KOffice filters status:   CSV - Comma Separated Values

Import | Export


Import CSV for KSpread

Last update 9 jan 2001
Features - Can import CVS documents
Todo - Automatically adjust the columns width to their contents.
Will be difficult, as we don't know the font used...
Solution ? Set a default font _in_ the filter, and use it to
compute the width...
History -
Authors David Faure   Werner Trobin
Links -
Progress report


The CSV import filter uses a hand-made state machine to parse the CSV file.
This allows to handle quoted fields (such as those containing the CSV delimiter),
as well as the double-quote character itself (which then appears twice, and
always in a quoted field).
Just to make sure about the vocabulary, I call a quoted field a field
starting with " and finishing with ".

Let's try to draw the graph of the state machine using ascii-art.

         DEL or EOL
            |  |           
            |  v    "     
       /--[START]-------->[QUOTED_FIELD] (**) 
  other|   ^   ^            |        ^ 
   (*) |   |   | DEL or     | "      | " (*) 
       |   |   | EOL        v        |           other 
       |   |   \----[MAYBE_END_OF_QUOTED_FIELD]--------> Error 
       |   |
       |   | DEL or
       |   | EOL
       v   |
   [NORMAL_FIELD] (**)

DEL  : CSV delimiter (depends on locale !). Often comma, sometimes semicolon.
EOL  : End Of Line.
(*)  : added to the current field
(**) : implicit loop on itself, labeled "other (*)"

Ugly isn't it ? :) One can't be good in drawings AND in hacking :)

That's all. For the rest, see csvfilter.cc

David Faure <faure@kde.org>, 1999 


Export KSpread to CSV

Last update ?
Features ?
Todo ?
History -
Authors David Faure   Werner Trobin
Links -
Progress report ---