openDatabase 1.kexi /* This test checks: - creating table fields of all possible types with specific default values - adding new fields to the table with preserving the original content All the existing columns are removed Used tables: cars */ designTable cars #initially there are 3rows removeField 2 removeField 2 i=2 insertField i textField changeFieldProperty i type string text changeFieldProperty i defaultValue string abc i++ insertField i longTextField changeFieldProperty i type string longText changeFieldProperty i defaultValue string def i++ insertField i byteField changeFieldProperty i type string byte changeFieldProperty i defaultValue int 11 i++ insertField i shortIntField changeFieldProperty i type string shortInteger changeFieldProperty i defaultValue int 22 i++ insertField i intField changeFieldProperty i type string integer changeFieldProperty i defaultValue int 333 i++ insertField i bigIntField changeFieldProperty i type string bigInteger changeFieldProperty i defaultValue longlong 1234567891011 i++ insertField i booleanField changeFieldProperty i type string boolean changeFieldProperty i defaultValue bool true i++ insertField i dateField changeFieldProperty i type string date changeFieldProperty i defaultValue date 2006-08-09 i++ insertField i dateTimeField changeFieldProperty i type string dateTime changeFieldProperty i defaultValue dateTime 2006-08-09T10:36:01 i++ insertField i timeField changeFieldProperty i type string time changeFieldProperty i defaultValue time 10:36:02 i++ insertField i floatField changeFieldProperty i type string float changeFieldProperty i defaultValue float 1.98 i++ insertField i doubleField changeFieldProperty i type string double changeFieldProperty i defaultValue double 3.1415926 i++ insertField i blobField changeFieldProperty i type string blob changeFieldProperty i defaultValue byteArray fdfeff endDesign showSchema checkSchema id UNSIGNED Integer AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY textfield Text(200) DEFAULT=[TQString]abc, longtextfield LongText DEFAULT=[TQString]def, bytefield Byte DEFAULT=[int]11, shortintfield ShortInteger DEFAULT=[int]22, intfield Integer DEFAULT=[int]333, bigintfield BigInteger DEFAULT=[TQ_LLONG]1234567891011, booleanfield Boolean NOTNULL DEFAULT=[bool]true, datefield Date DEFAULT=[QDate]2006-08-09, datetimefield DateTime DEFAULT=[QDateTime]2006-08-09T10:36:01, timefield Time DEFAULT=[QTime]10:36:02, floatfield Float DEFAULT=[double]1.98, doublefield Double DEFAULT=[double]3.1415926, blobfield BLOB DEFAULT=[QByteArray]FDFEFF endSchema # showActions clipboard checkActions Remove table field "owner" Remove table field "model" Insert table field "textfield" at position 1 (textfield Text(200) DEFAULT=[TQString]abc) Insert table field "longtextfield" at position 2 (longtextfield LongText DEFAULT=[TQString]def) Insert table field "bytefield" at position 3 (bytefield Byte DEFAULT=[int]11) Insert table field "shortintfield" at position 4 (shortintfield ShortInteger DEFAULT=[int]22) Insert table field "intfield" at position 5 (intfield Integer DEFAULT=[int]333) Insert table field "bigintfield" at position 6 (bigintfield BigInteger DEFAULT=[TQ_LLONG]1234567891011) Insert table field "booleanfield" at position 7 (booleanfield Boolean NOTNULL DEFAULT=[bool]true) Insert table field "datefield" at position 8 (datefield Date DEFAULT=[QDate]2006-08-09) Insert table field "datetimefield" at position 9 (datetimefield DateTime DEFAULT=[QDateTime]2006-08-09T10:36:01) Insert table field "timefield" at position 10 (timefield Time DEFAULT=[QTime]10:36:02) Insert table field "floatfield" at position 11 (floatfield Float DEFAULT=[double]1.98) Insert table field "doublefield" at position 12 (doublefield Double DEFAULT=[double]3.1415926) Insert table field "blobfield" at position 13 (blobfield BLOB DEFAULT=[QByteArray]FDFEFF) endActions saveTableDesign #executes Alter Table #closeWindow #stop #quit # copyTableDataToClipboard showTableData clipboard # stop checkTableData "ID" "textField" "longTextField" "byteField" "shortIntField" "intField" "bigIntField" "booleanField" "dateField" "dateTimeField" "timeField" "floatField" "doubleField" "blobField" 1 "abc" "def" 11 22 333 1234567891011 true 2006-08-09 2006-08-09 10:36:01 10:36:02 1.98 3.1415926 "FDFEFF" 2 "abc" "def" 11 22 333 1234567891011 true 2006-08-09 2006-08-09 10:36:01 10:36:02 1.98 3.1415926 "FDFEFF" 3 "abc" "def" 11 22 333 1234567891011 true 2006-08-09 2006-08-09 10:36:01 10:36:02 1.98 3.1415926 "FDFEFF" 5 "abc" "def" 11 22 333 1234567891011 true 2006-08-09 2006-08-09 10:36:01 10:36:02 1.98 3.1415926 "FDFEFF" 6 "abc" "def" 11 22 333 1234567891011 true 2006-08-09 2006-08-09 10:36:01 10:36:02 1.98 3.1415926 "FDFEFF" endTableData