/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexidataawarepropertyset.h" #include "kexitableviewdata.h" #include "kexidataawareobjectiface.h" #include #include #define MAX_FIELDS 101 //nice prime number (default prop. set vector size) KexiDataAwarePropertySet::KexiDataAwarePropertySet(KexiViewBase *view, KexiDataAwareObjectInterface* dataObject) : TQObject( view, TQCString(view->name())+"KexiDataAwarePropertySet" ) , m_view(view) , m_dataObject(dataObject) , m_row(-99) { m_sets.setAutoDelete(true); // connect(m_dataObject, TQT_SIGNAL(dataSet(KexiTableViewData*)), // this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataSet(KexiTableViewData*))); m_dataObject->connectDataSetSignal(this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataSet(KexiTableViewData*))); // connect(m_dataObject, TQT_SIGNAL(cellSelected(int,int)), // this, TQT_SLOT(slotCellSelected(int,int))); m_dataObject->connectCellSelectedSignal(this, TQT_SLOT(slotCellSelected(int,int))); // slotDataSet( m_dataObject->data() ); const bool wasDirty = view->dirty(); clear(); if (!wasDirty) view->setDirty(false); } KexiDataAwarePropertySet::~KexiDataAwarePropertySet() { } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotDataSet( KexiTableViewData *data ) { if (!m_currentTVData.isNull()) { m_currentTVData->disconnect( this ); clear(); } m_currentTVData = data; if (!m_currentTVData.isNull()) { connect(m_currentTVData, TQT_SIGNAL(rowDeleted()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRowDeleted())); connect(m_currentTVData, TQT_SIGNAL(rowsDeleted( const TQValueList & )), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList & ))); connect(m_currentTVData, TQT_SIGNAL(rowInserted(KexiTableItem*,uint,bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem*,uint,bool))); connect(m_currentTVData, TQT_SIGNAL(reloadRequested()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotReloadRequested())); } } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::removeCurrentPropertySet() { remove( m_dataObject->currentRow() ); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::remove(uint row) { KoProperty::Set *set = m_sets.at(row); if (!set) return; set->debug(); m_sets.remove(row); m_view->setDirty(); m_view->propertySetSwitched(); } uint KexiDataAwarePropertySet::size() const { return m_sets.size(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::clear(uint tqminimumSize) { m_sets.clear(); m_sets.resize(TQMAX(tqminimumSize, MAX_FIELDS)); m_view->setDirty(true); m_view->propertySetSwitched(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotReloadRequested() { clear(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::insert(uint row, KoProperty::Set* set, bool newOne) { if (!set || row >= m_sets.size()) { kexiwarn << "KexiDataAwarePropertySet::insert() invalid args: rew="<< row<< " propertyset="<< set<< endl; return; } if (set->tqparent() && set->tqparent()!=this) { kexiwarn << "KexiDataAwarePropertySet::insert() propertyset's tqparent must be NULL or this KexiDataAwarePropertySet" << endl; return; } m_sets.insert(row, set); connect(set, TQT_SIGNAL(propertyChanged(KoProperty::Set&, KoProperty::Property&)), m_view, TQT_SLOT(setDirty())); if (newOne) { //add a special property indicating that this is brand new set, //not just changed KoProperty::Property* prop = new KoProperty::Property("newrow"); prop->setVisible(false); set->addProperty( prop ); m_view->setDirty(); } } KoProperty::Set* KexiDataAwarePropertySet::currentPropertySet() const { return (m_dataObject->currentRow() >= 0) ? m_sets.at( m_dataObject->currentRow() ) : 0; } uint KexiDataAwarePropertySet::currentRow() const { return m_dataObject->currentRow(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotRowDeleted() { m_view->setDirty(); removeCurrentPropertySet(); //let's move up all property sets that are below that deleted m_sets.setAutoDelete(false);//to avoid auto deleting in insert() const int r = m_dataObject->currentRow(); for (int i=r;ipropertySetSwitched(); emit rowDeleted(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList &rows ) { //let's move most property sets up & delete unwanted m_sets.setAutoDelete(false);//to avoid auto deleting in insert() const int orig_size = size(); int prev_r = -1; int num_removed = 0, cur_r = -1; for (TQValueList::ConstIterator r_it = rows.constBegin(); r_it!=rows.constEnd() && *r_it < orig_size; ++r_it) { cur_r = *r_it;// - num_removed; if (prev_r>=0) { // kdDebug() << "move " << prev_r+num_removed-1 << ".." << cur_r-1 << " to " << prev_r+num_removed-1 << ".." << cur_r-2 << endl; int i=prev_r; KoProperty::Set *set = m_sets.take(i+num_removed); kdDebug() << "property set " << i+num_removed << " deleted" << endl; delete set; num_removed++; for (; (i+num_removed)=0) { KoProperty::Set *set = m_sets.take(cur_r); kdDebug() << "property set " << cur_r << " deleted" << endl; delete set; num_removed++; for (int i=prev_r; (i+num_removed)0) m_view->setDirty(); m_view->propertySetSwitched(); } //void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotEmptyRowInserted(KexiTableItem*, uint /*index*/) void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem*, uint row, bool /*tqrepaint*/) { m_view->setDirty(); //let's move down all property set that are below m_sets.setAutoDelete(false);//to avoid auto deleting in insert() // const int r = m_dataObject->currentRow(); m_sets.resize(m_sets.size()+1); for (int i=int(m_sets.size())-1; i>(int)row; i--) { KoProperty::Set *set = m_sets[i-1]; m_sets.insert( i , set ); } m_sets.insert( row, 0 ); m_sets.setAutoDelete(true);//revert the flag m_view->propertySetSwitched(); emit rowInserted(); } void KexiDataAwarePropertySet::slotCellSelected(int, int row) { if(row == m_row) return; m_row = row; m_view->propertySetSwitched(); } KoProperty::Set* KexiDataAwarePropertySet::findPropertySetForItem(KexiTableItem& item) { if (m_currentTVData.isNull()) return 0; int idx = m_currentTVData->findRef(&item); if (idx<0) return 0; return m_sets[idx]; } int KexiDataAwarePropertySet::findRowForPropertyValue(const TQCString& propertyName, const TQVariant& value) { const int size = m_sets.size(); for (int i=0; icontains(propertyName)) continue; if (set->property(propertyName).value() == value) return i; } return -1; } #include "kexidataawarepropertyset.moc"