/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Ariya Hidayat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include class WMLParseState { public: unsigned tableRow, tableCol; WMLFormat currentFormat; WMLFormatList formatList; WMLLayout currentLayout; WMLParseState(); WMLParseState( const WMLParseState& ); WMLParseState& operator=( const WMLParseState& ); void assign( const WMLParseState& ); }; WMLParseState::WMLParseState() { tableRow = tableCol = 0; } WMLParseState::WMLParseState( const WMLParseState& state ) { assign( state ); } WMLParseState& WMLParseState::operator=( const WMLParseState& state ) { assign( state ); return *this ; } void WMLParseState::assign( const WMLParseState& state ) { tableRow = state.tableRow; tableCol = state.tableCol; currentFormat = state.currentFormat; formatList = state.formatList; currentLayout = state.currentLayout; } // ContentHandler for use with the reader class WMLHandler: public TQXmlDefaultHandler { public: WMLHandler( WMLParser *parser ){ m_parser = parser; } bool startDocument(); bool startElement( const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& , const TQXmlAttributes& ); bool endElement( const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& ); bool characters( const TQString& ch ); private: WMLParser *m_parser; bool m_inBlock; TQString m_text; bool m_inLink; TQString m_link; TQString m_href; WMLParseState m_state; TQValueStack m_stateStack; bool flushParagraph(); void pushState(); void popState(); }; bool WMLHandler::startDocument() { m_text = ""; m_inBlock = false; m_link = ""; m_href = ""; return true; } bool WMLHandler::startElement( const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& qName, const TQXmlAttributes& attr ) { TQString tag = qName.lower(); if( tag == "wml" ) return m_parser->doOpenDocument(); if( tag == "card" ) { m_state = WMLParseState(); TQString card_id = attr.value("id"); TQString card_title = attr.value("title"); return m_parser->doOpenCard( card_id, card_title ); } if( tag == "p" ) { m_state.currentLayout = WMLLayout(); m_inBlock = TRUE; if( m_state.currentFormat.bold || m_state.currentFormat.italic || m_state.currentFormat.underline || (m_state.currentFormat.fontsize != WMLFormat::Normal) ) m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); TQString align = attr.value("align").lower(); if( align == "right" ) m_state.currentLayout.align = WMLLayout::Right; if( align == "center" ) m_state.currentLayout.align = WMLLayout::Center; return TRUE; } if(( tag == "b" ) || (tag == "strong") ) { m_state.currentFormat.bold = TRUE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if(( tag == "i" ) || (tag == "em") ) { m_state.currentFormat.italic = TRUE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "u" ) { m_state.currentFormat.underline = TRUE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "big" ) { m_state.currentFormat.fontsize = WMLFormat::Big; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "small" ) { m_state.currentFormat.fontsize = WMLFormat::Small; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "a" ) { TQString href = attr.value("href"); if( !href.isEmpty() ) { m_inBlock = false; m_inLink = true; m_state.currentFormat.link = ""; m_state.currentFormat.href = href; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.currentFormat.len = 1; m_text.append( "#" ); // inline char return true; } } // open new table if( tag == "table" ) { pushState(); return m_parser->doBeginTable(); } // open table row if( tag == "tr" ) { m_state.tableRow++; return TRUE; } // open table cell, keep in sync with

above if( tag == "td" ) { m_state.tableCol++; m_state.currentLayout = WMLLayout(); m_inBlock = TRUE; m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return m_parser->doTableCell( m_state.tableRow, m_state.tableCol ); } // unhandled element return TRUE; } bool WMLHandler::endElement( const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& qName ) { TQString tag = qName.lower(); if( tag == "wml" ) return m_parser->doCloseDocument(); if( tag == "card" ) { // forget

before ? m_inBlock = FALSE; if( !m_text.isEmpty() ) flushParagraph(); return m_parser->doCloseCard(); } if( tag == "p" ) { m_inBlock = FALSE; return flushParagraph(); } if(( tag == "b" ) || (tag == "strong") ) { m_state.currentFormat.bold = FALSE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if(( tag == "i" ) || (tag == "em") ) { m_state.currentFormat.italic = FALSE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "u" ) { m_state.currentFormat.underline = FALSE; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "big" ) { m_state.currentFormat.fontsize = WMLFormat::Normal; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "small" ) { m_state.currentFormat.fontsize = WMLFormat::Normal; m_state.currentFormat.pos = m_text.length(); m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return TRUE; } if( tag == "a" ) { m_inBlock = true; m_inLink = false; m_state.formatList.append( m_state.currentFormat ); return true; } // close table if( tag == "table" ) { popState(); return m_parser->doEndTable(); } // close table row if( tag == "tr" ) return TRUE; //skip // close table cell, like

if( tag == "td" ) { m_inBlock = FALSE; return flushParagraph(); } // unhandled return TRUE; } bool WMLHandler::characters( const TQString& ch ) { if( m_inBlock ) m_text.append( ch ); if( m_inLink ) m_state.currentFormat.link.append( ch ); return TRUE; } bool WMLHandler::flushParagraph() { // calc length of each format tag for( unsigned i=0; idoParagraph( m_text, m_state.formatList, m_state.currentLayout ); // ready for next paragraph m_text = ""; m_state.formatList.clear(); m_state.currentLayout = WMLLayout(); // m_state.currentFormat = WMLFormat(); // FIXME should we reset formatting ? return result; } void WMLHandler::pushState() { m_stateStack.push( m_state ); } void WMLHandler::popState() { if( !m_stateStack.isEmpty() ) m_state = m_stateStack.pop(); } // formatting for the text WMLFormat::WMLFormat() { pos = len = 0; fontsize = Normal; bold = italic = underline = FALSE; link = ""; href = ""; } void WMLFormat::assign( const WMLFormat& f ) { pos = f.pos; len = f.len; bold = f.bold; italic = f.italic; underline = f.underline; fontsize = f.fontsize; link = f.link; href= f.href; } WMLFormat::WMLFormat( const WMLFormat& f ) { assign( f ); } WMLFormat& WMLFormat::operator=( const WMLFormat& f ) { assign( f ); return *this; } // paragraph layout info WMLLayout::WMLLayout() { align = Left; } void WMLLayout::assign( const WMLLayout& l ) { align = l.align; } WMLLayout::WMLLayout( const WMLLayout& l ) { assign( l ); } WMLLayout& WMLLayout::operator=( const WMLLayout& l ) { assign( l ); return *this; } // The basic WML parser void WMLParser::parse( const char* filename ) { TQFile f( filename ); TQXmlInputSource source( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&f) ); TQXmlSimpleReader reader; WMLHandler handler( this ); reader.setContentHandler( &handler ); reader.parse( source ); } bool WMLParser::doOpenDocument() { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doCloseDocument() { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doOpenCard( TQString, TQString ) { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doCloseCard() { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doParagraph( TQString, WMLFormatList, WMLLayout ) { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doBeginTable() { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doEndTable() { return TRUE; } bool WMLParser::doTableCell( unsigned, unsigned ) { return TRUE; }