/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Laurent Montel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "karbon_view.h" #include "karbon_part.h" #include "karbon_factory.h" #include "vconfiguredlg.h" VConfigureDlg::VConfigureDlg( KarbonView* tqparent ) : KDialogBase( KDialogBase::IconList, i18n( "Configure" ), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Default, KDialogBase::Ok, tqparent ) { TQVBox * page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "Interface" ), i18n( "Interface" ), BarIcon( "misc", KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); m_interfacePage = new VConfigInterfacePage( tqparent, page ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "Misc" ), i18n( "Misc" ), BarIcon( "misc", KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); m_miscPage = new VConfigMiscPage( tqparent, page ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "Grid" ), i18n( "Grid" ), BarIcon( "grid", KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); m_gridPage = new VConfigGridPage( tqparent, page ); connect( m_miscPage, TQT_SIGNAL( unitChanged( int ) ), m_gridPage, TQT_SLOT( slotUnitChanged( int ) ) ); page = addVBoxPage( i18n( "Document" ), i18n( "Document Settings" ), BarIcon( "document", KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); m_defaultDocPage = new VConfigDefaultPage( tqparent, page ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotApply() ) ); } void VConfigureDlg::slotApply() { m_interfacePage->apply(); m_miscPage->apply(); m_defaultDocPage->apply(); m_gridPage->apply(); } void VConfigureDlg::slotDefault() { switch( activePageIndex() ) { case 0: m_interfacePage->slotDefault(); break; case 1: m_miscPage->slotDefault(); break; case 2: m_gridPage->slotDefault(); break; case 3: m_defaultDocPage->slotDefault(); break; default: break; } } VConfigInterfacePage::VConfigInterfacePage( KarbonView* view, TQVBox* box, char* name ) : TQObject( box->tqparent(), name ) { m_view = view; m_config = KarbonFactory::instance()->config(); m_oldRecentFiles = 10; m_oldCopyOffset = 10; m_oldDockerFontSize = 8; bool oldShowStatusBar = true; TQVGroupBox* tmpTQGroupBox = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Interface" ), box ); m_config->setGroup( "" ); m_oldDockerFontSize = m_config->readNumEntry( "palettefontsize", m_oldDockerFontSize ); if( m_config->hasGroup( "Interface" ) ) { m_config->setGroup( "Interface" ); m_oldRecentFiles = m_config->readNumEntry( "NbRecentFile", m_oldRecentFiles ); oldShowStatusBar = m_config->readBoolEntry( "ShowStatusBar" , true ); m_oldCopyOffset = m_config->readNumEntry( "CopyOffset", m_oldCopyOffset ); } m_showStatusBar = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Show status bar" ), tmpTQGroupBox ); m_showStatusBar->setChecked( oldShowStatusBar ); m_recentFiles = new KIntNumInput( m_oldRecentFiles, tmpTQGroupBox ); m_recentFiles->setRange( 1, 20, 1 ); m_recentFiles->setLabel( i18n( "Number of recent files:" ) ); m_copyOffset = new KIntNumInput( m_oldCopyOffset, tmpTQGroupBox ); m_copyOffset->setRange( 1, 50, 1 ); m_copyOffset->setLabel( i18n( "Copy offset:" ) ); m_dockerFontSize = new KIntNumInput( m_oldDockerFontSize, tmpTQGroupBox ); m_dockerFontSize->setRange( 5, 20, 1 ); m_dockerFontSize->setLabel( i18n( "Palette font size:" ) ); } void VConfigInterfacePage::apply() { bool showStatusBar = m_showStatusBar->isChecked(); KarbonPart* part = m_view->part(); m_config->setGroup( "Interface" ); int recent = m_recentFiles->value(); if( recent != m_oldRecentFiles ) { m_config->writeEntry( "NbRecentFile", recent ); m_view->setNumberOfRecentFiles( recent ); m_oldRecentFiles = recent; } int copyOffset = m_copyOffset->value(); if( copyOffset != m_oldCopyOffset ) { m_config->writeEntry( "CopyOffset", copyOffset ); m_oldCopyOffset = copyOffset; } bool refreshGUI = false; if( showStatusBar != part->showStatusBar() ) { m_config->writeEntry( "ShowStatusBar", showStatusBar ); part->setShowStatusBar( showStatusBar ); refreshGUI = true; } m_config->setGroup( "" ); int dockerFontSize = m_dockerFontSize->value(); if( dockerFontSize != m_oldDockerFontSize ) { m_config->writeEntry( "palettefontsize", dockerFontSize ); m_oldDockerFontSize = dockerFontSize; refreshGUI = true; } if( refreshGUI ) part->reorganizeGUI(); } void VConfigInterfacePage::slotDefault() { m_recentFiles->setValue( 10 ); m_dockerFontSize->setValue( 8 ); m_showStatusBar->setChecked( true ); } VConfigMiscPage::VConfigMiscPage( KarbonView* view, TQVBox* box, char* name ) : TQObject( box->tqparent(), name ) { m_view = view; m_config = KarbonFactory::instance()->config(); KoUnit::Unit unit = view->part()->unit(); TQGroupBox* tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Misc" ), box, "GroupBox" ); tmpTQGroupBox->tqlayout()->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); tmpTQGroupBox->tqlayout()->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); TQGridLayout* grid = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox->tqlayout(), 4, 2 ); m_oldUndoRedo = 30; TQString unitType = KoUnit::unitName( unit ); //#################"laurent //don't load unitType from config file because unit is //depend from kword file => unit can be different from config file if( m_config->hasGroup( "Misc" ) ) { m_config->setGroup( "Misc" ); m_oldUndoRedo = m_config->readNumEntry( "UndoRedo", m_oldUndoRedo ); } m_undoRedo = new KIntNumInput( m_oldUndoRedo, tmpTQGroupBox ); m_undoRedo->setLabel( i18n( "Undo/redo limit:" ) ); m_undoRedo->setRange( 10, 60, 1 ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( m_undoRedo, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); grid->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n( "Units:" ), tmpTQGroupBox ), 1, 0 ); m_unit = new TQComboBox( tmpTQGroupBox ); m_unit->insertStringList( KoUnit::listOfUnitName() ); grid->addWidget( m_unit, 1, 1 ); m_oldUnit = KoUnit::unit( unitType ); m_unit->setCurrentItem( m_oldUnit ); connect( m_unit, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SIGNAL( unitChanged( int ) ) ); } void VConfigMiscPage::apply() { KarbonPart * part = m_view->part(); m_config->setGroup( "Misc" ); if( m_oldUnit != m_unit->currentItem() ) { m_oldUnit = m_unit->currentItem(); part->setUnit( static_cast( m_oldUnit ) ); part->document().setUnit(part->unit()); m_config->writeEntry( "Units", KoUnit::unitName( part->unit() ) ); } int newUndo = m_undoRedo->value(); if( newUndo != m_oldUndoRedo ) { m_config->writeEntry( "UndoRedo", newUndo ); part->setUndoRedoLimit( newUndo ); m_oldUndoRedo = newUndo; } } void VConfigMiscPage::slotDefault() { m_undoRedo->setValue( 30 ); m_unit->setCurrentItem( 0 ); } VConfigGridPage::VConfigGridPage( KarbonView* view, TQVBox* page, char* name ) : TQObject( page->tqparent(), name ) { m_view = view; KoUnit::Unit unit = view->part()->document().unit(); KarbonGridData &gd = view->part()->document().grid(); double pgw = view->part()->document().width(); double pgh = view->part()->document().height(); double fw = gd.freq.width(); double fh = gd.freq.height(); double sw = gd.snap.width(); double sh = gd.snap.height(); m_gridChBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Show &grid" ), page ); m_gridChBox->setChecked( gd.isShow ); m_snapChBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Snap to g&rid" ), page ); m_snapChBox->setChecked( gd.isSnap ); TQLabel* gridColorLbl = new TQLabel( i18n( "Grid &color:" ), page); m_gridColorBtn = new KColorButton( gd.color, page ); gridColorLbl->setBuddy( m_gridColorBtn ); TQGroupBox* spacingGrp = new TQGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n( "Spacing" ), page ); TQLabel* spaceHorizLbl = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Horizontal:" ), spacingGrp ); m_spaceHorizUSpin = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( spacingGrp, 0.0, pgw, 0.1, fw, unit ); spaceHorizLbl->setBuddy( m_spaceHorizUSpin ); TQLabel* spaceVertLbl = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Vertical:" ), spacingGrp ); m_spaceVertUSpin = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( spacingGrp, 0.0, pgh, 0.1, fh, unit ); spaceVertLbl->setBuddy( m_spaceVertUSpin ); TQGroupBox* snapGrp = new TQGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n( "Snap Distance" ), page ); TQLabel* snapHorizLbl = new TQLabel( i18n( "H&orizontal:" ), snapGrp ); m_snapHorizUSpin = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( snapGrp, 0.0, fw, 0.1, sw, unit ); snapHorizLbl->setBuddy( m_snapHorizUSpin ); TQLabel* snapVertLbl = new TQLabel( i18n( "V&ertical:" ), snapGrp ); m_snapVertUSpin = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( snapGrp, 0.0, fh, 0.1, sh, unit ); snapVertLbl->setBuddy( m_snapVertUSpin ); TQGridLayout* gl = new TQGridLayout(); gl->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( m_gridChBox, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( m_snapChBox, 1, 1, 0, 2 ); gl->addWidget( gridColorLbl, 2, 0) ; gl->addWidget( m_gridColorBtn, 2, 1 ); gl->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( 0, 0 ), 2, 2 ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( spacingGrp, 3, 3, 0, 2 ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( snapGrp, 4, 4, 0, 2 ); gl->addMultiCell( new TQSpacerItem( 0, 0 ), 5, 5, 0, 2 ); connect( m_spaceHorizUSpin, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), TQT_SLOT( setMaxHorizSnap( double ) ) ); connect( m_spaceVertUSpin, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), TQT_SLOT( setMaxVertSnap( double ) ) ) ; } void VConfigGridPage::setMaxHorizSnap( double v ) { m_snapHorizUSpin->setMaxValue( v ); } void VConfigGridPage::setMaxVertSnap( double v ) { m_snapVertUSpin->setMaxValue( v ); } void VConfigGridPage::slotUnitChanged( int u ) { KoUnit::Unit unit = static_cast( u ); m_snapHorizUSpin->setUnit( unit ); m_snapVertUSpin->setUnit( unit ); m_spaceHorizUSpin->setUnit( unit ); m_spaceVertUSpin->setUnit( unit ); } void VConfigGridPage::apply() { KarbonGridData &gd = m_view->part()->document().grid(); gd.freq.setWidth( m_spaceHorizUSpin->value() ); gd.freq.setHeight( m_spaceVertUSpin->value() ); gd.snap.setWidth( m_snapHorizUSpin->value() ); gd.snap.setHeight( m_snapVertUSpin->value() ); gd.isShow = m_gridChBox->isChecked(); gd.isSnap = m_snapChBox->isChecked(); gd.color = m_gridColorBtn->color(); m_view->repaintAll(); } void VConfigGridPage::slotDefault() { KoUnit::Unit unit = m_view->part()->document().unit(); m_spaceHorizUSpin->setValue( KoUnit::toUserValue( 20.0, unit ) ); m_spaceVertUSpin->setValue( KoUnit::toUserValue( 20.0, unit ) ); m_snapHorizUSpin->setValue( KoUnit::toUserValue( 20.0, unit ) ); m_snapVertUSpin->setValue( KoUnit::toUserValue( 20.0, unit ) ); m_gridChBox->setChecked( true ); m_snapChBox->setChecked( true ); m_gridColorBtn->setColor( TQColor( 228, 228, 228 ) ); } VConfigDefaultPage::VConfigDefaultPage( KarbonView* view, TQVBox* box, char* name ) : TQObject( box->tqparent(), name ) { m_view = view; m_config = KarbonFactory::instance()->config(); TQVGroupBox* gbDocumentSettings = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Document Settings" ), box ); gbDocumentSettings->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); gbDocumentSettings->setInsideSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); m_oldAutoSave = m_view->part()->defaultAutoSave() / 60; m_oldBackupFile = true; m_oldSaveAsPath = true; if( m_config->hasGroup( "Interface" ) ) { m_config->setGroup( "Interface" ); m_oldAutoSave = m_config->readNumEntry( "AutoSave", m_oldAutoSave ); m_oldBackupFile = m_config->readBoolEntry( "BackupFile", m_oldBackupFile ); m_oldSaveAsPath = m_config->readBoolEntry( "SaveAsPath", m_oldSaveAsPath ); } m_autoSave = new KIntNumInput( m_oldAutoSave, gbDocumentSettings ); m_autoSave->setRange( 0, 60, 1 ); m_autoSave->setLabel( i18n( "Auto save (min):" ) ); m_autoSave->setSpecialValueText( i18n( "No auto save" ) ); m_autoSave->setSuffix( i18n( "min" ) ); m_createBackupFile = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Create backup file" ), gbDocumentSettings ); m_createBackupFile->setChecked( m_oldBackupFile ); m_saveAsPath = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Save as path" ), gbDocumentSettings ); m_saveAsPath->setChecked( m_oldSaveAsPath ); } void VConfigDefaultPage::apply() { m_config->setGroup( "Document defaults" ); m_config->setGroup( "Interface" ); int autoSave = m_autoSave->value(); if( autoSave != m_oldAutoSave ) { m_config->writeEntry( "AutoSave", autoSave ); m_view->part()->setAutoSave( autoSave * 60 ); m_oldAutoSave = autoSave; } bool state = m_createBackupFile->isChecked(); if( state != m_oldBackupFile ) { m_config->writeEntry( "BackupFile", state ); m_view->part()->setBackupFile( state ); m_oldBackupFile = state; } state = m_saveAsPath->isChecked(); //if( state != m_oldSaveAsPath ) //{ m_config->writeEntry( "SaveAsPath", state ); m_view->part()->document().saveAsPath( state ); m_oldSaveAsPath = state; //} } void VConfigDefaultPage::slotDefault() { m_autoSave->setValue( m_view->part()->defaultAutoSave() / 60 ); m_createBackupFile->setChecked( true ); m_saveAsPath->setChecked( true ); } #include "vconfiguredlg.moc"