/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- $Id: KDGanttXMLTools.cpp 523435 2006-03-28 08:01:15Z mlaurent $ KDGantt - a multi-platform charting engine */ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Klar�lvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the KDGantt library. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/Public/products/ for ** information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this ** licensing are not clear to you. ** ** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program ** with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable, ** without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "KDGanttXMLTools.h" #include #include #include #include namespace KDGanttXML { void createBoolNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, bool value ) { TQDomElement newElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( newElement ); TQDomText elementContent = doc.createTextNode( value ? "true" : "false" ); newElement.appendChild( elementContent ); } void createSizeNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQSize& value ) { TQDomElement newElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( newElement ); newElement.setAttribute( "Width", value.width() ); newElement.setAttribute( "Height", value.height() ); } void createIntNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, int value ) { TQDomElement newElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( newElement ); TQDomText elementContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( value ) ); newElement.appendChild( elementContent ); } void createDoubleNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, double value ) { TQDomElement newElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( newElement ); TQDomText elementContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( value ) ); newElement.appendChild( elementContent ); } void createStringNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQString& text ) { TQDomElement newElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( newElement ); TQDomText elementContent = doc.createTextNode( text ); newElement.appendChild( elementContent ); } void createColorNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQColor& color ) { TQDomElement colorElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( colorElement ); colorElement.setAttribute( "Red", TQString::number( color.red() ) ); colorElement.setAttribute( "Green", TQString::number( color.green() ) ); colorElement.setAttribute( "Blue", TQString::number( color.blue() ) ); } void createBrushNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQBrush& brush ) { TQDomElement brushElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( brushElement ); createColorNode( doc, brushElement, "Color", brush.color() ); createStringNode( doc, brushElement, "Style", KDGanttXML::brushStyleToString( brush.style() ) ); if( brush.style() == TQt::CustomPattern && brush.pixmap() ) createPixmapNode( doc, brushElement, "Pixmap", *brush.pixmap() ); } void createPixmapNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQPixmap& pixmap ) { TQDomElement pixmapElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( pixmapElement ); // Convert the pixmap to an image, save that image to an in-memory // XPM representation and compress this representation. This // conforms to the file format TQt Designer uses. TQByteArray ba; TQBuffer buffer( ba ); buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ); TQImageIO imgio( &buffer, "XPM" ); TQImage image = pixmap.convertToImage(); imgio.setImage( image ); imgio.write(); buffer.close(); ulong len = ba.size() * 2; TQByteArray bazip( len ); ::compress( (uchar*) bazip.data(), &len, (uchar*) ba.data(), ba.size() ); TQString dataString; static const char hexchars[] = "0123456789abcdef"; for ( int i = 0; i < (int)len; ++i ) { uchar c = (uchar) bazip[i]; dataString += hexchars[c >> 4]; dataString += hexchars[c & 0x0f]; } createStringNode( doc, pixmapElement, "Format", "XPM.GZ" ); createIntNode( doc, pixmapElement, "Length", ba.size() ); createStringNode( doc, pixmapElement, "Data", dataString ); } void createRectNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQRect& rect ) { TQDomElement rectElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( rectElement ); TQDomElement xElement = doc.createElement( "X" ); rectElement.appendChild( xElement ); TQDomText xContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( rect.x() ) ); xElement.appendChild( xContent ); TQDomElement yElement = doc.createElement( "Y" ); rectElement.appendChild( yElement ); TQDomText yContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( rect.y() ) ); yElement.appendChild( yContent ); TQDomElement widthElement = doc.createElement( "Width" ); rectElement.appendChild( widthElement ); TQDomText widthContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( rect.width() ) ); widthElement.appendChild( widthContent ); TQDomElement heightElement = doc.createElement( "Height" ); rectElement.appendChild( heightElement ); TQDomText heightContent = doc.createTextNode( TQString::number( rect.height() ) ); heightElement.appendChild( heightContent ); } void createStringListNodes( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQStringList* list ) { if( !list ) return; for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it ) { TQDomElement element = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( element ); TQDomText elementContent = doc.createTextNode( *it ); element.appendChild( elementContent ); } } void createFontNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQFont& font ) { TQDomElement fontElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( fontElement ); createStringNode( doc, fontElement, "Family", font.family() ); createIntNode( doc, fontElement, "PointSize", font.pointSize() ); createIntNode( doc, fontElement, "PixelSize", font.pixelSize() ); createIntNode( doc, fontElement, "Weight", font.weight() ); createBoolNode( doc, fontElement, "Italic", font.italic() ); } void createPenNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQPen& pen ) { TQDomElement penElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( penElement ); createIntNode( doc, penElement, "Width", pen.width() ); createColorNode( doc, penElement, "Color", pen.color() ); createStringNode( doc, penElement, "Style", penStyleToString( pen.style() ) ); } void createDateTimeNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQDateTime& datetime ) { TQDomElement dateTimeElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( dateTimeElement ); createDateNode( doc, dateTimeElement, "Date", datetime.date() ); createTimeNode( doc, dateTimeElement, "Time", datetime.time() ); } void createDateNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQDate& date ) { TQDomElement dateElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( dateElement ); dateElement.setAttribute( "Year", TQString::number( date.year() ) ); dateElement.setAttribute( "Month", TQString::number( date.month() ) ); dateElement.setAttribute( "Day", TQString::number( date.day() ) ); } void createTimeNode( TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomNode& parent, const TQString& elementName, const TQTime& time ) { TQDomElement timeElement = doc.createElement( elementName ); parent.appendChild( timeElement ); timeElement.setAttribute( "Hour", TQString::number( time.hour() ) ); timeElement.setAttribute( "Minute", TQString::number( time.minute() ) ); timeElement.setAttribute( "Second", TQString::number( time.second() ) ); timeElement.setAttribute( "Millisecond", TQString::number( time.msec() ) ); } TQString penStyleToString( Qt::PenStyle style ) { switch( style ) { case Qt::NoPen: return "NoPen"; case Qt::SolidLine: return "SolidLine"; case Qt::DashLine: return "DashLine"; case Qt::DotLine: return "DotLine"; case Qt::DashDotLine: return "DashDotLine"; case Qt::DashDotDotLine: return "DashDotDotLine"; default: // should not happen return "SolidLine"; } } TQString brushStyleToString( Qt::BrushStyle style ) { // PENDING(kalle) Support custom patterns switch( style ) { case Qt::NoBrush: return "NoBrush"; case Qt::SolidPattern: return "SolidPattern"; case Qt::Dense1Pattern: return "Dense1Pattern"; case Qt::Dense2Pattern: return "Dense2Pattern"; case Qt::Dense3Pattern: return "Dense3Pattern"; case Qt::Dense4Pattern: return "Dense4Pattern"; case Qt::Dense5Pattern: return "Dense5Pattern"; case Qt::Dense6Pattern: return "Dense6Pattern"; case Qt::Dense7Pattern: return "Dense7Pattern"; case Qt::HorPattern: return "HorPattern"; case Qt::VerPattern: return "VerPattern"; case Qt::CrossPattern: return "CrossPattern"; case Qt::BDiagPattern: return "BDiagPattern"; case Qt::FDiagPattern: return "FDiagPattern"; case Qt::DiagCrossPattern: return "DiagCrossPattern"; default: // should not happen (but can for a custom pattern) return "SolidPattern"; } } bool readStringNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQString& value ) { value = element.text(); return true; } bool readIntNode( const TQDomElement& element, int& value ) { bool ok = false; int temp = element.text().toInt( &ok ); if( ok ) value = temp; return ok; } bool readDoubleNode( const TQDomElement& element, double& value ) { bool ok = false; double temp = element.text().toDouble( &ok ); if( ok ) value = temp; return ok; } bool readBoolNode( const TQDomElement& element, bool& value ) { if( element.text() == "true" ) { value = true; return true; } else if( element.text() == "false" ) { value = false; return true; } else return false; } bool readColorNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQColor& value ) { bool ok = true; int red, green, blue; if( element.hasAttribute( "Red" ) ) { bool redOk = false; red = element.attribute( "Red" ).toInt( &redOk ); ok = ok & redOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Green" ) ) { bool greenOk = false; green = element.attribute( "Green" ).toInt( &greenOk ); ok = ok & greenOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Blue" ) ) { bool blueOk = false; blue = element.attribute( "Blue" ).toInt( &blueOk ); ok = ok & blueOk; } if( ok ) value.setRgb( red, green, blue ); return ok; } bool readBrushNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQBrush& brush ) { bool ok = true; TQColor tempColor; Qt::BrushStyle tempStyle; TQPixmap tempPixmap; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Color" ) { ok = ok & readColorNode( element, tempColor ); } else if( tagName == "Style" ) { TQString value; ok = ok & readStringNode( element, value ); tempStyle = stringToBrushStyle( value ); } else if( tagName == "Pixmap" ) { ok = ok & readPixmapNode( element, tempPixmap ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in brush" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { brush.setColor( tempColor ); brush.setStyle( tempStyle ); if( !tempPixmap.isNull() ) brush.setPixmap( tempPixmap ); } return ok; } bool readPixmapNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQPixmap& pixmap ) { bool ok = true; int tempLengthi; TQString tempData; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Format" ) { TQString formatName; ok = ok & readStringNode( element, formatName ); #ifndef NDEBUG if( formatName != "XPM.GZ" ) qDebug( "Unsupported pixmap format in XML file" ); #endif } else if( tagName == "Length" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, tempLengthi ); } else if( tagName == "Data" ) { ok = ok & readStringNode( element, tempData ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in Pixmap" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { if( 0 < tempLengthi ) { // Decode the image file format in the same way TQt Designer does. char *ba = new char[ tempData.length() / 2 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tempData.length() / 2; ++i ) { char h = tempData[ 2 * i ].latin1(); char l = tempData[ 2 * i + 1 ].latin1(); uchar r = 0; if ( h <= '9' ) r += h - '0'; else r += h - 'a' + 10; r = r << 4; if ( l <= '9' ) r += l - '0'; else r += l - 'a' + 10; ba[ i ] = r; } if( tempLengthi < (int)tempData.length() * 5 ) tempLengthi = tempData.length() * 5; unsigned long tempLength = tempLengthi; TQByteArray baunzip( tempLength ); ::uncompress( (uchar*) baunzip.data(), &tempLength, (uchar*) ba, tempData.length()/2 ); TQImage image; image.loadFromData( (const uchar*)baunzip.data(), tempLength, "XPM" ); if( image.isNull() ) pixmap.resize( 0, 0 ); // This is _not_ an error, we just read a NULL pixmap! else ok = ok & pixmap.convertFromImage( image, 0 ); } else pixmap.resize( 0, 0 ); // This is _not_ an error, we just read a empty pixmap! } return ok; } bool readPenNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQPen& pen ) { bool ok = true; int tempWidth; TQColor tempColor; Qt::PenStyle tempStyle; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Width" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, tempWidth ); } else if( tagName == "Color" ) { ok = ok & readColorNode( element, tempColor ); } else if( tagName == "Style" ) { TQString value; ok = ok & readStringNode( element, value ); tempStyle = stringToPenStyle( value ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in brush" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { pen.setWidth( tempWidth ); pen.setColor( tempColor ); pen.setStyle( tempStyle ); } return ok; } bool readFontNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQFont& font ) { bool ok = true; TQString family; int pointSize, pixelSize, weight; bool italic; int charSet; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Family" ) { ok = ok & readStringNode( element, family ); } else if( tagName == "PointSize" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, pointSize ); } else if( tagName == "PixelSize" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, pixelSize ); } else if( tagName == "Weight" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, weight ); } else if( tagName == "Italic" ) { ok = ok & readBoolNode( element, italic ); } else if( tagName == "CharSet" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, charSet ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in color map" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { font.setFamily( family ); if ( pointSize > 0 ) font.setPointSize( pointSize ); if ( pixelSize > 0 ) font.setPixelSize( pixelSize ); font.setWeight( weight ); font.setItalic( italic ); } return ok; } bool readRectNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQRect& value ) { bool ok = true; int width, height, x, y; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Width" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, width ); } else if( tagName == "Height" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, height ); } else if( tagName == "X" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, x ); } else if( tagName == "Y" ) { ok = ok & readIntNode( element, y ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in rect" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { value.setX( x ); value.setY( y ); value.setWidth( width ); value.setHeight( height ); } return ok; } bool readDateTimeNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQDateTime& datetime ) { bool ok = true; TQDate tempDate; TQTime tempTime; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element TQString tagName = element.tagName(); if( tagName == "Date" ) { ok = ok & readDateNode( element, tempDate ); } else if( tagName == "Time" ) { ok = ok & readTimeNode( element, tempTime ); } else { qDebug( "Unknown tag in datetime" ); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } if( ok ) { datetime.setDate( tempDate ); datetime.setTime( tempTime ); } return ok; } bool readDateNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQDate& value ) { bool ok = true; int year, month, day; if( element.hasAttribute( "Year" ) ) { bool yearOk = false; year = element.attribute( "Year" ).toInt( &yearOk ); ok = ok & yearOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Month" ) ) { bool monthOk = false; month = element.attribute( "Month" ).toInt( &monthOk ); ok = ok & monthOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Day" ) ) { bool dayOk = false; day = element.attribute( "Day" ).toInt( &dayOk ); ok = ok & dayOk; } if( ok ) value.setYMD( year, month, day ); return ok; } bool readTimeNode( const TQDomElement& element, TQTime& value ) { bool ok = true; int hour, minute, second, msec; if( element.hasAttribute( "Hour" ) ) { bool hourOk = false; hour = element.attribute( "Hour" ).toInt( &hourOk ); ok = ok & hourOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Minute" ) ) { bool minuteOk = false; minute = element.attribute( "Minute" ).toInt( &minuteOk ); ok = ok & minuteOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Second" ) ) { bool secondOk = false; second = element.attribute( "Second" ).toInt( &secondOk ); ok = ok & secondOk; } if( element.hasAttribute( "Millisecond" ) ) { bool msecOk = false; msec = element.attribute( "Millisecond" ).toInt( &msecOk ); ok = ok & msecOk; } if( ok ) value.setHMS( hour, minute, second, msec ); return ok; } Qt::PenStyle stringToPenStyle( const TQString& style ) { if( style == "NoPen" ) return Qt::NoPen; else if( style == "SolidLine" ) return Qt::SolidLine; else if( style == "DashLine" ) return Qt::DashLine; else if( style == "DotLine" ) return Qt::DotLine; else if( style == "DashDotLine" ) return Qt::DashDotLine; else if( style == "DashDotDotLine" ) return Qt::DashDotDotLine; else // should not happen return Qt::SolidLine; } Qt::BrushStyle stringToBrushStyle( const TQString& style ) { // PENDING(kalle) Support custom patterns if( style == "NoBrush" ) return Qt::NoBrush; else if( style == "SolidPattern" ) return Qt::SolidPattern; else if( style == "Dense1Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense1Pattern; else if( style == "Dense2Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense2Pattern; else if( style == "Dense3Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense3Pattern; else if( style == "Dense4Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense4Pattern; else if( style == "Dense5Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense5Pattern; else if( style == "Dense6Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense6Pattern; else if( style == "Dense7Pattern" ) return Qt::Dense7Pattern; else if( style == "HorPattern" ) return Qt::HorPattern; else if( style == "VerPattern" ) return Qt::VerPattern; else if( style == "CrossPattern" ) return Qt::CrossPattern; else if( style == "BDiagPattern" ) return Qt::BDiagPattern; else if( style == "FDiagPattern" ) return Qt::FDiagPattern; else if( style == "DiagCrossPattern" ) return Qt::DiagCrossPattern; else // should not happen (but can with custom patterns) return Qt::SolidPattern; } }