KOffice filters status:   HTML FILTER

Import | Export


Import HTML for KWord

Last update 10 Sept 2001
Features - Crude!
- HTML: basic formatting, simple tables.
- No stylesheets yet, no table size calculating yet
- uses khtml
Todo - <font>
- table size calculation
- images
- implement CSS2, integrate with khtml's css implementation
- many other tags
History 20 Apr 2001 New (single pass) HTML filter
07 May 2001 Removing code of the old import filter
09 May 2001 Removing code of the former two pass filter system
10 Sep 2001 Rewrite using KHTML as html parser, support (simple) tables
Authors Frank Dekervel
Nicolas Goutte
Links HTML 4.01
Cascaded Style Sheets Level 2 (CSS2)
KHTML Documentation
Progress report -


Export KWord to HTML

Last update 05 May 2002
Features - Export to HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 documents
- UTF-8 or locale or other encoding
- Three modes: light, basic and enhanced
- Uses CSS2 in enhanced mode
- Lists
- Character formatting
- Paragraph formatting
- Links
- Tables
- Inline images
- Inlined cliparts (transformed to SVG)
Todo - Transform other inline images types into PNG
- Non-inlined images
- Non-inlined cliparts
- Fix white space problems (space at start, space at end, multiple consecutive spaces)
- Special treatement for paragraphs in fixed fonts (needed or not?)
- Possibilty to save the class definitions in a separate file (for KOffice 1.3?)
History 04 Feb 2001 Start of complete re-write.
06 Feb 2001 First version that can export XHTML 1.0.
?? Nov 2001 New version with simplier dialog.
13 Nov 2001 Links and full support for locale encoding
16 Feb 2002 New modes and new naming of modes: light, basic, enhanced
2? Feb 2002 Simplify the written file by avoiding redundant information
15 Mar 2002 Export lists with more than one depth
05 May 2002 Additional files are written in a sub-directory
Authors Nicolas GOUTTE
Links HTML 4.01
Cascaded Style Sheets Level 2 (CSS2)
Comments NOTE: this status describes the version of the filter for KOffice 1.2 (CVS HEAD)

- Light: converts mainly the document structure; uses strict (X)HTML
- Basic: converts most of the document; uses transitional (X)HTML
- Enhanced: converts as much as possible of the document; uses strict (X)HTML with CSS2