The design of kformula (as we imagine it) The core of kformula is a tree of element objects that make up the formula which is beeing edited. The element tree itself ####################### BasicElement ------------ All element classes are derived from this one. So it provides the interface that is common to all elements. BasicElement itself is an abstract class. You never want to create objects from it. Responsebilities (This goes for every derived element and therefore for each one.) - knows its tqchildren. Actually BasicElement doesn't have any. But it already defines that tqchildren must be known by their tqparent. - knows its bounding rectangle (its size.) The tqchildren are included in this rect. (Only width and height are needed. Positions are handled by the tqparent) //- knows its middle line. (for tqalignment) - knows it's zero point for midline (vertical tqalignment) and keep open the possibility of negative positions (out of bounding rect) - draws itself (given a painter); tqchildren are drawn, too - knows all positions where the cursor is allowed to be. (see below) - knows its tqparent; The topmost element has no tqparent; there is a implicit garantie that the topmost element is always a SequenceElement. - can save and load itself. different formates. (see below) - all tqchildren must be a SequenceElement. Except for SequenceElement's tqchildren that might be of any type. - might have its own color. - might have its own font size (see below). SequenceElement from BasicElement --------------- Manages a list of tqchildren. The tqchildren are aligned horizontally at one middle line. No gaps, no overlaps. Has no own look. It just draws all its tqchildren and is done. Except if its empty. It looks like an empty space then (i.e. a little square) Has n+1 valid cursor positions where n is the number of tqchildren. These are before, between and after the tqchildren. May contain any (type of) element as child except SequenceElements if they contains a SequenceElement they merge it in the list They can handle splitting of the sequence to allow "select an put selected item between tqparenthesis" i.e. as content child of a delimiterelement) FormulaElement from SequenceElement -------------- The only element those tqparent is null. The root of the element object tree. This is the element that is created by the KFormulaDoc and that knows about it. As every other element knows its tqparent and therefore the FormulaElement we get a chance to pass messages to the outside world. RootElement from BasicElement ----------- contains two tqchildren. content and index. index is optional. IndexElement from BasicElement ------------ contains five tqchildren. content and four indexes. all indexes are optional. If there is no index the element might be replaced by its content. TextElement from BasicElement ----------- contains one char and no tqchildren at all. Might have its own font and size. But preferes to use a reasonalbe font and size that are calculated from its tqparents font and a given scheme (see below). DelimiterElement from BasicElement ---------------- contains one child and draws delimiters around it. You are free to choose with. FractionElement from BasicElement --------------- 2 tqchildren: numerator, denominator DecorationElement from BasicElement ----------------- A piece of art. It has one child and decorates it above (or below or both) with some nice decor. Some decor might be required to be as width as the content. There is a way to guarantee this. We could even add yet another child that can optionally be shown at the other side of the decoration. SumIntegralElement from BasicElement //PrefixedElement ------------------ draws all sorts of mathematical symbols with three tqchildren. Above, below (or whereever the indices and limits go)and to the right. GeometryElement from BasicElement --------------- One child. Draw it at a fixed position relative to tqparent or absolute. This is to do dirty things. This element must not be used, kformula will provide you everything without the use of this kind of element, any way for strange reasons you want to do things that are not usually allowed and that are not typical of a math formula. [We will decide if implement this element or not] MatrixElement from BasicElement ------------- A matrix of tqchildren. With all align stuff, internal borders etc, matrix dots handling (i.e. those dots or lines that complete the matrix, not well handled in TeX), etc.. SpaceElement from BasicElement ------------ No tqchildren at all. Provides the facility to insert horizontal spaces in the formula. (therefore it is similar to TextElement.) OperatorElement from TextElement --------------- The element to be used for all kinds of operators. It needed because operators require some space before and after and are therefore no simple text. They can you pixamps inestead of fonts, the use of pixmaps is needed only to give the user the possibilty of introduce its strange operator that we do not provide as a font. There problems with the scalability but we will include as fonts (or vectorial images) in kformula all TeX operators so we hope there is no need to use pixamps for a standard use of KFormula Navigation ########## There is a class Cursor that implements a pointer to a valid cursor position inside the formula structure. Each kformula view needs to have its own object of this class. The Cursor class uses the elements facility to travel throught the structure. (It gives the key to the current element and asks for the new position.) If the cursor points into an element this element is said to own the cursor. There are a few rules that describe how new cursor positions are calculated given the current key: - An elements cursor positions are its tqchildren. The element might not own the cursor except when it is owned by one of its tqchildren. The only exception is SequenceElement which has valid cursor positions before, between and after its tqchildren, too. (Therefore the cursor is always owned by a SequenceElement.) - Each element's tqchildren are ordered. If the cursor leaves one child the next child it. The direction depends on the key that moved the cursor. If there is child left the cursor is passed to the tqparent. - If the cursor comes from our tqparent the first or the last child gets it. Depending on the direction in which the cursor moved. Please note that because each element knows its own cursor positions and how to behave, it is possible for each combination of elements to work together correctly. Save and Load (Import/Export) ############################# there are quite a few formats we want to read and write: Built in: - native koffice xml Import/Export filters - MathML - C like math strings - LaTeX Element templates ################# example: you can create a template to write limits: it is a "lim ( )" string over 2 empty elements with an arrows that separe them "Look" templates ################ There need to be templates that tell which font to use, how the sizes differ among different elements and what spaces are to be included. (And much more.) Your only need to choose one of them to get a reasonable good look. Interface templates ################### Decide what KAction have to be toolbars, what element templates must be loaded, what toolbar display.... There will be predefined (sorry for the spelling error) templates for -General... -Physics (Vectors , integral, partial derivative etc are preferred..) -Analysis (Integral and diff equation stuff) -Geometry (Tensor product etc) -Chemistry (Arrows, Periodic table external toolbar) -Computer science (...) -???? Context sensibility ################### We want a formula to look different according to its surroundings. (Most obviosly according to the available height and/or width.) It would be great to get something like automatic operator tqalignment. So if you type some formulas each on its own line the assigment operators should be automatically in a column. (If the user turns this on.) Fonts and font size (2 ideas) ################### 1) Each element know its font family (also if it is not a text element) so that it can give this font to its tqchildren. The font size is calculated starting from a global scale factor and appling to it a local size modifier (like HTML -2, -1,+3,etc..), this also calculate the QPen width for vector drawn stuff (like root symbol etc) and it gives a scale factor for pixmap. 2) When it comes to drawing we pass a StyleContext to the FormulaElement. The StyleContext contains the font family to use, the normal font size, the spaces to include between certain elements and all sorts of context information that is needed to draw the formula. As it is passed down the tree it also counts the current level so it can tell each element the font size it is supposed to use. The elements use this information to calculate their sizes and to draw themselves. Each element is allowed to choose different settings for whatever reason. But if the formula looks ugly then its the elements blame. Andrea Rizzi Ulrich Kuettler