MikeMcBrideFormatting Characterstextformattingfontformattingformatting textThis section will cover the changes that can be made to individual characters or
blocks of characters including:Character sizeFontFont style (italic, bold, etc).Underlines, superscript, subscript, strikeout, etc.Character color and background color.Character case.Changing Size, Font, Font Style, Text color and Background Colortextchange sizechange text sizetextchange fontchange text fonttextchange colorchange text colortextchange background colorchange text background colortextboldbold texttextitalicizeditalicized texttextunderlinedunderlined texttextstrikethroughstrikethrough texttextsuperscriptsuperscript texttextsubscriptsubscript textUsing the Keyboard or toolbarsThere are several keyboard shortcuts which you can use to make
common changes to character formatting. After selecting the text, you
can use these key combinations to toggle each attribute.The Format toolbar also has buttons which you can use to
toggle these same attributes. The following table details each attribute, the toolbar buttons
and the keyboard shortcuts.AttributeToolbar
ButtonKey ComboFont SizeDecrease font size: Ctrl<Increase font size: Ctrl>Font-Bold Face&Ctrl;BItalicsCtrlIUnderlineCtrlUStrikethrough-Superscript-Subscript-Font Color-You cannot change the all text attributes using the keyboard or a button on a
toolbar. For these attributes, you must use the dialog
box.Using the Dialog BoxIf you have many changes to make, you can also use a dialog box to
set these same attributes.You can open the Select Font dialog box in one of three
ways:Select FormatFont...
from the menubar.Click on the selected text with the &RMB;. A small menu will appear. Select Font... from the
menu.You can use the keyboard shortcut:
&Alt;&Ctrl;FEither method will open a dialog boxUsing this dialog box, you can select the font, size,
italics and boldface options from the top three list boxes.The preview box along the middle of the dialog, will show you how your current
settings will appear.If the default preview string is not appropriate, you can change it by clicking once
inside the preview box with the &LMB;. A text cursor will appear. You can edit the text to suit your needs.The sample sentence will revert to the default the next time you
open this dialog.If you click the tab labeled Highlighting, the dialog changes to:The subsection labeled Underlining: has two combo boxes and a color selector box.
In the left most combo box select between
no underline (None), Single, Simple Bold,
Double or Wave underlining. Use the center combo box to select the style of underlining (Solid line, dashed line, etc.).Use the right color selector box to select a color for the underline using the
color selection dialog box. The subsection labeled Strikethrough: has two combo boxes.
Use the left combo box to select between
no strikethrough (None), Single, Double or
Simple Bold strikethrough. Use the right combo box to select the line style.The checkbox labeled Word by word determines how underlining and strikethrough are drawn.The section labeled Capitalization lets you select one of four special capitalization options.
This will change the capitalization of the selected text. Examples of each scheme are shown below.The changes to capilalization will only affect the selected text at the current moment. This formatting is not enforced after closing the dialog box.The third tab labeled Decoration allows you to change the color of the font, change the background color and create artificial shadows for your characters. Click on the tab:Using the buttons labeled Text color: and Background color: you can change the color of the text or the background behind the text.To create the illusion of a shadow behind your text, select the color you want your shadow by clicking the button labeled Shadow color:. Then select the distance between the shadow and
the text using the spin box labeld Shadow & distance:. Finally, select the direction of your shadow by
selecting one of the eight red squares. A preview of your shadow appears at the bottom of the dialog box.The fourth tab labeled Layout allows you to create superscripts and subscripts. It also lets you select automatic hyphenation on a character by character basis.The section labeled Position has four radio buttons and two spin boxes. Selecting Normal, produces text of normal height and at the normal vertical position. Selecting Superscript or Subscript will convert the currently selected text. If you select Custom, you can use the spin box labeled Offset: to move the selected text up or down relative to normal text alignment. Look at the example below:Notice how a positive offset raises the text, and a negative offset lowers the text.You can also use the spinbox labeled Relative size: to make the selected font larger or smaller.The checkbox labeld Auto hyphenation is used to toggle automatic hyphenation on or off for the selected text.The fifth tab labeled Language allows you to change the language. Click on the tab:You can select the language to use on the selected text with the drop down box. If the selected text allows for automatic hyphenation,
&kword; will use general rules of spelling for the selected language to automatically hyphenate the selected text.Clicking OK will commit your changes to the
document and close the dialog box.Clicking Apply will commit your changes to the
document but keep the dialog box open.Clicking Reset will restore the default settings to the selected text.Clicking Cancel will abort all changes
made.Changing Font Casetextchanging casechange case of text&kword; can change the case (uppercase or lowercase) of large blocks of text to one of five pre-defined styles.
Begin by selecting the block of text you want changed. Select ToolsChange Case...
from the menubar.A small dialog box will appear with five options:UppercaseWill convert all characters to uppercase.Example: KWORD WILL AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE CASES.LowercaseWill convert all characters to lowercase.Example: kword will automatically change cases.Title caseWill capitalize every word.Example: Kword Will Automatically Change Cases.Toggle caseConverts all lowercase letters to uppercase and
converts all uppercase letters to lowercase.Sentence caseCapitalizes the first character after a period.When you have selected the desired options click OK and &kword; will make the changes.