags( uint flags ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { if ( m_fontFlags != flags ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_fontFlags = flags; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; return style; } return this; } m_fontFlags = flags; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; return this; } Style * Style::setFontSize( int size ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { if ( m_fontSize != size ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_fontSize = size; style->m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; style->m_featuresSet |= SFont; return style; } return this; } m_fontSize = size; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; return this; } Style * Style::setPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_textPen = pen; if ( style->m_textPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= STextPen; return style; } m_textPen = pen; if ( m_textPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= STextPen; return this; } Style * Style::setBgColor( TQColor const & color ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_bgColor = color; if ( style->m_bgColor != TQt::white ) style->m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundColor; return style; } m_bgColor = color; if ( m_bgColor != TQt::white ) m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundColor; return this; } Style * Style::setRightBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_rightBorderPen = pen; style->m_rightPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( style->m_rightBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= SRightBorder; return style; } m_rightBorderPen = pen; m_rightPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( m_rightBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SRightBorder; return this; } Style * Style::setBottomBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_bottomBorderPen = pen; style->m_bottomPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( style->m_bottomBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= SBottomBorder; return style; } m_bottomBorderPen = pen; m_bottomPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( m_bottomBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SBottomBorder; return this; } Style * Style::setLeftBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_leftBorderPen = pen; style->m_leftPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( style->m_leftBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= SLeftBorder; return style; } m_leftBorderPen = pen; m_leftPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( m_leftBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SLeftBorder; return this; } Style * Style::setTopBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_topBorderPen = pen; style->m_topPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( style->m_topBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= STopBorder; return style; } m_topBorderPen = pen; m_topPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); if ( m_topBorderPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= STopBorder; return this; } Style * Style::setFallDiagonalPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_fallDiagonalPen = pen; if ( style->m_fallDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= SFallDiagonal; return style; } m_fallDiagonalPen = pen; if ( m_fallDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SFallDiagonal; return this; } Style * Style::setGoUpDiagonalPen( TQPen const & pen ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_goUpDiagonalPen = pen; if ( style->m_goUpDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) style->m_featuresSet |= SGoUpDiagonal; return style; } m_goUpDiagonalPen = pen; if ( m_goUpDiagonalPen.style() != TQt::NoPen ) m_featuresSet |= SGoUpDiagonal; return this; } Style * Style::setRotateAngle( int angle ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_rotateAngle = angle; style->m_featuresSet |= SAngle; return style; } m_rotateAngle = angle; m_featuresSet |= SAngle; return this; } Style * Style::setIndent( double indent ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_indent = indent; style->m_featuresSet |= SIndent; return style; } m_indent = indent; m_featuresSet |= SIndent; return this; } Style * Style::setBackGroundBrush( TQBrush const & brush ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_backGroundBrush = brush; if ( style->m_backGroundBrush.style() != TQt::NoBrush ) style->m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundBrush; return style; } m_backGroundBrush = brush; if ( m_backGroundBrush.style() != TQt::NoBrush ) m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundBrush; return this; } Style * Style::setFloatFormat( Format::FloatFormat format ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_floatFormat = format; style->m_featuresSet |= SFloatFormat; return style; } m_floatFormat = format; m_featuresSet |= SFloatFormat; return this; } Style * Style::setFloatColor( Format::FloatColor color ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_floatColor = color; style->m_featuresSet |= SFloatColor; return style; } m_floatColor = color; m_featuresSet |= SFloatColor; return this; } Style * Style::setStrFormat( TQString const & strFormat ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_strFormat = strFormat; style->m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; return style; } m_strFormat = strFormat; m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; return this; } Style * Style::setPrecision( int precision ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_precision = precision; style->m_featuresSet |= SPrecision; return style; } m_precision = precision; m_featuresSet |= SPrecision; return this; } Style * Style::setPrefix( TQString const & prefix ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_prefix = prefix; style->m_featuresSet |= SPrefix; return style; } m_prefix = prefix; m_featuresSet |= SPrefix; return this; } Style * Style::setPostfix( TQString const & postfix ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_postfix = postfix; style->m_featuresSet |= SPostfix; return style; } m_postfix = postfix; m_featuresSet |= SPostfix; return this; } Style * Style::setCurrency( Format::Currency const & currency ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_currency = currency; style->m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; return style; } m_currency = currency; m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; return this; } Style * Style::setProperty( Properties p ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_properties |= (uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: style->m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: style->m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: style->m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: style->m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: style->m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: style->m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: style->m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } return style; } m_properties |= (uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } return this; } Style * Style::clearProperty( Properties p ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_properties &= ~(uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: style->m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: style->m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: style->m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: style->m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: style->m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: style->m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: style->m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } return style; } m_properties &= ~(uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } return this; } Style * Style::setFormatType( FormatType format ) { if ( m_type != AUTO || m_usageCount > 1 ) { Style * style = new Style( this ); style->m_formatType = format; style->m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; return style; } m_formatType = format; m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; return this; } TQString Style::colorName( const TQColor& color ) { static TQMap map; TQRgb rgb = color.rgb(); if (!map.contains( rgb )) { map[rgb] = color.name(); return map[rgb]; } else { return map[rgb]; } } /** * ************************************************************ * CustomStyle * ************************************************************ */ CustomStyle::CustomStyle() : Style(), m_name( "Default" ) { m_type = BUILTIN; m_parent = 0; } CustomStyle::CustomStyle( Style * parent, TQString const & name ) : Style(), m_name( name ) { m_type = CUSTOM; m_parent = 0; // one to one copy if ( parent->hasProperty( PDontPrintText ) ) addProperty( PDontPrintText ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PCustomFormat ) ) addProperty( PCustomFormat ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PNotProtected ) ) addProperty( PNotProtected ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PHideAll ) ) addProperty( PHideAll ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PHideFormula ) ) addProperty( PHideFormula ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PMultiRow ) ) addProperty( PMultiRow ); if ( parent->hasProperty( PVerticalText ) ) addProperty( PVerticalText ); changeAlignX( parent->alignX() ); changeAlignY( parent->alignY() ); changeFloatFormat( parent->floatFormat() ); changeFloatColor( parent->floatColor() ); changeFormatType( parent->formatType() ); changeFontFamily( parent->fontFamily() ); changeFontSize( parent->fontSize() ); changeFontFlags( parent->fontFlags() ); changePen( parent->pen() ); changeBgColor( parent->bgColor() ); changeRightBorderPen( parent->rightBorderPen() ); changeBottomBorderPen( parent->bottomBorderPen() ); changeLeftBorderPen( parent->leftBorderPen() ); changeTopBorderPen( parent->topBorderPen() ); changeFallBorderPen( parent->fallDiagonalPen() ); changeGoUpBorderPen( parent->goUpDiagonalPen() ); changeBackGroundBrush( parent->backGroundBrush() ); changeRotateAngle( parent->rotateAngle() ); changeIndent( parent->indent() ); changeStrFormat( parent->strFormat() ); changePrecision( parent->precision() ); changePrefix( parent->prefix() ); changePostfix( parent->postfix() ); changeCurrency( parent->currency() ); } CustomStyle::CustomStyle( TQString const & name, CustomStyle * parent ) : Style(), m_name( name ) { m_parent = parent; if ( m_parent ) m_parentName = m_parent->name(); } CustomStyle::~CustomStyle() { } TQString CustomStyle::saveOasis( KoGenStyle& style, KoGenStyles &mainStyles ) { // If the type is undefined, we're called from Format // and the OASIS style is not an automatic style. // TODO: As the user styles are already created, look them up // in what way ever and return here. // if ( style.type() == 0 && ( m_type == BUILTIN ) && ( m_name == "Default" ) ) // return "Default"; if ( style.type() == 0 ) style = KoGenStyle( Doc::STYLE_CELL_USER, "table-cell" ); if ( m_name.isEmpty() ) return TQString(); // TODO fallback to Style::saveOasis() ??? // default style does not need display name if( type() != BUILTIN || m_name != "Default" ) style.addAttribute( "style:display-name", m_name ); // doing the real work saveOasisStyle( style, mainStyles ); // The lookup is done in the calling object (Format). if ( style.type() == Doc::STYLE_CELL_AUTO ) return TQString(); if( ( m_type == BUILTIN ) && ( m_name == "Default" ) ) { style.setDefaultStyle(true); // don't i18n'ize "Default" in this case return mainStyles.lookup( style, "Default", KoGenStyles::DontForceNumbering ); } else // this is a custom style return mainStyles.lookup( style, "custom-style" ); } void CustomStyle::loadOasis( KoOasisStyles& oasisStyles, const TQDomElement& style, const TQString & name ) { m_name = name; if ( style.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "parent-style-name" ) ) m_parentName = style.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "parent-style-name", TQString() ); else if ( m_name != "Default" ) m_parentName = "Default"; m_type = CUSTOM; Style::loadOasisStyle( oasisStyles, style ); } void CustomStyle::save( TQDomDocument & doc, TQDomElement & styles ) { if ( m_name.isEmpty() ) return; TQDomElement style( doc.createElement( "style" ) ); style.setAttribute( "type", (int) m_type ); if ( m_parent ) style.setAttribute( "parent", m_parent->name() ); style.setAttribute( "name", m_name ); TQDomElement format( doc.createElement( "format" ) ); saveXML( doc, format ); style.appendChild( format ); styles.appendChild( style ); } bool CustomStyle::loadXML( TQDomElement const & style, TQString const & name ) { m_name = name; if ( style.hasAttribute( "parent" ) ) m_parentName = style.attribute( "parent" ); if ( !style.hasAttribute( "type" ) ) return false; bool ok = true; m_type = (StyleType) style.attribute( "type" ).toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return false; TQDomElement f( style.namedItem( "format" ).toElement() ); if ( !f.isNull() ) if ( !Style::loadXML( f ) ) return false; return true; } void CustomStyle::setName( TQString const & name ) { m_name = name; } void CustomStyle::refreshParentName() { if ( m_parent ) m_parentName = m_parent->name(); } bool CustomStyle::definesAll() const { if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SAlignX ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SAlignY ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SPrefix ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SPostfix ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SLeftBorder ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SRightBorder ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) STopBorder ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SBottomBorder ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFallDiagonal ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SGoUpDiagonal ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SBackgroundBrush ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFontFamily ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFontSize ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFontFlag ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) STextPen ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SBackgroundColor ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFloatFormat ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFloatColor ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SMultiRow ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SVerticalText ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SPrecision ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SFormatType ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SAngle ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SIndent ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SDontPrintText ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SCustomFormat ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SNotProtected ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SHideAll ) ) return false; if ( !( m_featuresSet & (uint) SHideFormula ) ) return false; return true; } void CustomStyle::changeAlignX( Format::Align alignX ) { m_alignX = alignX; m_featuresSet |= SAlignX; } void CustomStyle::changeAlignY( Format::AlignY alignY ) { m_alignY = alignY; m_featuresSet |= SAlignY; } void CustomStyle::changeFont( TQFont const & f ) { if ( m_fontFamily != f.family() ) { m_fontFamily = f.family(); m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; m_featuresSet |= SFont; } if ( m_fontSize != f.pointSize() ) { m_fontSize = f.pointSize(); m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } if ( f.italic() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FItalic ) ) { if ( f.italic() ) m_fontFlags |= FItalic; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FItalic; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.bold() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FBold ) ) { if ( f.bold() ) m_fontFlags |= FBold; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FBold; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.underline() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FUnderline ) ) { if ( f.underline() ) m_fontFlags |= FUnderline; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FUnderline; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } if ( f.strikeOut() != (m_fontFlags & (uint) FStrike ) ) { if ( f.strikeOut() ) m_fontFlags |= FStrike; else m_fontFlags &= ~(uint) FStrike; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } } void CustomStyle::changeFontFamily( TQString const & fam ) { if ( m_fontFamily != fam ) { m_fontFamily = fam; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFamily; } } void CustomStyle::changeFontSize( int size ) { if ( m_fontSize != size ) { m_fontSize = size; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontSize; } } void CustomStyle::changeFontFlags( uint flags ) { if ( m_fontFlags != flags ) { m_fontFlags = flags; m_featuresSet |= SFont; m_featuresSet |= SFontFlag; } } void CustomStyle::changeTextColor( TQColor const & color ) { m_textPen.setColor( color ); m_featuresSet |= STextPen; } void CustomStyle::changePen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_textPen = pen; m_featuresSet |= STextPen; } void CustomStyle::changeBgColor( TQColor const & color ) { m_bgColor = color; m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundColor; } void CustomStyle::changeRightBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_rightBorderPen = pen; m_rightPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_featuresSet |= SRightBorder; } void CustomStyle::changeBottomBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_bottomBorderPen = pen; m_bottomPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_featuresSet |= SBottomBorder; } void CustomStyle::changeLeftBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_leftBorderPen = pen; m_leftPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_featuresSet |= SLeftBorder; } void CustomStyle::changeTopBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_topBorderPen = pen; m_topPenValue = calculateValue( pen ); m_featuresSet |= STopBorder; } void CustomStyle::changeFallBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_fallDiagonalPen = pen; m_featuresSet |= SFallDiagonal; } void CustomStyle::changeGoUpBorderPen( TQPen const & pen ) { m_goUpDiagonalPen = pen; m_featuresSet |= SGoUpDiagonal; } void CustomStyle::changeRotateAngle( int angle ) { m_rotateAngle = angle; m_featuresSet |= SAngle; } void CustomStyle::changeIndent( double indent ) { m_indent = indent; m_featuresSet |= SIndent; } void CustomStyle::changeBackGroundBrush( TQBrush const & brush ) { m_backGroundBrush = brush; m_featuresSet |= SBackgroundBrush; } void CustomStyle::changeFloatFormat( Format::FloatFormat format ) { m_floatFormat = format; m_featuresSet |= SFloatFormat; } void CustomStyle::changeFloatColor( Format::FloatColor color ) { m_floatColor = color; m_featuresSet |= SFloatColor; } void CustomStyle::changeFormatType( FormatType format ) { m_formatType = format; m_featuresSet |= SFormatType; } void CustomStyle::changeStrFormat( TQString const & strFormat ) { m_strFormat = strFormat; m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; } void CustomStyle::changePrecision( int precision ) { m_precision = precision; m_featuresSet |= SPrecision; } void CustomStyle::changePrefix( TQString const & prefix ) { m_prefix = prefix; m_featuresSet |= SPrefix; } void CustomStyle::changePostfix( TQString const & postfix ) { m_postfix = postfix; m_featuresSet |= SPostfix; } void CustomStyle::changeCurrency( Format::Currency const & currency ) { m_currency = currency; } void CustomStyle::addProperty( Properties p ) { m_properties |= (uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: m_featuresSet |= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: m_featuresSet |= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: m_featuresSet |= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: m_featuresSet |= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: m_featuresSet |= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: m_featuresSet |= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: m_featuresSet |= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } } void CustomStyle::removeProperty( Properties p ) { m_properties &= ~(uint) p; switch( p ) { case PDontPrintText: m_featuresSet &= SDontPrintText; break; case PCustomFormat: m_featuresSet &= SCustomFormat; break; case PNotProtected: m_featuresSet &= SNotProtected; break; case PHideAll: m_featuresSet &= SHideAll; break; case PHideFormula: m_featuresSet &= SHideFormula; break; case PMultiRow: m_featuresSet &= SMultiRow; break; case PVerticalText: m_featuresSet &= SVerticalText; break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled property" << endl; } } bool CustomStyle::operator==( const CustomStyle& other ) const { if ( m_name != other.m_name ) return false; return Style::operator==( other ); }