/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Raphael Langerhorst (C) 2002-2004 Ariya Hidayat (C) 1999-2003 Laurent Montel (C) 2002-2003 Norbert Andres (C) 2002-2003 Philipp Mueller (C) 2002-2003 John Dailey (C) 1999-2003 David Faure (C) 1999-2001 Simon Hausmann (C) 1998-2000 Torben Weis This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_VIEW #define KSPREAD_VIEW #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TQScrollBar; class KoDocumentEntry; class KoTabBar; class SheetSelectWidget; namespace KSpread { class Cell; class Damage; class Sheet; class Canvas; class Child; class Doc; class EditWidget; class HBorder; class LocationEditWidget; class Region; class Selection; class VBorder; class View; class ComboboxLocationEditWidget; class EmbeddedKOfficeObject; class EmbeddedObject; /** * \class KPSheetSelectPage * \brief Print dialog page for selecting sheets to print. * @author raphael.langerhorst@kdemail.net * @see SheetSelectWidget * * This dialog is shown in the print dialog and allows the user * to select the sheets that should be printed and in which order * they should be printed. */ class KPSheetSelectPage : public KPrintDialogPage { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KPSheetSelectPage( TQWidget *tqparent = 0 ); // ~KPSheetSelectPage(); // //reimplement virtual functions /** * @see printOptionPrefix() */ void getOptions( TQMap& opts, bool incldef = false ); /** * @see printOptionPrefix() */ void setOptions( const TQMap& opts ); /** * @return false if no sheet is selected for printing. */ bool isValid( TQString& msg ); /** * @return list of sheets that will be printed, in correct order. */ TQStringList selectedSheets(); /** * Removes all sheets from the list of selected sheets. */ void clearSelection(); /** * The print order of the sheets is stored in the option map, * using a prefix plus the index of the sheet, like the following: * \li sheetprintorder0 * \li sheetprintorder1 * \li sheetprintorder2 * Please note that this is just the key to the value, not the value * itself. The value of the option is the sheetname itself. * @param index the index of the print order, starting at 0 * @return the string that is used in the printoption for given index */ static TQString printOptionForIndex(unsigned int index); /** * @param prt the printer from which the options should be read. * @return list of sheets to print in correct order configured for given printer. */ static TQStringList selectedSheets(KPrinter &prt); public slots: /** * Inserts given sheet to the list of available sheets. */ void prependAvailableSheet(const TQString& sheetname); /** * Inserts given sheet to the list of sheets for printing at the top. */ void prependSelectedSheet(const TQString& sheetname); protected slots: // The following slots just implement the code for the buttons void selectAll(); void select(); void remove(); void removeAll(); void moveTop(); void moveUp(); void moveDown(); void moveBottom(); private: /** * The widget used, includes two lists of sheet names and * buttons to move sheets between and within the lists. */ SheetSelectWidget* gui; }; /** @class View * * @brief The View class displays a KSpread document. * * * View is used to display a spreadsheet document and provide * the interface for the user to perform editing and data analysis. * * A view consists of several parts: * \li canvas to display cells in a sheet * \li line editor to display and edit cell contents * \li location editor to show marker and/or selection * \li column header to show columns * \li row header to show rows * \li horizontal and vertical scrollbars for navigation * \li tab bar to select active worksheet * */ class KSPREAD_EXPORT View : public KoView { friend class Canvas; Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: /** Creates a new view */ View( TQWidget *_parent, const char *_name, Doc *doc ); /** Destroys the view */ ~View(); Doc* doc() const; /** Returns the canvas of the view */ Canvas* canvasWidget() const; /** Returns the column header */ HBorder* hBorderWidget() const; /** Returns the row header */ VBorder* vBorderWidget() const; /** Returns the horizontal scrollbar */ TQScrollBar* horzScrollBar() const; /** Returns the vertical scrollbar */ TQScrollBar* vertScrollBar() const; /** Returns the editor widget */ KSpread::EditWidget* editWidget() const; /** Returns the location widget */ ComboboxLocationEditWidget* posWidget() const; /** Returns the tab bar */ KoTabBar* tabBar() const; void setZoom( int zoom, bool updateViews ); // change the zoom value void addSheet( Sheet *_t ); //void removesheet( Sheet *_t ); void removeAllSheets(); void setActiveSheet( Sheet *_t,bool updatesheet=true ); const Sheet* activeSheet() const; Sheet* activeSheet(); void openPopupMenu( const TQPoint &_global ); void popupRowMenu(const TQPoint & _point ) ; void popupColumnMenu( const TQPoint & _point); // void showFormulaToolBar( bool show ); /** * Used by @ref EditWidget. Sets the text of the active cell(s). */ void setText( const TQString& _text, bool array = false ); void enableUndo( bool _b ); void enableRedo( bool _b ); void enableInsertColumn( bool _b ); void enableInsertRow( bool _b ); /** * * @param _tqgeometry is the zoomed tqgeometry of the new child. * @param _entry is the entry to insert. * * @todo check validity of @p _entry docs. */ void insertChart( const TQRect& _tqgeometry, KoDocumentEntry& _entry ); /** * * @param _tqgeometry is the tqgeometry of the new child. * @param _entry is the entry to insert. * * @todo check validity of @p _entry docs. */ void insertChild( const TQRect& _tqgeometry, KoDocumentEntry& _entry ); // void insertPicture( const TQRect& _tqgeometry, KURL& _file ); virtual void print( KPrinter &printer ); virtual void setupPrinter( KPrinter &printer ); /** * Fills the @ref EditWidget with the current cells * content. This function is usually called after the * cursor moved. */ void updateEditWidget(); /** * Same as updateEditEidget() but no update of menus and toolbars */ void updateEditWidgetOnPress(); /** * Called before saving, to finish the current edition (if any) */ void deleteEditor( bool saveChanges = true ); void closeEditor(); virtual DCOPObject* dcopObject(); virtual TQWidget *canvas() const; virtual int canvasXOffset() const; virtual int canvasYOffset() const; /** * @reimp */ KoDocument *hitTest( const TQPoint &pos ); void initConfig(); void initCalcMenu(); void changeNbOfRecentFiles(int _nb); void updateBorderButton(); void removeSheet( Sheet *_t ); void insertSheet( Sheet* sheet ); TQColor borderColor() const; Selection* selectionInfo() const; Selection* choice() const; void updateShowSheetMenu(); /** * Mark all selected cells / regions of cells as 'dirty' (ie. requiring a tqrepaint) * They will be repainted on the next call to paintUpdates() */ void markSelectionAsDirty(); /** * Repaint any cell with the paintDirty flag that is visible in this view */ void paintUpdates(); /** * Resets the internal handle pointer, called from InsertHandler destructor */ void resetInsertHandle(); bool isInsertingObject(); bool showSheet(const TQString& sheetName); /** * @return marker for @p sheet */ TQPoint markerFromSheet( Sheet* sheet ) const; /** * @return scroll offset for @p sheet */ KoPoint offsetFromSheet( Sheet* sheet ) const; /** * Save current sheet selection. * Call when we change sheet, or before save in OpenDocument format. */ void saveCurrentSheetSelection(); void deleteSelectedObjects(); /** * Returns the default color for highlighting cells and column / row headers */ static TQColor highlightColor(); public slots: /** * refresh view when you hide/show vertical scrollbar */ void refreshView(); void initialPosition(); /** * Actions */ void createTemplate(); void transformPart(); void copySelection(); void cutSelection(); void deleteSelection(); void clearTextSelection(); void clearCommentSelection(); void clearValiditySelection(); void clearConditionalSelection(); void fillRight(); void fillLeft(); void fillUp(); void fillDown(); void recalcWorkBook(); void recalcWorkSheet(); void paste(); void specialPaste(); void editCell(); void setAreaName(); void showAreaName(); void adjust(); void defaultSelection(); void paperLayoutDlg(); void styleDialog(); void definePrintRange(); void resetPrintRange(); void insertObject(); void insertFromDatabase(); void insertFromTextfile(); void insertFromClipboard(); void insertSpecialChar(); void togglePageBorders( bool ); void toggleProtectSheet( bool ); void toggleProtectDoc( bool ); void viewZoom( const TQString & ); void find(); void findNext(); void findPrevious(); void replace(); void conditional(); void validity(); void insertSeries(); void sort(); void insertHyperlink(); void removeHyperlink(); void goalSeek(); void multipleOperations(); void subtotals(); void textToColumns(); void consolidate(); void insertSheet(); void removeSheet(); void hideSheet(); void showSheet(); void helpUsing(); void insertChart(); void insertPicture(); void moneyFormat(bool b); void alignLeft( bool b ); void alignRight( bool b ); void alignCenter( bool b ); void alignTop( bool b ); void alignMiddle( bool b ); void alignBottom( bool b ); void wrapText( bool b ); void precisionMinus(); void precisionPlus(); void createStyleFromCell(); void styleSelected( const TQString & ); void setSelectionPrecision(int delta); void percent(bool b); void fontSelected( const TQString &_font ); void fontSizeSelected( int size ); void bold( bool b ); void italic( bool b ); void underline( bool b ); void strikeOut( bool b ); void deleteColumn(); void insertColumn(); void deleteRow(); void insertRow(); void hideRow(); void showRow(); void showSelRows(); void hideColumn(); void showColumn(); void showSelColumns(); void insertMathExpr(); void formulaSelection( const TQString &_math ); void changeTextColor(); void changeBackgroundColor(); void sortInc(); void sortDec(); void layoutDlg(); void extraProperties(); void borderBottom(); void borderRight(); void borderLeft(); void borderTop(); void borderOutline(); void borderAll(); void borderRemove(); void changeBorderColor(); void sheetFormat(); void autoSum(); void resizeRow(); void resizeColumn(); void increaseFontSize(); void decreaseFontSize(); void setSelectionFontSize(int size); void setSelectionTextColor(const TQColor &txtColor); void setSelectionBackgroundColor(const TQColor &bgColor); void setSelectionBorderColor(const TQColor &bdColor); void setSelectionLeftBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void setSelectionRightBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void setSelectionTopBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void setSelectionBottomBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void setSelectionAllBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void setSelectionOutlineBorderColor(const TQColor &color); void upper(); void lower(); void equalizeColumn(); void equalizeRow(); void preference(); void firstLetterUpper(); void verticalText(bool ); void addModifyComment(); void setSelectionComment(TQString comment); void removeComment(); void changeAngle(); void setSelectionAngle(int angle); /** * Merges selected cells into one cell. This will not work if only one * cell is selected. An entire row or column can't be merged as well. * * \sa dissociateCell */ void mergeCell(); void mergeCellHorizontal(); void mergeCellVertical(); /** * Breaks merged cell. Obviously this can be done only on merged cells. * * \sa mergeCell */ void dissociateCell(); void gotoCell(); void increaseIndent(); void decreaseIndent(); void copyAsText(); void moveSheet( unsigned sheet, unsigned target ); /** * Shows the sheet properties dialog. */ void sheetProperties(); /** * Switch the active sheet to the name. This slot is connected to the tab bar * and activated when the user selects a new sheet in the tab bar. */ void changeSheet( const TQString& _name ); /** * Switch the active sheet to the next visible sheet. Does nothing if the current * active sheet is the last visible sheet in the workbook. */ void nextSheet(); /** * Switch the active sheet to the previous visible sheet. Does nothing if the current * active sheet is the first visible sheet in the workbook. */ void previousSheet(); /** * Switch the active sheet to the first visible sheet in the workbook. Does nothing * if the current active sheet is already the first one. */ void firstSheet(); /** * Switch the active sheet to the last visible sheet in the workbook. Does nothing * if the current active sheet is already the last one. */ void lastSheet(); void sortList(); void statusBarClicked(int _id); void menuCalc(bool); /** * Shows the status bar if b is true, otherwise the status bar will be hidden. */ void showStatusBar( bool b ); /** * Shows the tab bar if b is true, otherwise the tab bar will be hidden. */ void showTabBar( bool b ); /** * Shows the formula bar if b is true, otherwise the formula bar will be hidden. */ void showFormulaBar( bool b ); /** * Shows context menu when tabbar is double-clicked. */ void popupTabBarMenu( const TQPoint& ); void handleDamages( const TQValueList& damages ); void runInternalTests(); void runInspector(); void initialiseMarkerFromSheet( Sheet *_sheet, const TQPoint &point ); /** * write in statusBar result of calc (Min, or Max, average, sum, count) */ void calcStatusBarOp(); protected slots: /** * Popup menu */ void slotActivateTool( int _id ); void slotInsert(); void slotInsertCellCopy(); void slotRemove(); void slotRename(); /** * Invoked if the popup menu for an embedded document should be opened. */ void popupChildMenu( KoChild*, const TQPoint& global_pos ); /** * Invoked when the "Delete Embedded Document" option from an embedded document's * popup menu is selected. */ void slotPopupDeleteChild(); /** * Border popup menu */ void slotPopupAdjustColumn(); void slotPopupAdjustRow(); /** * list from list choose */ void slotItemSelected( int ); void slotListChoosePopupMenu( ); /** * Called by find/replace (findNext) when it found a match */ void slotHighlight( const TQString &text, int matchingIndex, int matchedLength ); /** * Called when replacing text in a cell */ void slotReplace( const TQString &newText, int, int, int ); void slotSpecialChar( TQChar c, const TQString & _font ); void slotSpecialCharDlgClosed(); void propertiesOk(); void objectSelectedChanged(); protected slots: void slotChildSelected( KoDocumentChild* ch ); void slotChildUnselected( KoDocumentChild* ); public slots: // Document signals void slotRefreshView(); void slotUpdateView( Sheet *_sheet ); void slotUpdateView( Sheet *_sheet, const Region& ); void slotUpdateView( EmbeddedObject* obj ); void slotUpdateHBorder( Sheet *_sheet ); void slotUpdateVBorder( Sheet *_sheet ); void slotChangeSelection(const Region&); void slotChangeChoice(const Region&); void slotScrollChoice(const Region&); void slotAddSheet( Sheet *_sheet ); void slotUpdateChildGeometry( EmbeddedKOfficeObject *_child ); void slotSheetRenamed( Sheet* sheet, const TQString& old_name ); void slotSheetHidden( Sheet*_sheet ); void slotSheetShown( Sheet*_sheet ); void slotSheetRemoved( Sheet*_sheet ); void refreshLocale(); void extraSpelling(); void spellCheckerReady(); void spellCheckerMisspelling( const TQString &, const TQStringList &, unsigned int); void spellCheckerCorrected( const TQString &, const TQString &, unsigned int); void spellCheckerDone( const TQString & ); void spellCheckerFinished( ); void spellCheckerIgnoreAll( const TQString & word); void spellCheckerReplaceAll( const TQString &, const TQString &); void startKSpell(); /** * Updates the view and the action. This is typically connected * to KoCommandHistory::commandExecuted() signal. */ void commandExecuted(); virtual int leftBorder() const; virtual int rightBorder() const; virtual int topBorder() const; virtual int bottomBorder() const; protected: virtual void keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent * _ev ); virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *_ev ); virtual TQWMatrix matrix() const; /** * Returns the position of the top-left point of the currently selected cell in document coordinates. * This is used when inserting some types of objects or pasting images into the document (so that the newly * pasted object's top-left point will be aligned with the top-left point of the currently selected cell) * */ KoPoint markerDocumentPosition(); /** * Activates the formula editor for the current cell. * This function is usually called if the user presses * a button in the formula toolbar. */ void activateFormulaEditor(); virtual void updateReadWrite( bool readwrite ); virtual void guiActivateEvent( KParts::GUIActivateEvent *ev ); void initFindReplace(); Cell* findNextCell(); private: class Private; Private* d; // don't allow copy or assignment View( const View& ); View& operator=( const View& ); void initView(); bool spellSwitchToOtherSheet(); void spellCleanup(); /** * @return @c true if document is being loaded. It is useful to supress scrolling * while the "View loading" process. */ bool isLoading() const; Cell* nextFindValidCell( int col, int row ); friend class Private; }; } // namespace KSpread #endif // KSPREAD_VIEW