// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs off; /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Ewald Snel Copyright (C) 2001 Tomasz Grobelny Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ // ### FIXME: copyright holders/date #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtfimport.h" #include "rtfimport.moc" typedef KGenericFactory RTFImportFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( librtfimport, RTFImportFactory( "kofficefilters" ) ) // defines a property #define PROP(a,b,c,d,e) { a, b, &RTFImport::c, d, e } // defines a member variable of RTFImport as a property (DEPRECATED) #define MEMBER(a,b,c,d,e) PROP(a,b,c,offsetof(RTFImport,d),e) static RTFProperty destinationPropertyTable[] = { // only-valid-in control word function offset, value PROP( 0L, "@*", skipGroup, 0L, false ), MEMBER( "@info", "@author", parsePlainText, author, false ), PROP( "@pict", "@blipuid", parseBlipUid, 0, 0 ), PROP( "@rtf", "@colortbl", parseColorTable, 0L, true ), MEMBER( "@info", "@company", parsePlainText, company, false ), MEMBER( "@info", "@doccomm", parsePlainText, doccomm, false ), PROP( "Text", "@field", parseField, 0L, false ), PROP( "@field", "@fldinst", parseFldinst, 0L, false ), PROP( "@field", "@fldrslt", parseFldrslt, 0L, false ), PROP( "@rtf", "@fonttbl", parseFontTable, 0L, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@footer", parseRichText, oddPagesFooter, true ), PROP( "@rtf", "@footnote", parseFootNote, 0L, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@footerf", parseRichText, firstPageFooter, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@footerl", parseRichText, oddPagesFooter, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@footerr", parseRichText, evenPagesFooter, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@header", parseRichText, oddPagesHeader, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@headerf", parseRichText, firstPageHeader, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@headerl", parseRichText, oddPagesHeader, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "@headerr", parseRichText, evenPagesHeader, true ), PROP( "@rtf", "@info", parseGroup, 0L, true ), PROP( "Text", "@nonshppict", skipGroup, 0L, false ), PROP( 0L, "@panose", skipGroup, 0L, 0 ), // Not supported PROP( "Text", "@pict", parsePicture, 0L, true ), MEMBER( "@", "@rtf", parseRichText, bodyText, true ), PROP( "Text", "@shpinst", skipGroup, 0L, true ), PROP( "Text", "@shppict", parseGroup, 0L, false ), PROP( "@rtf", "@stylesheet", parseStyleSheet, 0L, true ), MEMBER( "@info", "@title", parsePlainText, title, false ), }; static RTFProperty propertyTable[] = // Alphabetical order { // only-valid-in control word function offset, value PROP( "Text", "\n", insertParagraph, 0L, 0 ), PROP( "Text", "\r", insertParagraph, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "\'", insertHexSymbol, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "\\", insertSymbol, 0L, '\\' ), PROP( 0L, "_", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2011 ), PROP( 0L, "{", insertSymbol, 0L, '{' ), PROP( 0L, "|", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x00b7 ), PROP( 0L, "}", insertSymbol, 0L, '}' ), PROP( 0L, "~", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x00a0 ), PROP( 0L, "-", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x00ad ), PROP( 0L, "adjustright", ignoreKeyword, 0L, 0 ), // Not supported, KWord has no grid PROP( 0L, "ansi", setAnsiCodepage, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "ansicpg", setCodepage, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "b", setToggleProperty, state.format.bold, 0 ), // \bin is handled in the tokenizer MEMBER( "@colortbl", "blue", setNumericProperty, blue, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "box", setEnumProperty, state.layout.border, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrb", selectLayoutBorder, 0L, 3 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrcf", setBorderColor, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdash", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Dashes ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdashd", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::DashDot ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdashdd", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::DashDotDot ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdashsm", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Dashes ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdb", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Solid ), PROP( 0L, "brdrdot", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Dots ), PROP( 0L, "brdrhairline", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Solid ), PROP( 0L, "brdrl", selectLayoutBorder, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrr", selectLayoutBorder, 0L, 1 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrs", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Solid ), PROP( 0L, "brdrsh", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Solid ), PROP( 0L, "brdrt", selectLayoutBorder, 0L, 2 ), PROP( 0L, "brdrth", setBorderStyle, 0L, RTFBorder::Solid ), PROP( 0L, "brdrw", setBorderProperty, offsetof(RTFBorder,width), 0 ), PROP( 0L, "bullet", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2022 ), PROP( 0L, "brsp", setBorderProperty, offsetof(RTFBorder,space), 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "caps", setToggleProperty, state.format.caps, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "cb", setNumericProperty, state.format.bgcolor, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "highlight", setNumericProperty, state.format.bgcolor, 0 ), PROP( "Text", "cell", insertTableCell, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "cellx", insertCellDef, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "cf", setNumericProperty, state.format.color, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "chdate", insertDateTime, 0L, TRUE ), PROP( 0L, "chpgn", insertPageNumber, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "chtime", insertDateTime, 0L, FALSE ), PROP( 0L, "clbrdrb", selectLayoutBorderFromCell, 0L, 3 ), PROP( 0L, "clbrdrl", selectLayoutBorderFromCell, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "clbrdrr", selectLayoutBorderFromCell, 0L, 1 ), PROP( 0L, "clbrdrt", selectLayoutBorderFromCell, 0L, 2 ), MEMBER( 0L, "clcbpat", setNumericProperty, state.tableCell.bgcolor, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "cs", ignoreKeyword, 0L, 0 ), // Not supported by KWord 1.3 PROP( 0L, "datafield", skipGroup, 0L, 0 ), // Binary data in variables are not supported MEMBER( "@rtf", "deff", setNumericProperty, defaultFont, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "deftab", setNumericProperty, defaultTab, 0 ), PROP( "@pict", "dibitmap", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::BMP ), MEMBER( 0L, "dn", setNumericProperty, state.format.baseline, 6 ), PROP( 0L, "emdash", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2014 ), PROP( "@pict", "emfblip", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::EMF ), PROP( 0L, "emspace", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2003 ), PROP( 0L, "endash", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2013 ), PROP( 0L, "enspace", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2002 ), PROP( 0L, "expnd", ignoreKeyword, 0L, 0 ), // Expansion/compression of character inter-space not supported PROP( 0L, "expndtw", ignoreKeyword, 0L, 0 ), // Expansion/compression of character inter-space not supported MEMBER( 0L, "f", setNumericProperty, state.format.font, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "facingp", setFlagProperty, facingPages, true ), PROP( 0L, "fcharset", setCharset, 0L, 0 ), // Not needed with TQt PROP( "@fonttbl", "fdecor", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::Decorative ), MEMBER( 0L, "fi", setNumericProperty, state.layout.firstIndent, 0 ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "fmodern", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::TypeWriter ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "fnil", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::AnyStyle ), MEMBER( 0L, "footery", setNumericProperty, state.section.footerMargin, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "formshade", ignoreKeyword, 0L, 0 ), // Not supported, KWord has no form support MEMBER( "@fonttbl", "fprq", setNumericProperty, font.fixedPitch, 0 ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "froman", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::Serif ), MEMBER( 0L, "fs", setNumericProperty, state.format.fontSize, 0 ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "fscript", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::AnyStyle ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "fswiss", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::SansSerif ), PROP( "@fonttbl", "ftech", setFontStyleHint, 0L, TQFont::AnyStyle ), MEMBER( "@colortbl", "green", setNumericProperty, green, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "headery", setNumericProperty, state.section.headerMargin, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "i", setToggleProperty, state.format.italic, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "intbl", setFlagProperty, state.layout.inTable, true ), PROP( "@pict", "jpegblip", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::JPEG ), MEMBER( 0L, "keep", setFlagProperty, state.layout.keep, true ), MEMBER( 0L, "keepn", setFlagProperty, state.layout.keepNext, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "landscape", setFlagProperty, landscape, true ), PROP( 0L, "ldblquote", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x201c ), MEMBER( 0L, "li", setNumericProperty, state.layout.leftIndent, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "line", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x000a ), PROP( 0L, "lquote", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2018 ), PROP( 0L, "ltrmark", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x200e ), PROP( 0L, "mac", setMacCodepage, 0L, 0 ), PROP( "@pict", "macpict", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::MacPict ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "margb", setNumericProperty, bottomMargin, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "margl", setNumericProperty, leftMargin, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "margr", setNumericProperty, rightMargin, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "margt", setNumericProperty, topMargin, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "nosupersub", setEnumProperty, state.format.vertAlign, RTFFormat::Normal ), PROP( "Text", "page", insertPageBreak, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "pagebb", setFlagProperty, state.layout.pageBB, true ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "paperh", setNumericProperty, paperHeight, 0 ), MEMBER( "@rtf", "paperw", setNumericProperty, paperWidth, 0 ), PROP( "Text", "par", insertParagraph, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "pard", setParagraphDefaults, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "pc", setPcCodepage, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "pca", setPcaCodepage, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "pgbrk", setToggleProperty, state.layout.pageBA, true ), MEMBER( "@pict", "piccropb", setNumericProperty, picture.cropBottom, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "piccropl", setNumericProperty, picture.cropLeft, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "piccropr", setNumericProperty, picture.cropRight, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "piccropt", setNumericProperty, picture.cropTop, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "pich", setNumericProperty, picture.height, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "pichgoal", setNumericProperty, picture.desiredHeight, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "picscaled", setFlagProperty, picture.scaled, true ), MEMBER( "@pict", "picscalex", setNumericProperty, picture.scalex, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "picscaley", setNumericProperty, picture.scaley, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "picw", setNumericProperty, picture.width, 0 ), MEMBER( "@pict", "picwgoal", setNumericProperty, picture.desiredWidth, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "plain", setPlainFormatting, 0L, 0 ), PROP( "@pict", "pmmetafile", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::WMF ), PROP( "@pict", "pngblip", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::PNG ), MEMBER( 0L, "qc", setEnumProperty, state.layout.alignment, RTFLayout::Centered ), MEMBER( 0L, "qj", setEnumProperty, state.layout.alignment, RTFLayout::Justified ), MEMBER( 0L, "ql", setEnumProperty, state.layout.alignment, RTFLayout::Left ), PROP( 0L, "qmspace", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2004 ), MEMBER( 0L, "qr", setEnumProperty, state.layout.alignment, RTFLayout::Right ), PROP( 0L, "rdblquote", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x201d ), MEMBER( "@colortbl", "red", setNumericProperty, red, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "ri", setNumericProperty, state.layout.rightIndent, 0 ), PROP( "Text", "row", insertTableRow, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "rquote", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x2019 ), PROP( 0L, "rtlmark", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x200f ), MEMBER( 0L, "s", setNumericProperty, state.layout.style, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "sa", setNumericProperty, state.layout.spaceAfter, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "sb", setNumericProperty, state.layout.spaceBefore, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "scaps", setToggleProperty, state.format.smallCaps, 0 ), PROP( "Text", "sect", insertPageBreak, 0L, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "sectd", setSectionDefaults, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "sl", setNumericProperty, state.layout.spaceBetween, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "slmult", setToggleProperty, state.layout.spaceBetweenMultiple, 0 ), MEMBER( "@stylesheet", "snext", setNumericProperty, style.next, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "strike", setToggleProperty, state.format.strike, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "striked", setToggleProperty, state.format.striked, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "sub", setEnumProperty, state.format.vertAlign, RTFFormat::SubScript ), MEMBER( 0L, "super", setEnumProperty, state.format.vertAlign, RTFFormat::SuperScript ), PROP( 0L, "tab", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x0009 ), MEMBER( 0L, "titlepg", setFlagProperty, state.section.titlePage, true ), MEMBER( 0L, "tldot", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.leader, RTFTab::Dots ), MEMBER( 0L, "tlhyph", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.leader, RTFTab::Hyphens ), MEMBER( 0L, "tlth", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.leader, RTFTab::ThickLine ), MEMBER( 0L, "tlul", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.leader, RTFTab::Underline ), MEMBER( 0L, "tqc", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.type, RTFTab::Centered ), MEMBER( 0L, "tqdec", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.type, RTFTab::Decimal ), MEMBER( 0L, "tqr", setEnumProperty, state.layout.tab.type, RTFTab::FlushRight ), MEMBER( 0L, "trleft", setNumericProperty, state.tableRow.left, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "trowd", setTableRowDefaults, state.tableRow, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "trqc", setEnumProperty, state.tableRow.alignment, RTFLayout::Centered ), MEMBER( 0L, "trql", setEnumProperty, state.tableRow.alignment, RTFLayout::Left ), MEMBER( 0L, "trqr", setEnumProperty, state.tableRow.alignment, RTFLayout::Right ), MEMBER( 0L, "trrh", setNumericProperty, state.tableRow.height, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "tx", insertTabDef, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "u", insertUnicodeSymbol, state.format.uc, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "uc", setNumericProperty, state.format.uc, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "ul", setSimpleUnderlineProperty, 0L, 0 ), MEMBER( 0L, "ulc", setNumericProperty, state.format.underlinecolor, 0 ), PROP( 0L, "uld", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineDot ), PROP( 0L, "uldash", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineDash ), PROP( 0L, "uldashd", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineDashDot ), PROP( 0L, "uldashdd", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineDashDotDot ), PROP( 0L, "uldb", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineDouble ), PROP( 0L, "ulnone", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineNone ), PROP( 0L, "ulth", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineThick ), PROP( 0L, "ulw", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineWordByWord ), PROP( 0L, "ulwave", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineWave ), PROP( 0L, "ulhwave", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineWave ), PROP( 0L, "ululdbwave", setUnderlineProperty, 0L, RTFFormat::UnderlineWave ), MEMBER( 0L, "up", setUpProperty, state.format.baseline, 6 ), MEMBER( 0L, "v", setToggleProperty, state.format.hidden, 0 ), // ### TODO: \wbitmap: a Windows Device-Dependant Bitmap is not a BMP PROP( "@pict", "wbitmap", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::BMP ), PROP( "@pict", "wmetafile", setPictureType, 0L, RTFPicture::EMF ), PROP( 0L, "zwj", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x200d ), PROP( 0L, "zwnj", insertSymbol, 0L, 0x200c ) }; static RTFField fieldTable[] = { // id type subtype default value { "AUTHOR", 8, 2, "NO AUTHOR" }, { "FILENAME", 8, 0, "NO FILENAME" }, { "TITLE", 8, 10, "NO TITLE" }, { "NUMPAGES", 4, 1, 0 }, { "PAGE", 4, 0, 0 }, { "TIME", -1, -1, 0 }, { "DATE", -1, -1, 0 }, { "HYPERLINK", 9, -1, 0 }, { "SYMBOL", -1, -1, 0 }, { "IMPORT", -1, -1, 0 } }; // KWord attributes static const char *alignN[4] = { "left", "right", "justify", "center" }; static const char *boolN[2] = { "false", "true" }; static const char *borderN[4] = { "LEFTBORDER", "RIGHTBORDER", "TOPBORDER", "BOTTOMBORDER" }; RTFImport::RTFImport( KoFilter *, const char *, const TQStringList& ) : KoFilter(), properties(181), destinationProperties(29), textCodec(0), utf8TextCodec(0) { for (uint i=0; i < sizeof(propertyTable) / sizeof(propertyTable[0]); i++) { properties.insert( propertyTable[i].name, &propertyTable[i] ); } for (uint i=0; i < sizeof(destinationPropertyTable) / sizeof(destinationPropertyTable[0]); i++) { destinationProperties.insert( destinationPropertyTable[i].name, &destinationPropertyTable[i] ); } // DEBUG START // Check the hash size (see TQDict doc) kdDebug(30515) << properties.count() << " normal and " << destinationProperties.count() << " destination keywords loaded" << endl; if (properties.size() < properties.count()) kdWarning(30515) << "Hash size of properties too small: " << properties.size() << ". It should be at least " << properties.count() << " and be a prime number"<< endl; if (destinationProperties.size() < destinationProperties.count()) kdWarning(30515) << "Hash size of destinationProperties too small: " << destinationProperties.size() << ". It should be at least " << destinationProperties.count() << " and be a prime number"<< endl; // DEBUG END fnnum=0; } KoFilter::ConversionStatus RTFImport::convert( const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to ) { // This filter only supports RTF to KWord conversion if ((from != "text/rtf") || (to != "application/x-kword")) return KoFilter::NotImplemented; TQTime debugTime; debugTime.start(); // Are we in batch mode, i.e. non-interactive m_batch=false; if ( m_chain->manager() ) m_batch = m_chain->manager()->getBatchMode(); // Open input file inFileName = m_chain->inputFile(); TQFile in( inFileName ); if (!in.open( IO_ReadOnly )) { kdError(30515) << "Unable to open input file!" << endl; in.close(); if ( !m_batch ) { KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("The file cannot be loaded, as it cannot be opened."), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter"), 0 ); } return KoFilter::FileNotFound; } // Document should start with an opening brace token.open( &in ); token.next(); if (token.type != RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { kdError(30515) << "Not an RTF file" << endl; in.close(); if ( !m_batch ) { KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("The file cannot be loaded, as it seems not to be an RTF document."), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter"), 0 ); } return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } // Verify document type and version (RTF version 1.x) token.next(); if (token.type != RTFTokenizer::ControlWord) { kdError(30515) << "Wrong document type" << endl; in.close(); if ( !m_batch ) { KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("The document cannot be loaded, as it seems not to follow the RTF syntax."), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter"), 0 ); } return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } bool force = false; // By default do not force, despite an unknown keyword or version if ( !qstrcmp( token.text, "rtf" ) ) { // RTF is normally version 1 but at least Ted uses 0 as version number if ( token.value > 1 ) { kdError(30515) << "Wrong RTF version (" << token.value << "); version 0 or 1 expected" << endl; if ( !m_batch ) { force = ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0L, i18n("The RTF (Rich Text Format) document has an unexpected version number: %1. Continuing might result in an erroneous conversion. Do you want to continue?").arg( token.value ), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ); } if ( !force ) { in.close(); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } } } else if ( !qstrcmp( token.text, "pwd" ) ) { // PocketWord's PWD format is similar to RTF but has a version number of 2. if ( token.value != 2 ) { kdError(30515) << "Wrong PWD version (" << token.value << "); version 2 expected" << endl; if ( !m_batch ) { force = ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0L, i18n("The PWD (PocketWord's Rich Text Format) document has an unexpected version number: %1. Continuing might result in an erroneous conversion. Do you want to continue?").arg( token.value ), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ); } if ( !force ) { in.close(); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } } } else if ( !qstrcmp( token.text, "urtf" ) ) { // URTF seems to have either no version or having version 1 if ( token.value > 1 ) { kdError(30515) << "Wrong URTF version (" << token.value << "); version 0 or 1 expected" << endl; if ( !m_batch ) { force = ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0L, i18n("The URTF (\"Unicode Rich Text Format\") document has an unexpected version number: %1. Continuing might result in an erroneous conversion. Do you want to continue?").arg( token.value ), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter") ) == KMessageBox::Yes ); } if ( !force ) { in.close(); return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } } } else { kdError(30515) << "Wrong RTF document type (\\" << token.text << "); \\rtf, \\pwd or \\urtf expected" << endl; in.close(); if ( !m_batch ) { KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("The RTF document cannot be loaded, as it has an unexpected first keyword: \\%1.").arg( token.text ), i18n("KWord's RTF Import Filter"), 0 ); } return KoFilter::WrongFormat; } table = 0; pictureNumber = 0; // Document-formatting properties paperWidth = 12240; paperHeight = 15840; leftMargin = 1800; topMargin = 1440; rightMargin = 1800; bottomMargin= 1440; defaultTab = 720; defaultFont = 0; landscape = false; facingPages = false; // Create main document frameSets.clear( 2 ); pictures.clear(); bodyText.node.clear( 3 ); firstPageHeader.node.clear( 3 ); oddPagesHeader.node.clear( 3 ); evenPagesHeader.node.clear( 3 ); firstPageFooter.node.clear( 3 ); oddPagesFooter.node.clear( 3 ); evenPagesFooter.node.clear( 3 ); author.clear(); company.clear(); title.clear(); doccomm.clear(); stateStack.push( state ); // Add a security item for the destination stack destination.name = "!stackbottom"; changeDestination( destinationProperties["@rtf"] ); flddst = -1; emptyCell = state.tableCell; state.format.uc=1; state.ignoreGroup = false; utf8TextCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); kdDebug(30515) << "UTF-8 asked, given: " << (utf8TextCodec?TQString(utf8TextCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; // There is no default encoding in RTF, it must be always declared. (But beware of buggy files!) textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("CP 1252"); // Or IBM 437 ? kdDebug(30515) << "CP 1252 asked, given: " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; // Parse RTF document while (true) { bool firstToken = false; bool ignoreUnknown = false; token.next(); while (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { // Store the current state on the stack stateStack.push( state ); state.brace0 = false; firstToken = true; ignoreUnknown = false; token.next(); if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::ControlWord && !qstrcmp( token.text, "*" )) { // {\*\control ...} destination ignoreUnknown = true; token.next(); } } if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { if (state.brace0) { // Close the current destination (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); //kdDebug(30515) << "Closing destination... " << destinationStack.count() << endl; if (destinationStack.isEmpty()) { kdWarning(30515) << "Destination stack is empty! Document might be buggy!" << endl; // Keep the destination to save what can still be saved! } else { destination = destinationStack.pop(); } } // ### TODO: why can this not be simplified to use TQValueList::isEmpty() if (stateStack.count() <= 1) { // End-of-document, keep formatting properties stateStack.pop(); break; } else { // Retrieve the current state from the stack state = stateStack.pop(); } } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::ControlWord) { RTFProperty *property = properties[token.text]; if (property != 0L) { if (property->onlyValidIn == 0L || property->onlyValidIn == destination.name || property->onlyValidIn == destination.group) { (this->*property->cwproc)( property ); } } else if (firstToken) { // Possible destination change *(--token.text) = '@'; property = destinationProperties[token.text]; if ((property != 0L) && (property->onlyValidIn == 0L || property->onlyValidIn == destination.name || property->onlyValidIn == destination.group)) { // Change destination changeDestination( property ); } else if (ignoreUnknown) { // Skip unknown {\* ...} destination changeDestination( destinationProperties["@*"] ); debugUnknownKeywords[token.text]++; } else if ( !property ) { kdWarning(30515) << "Unknown first non-ignorable token of a group: " << token.text << endl; kdDebug(30515) << "Destination: " << ( (void*) destination.name ) << " Destination stack depth: " << destinationStack.count() << endl; // Put the second warning separately, as it can crash if destination.name is dangling kdWarning(30515) << " Assuming destination: " << destination.name << endl; debugUnknownKeywords[token.text]++; } } else { debugUnknownKeywords[token.text]++; } } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText || token.type == RTFTokenizer::BinaryData) { (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); } } // Determine header and footer type const int hType = facingPages ? (state.section.titlePage ? 3 : 1) : (state.section.titlePage ? 2 : 0); const bool hasHeader = !oddPagesHeader.node.isEmpty() || (facingPages &&!evenPagesHeader.node.isEmpty()) || (state.section.titlePage && !firstPageHeader.node.isEmpty()); const bool hasFooter = !oddPagesFooter.node.isEmpty() || (facingPages && !evenPagesFooter.node.isEmpty()) || (state.section.titlePage && !firstPageFooter.node.isEmpty()); kdDebug(30515) << "hType " << hType << " hasHeader " << hasHeader << " hasFooter " << hasFooter << endl; // Create main document DomNode mainDoc( "DOC" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "mime", "application/x-kword" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "syntaxVersion", "3" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "editor", "KWord's RTF Import Filter" ); mainDoc.addNode( "PAPER" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "format", 6 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "columns", 1 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "columnspacing", 2 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "spHeadBody", 4 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "spFootBody", 4 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "zoom", 100 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "width", .05*paperWidth ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "height", .05*paperHeight ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "orientation", landscape ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "hType", hType ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "fType", hType ); mainDoc.addNode( "PAPERBORDERS" ); mainDoc.addRect( leftMargin, (hasHeader ? state.section.headerMargin : topMargin), rightMargin, (hasFooter ? state.section.footerMargin : bottomMargin) ); mainDoc.closeNode( "PAPERBORDERS" ); mainDoc.closeNode( "PAPER" ); mainDoc.addNode( "ATTRIBUTES" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "standardpage", 1 ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "processing", 0 ); //mainDoc.setAttribute( "unit", "pt" ); // use KWord default instead mainDoc.setAttribute( "hasHeader", hasHeader ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "hasFooter", hasFooter ); mainDoc.closeNode( "ATTRIBUTES" ); mainDoc.addNode( "FRAMESETS" ); mainDoc.addFrameSet( "Frameset 1", 1, 0 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, topMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (paperHeight - bottomMargin), 1, 0, 0 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( bodyText.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); // Write out headers if (hasHeader) { mainDoc.addFrameSet( "First Page Header", 1, 1 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 0 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( firstPageHeader.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); mainDoc.addFrameSet( "Odd Pages Header", 1, 2 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 1 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( oddPagesHeader.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); mainDoc.addFrameSet( "Even Pages Header", 1, 3 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 2 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( evenPagesHeader.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); } // Write out footers if (hasFooter) { mainDoc.addFrameSet( "First Page Footer", 1, 4 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 0 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( firstPageFooter.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); mainDoc.addFrameSet( "Odd Pages Footer", 1, 5 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 1 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( oddPagesFooter.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); mainDoc.addFrameSet( "Even Pages Footer", 1, 6 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, state.section.headerMargin, (paperWidth - rightMargin), (topMargin - 80), 0, 2, 2 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( evenPagesFooter.node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); } // Write out footnotes int num=1; for(RTFTextState* i=footnotes.first();i;i=footnotes.next()) { TQCString str; str.setNum(num); str.prepend("Footnote "); num++; mainDoc.addFrameSet( str, 1, 7 ); mainDoc.addFrame( leftMargin, paperHeight - bottomMargin-80, (paperWidth - rightMargin), paperHeight-bottomMargin, 0, 2, 0 ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAME" ); mainDoc.appendNode( i->node ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); } mainDoc.appendNode( frameSets ); mainDoc.closeNode( "FRAMESETS" ); mainDoc.addNode( "PICTURES" ); mainDoc.appendNode( pictures ); mainDoc.closeNode( "PICTURES" ); mainDoc.addNode( "STYLES" ); kwFormat.id = 1; kwFormat.pos = 0; kwFormat.len = 0; // Process all styles in the style sheet const TQValueList::ConstIterator endStyleSheet=styleSheet.end(); for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it=styleSheet.begin();it!=endStyleSheet;++it) { mainDoc.addNode( "STYLE" ); kwFormat.fmt = (*it).format; // Search for 'following' style for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it2=styleSheet.begin();it2!=endStyleSheet;++it2) { if ((*it2).layout.style == (*it).next) { mainDoc.addNode( "FOLLOWING" ); mainDoc.setAttribute( "name", CheckAndEscapeXmlText( (*it2).name )); mainDoc.closeNode( "FOLLOWING"); break; } } addLayout( mainDoc, (*it).name, (*it).layout, false ); addFormat( mainDoc, kwFormat, 0L ); mainDoc.closeNode( "STYLE" ); } mainDoc.closeNode( "STYLES" ); mainDoc.closeNode( "DOC" ); // Create document info DomNode docInfo( "document-info" ); docInfo.addNode( "log" ); docInfo.addNode( "text" ); docInfo.closeNode( "text" ); docInfo.closeNode( "log" ); docInfo.addNode( "author" ); docInfo.addNode( "company" ); docInfo.appendNode( company ); docInfo.closeNode( "company" ); docInfo.addNode( "full-name" ); docInfo.appendNode( author ); docInfo.closeNode( "full-name" ); docInfo.addNode( "email" ); docInfo.closeNode( "email" ); docInfo.addNode( "telephone" ); docInfo.closeNode( "telephone" ); docInfo.addNode( "fax" ); docInfo.closeNode( "fax" ); docInfo.addNode( "country" ); docInfo.closeNode( "country" ); docInfo.addNode( "postal-code" ); docInfo.closeNode( "postal-code" ); docInfo.addNode( "city" ); docInfo.closeNode( "city" ); docInfo.addNode( "street" ); docInfo.closeNode( "street" ); docInfo.closeNode( "author" ); docInfo.addNode( "about" ); docInfo.addNode( "abstract" ); docInfo.appendNode( doccomm ); docInfo.closeNode( "abstract" ); docInfo.addNode( "title" ); docInfo.appendNode( title ); docInfo.closeNode( "title" ); docInfo.closeNode( "about" ); docInfo.closeNode( "document-info" ); // Write out main document and document info writeOutPart( "root", mainDoc ); writeOutPart( "documentinfo.xml", docInfo ); in.close(); kdDebug(30515) << "RTF FILTER TIME: " << debugTime.elapsed() << endl; for (TQMap::ConstIterator it=debugUnknownKeywords.begin(); it!=debugUnknownKeywords.end();it++) kdDebug(30515) << "Unknown keyword: " << TQString( "%1" ).arg( it.data(), 4 ) << " * " << it.key() << endl; return KoFilter::OK; } void RTFImport::ignoreKeyword( RTFProperty * ) { } void RTFImport::setCodepage( RTFProperty * ) { TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; TQCString cp; if ( token.value == 10000 ) { cp = "Apple Roman"; // ### TODO: how to support the other ones (TQt does not know them!) } else { cp.setNum( token.value ); cp.prepend("CP"); } textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName(cp); kdDebug(30515) << "\\ansicpg: codepage: " << token.value << "asked: "<< cp << " given: " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setMacCodepage( RTFProperty * ) { TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("Apple Roman"); kdDebug(30515) << "\\mac " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setAnsiCodepage( RTFProperty * ) { TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("CP1252"); kdDebug(30515) << "\\ansi " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setPcaCodepage( RTFProperty * ) { TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("IBM 850"); // TQt writes the name with a space kdDebug(30515) << "\\pca " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setPcCodepage( RTFProperty * ) { TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName("IBM 850"); // This is an approximation kdDebug(30515) << "\\pc (approximation) " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setToggleProperty( RTFProperty *property ) { ((bool *)this)[property->offset] = (!token.hasParam || token.value != 0); } void RTFImport::setFlagProperty( RTFProperty *property ) { ((bool *)this)[property->offset] = property->value; } void RTFImport::setCharset( RTFProperty *property ) { TQCString cp; switch(token.value) { case 0: cp = "CP1252"; break; // ANSI_CHARSET case 1: cp = "CP1252"; break; // DEFAULT_CHARSET //case 2: cp = ""; break; // SYMBOL_CHARSET not supported yet. case 77: cp = "Apple Roman"; break; // MAC_CHARSET case 128: cp = "Shift-JIS"; break; // SHIFTJIS_CHARSET "CP932" case 129: cp = "eucKR"; break; // HANGUL_CHARSET "CP949" case 130: cp = "CP1361"; break; // JOHAB_CHARSET doesn't really seem to be supported by TQt :-( case 134: cp = "GB2312"; break; // GB2312_CHARSET "CP936" case 136: cp = "Big5-HKSCS"; break; // CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET "CP950" case 161: cp = "CP1253"; break; // GREEK_CHARSET case 162: cp = "CP1254"; break; // TURKISH_CHARSET case 163: cp = "CP1258"; break; // VIETNAMESE_CHARSET case 177: cp = "CP1255"; break; // HEBREW_CHARSET case 178: cp = "CP1256"; break; // ARABIC_CHARSET / ARABICSIMPLIFIED_CHARSET case 186: cp = "CP1257"; break; // BALTIC_CHARSET case 204: cp = "CP1251"; break; // RUSSIAN_CHARSET / CYRILLIC_CHARSET case 222: cp = "CP874"; break; // THAI_CHARSET case 238: cp = "CP1250"; break; // EASTEUROPE_CHARSET / EASTERNEUROPE_CHARSET case 255: cp = "CP850"; break; // OEM_CHARSET "IBM 850" default: return; } TQTextCodec* oldCodec = textCodec; textCodec=TQTextCodec::codecForName(cp); kdDebug(30515) << "\\fcharset: charset: " << token.value << " codepage: "<< cp << " given: " << (textCodec?TQString(textCodec->name()):TQString("-none-")) << endl; if ( ! textCodec ) textCodec = oldCodec; } void RTFImport::setNumericProperty( RTFProperty *property ) { *((int *)(((char *)this) + property->offset)) = token.hasParam ? token.value : property->value; } void RTFImport::setEnumProperty( RTFProperty *property ) { *((int *)(((char *)this) + property->offset)) = property->value; } void RTFImport::setFontStyleHint( RTFProperty* property ) { font.styleHint = TQFont::StyleHint( property->value ); } void RTFImport::setPictureType( RTFProperty* property ) { picture.type = RTFPicture::PictureType( property->value ); } void RTFImport::setSimpleUnderlineProperty( RTFProperty* ) { state.format.underline = (!token.hasParam || token.value != 0) ? RTFFormat::UnderlineSimple : RTFFormat::UnderlineNone; } void RTFImport::setUnderlineProperty( RTFProperty* property ) { state.format.underline = RTFFormat::Underline( property->value ); } void RTFImport::setBorderStyle( RTFProperty *property ) { if (state.layout.border) { state.layout.border->style = static_cast ( property->value ); } else { for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { state.layout.borders[i].style = static_cast ( property->value ); } } } void RTFImport::setBorderProperty( RTFProperty *property ) { //kdDebug() << "setBorderProperty: " << endl; if (state.layout.border) { state.layout.border->width = token.value; } else { for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { state.layout.borders[i].width = token.value; } } } void RTFImport::setBorderColor( RTFProperty * ) { if (state.layout.border) { state.layout.border->color = token.value; } else { for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { state.layout.borders[i].color = token.value; } } } void RTFImport::setUpProperty( RTFProperty * ) { state.format.baseline = token.hasParam ? -token.value : -6; } void RTFImport::setPlainFormatting( RTFProperty * ) { RTFFormat &format = state.format; format.font = defaultFont; format.fontSize = 24; format.baseline = 0; format.color = -1; format.bgcolor = -1; format.underlinecolor = -1; format.vertAlign = RTFFormat::Normal; format.bold = false; format.italic = false; format.strike = false; format.striked = false; format.hidden = false; format.caps = false; format.smallCaps = false; format.underline = RTFFormat::UnderlineNone; // Do not reset format.uc ! } void RTFImport::setParagraphDefaults( RTFProperty * ) { RTFLayout &layout = state.layout; layout.tablist.clear(); layout.tab.type = RTFTab::Left; layout.tab.leader = RTFTab::None; for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { RTFBorder &border = layout.borders[i]; border.color = -1; border.width = 0; border.style = RTFBorder::None; } layout.firstIndent = 0; layout.leftIndent = 0; layout.rightIndent = 0; layout.spaceBefore = 0; layout.spaceAfter = 0; layout.spaceBetween = 0; layout.spaceBetweenMultiple = false; layout.style = 0; layout.alignment = RTFLayout::Left; layout.border = 0L; layout.inTable = false; layout.keep = false; layout.keepNext = false; layout.pageBB = false; layout.pageBA = false; } void RTFImport::setSectionDefaults( RTFProperty * ) { RTFSectionLayout §ion = state.section; section.headerMargin = 720; section.footerMargin = 720; section.titlePage = false; } void RTFImport::setTableRowDefaults( RTFProperty * ) { RTFTableRow &tableRow = state.tableRow; RTFTableCell &tableCell = state.tableCell; tableRow.height = 0; tableRow.left = 0; tableRow.alignment = RTFLayout::Left; tableRow.cells.clear(); tableCell.bgcolor = -1; for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { RTFBorder &border = tableCell.borders[i]; border.color = -1; border.width = 0; border.style = RTFBorder::None; } } void RTFImport::selectLayoutBorder( RTFProperty * property ) { state.layout.border = & state.layout.borders [ property->value ]; } void RTFImport::selectLayoutBorderFromCell( RTFProperty * property ) { state.layout.border = & state.tableCell.borders [ property->value ]; } void RTFImport::insertParagraph( RTFProperty * ) { if (state.layout.inTable) { if (textState->table == 0) { // Create a new table cell textState->table = ++table; } addParagraph( textState->cell, false ); } else { if (textState->table) { finishTable(); } addParagraph( textState->node, false ); } } void RTFImport::insertPageBreak( RTFProperty * ) { if (textState->length > 0) { insertParagraph(); } addParagraph( textState->node, true ); } void RTFImport::insertTableCell( RTFProperty * ) { //{{ bool b = state.layout.inTable; state.layout.inTable = true; insertParagraph(); state.layout.inTable = b; //}} textState->frameSets << textState->cell.toString(); textState->cell.clear( 3 ); } void RTFImport::insertTableRow( RTFProperty * ) { if (!textState->frameSets.isEmpty()) { RTFTableRow row = state.tableRow; row.frameSets = textState->frameSets; if (textState->rows.isEmpty()) { char buf[64]; sprintf( buf, "Table %d", textState->table ); RTFLayout::Alignment align = row.alignment; // Store the current state on the stack stateStack.push( state ); resetState(); state.layout.alignment = align; // table alignment // Add anchor for new table (default layout) addAnchor( buf ); addParagraph( textState->node, false ); // Retrieve the current state from the stack state = stateStack.pop(); } // Number of cell definitions should equal the number of cells while (row.cells.count() > row.frameSets.count()) { // ### TODO: verify if it is the right action and how we have come here at all. row.cells.pop_back(); } while (row.cells.count() < row.frameSets.count()) { row.cells << row.cells.last(); } int lx = row.left; // Each cell should be at least 1x1 in size if (row.height == 0) { row.height = 1; } // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint k=0; k < row.cells.count(); k++) { if ((row.cells[k].x - lx) < 1) row.cells[k].x = ++lx; else lx = row.cells[k].x; } if (row.left < 0) { // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint k=0; k < row.cells.count(); k++) { row.cells[k].x -= row.left; } row.left = 0; } textState->rows << row; textState->frameSets.clear(); } } void RTFImport::insertCellDef( RTFProperty * ) { RTFTableCell &cell = state.tableCell; cell.x = token.value; state.tableRow.cells << cell; cell.bgcolor = -1; for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { RTFBorder &border = cell.borders[i]; border.color = -1; border.width = 0; border.style = RTFBorder::None; } } void RTFImport::insertTabDef( RTFProperty * ) { RTFTab tab = state.layout.tab; tab.position = token.value; state.layout.tablist.push( tab ); tab.type = RTFTab::Left; tab.leader = RTFTab::None; } void RTFImport::insertUTF8( int ch ) { kdDebug(30515) << "insertUTF8: " << ch << endl; char buf[4]; char *text = buf; char *tk = token.text; token.type = RTFTokenizer::PlainText; token.text = buf; // We do not test if the character is not allowed in XML: // - it will be done later // - list definitions need to use char(1), char(2)... // ### FIXME: for high Unicode values, RTF uses negative values if (ch > 0x007f) { if (ch > 0x07ff) { *text++ = 0xe0 | (ch >> 12); ch = (ch & 0xfff) | 0x1000; } *text++ = ((ch >> 6) | 0x80) ^ 0x40; ch = (ch & 0x3f) | 0x80; } *text++ = ch; *text++ = 0; TQTextCodec* oldCodec=textCodec; if (utf8TextCodec) textCodec=utf8TextCodec; else kdError(30515) << "No UTF-8 TQTextCodec available" << endl; (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); textCodec=oldCodec; token.text = tk; } void RTFImport::insertSymbol( RTFProperty *property ) { insertUTF8( property->value ); } void RTFImport::insertHexSymbol( RTFProperty * ) { //kdDebug(30515) << "insertHexSymbol: " << token.value << endl; // Be careful, the value given in \' could be only one byte of a multi-byte character. // So it cannot be assumed that it will result in one character. // Some files have \'00 which is pretty bad, as NUL is end of string for us. // (e.g. attachment #7758 of bug #90649) if ( !token.value ) { kdWarning(30515) << "Trying to insert NUL character!" << endl; return; } char tmpch[2] = {token.value, '\0'}; char *tk = token.text; token.type = RTFTokenizer::PlainText; token.text = tmpch; (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); token.text = tk; } void RTFImport::insertUnicodeSymbol( RTFProperty * ) { const int ch = token.value; // Ignore the next N characters (or control words) for (uint i=state.format.uc; i > 0; ) { token.next(); if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::ControlWord) --i; // Ignore as single token else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup || token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { break; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { const uint len = tqstrlen( token.text ); if ( len < i ) i -= len; else { token.text += i; break; } } } if (token.type != RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { token.type = RTFTokenizer::PlainText; token.text[0] = 0; } insertUTF8( ch ); // ### TODO: put it higher in this function (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); } void RTFImport::parseFontTable( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { font.name = TQString(); font.styleHint = TQFont::AnyStyle; font.fixedPitch = 0; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { if (!textCodec) { kdError(30515) << "No text codec for font!" << endl; return; // We have no text codec, so we cannot proceed! } // ### TODO VERIFY: a RTF group could be in the middle of the font name // ### TODO VERIFY: I do not now if it is specified in RTF but attachment #7758 of bug #90649 has it. // Semicolons separate fonts if (strchr( token.text, ';' ) == 0L) // ### TODO: is this allowed with multi-byte Asian characters? font.name += textCodec->toUnicode( token.text ); else { // Add font to font table *strchr( token.text, ';' ) = 0; // ### TODO: is this allowed with multi-byte Asian characters? font.name += textCodec->toUnicode( token.text ); // Use TQt to look up the closest matching installed font TQFont qFont( font.name ); qFont.setFixedPitch( (font.fixedPitch == 1) ); qFont.setStyleHint( font.styleHint ); for(;!qFont.exactMatch();) { int space=font.name.findRev(' ', font.name.length()); if(space==-1) break; font.name.truncate(space); qFont.setFamily( font.name ); } const TQFontInfo info( qFont ); const TQString newFontName ( info.family() ); kdDebug(30515) << "Font " << state.format.font << " asked: " << font.name << " given: " << newFontName << endl; if ( newFontName.isEmpty() ) fontTable.insert( state.format.font, font.name ); else fontTable.insert( state.format.font, newFontName ); font.name.truncate( 0 ); font.styleHint = TQFont::AnyStyle; font.fixedPitch = 0; } } } void RTFImport::parseStyleSheet( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { style.name = ""; style.next = -1; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { // Semicolons separate styles if (strchr( token.text, ';' ) == 0L) // ### TODO: is this allowed with multi-byte Asian characters? style.name += textCodec->toUnicode( token.text ); else { // Add style to style sheet *strchr( token.text, ';' ) = 0; // ### TODO: is this allowed with multi-byte Asian characters? style.name += textCodec->toUnicode( token.text ); style.format = state.format; style.layout = state.layout; style.next = (style.next == -1) ? style.layout.style : style.next; styleSheet << style; style.name.truncate( 0 ); style.next = -1; } } } void RTFImport::parseColorTable( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { // Note: the color table can be a simple ; character only, especially in PWD files // Search for semicolon(s) while ((token.text = strchr( token.text, ';' ))) { colorTable << TQColor( red, green, blue ); red = green = blue = 0; ++token.text; } } } void RTFImport::parseBlipUid( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { picture.identifier = TQString(); } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { picture.identifier += TQString::fromUtf8( token.text ); } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { kdDebug(30515) << "\\blipuid: " << picture.identifier << endl; } } void RTFImport::parsePicture( RTFProperty * ) { if (state.ignoreGroup) return; if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { picture.type = RTFPicture::PNG; picture.width = 0; picture.height = 0; picture.desiredWidth = 0; picture.desiredHeight = 0; picture.scalex = 100; // Default is 100% picture.scaley = 100; // Default is 100% picture.cropLeft = 0; picture.cropTop = 0; picture.cropRight = 0; picture.cropBottom = 0; picture.nibble = 0; picture.bits.truncate( 0 ); picture.identifier = TQString(); } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { if (picture.nibble) { *(--token.text) = picture.nibble; } uint n = tqstrlen( token.text ) >> 1; picture.bits.resize( picture.bits.size() + n ); char *src = token.text; char *dst = (picture.bits.data() + picture.bits.size() - n); // Store hexadecimal data while (n-- > 0) { int k = *src++; int l = *src++; *dst++ = (((k + ((k & 16) ? 0 : 9)) & 0xf) << 4) | ((l + ((l & 16) ? 0 : 9)) & 0xf); } picture.nibble = *src; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::BinaryData) { picture.bits = token.binaryData; kdDebug(30515) << "Binary data of length: " << picture.bits.size() << endl; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { const char *ext; // Select file extension based on picture type switch (picture.type) { case RTFPicture::WMF: case RTFPicture::EMF: ext = ".wmf"; break; case RTFPicture::BMP: ext = ".bmp"; break; case RTFPicture::MacPict: ext = ".pict"; break; case RTFPicture::JPEG: ext = ".jpg"; break; case RTFPicture::PNG: default: ext = ".png"; break; } const int id = ++pictureNumber; TQString pictName("pictures/picture"); pictName += TQString::number(id); pictName += ext; TQCString frameName; frameName.setNum(id); frameName.prepend("Picture "); TQString idStr; if (picture.identifier.isEmpty()) { idStr = pictName; } else { idStr += picture.identifier.stripWhiteSpace(); idStr += ext; } kdDebug(30515) << "Picture: " << pictName << " Frame: " << frameName << endl; // Store picture KoStoreDevice* dev = m_chain->storageFile( pictName, KoStore::Write ); if ( dev ) dev->writeBlock(picture.bits.data(),picture.bits.size()); else kdError(30515) << "Could not save: " << pictName << endl; // Add anchor to rich text destination addAnchor( frameName ); // It is safe, as we call currentDateTime only once for each picture const TQDateTime dt(TQDateTime::currentDateTime()); // Add pixmap or clipart (key) pictures.addKey( dt, idStr, pictName ); // Add picture or clipart frameset frameSets.addFrameSet( frameName, 2, 0 ); //kdDebug(30515) << "Width: " << picture.desiredWidth << " scalex: " << picture.scalex << "%" << endl; //kdDebug(30515) << "Height: " << picture.desiredHeight<< " scaley: " << picture.scaley << "%" << endl; frameSets.addFrame( 0, 0, (picture.desiredWidth * picture.scalex) /100 , (picture.desiredHeight * picture.scaley) /100 , 0, 1, 0 ); frameSets.closeNode( "FRAME" ); frameSets.addNode( "PICTURE" ); frameSets.addKey( dt, idStr ); frameSets.closeNode( "PICTURE" ); frameSets.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); picture.identifier = TQString(); } } void RTFImport::addImportedPicture( const TQString& rawFileName ) { kdDebug(30515) << "Import field: reading " << rawFileName << endl; if (rawFileName=="\\*") { kdError(30515) << "Import field without file name!" << endl; return; } TQString slashPath( rawFileName ); slashPath.replace('\\','/'); // Replace directory separators. // ### TODO: what with MS-DOS absolute paths? (Will only work for KOffice on Win32) TQFileInfo info; info.setFile( inFileName ); TQDir dir( info.dirPath() ); KURL url; url.setPath(dir.filePath( rawFileName )); kdDebug(30515) << "Path: " << url.prettyURL() << endl; KoPicture pic; pic.setKeyAndDownloadPicture(url, 0); // ### TODO: find a better parent if possible if (pic.isNull()) { kdError(30515) << "Import field: file is empty: " << rawFileName << endl; return; } const uint id = ++pictureNumber; TQString pictName("pictures/picture"); pictName += TQString::number(id); pictName += '.'; pictName += pic.getExtension(); TQCString frameName; frameName.setNum(id); frameName.prepend("Picture "); kdDebug(30515) << "Imported picture: " << pictName << " Frame: " << frameName << endl; // Store picture KoStoreDevice* dev = m_chain->storageFile( pictName, KoStore::Write ); if ( dev ) pic.save(dev); else kdError(30515) << "Could not save: " << pictName << endl; // Add anchor to rich text destination addAnchor( frameName ); // It is safe, as we call currentDateTime only once for each picture const TQDateTime dt( pic.getKey().lastModified() ); // Add picture key pictures.addKey( dt, rawFileName, pictName ); // Add picture frameset const TQSize size ( pic.getOriginalSize() * 20 ); // We need twips for addFrame frameSets.addFrameSet( frameName, 2, 0 ); frameSets.addFrame( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height(), 0, 1, 0 ); frameSets.closeNode( "FRAME" ); frameSets.addNode( "PICTURE" ); frameSets.addKey( dt, rawFileName ); frameSets.closeNode( "PICTURE" ); frameSets.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); } void RTFImport::insertPageNumber( RTFProperty * ) { DomNode node; node.addNode( "PGNUM" ); node.setAttribute( "subtype", 0 ); node.setAttribute( "value", 0 ); node.closeNode("PGNUM"); addVariable( node, 4, "NUMBER", &state.format); } void RTFImport::insertDateTime( RTFProperty *property ) { kdDebug(30515) << "insertDateTime: " << property->value << endl; addDateTime( TQString(), bool(property->value), state.format ); } void RTFImport::addDateTime( const TQString& format, const bool isDate, RTFFormat& fmt ) { bool asDate=isDate; // Should the variable be a date variable? TQString kwordFormat(format); if (format.isEmpty()) { if (isDate) kwordFormat = "DATElocale"; else kwordFormat = "TIMElocale"; } else if (!isDate) { // It is a time with a specified format, so check if it is really a time // (as in KWord 1.3, a date can have a time format but a time cannot have a date format const TQRegExp regexp ("[yMd]"); // any date format character? asDate = (regexp.search(format)>-1); // if yes, then it is a date } DomNode node; if (asDate) { node.clear(7); node.addNode("DATE"); node.setAttribute("year", 0); node.setAttribute("month", 0); node.setAttribute("day", 0); node.setAttribute("fix", 0); node.closeNode("DATE"); addVariable(node, 0, kwordFormat, &fmt); } else { node.clear(7); node.addNode("TIME"); node.setAttribute("hour", 0); node.setAttribute("minute", 0); node.setAttribute("second", 0); node.setAttribute("fix", 0); node.closeNode("TIME"); addVariable(node, 2, kwordFormat, &fmt); } } void RTFImport::parseField( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { if (flddst == -1) { // Destination for unsupported fields flddst = (destinationStack.count() - 1); } fldinst = ""; fldrslt = ""; destination.group = 0L; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { if (!fldinst.isEmpty()) { DomNode node; TQStringList list ( TQStringList::split( ' ', fldinst, false ) ); kdDebug(30515) << "Field: " << list << endl; uint i; TQString fieldName ( list[0].upper() ); fieldName.remove('\\'); // Remove \, especialy leading ones in OOWriter RTF files node.clear(7); bool ok=false; for (i=0; i < sizeof(fieldTable) /sizeof(fieldTable[0]); i++) { if (fieldName == fieldTable[i].id) { kdDebug(30515) << "Field found: " << fieldTable[i].id << endl; ok=true; break; } } if (!ok) { kdWarning(30515) << "Field not supported: " << fieldName << endl; return; } if (fieldTable[i].type == 4) { node.addNode( "PGNUM" ); node.setAttribute( "subtype", fieldTable[i].subtype ); node.setAttribute( "value", 0 ); node.closeNode("PGNUM"); addVariable( node, 4, "NUMBER", &fldfmt); } else if (fieldTable[i].type == 8) { node.addNode( "FIELD" ); node.setAttribute( "subtype", fieldTable[i].subtype ); node.setAttribute( "value", fieldTable[i].value ); node.closeNode("FIELD"); addVariable( node, 8, "STRING", &fldfmt); } else if (fieldTable[i].type == 9) { TQString hrefName = TQString(); // Use ConstIterator for (uint i=1; i < list.count(); i++) { if (list[i] == "\\l") { hrefName += '#'; } else if (list[i].startsWith( "\"" ) && list[i].endsWith( "\"" )) { hrefName += list[i].mid( 1, (list[i].length() - 2) ); } else if (list[i].startsWith("http")) { hrefName += list[i]; } } node.addNode( "LINK" ); node.setAttribute( "linkName", !fldrslt.isNull() ); node.setAttribute( "hrefName", hrefName ); node.closeNode( "LINK" ); addVariable( node, 9, "STRING", &fldfmt); } else if (fieldName == "SYMBOL") { if (list.count() >= 2) { int ch = list[1].toInt(); if (ch > 0) { // ### TODO: some error control (the destination might be invalid!) destination = destinationStack[flddst]; state.format = fldfmt; insertUTF8( ch ); } } } else if (fieldName == "TIME" || fieldName == "DATE") { TQString strFldinst( TQString::fromUtf8(fldinst) ); TQRegExp regexp("\\\\@\\s*\"(.+)\""); // \@ "Text" if (regexp.search(strFldinst)==-1) { // Not found? Perhaps it is not in quotes (even if it is rare) kdWarning(30515) << "Date/time field format not in quotes!" << endl; strFldinst += ' '; // Add a space at the end to simplify the regular expression regexp = TQRegExp("\\\\@(\\S+)\\s+"); // \@some_text_up_to_a_space regexp.search(strFldinst); } TQString format(regexp.cap(1)); kdDebug(30515) << "Date/time field format: " << format << endl; format.replace("am/pm", "ap"); format.replace("a/p", "ap"); // Approximation format.replace("AM/PM", "AP"); format.replace("A/P", "AP"); // Approximation format.remove("'"); // KWord 1.3 cannot protect text in date/time addDateTime( format, (fieldName == "DATE"), fldfmt ); } else if (fieldName == "IMPORT") { addImportedPicture( list[1] ); } fldinst = ""; } if (flddst == (int) (destinationStack.count() - 1)) { // Top-level field closed, clear field destination flddst = -1; } } } void RTFImport::parseFldinst( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { fldinst = ""; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { fldinst += token.text; } } void RTFImport::parseFldrslt( RTFProperty * ) { if (fldinst.isEmpty()) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { // ### TODO: why is this destination change not done with the corresponding procedure "changeDestination"? destination = destinationStack[flddst]; destination.destproc = &RTFImport::parseFldrslt; } else if (token.type != RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { (this->*destinationStack[flddst].destproc)(0L); } } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { fldrslt = ""; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { fldrslt += token.text; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { fldfmt = state.format; } } void RTFImport::addVariable (const DomNode& spec, int type, const TQString& key, const RTFFormat* fmt) { DomNode node; node.clear( 6 ); node.addNode( "VARIABLE" ); node.closeTag(true); node.addNode("TYPE"); node.setAttribute( "type", type ); node.setAttribute( "key", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(key) ); node.setAttribute( "text", 1 ); node.closeNode("TYPE"); node.appendNode(spec); node.closeNode( "VARIABLE" ); kwFormat.xmldata = node.toString(); kwFormat.id = 4; kwFormat.pos = textState->length++; kwFormat.len = 1; if (fmt) kwFormat.fmt = *fmt; textState->text.append( '#' ); textState->formats << kwFormat; } void RTFImport::parseFootNote( RTFProperty * property) { if(token.type==RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { RTFTextState* newTextState=new RTFTextState; footnotes.append(newTextState); fnnum++; destination.target = newTextState; TQCString str; str.setNum(fnnum); str.prepend("Footnote "); DomNode node; node.clear( 7 ); node.addNode("FOOTNOTE"); node.setAttribute("numberingtype", "auto"); node.setAttribute("notetype", "footnote"); node.setAttribute("frameset", !str.isNull()); node.setAttribute("value", fnnum); node.closeNode("FOOTNOTE"); addVariable(node, 11, "STRING"); } parseRichText(property); } void RTFImport::parseRichText( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { // Save and change rich text destination RTFTextState *oldState = textState; textState = destination.target; destination.target = oldState; destination.group = "Text"; // Initialize rich text state textState->text.clear(); textState->node.clear( 3 ); textState->cell.clear( 3 ); textState->formats.clear(); textState->frameSets.clear(); textState->rows.clear(); textState->table = 0; textState->length = 0; } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { // Ignore hidden text if (!state.format.hidden) { const int len = (token.text[0] < 0) ? 1 : tqstrlen( token.text ); // Check and store format changes if ( textState->formats.isEmpty() || textState->formats.last().fmt != state.format || ( !textState->formats.last().xmldata.isEmpty() ) ) { kwFormat.fmt = state.format; kwFormat.id = 1; kwFormat.pos = textState->length; kwFormat.len = len; textState->formats << kwFormat; kwFormat.xmldata = TQString(); } else { textState->formats.last().len += len; } textState->length += len; textState->text.addTextNode( token.text, textCodec ); } } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::CloseGroup) { if (textState->length) insertParagraph(); if (textState->table) finishTable(); // Restore rich text destination textState = destination.target; } } void RTFImport::parsePlainText( RTFProperty * ) { if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup) { destination.target->node.clear(); } else if (token.type == RTFTokenizer::PlainText) { destination.target->node.addTextNode( token.text, textCodec ); } } void RTFImport::parseGroup( RTFProperty * ) { } void RTFImport::skipGroup( RTFProperty * ) { kdDebug(30515) << "Skip Group: " << token.type << endl; state.ignoreGroup = true; } void RTFImport::resetState() { setPlainFormatting(); setParagraphDefaults(); setSectionDefaults(); setTableRowDefaults(); } void RTFImport::changeDestination( RTFProperty *property ) { kdDebug(30515) << "changeDestination: " << property->name << endl; destinationStack.push( destination ); destination.name = property->name; destination.destproc = property->cwproc; if ( property->offset ) destination.target = (RTFTextState*) ( (char *)this + property->offset ); else destination.target = &m_dummyTextState; state.brace0 = true; if (property->value) { resetState(); destination.group = 0L; } // Send OpenGroup to destination token.type = RTFTokenizer::OpenGroup; (this->*destination.destproc)(0L); } void RTFImport::addAnchor( const char *instance ) { DomNode node; node.clear( 6 ); node.addNode( "ANCHOR" ); node.setAttribute( "type", "frameset" ); node.setAttribute( "instance", instance ); node.closeNode( "ANCHOR" ); kwFormat.xmldata = node.toString(); kwFormat.id = 6; kwFormat.pos = textState->length++; kwFormat.len = 1; textState->text.append( '#' ); textState->formats << kwFormat; } void RTFImport::addFormat( DomNode &node, const KWFormat& format, const RTFFormat* baseFormat ) { // Support both (\dn, \up) and (\sub, \super) for super/sub script int vertAlign = format.fmt.vertAlign; int fontSize = (format.fmt.fontSize >> 1); int vertAlign0 = ~vertAlign; int fontSize0 = ~fontSize; // Adjust vertical alignment and font size if (\dn, \up) are used if (format.fmt.vertAlign == RTFFormat::Normal && format.fmt.baseline) { if (format.fmt.baseline < 0) vertAlign = RTFFormat::SuperScript; else // (format.baseline > 0) vertAlign = RTFFormat::SubScript; fontSize += (fontSize >> 1); } if (baseFormat) { vertAlign0 = baseFormat->vertAlign; fontSize0 = (baseFormat->fontSize >> 1); if (vertAlign0 == RTFFormat::Normal && baseFormat->baseline) { if (baseFormat->baseline < 0) vertAlign0 = RTFFormat::SuperScript; else // (baseFormat.baseline > 0) vertAlign0 = RTFFormat::SubScript; fontSize0 += (fontSize0 >> 1); } } node.addNode( "FORMAT" ); node.setAttribute( "id", (int)format.id ); if (format.len != 0) { // Add pos and len if this is not a style sheet definition node.setAttribute( "pos", (int)format.pos ); node.setAttribute( "len", (int)format.len ); } if ((format.id == 1)||(format.id == 4)) { // Normal text, store changes between format and base format if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.color != baseFormat->color) { node.addNode( "COLOR" ); node.addColor( ((uint)format.fmt.color >= colorTable.count()) ? (TQColor &)TQt::black : colorTable[format.fmt.color] ); node.closeNode( "COLOR" ); } if ((uint)format.fmt.bgcolor < colorTable.count() && (!baseFormat || format.fmt.bgcolor != baseFormat->bgcolor)) { node.addNode( "TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR" ); node.addColor( colorTable[format.fmt.bgcolor] ); node.closeNode( "TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.font != baseFormat->font) { node.addNode( "FONT" ); if (fontTable.contains( format.fmt.font )) { node.setAttribute( "name", fontTable[format.fmt.font] ); } node.closeNode( "FONT" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.bold != baseFormat->bold) { node.addNode( "WEIGHT" ); node.setAttribute( "value", (format.fmt.bold ? 75 : 50) ); node.closeNode( "WEIGHT" ); } if (fontSize != fontSize0) { node.addNode( "SIZE" ); node.setAttribute( "value", fontSize ); node.closeNode( "SIZE" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.italic != baseFormat->italic) { node.addNode( "ITALIC" ); node.setAttribute( "value", format.fmt.italic ); node.closeNode( "ITALIC" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.underline != baseFormat->underline ) { node.addNode( "UNDERLINE" ); TQCString st,styleline,wordbyword("0"); st.setNum(format.fmt.underline); int underlinecolor = format.fmt.underlinecolor; switch (format.fmt.underline) { case RTFFormat::UnderlineNone: default: { st="0"; underlinecolor=-1; // Reset underline color break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineSimple: { st="single"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineDouble: { st="double"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineThick: { st="single-bold"; styleline="solid"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineWordByWord: { st="single"; styleline="solid"; wordbyword="1"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineDash: { st="single"; styleline="dash"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineDot: { st="single"; styleline="dot"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineDashDot: { st="single"; styleline="dashdot"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineDashDotDot: { st="single"; styleline="dashdotdot"; break; } case RTFFormat::UnderlineWave: { st="single"; styleline="wave"; break; } } // end of switch node.setAttribute( "value", !st.isNull() ); node.setAttribute( "wordbyword", !wordbyword.isNull() ); if ( !styleline.isEmpty() ) node.setAttribute( "styleline", !styleline.isNull() ); if ( underlinecolor >= 0 && uint(underlinecolor) < colorTable.count() ) { node.setAttribute( "underlinecolor", colorTable[underlinecolor].name() ); } node.closeNode( "UNDERLINE" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.strike != baseFormat->strike || format.fmt.striked != baseFormat->striked) { node.addNode( "STRIKEOUT" ); TQCString st; st.setNum(format.fmt.strike); if(format.fmt.striked) st="double"; node.setAttribute( "value", !st.isNull() ); node.closeNode( "STRIKEOUT" ); } if (vertAlign != vertAlign0) { node.addNode( "VERTALIGN" ); node.setAttribute( "value", vertAlign ); node.closeNode( "VERTALIGN" ); } if (!baseFormat || format.fmt.caps != baseFormat->caps || format.fmt.smallCaps != baseFormat->smallCaps) { node.addNode( "FONTATTRIBUTE" ); TQCString fontattr; if ( format.fmt.caps ) fontattr="uppercase"; else if ( format.fmt.smallCaps ) fontattr="smallcaps"; else fontattr="none"; node.setAttribute( "value", !fontattr.isNull() ); node.closeNode( "FONTATTRIBUTE" ); } if (!baseFormat) { node.addNode( "CHARSET" ); node.setAttribute( "value", (int)TQFont::Unicode ); node.closeNode( "CHARSET" ); } } if (format.id == 4 || format.id == 6) { // Variable or anchor node.closeTag( true ); node.append( format.xmldata ); } node.closeNode( "FORMAT" ); } void RTFImport::addLayout( DomNode &node, const TQString &name, const RTFLayout &layout, bool frameBreak ) { // Style name and alignment node.addNode( "NAME" ); node.setAttribute( "value", CheckAndEscapeXmlText(name) ); node.closeNode( "NAME" ); node.addNode( "FLOW" ); node.setAttribute( "align", alignN[layout.alignment] ); node.closeNode( "FLOW" ); // Indents if (layout.firstIndent || layout.leftIndent || layout.rightIndent) { node.addNode( "INDENTS" ); if (layout.firstIndent) node.setAttribute( "first", .05*layout.firstIndent ); if (layout.leftIndent) node.setAttribute( "left", .05*layout.leftIndent ); if (layout.rightIndent) node.setAttribute( "right", .05*layout.rightIndent ); node.closeNode( "INDENTS" ); } // Offets if (layout.spaceBefore || layout.spaceAfter) { node.addNode( "OFFSETS" ); if (layout.spaceBefore) node.setAttribute( "before", .05*layout.spaceBefore ); if (layout.spaceAfter) node.setAttribute( "after", .05*layout.spaceAfter ); node.closeNode( "OFFSETS" ); } // Linespacing TQString lineSpacingType; TQString lineSpacingValue; if ( layout.spaceBetweenMultiple ) { // Note: 240 is a sort of magic value for one line (Once upon a time, it meant 12pt for a single line) switch (layout.spaceBetween ) { case 240: { lineSpacingType = "single"; // ### TODO: does KWord really supports this? break; } case 360: { lineSpacingType = "oneandhalf"; break; } case 480 : { lineSpacingType = "double"; break; } default: { if ( layout.spaceBetween > 0 ) { lineSpacingType = "multiple"; lineSpacingValue.setNum( layout.spaceBetween / 240.0 ); } break; } } } else { if (layout.spaceBetween > 0) { lineSpacingType = "atleast"; lineSpacingValue.setNum( 0.05*layout.spaceBetween ); } if (layout.spaceBetween < 0) { // negative linespace means "exact" lineSpacingType = "fixed" ; lineSpacingValue.setNum( -0.05*layout.spaceBetween ); } } if ( ! lineSpacingType.isEmpty() ) { node.addNode( "LINESPACING" ); node.setAttribute( "type", lineSpacingType ); if ( ! lineSpacingValue.isEmpty() ) node.setAttribute( "spacingvalue", lineSpacingValue ); node.closeNode( "LINESPACING" ); } if (layout.keep || layout.pageBB || layout.pageBA || frameBreak || layout.keepNext) { node.addNode( "PAGEBREAKING" ); node.setAttribute( "linesTogether", boolN[layout.keep] ); node.setAttribute( "hardFrameBreak", boolN[layout.pageBB] ); node.setAttribute( "hardFrameBreakAfter", boolN[layout.pageBA || frameBreak] ); node.setAttribute( "keepWithNext", boolN[layout.keepNext] ); node.closeNode( "PAGEBREAKING" ); } // Paragraph borders for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { const RTFBorder &border = layout.borders[i]; if (border.style != RTFBorder::None || border.width > 0) { node.addNode( borderN[i] ); node.addColor( ((uint)border.color >= colorTable.count()) ? (TQColor &)TQt::black : colorTable[border.color] ); node.setAttribute( "style", (int)border.style & 0xf ); node.setAttribute( "width", (border.width < 20) ? 1 : border.width /20 ); node.closeNode( borderN[i] ); } } // Add automatic tab stop for hanging indent if (layout.firstIndent < 0 && layout.leftIndent > 0) { node.addNode( "TABULATOR" ); node.setAttribute( "type", 0 ); node.setAttribute( "ptpos", .05*layout.leftIndent ); node.closeNode( "TABULATOR" ); } // Tabulators if (!layout.tablist.isEmpty()) { // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint i=0; i < layout.tablist.count(); i++) { const RTFTab &tab = layout.tablist[i]; int l = (int)tab.leader; node.addNode( "TABULATOR" ); node.setAttribute( "type", tab.type ); node.setAttribute( "ptpos", .05*tab.position ); node.setAttribute( "filling", (l < 2) ? l : ((l == 2) ? 1 : 2) ); node.setAttribute( "width", (l == 4) ? 1. : 0.5 ); node.closeNode( "TABULATOR" ); } } } void RTFImport::addParagraph( DomNode &node, bool frameBreak ) { node.addNode( "PARAGRAPH" ); node.addNode( "TEXT" ); node.appendNode( textState->text ); node.closeNode( "TEXT" ); // Search for style in style sheet TQString name; const RTFFormat* format = &state.format; const int styleNum = state.layout.style; const TQValueList::ConstIterator endStyleSheet = styleSheet.end(); for ( TQValueList::ConstIterator it=styleSheet.begin(); it!=endStyleSheet; ++it ) { if ( (*it).layout.style == styleNum ) { if ( textState->length > 0 ) { format = &(*it).format; } name = (*it).name; break; } } kwFormat.fmt = *format; kwFormat.id = 1; kwFormat.pos = 0; kwFormat.len = textState->length; if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdWarning(30515) << "Style name empty! Assuming Standard!" << endl; name = "Standard"; } // Insert character formatting bool hasFormats = false; for ( TQValueList::ConstIterator it = textState->formats.begin(); it != textState->formats.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).id != 1 || (*it).fmt != *format ) { if (!hasFormats) { node.addNode( "FORMATS" ); hasFormats = true; } addFormat( node, (*it), format ); } } if (hasFormats) { node.closeNode( "FORMATS" ); } // Write out layout and format node.addNode( "LAYOUT" ); addLayout( node, name, state.layout, frameBreak ); addFormat( node, kwFormat, 0L ); node.closeNode( "LAYOUT" ); node.closeNode( "PARAGRAPH" ); // Clear plain text and formats for next paragraph textState->text.clear(); textState->length = 0; textState->formats.clear(); } void RTFImport::finishTable() { kdDebug(30515) << "Starting TFImport::finishTable..." << endl; TQCString emptyArray; TQValueList cellx; int left = 0, right = 0; insertTableRow(); // Calculate maximum horizontal extents // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint i=0; i < textState->rows.count(); i++) { RTFTableRow &row = textState->rows[i]; if (row.left < left || i == 0) left = row.left; if (row.cells.last().x > right || i == 0) right = row.cells.last().x; } // Force rectangular table (fill gaps with empty cells) // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint i=0; i < textState->rows.count(); i++) { RTFTableRow &row = textState->rows[i]; if (row.left > left) { row.frameSets.prepend( emptyArray ); emptyCell.x = row.left; row.cells.prepend( emptyCell ); row.left = left; } if (row.cells.last().x < right) { row.frameSets << emptyArray; emptyCell.x = right; row.cells << emptyCell; } // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint k=0; k < row.cells.count(); k++) { if (!cellx.contains( row.cells[k].x )) cellx << row.cells[k].x; } if (!cellx.contains( row.left )) { cellx << row.left; } } // Sort vertical cell boundaries // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint k=0; k < cellx.count(); k++) { for (uint l=k+1; l < cellx.count(); l++) { if (cellx[l] < cellx[k]) { int tmp = cellx[l]; cellx[l] = cellx[k]; cellx[k] = tmp; } } } int y1 = 0; // Store cell frame and table information // ### TODO: use ConstIterator for (uint i=0; i < textState->rows.count(); i++) { RTFTableRow &row = textState->rows[i]; int h = abs( row.height ); int y2 = y1 + ((h < 400) ? 400 : h); // KWord work-around int x1 = row.left; for (uint k=0; k < row.cells.count(); k++) { char buf[64]; int x2 = row.cells[k].x; int col = cellx.findIndex( x1 ); sprintf( buf, "Table %d Cell %d,%d", textState->table, i, col ); frameSets.addFrameSet( buf, 1, 0 ); sprintf( buf, "Table %d", textState->table ); frameSets.setAttribute( "grpMgr", buf ); frameSets.setAttribute( "row", (int)i ); frameSets.setAttribute( "col", col ); frameSets.setAttribute( "rows", 1 ); frameSets.setAttribute( "cols", cellx.findIndex( x2 ) - col ); frameSets.addFrame( x1, y1, x2, y2, (row.height < 0) ? 2 : 0, 1, 0 ); // Frame borders for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { RTFBorder &border = row.cells[k].borders[i]; if (border.style != RTFBorder::None || border.width > 0) { const char *id = "lrtb"; TQColor &c = ((uint)border.color >= colorTable.count()) ? (TQColor &)TQt::black : colorTable[border.color]; frameSets.addBorder( (int)id[i], c, (int)border.style & 0x0f, .05*(!border.width ? 10 : border.width) ); } } // Frame background color if ((uint)row.cells[k].bgcolor < colorTable.count()) { TQColor &color = colorTable[row.cells[k].bgcolor]; frameSets.setAttribute( "bkRed", color.red() ); frameSets.setAttribute( "bkGreen", color.green() ); frameSets.setAttribute( "bkBlue", color.blue() ); } frameSets.closeNode( "FRAME" ); frameSets.append( row.frameSets[k] ); frameSets.closeNode( "FRAMESET" ); x1 = x2; } y1 = y2; } textState->table = 0; textState->rows.clear(); kdDebug(30515) << "Quitting TFImport::finishTable..." << endl; } void RTFImport::writeOutPart( const char *name, const DomNode& node ) { KoStoreDevice* dev = m_chain->storageFile( name, KoStore::Write ); if ( dev ) { TQTextStream stream( dev ); stream.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); stream << node.toString(); } else kdError(30515) << "Could not write part " << name << endl; }