/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Cedric Pasteur Copyright (C) 2005 Christian Nitschkowski Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexidbautofield.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kexidbcheckbox.h" #include "kexidbimagebox.h" #include "kexidblabel.h" #include "kexidblineedit.h" #include "kexidbtextedit.h" #include "kexidbcombobox.h" #include "kexipushbutton.h" #include "kexidbform.h" #include #include #include #define KexiDBAutoField_SPACING 10 //10 pixel for spacing between a label and an editor widget //! @internal class KexiDBAutoField::Private { public: Private() { } WidgetType widgetType; //!< internal: equal to m_widgetType_property or equal to result //!< of widgetTypeForFieldType() if widgetTypeForFieldType is Auto WidgetType widgetType_property; //!< provides widget type or Auto LabelPosition lblPosition; TQBoxLayout *layout; TQLabel *label; TQString caption; KexiDB::Field::Type fieldTypeInternal; TQString fieldCaptionInternal; TQColor baseColor; //!< needed because for unbound mode editor==0 TQColor textColor; //!< needed because for unbound mode editor==0 bool autoCaption : 1; bool focusPolicyChanged : 1; bool designMode : 1; }; //------------------------------------- KexiDBAutoField::KexiDBAutoField(const TQString &text, WidgetType type, LabelPosition pos, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool designMode) : TQWidget(parent, name) , KexiFormDataItemInterface() , KFormDesigner::DesignTimeDynamicChildWidgetHandler() , d( new Private() ) { d->designMode = designMode; init(text, type, pos); } KexiDBAutoField::KexiDBAutoField(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool designMode, LabelPosition pos) : TQWidget(parent, name) , KexiFormDataItemInterface() , KFormDesigner::DesignTimeDynamicChildWidgetHandler() , d( new Private() ) { d->designMode = designMode; init(TQString()/*i18n("Auto Field")*/, Auto, pos); } KexiDBAutoField::~KexiDBAutoField() { setUpdatesEnabled(false); if (m_subwidget) m_subwidget->setUpdatesEnabled(false); delete d; } void KexiDBAutoField::init(const TQString &text, WidgetType type, LabelPosition pos) { d->fieldTypeInternal = KexiDB::Field::InvalidType; d->layout = 0; m_subwidget = 0; d->label = new TQLabel(text, this); d->label->installEventFilter( this ); //TQFontMetrics fm( font() ); //d->label->setFixedWidth( fm.width("This is a test string length") ); d->autoCaption = true; d->focusPolicyChanged = false; d->widgetType = Auto; d->widgetType_property = (type==Auto ? Text : type); //to force "differ" to be true in setWidgetType() setLabelPosition(pos); setWidgetType(type); d->baseColor = palette().active().base(); d->textColor = palette().active().text(); } void KexiDBAutoField::setWidgetType(WidgetType type) { const bool differ = (type != d->widgetType_property); d->widgetType_property = type; if(differ) { if(type == Auto) {// try to guess type from data source type if (visibleColumnInfo()) d->widgetType = KexiDBAutoField::widgetTypeForFieldType(visibleColumnInfo()->field->type()); else d->widgetType = Auto; } else d->widgetType = d->widgetType_property; createEditor(); } } void KexiDBAutoField::createEditor() { if(m_subwidget) { delete (TQWidget *)m_subwidget; } TQWidget *newSubwidget; switch( d->widgetType ) { case Text: case Double: //! @todo setup validator case Integer: //! @todo setup validator case Date: case Time: case DateTime: newSubwidget = new KexiDBLineEdit( this, TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_KexiDBLineEdit:")+name() ); break; case MultiLineText: newSubwidget = new KexiDBTextEdit( this, TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_KexiDBTextEdit:")+name() ); break; case Boolean: newSubwidget = new KexiDBCheckBox(dataSource(), this, TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_KexiDBCheckBox:")+name()); break; case Image: newSubwidget = new KexiDBImageBox(d->designMode, this, TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_KexiDBImageBox:")+name()); break; case ComboBox: newSubwidget = new KexiDBComboBox(this, TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_KexiDBComboBox:")+name(), d->designMode); break; default: newSubwidget = 0; changeText(d->caption); //d->label->setText( d->dataSource.isEmpty() ? "" : d->dataSource ); break; } setSubwidget( newSubwidget ); //this will also allow to declare subproperties, see KFormDesigner::WidgetWithSubpropertiesInterface if(newSubwidget) { newSubwidget->setName( TQCString("KexiDBAutoField_") + newSubwidget->className() ); dynamic_cast(newSubwidget)->setParentDataItemInterface(this); dynamic_cast(newSubwidget) ->setColumnInfo(columnInfo()); //needed at least by KexiDBImageBox dynamic_cast(newSubwidget) ->setVisibleColumnInfo(visibleColumnInfo()); //needed at least by KexiDBComboBox newSubwidget->setProperty("dataSource", dataSource()); //needed at least by KexiDBImageBox KFormDesigner::DesignTimeDynamicChildWidgetHandler::childWidgetAdded(this); newSubwidget->show(); d->label->setBuddy(newSubwidget); if (d->focusPolicyChanged) {//if focusPolicy is changed at top level, editor inherits it newSubwidget->setFocusPolicy(focusPolicy()); } else {//if focusPolicy is not changed at top level, inherit it from editor TQWidget::setFocusPolicy(newSubwidget->focusPolicy()); } setFocusProxy(newSubwidget); //ok? if (parentWidget()) newSubwidget->setPalette( tqApp->palette() ); copyPropertiesToEditor(); // KFormDesigner::installRecursiveEventFilter(newSubwidget, this); } setLabelPosition(labelPosition()); } void KexiDBAutoField::copyPropertiesToEditor() { if (m_subwidget) { // kdDebug() << "KexiDBAutoField::copyPropertiesToEditor(): base col: " << d->baseColor.name() << // "; text col: " << d->textColor.name() << endl; TQPalette p( m_subwidget->palette() ); p.setColor( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Base, d->baseColor ); if(d->widgetType == Boolean) p.setColor( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Foreground, d->textColor ); else p.setColor( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Text, d->textColor ); m_subwidget->setPalette(p); //m_subwidget->setPaletteBackgroundColor( d->baseColor ); } } void KexiDBAutoField::setLabelPosition(LabelPosition position) { d->lblPosition = position; if(d->layout) { TQBoxLayout *lyr = d->layout; d->layout = 0; delete lyr; } if(m_subwidget) m_subwidget->show(); //! \todo support right-to-left layout where positions are inverted if (position==Top || position==Left) { int align = d->label->alignment(); if(position == Top) { d->layout = (TQBoxLayout*) new TQVBoxLayout(this); align |= AlignVertical_Mask; align ^= AlignVertical_Mask; align |= AlignTop; } else { d->layout = (TQBoxLayout*) new TQHBoxLayout(this); align |= AlignVertical_Mask; align ^= AlignVertical_Mask; align |= AlignVCenter; } d->label->setAlignment(align); if(d->widgetType == Boolean || (d->widgetType == Auto && fieldTypeInternal() == KexiDB::Field::InvalidType && !d->designMode)) { d->label->hide(); } else { d->label->show(); } d->layout->addWidget(d->label, 0, position == Top ? int(TQt::AlignLeft) : 0); if(position == Left && d->widgetType != Boolean) d->layout->addSpacing(KexiDBAutoField_SPACING); d->layout->addWidget(m_subwidget, 1); KexiSubwidgetInterface *subwidgetInterface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if (subwidgetInterface) { if (subwidgetInterface->appendStretchRequired(this)) d->layout->addStretch(0); if (subwidgetInterface->subwidgetStretchRequired(this)) { TQSizePolicy sizePolicy( m_subwidget->sizePolicy() ); if(position == Left) { sizePolicy.setHorData( TQSizePolicy::Minimum ); d->label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Preferred); } else { sizePolicy.setVerData( TQSizePolicy::Minimum ); d->label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed); } m_subwidget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); } } // if(m_subwidget) // m_subwidget->setSizePolicy(...); } else { d->layout = (TQBoxLayout*) new TQHBoxLayout(this); d->label->hide(); d->layout->addWidget(m_subwidget); } //a hack to force layout to be refreshed (any better idea for this?) resize(size()+TQSize(1,0)); resize(size()-TQSize(1,0)); if (dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget)) { //needed for KexiDBComboBox dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget)->setLabelPosition(position); } } void KexiDBAutoField::setInvalidState( const TQString &text ) { // Widget with an invalid dataSource is just a TQLabel if (d->designMode) return; d->widgetType = Auto; createEditor(); setFocusPolicy(TQ_NoFocus); if (m_subwidget) m_subwidget->setFocusPolicy(TQ_NoFocus); //! @todo or set this to editor's text? d->label->setText( text ); } bool KexiDBAutoField::isReadOnly() const { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->isReadOnly(); else return false; } void KexiDBAutoField::setReadOnly( bool readOnly ) { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) iface->setReadOnly(readOnly); } void KexiDBAutoField::setValueInternal(const TQVariant& add, bool removeOld) { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) iface->setValue(m_origValue, add, removeOld); // iface->setValueInternal(add, removeOld); } TQVariant KexiDBAutoField::value() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->value(); return TQVariant(); } bool KexiDBAutoField::valueIsNull() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->valueIsNull(); return true; } bool KexiDBAutoField::valueIsEmpty() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->valueIsEmpty(); return true; } bool KexiDBAutoField::valueIsValid() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->valueIsValid(); return true; } bool KexiDBAutoField::valueChanged() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); kexipluginsdbg << m_origValue << endl; if(iface) return iface->valueChanged(); return false; } void KexiDBAutoField::installListener(KexiDataItemChangesListener* listener) { KexiFormDataItemInterface::installListener(listener); KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) iface->installListener(listener); } KexiDBAutoField::WidgetType KexiDBAutoField::widgetType() const { return d->widgetType_property; } KexiDBAutoField::LabelPosition KexiDBAutoField::labelPosition() const { return d->lblPosition; } TQString KexiDBAutoField::caption() const { return d->caption; } bool KexiDBAutoField::hasAutoCaption() const { return d->autoCaption; } TQWidget* KexiDBAutoField::editor() const { return m_subwidget; } TQLabel* KexiDBAutoField::label() const { return d->label; } int KexiDBAutoField::fieldTypeInternal() const { return d->fieldTypeInternal; } TQString KexiDBAutoField::fieldCaptionInternal() const { return d->fieldCaptionInternal; } bool KexiDBAutoField::cursorAtStart() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->cursorAtStart(); return false; } bool KexiDBAutoField::cursorAtEnd() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) return iface->cursorAtEnd(); return false; } void KexiDBAutoField::clear() { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) iface->clear(); } void KexiDBAutoField::setFieldTypeInternal(int kexiDBFieldType) { d->fieldTypeInternal = (KexiDB::Field::Type)kexiDBFieldType; KexiDB::Field::Type fieldType; //find real fied type to use if (d->fieldTypeInternal==KexiDB::Field::InvalidType) { if (visibleColumnInfo()) fieldType = KexiDB::Field::Text; else fieldType = KexiDB::Field::InvalidType; } else fieldType = d->fieldTypeInternal; const WidgetType newWidgetType = KexiDBAutoField::widgetTypeForFieldType( fieldType ); if(d->widgetType != newWidgetType) { d->widgetType = newWidgetType; createEditor(); } setFieldCaptionInternal(d->fieldCaptionInternal); } void KexiDBAutoField::setFieldCaptionInternal(const TQString& text) { d->fieldCaptionInternal = text; //change text only if autocaption is set and no columnInfo is available KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if((!iface || !iface->columnInfo()) && d->autoCaption) { changeText(d->fieldCaptionInternal); } } void KexiDBAutoField::setColumnInfo(KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* cinfo) { KexiFormDataItemInterface::setColumnInfo(cinfo); setColumnInfoInternal(cinfo, cinfo); } void KexiDBAutoField::setColumnInfoInternal(KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* cinfo, KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo* visibleColumnInfo) { // change widget type depending on field type if(d->widgetType_property == Auto) { WidgetType newWidgetType = Auto; KexiDB::Field::Type fieldType; if (cinfo) fieldType = visibleColumnInfo->field->type(); else if (dataSource().isEmpty()) fieldType = KexiDB::Field::InvalidType; else fieldType = KexiDB::Field::Text; if (fieldType != KexiDB::Field::InvalidType) { newWidgetType = KexiDBAutoField::widgetTypeForFieldType( fieldType ); } if(d->widgetType != newWidgetType || newWidgetType==Auto) { d->widgetType = newWidgetType; createEditor(); } } // update label's text changeText((cinfo && d->autoCaption) ? cinfo->captionOrAliasOrName() : d->caption); KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if(iface) iface->setColumnInfo(visibleColumnInfo); } //static KexiDBAutoField::WidgetType KexiDBAutoField::widgetTypeForFieldType(KexiDB::Field::Type type) { switch(type) { case KexiDB::Field::Integer: case KexiDB::Field::ShortInteger: case KexiDB::Field::BigInteger: return Integer; case KexiDB::Field::Boolean: return Boolean; case KexiDB::Field::Float: case KexiDB::Field::Double: return Double; case KexiDB::Field::Date: return Date; case KexiDB::Field::DateTime: return DateTime; case KexiDB::Field::Time: return Time; case KexiDB::Field::Text: return Text; case KexiDB::Field::LongText: return MultiLineText; case KexiDB::Field::Enum: return ComboBox; case KexiDB::Field::InvalidType: return Auto; case KexiDB::Field::BLOB: return Image; default: break; } return Text; } void KexiDBAutoField::changeText(const TQString &text, bool beautify) { TQString realText; bool unbound = false; if (d->autoCaption && (d->widgetType==Auto || dataSource().isEmpty())) { if (d->designMode) realText = TQString::fromLatin1(name())+" "+i18n("Unbound Auto Field", "(unbound)"); else realText = TQString(); unbound = true; } else { if (beautify) { /*! @todo look at appendColonToAutoLabels setting [bool] @todo look at makeFirstCharacterUpperCaseInCaptions setting [bool] (see doc/dev/settings.txt) */ if (!text.isEmpty()) { realText = text[0].upper() + text.mid(1); if (d->widgetType!=Boolean) { //! @todo ":" suffix looks weird for checkbox; remove this condition when [x] is displayed _after_ label //! @todo support right-to-left layout where position of ":" is inverted realText += ": "; } } } else realText = text; } if (unbound) d->label->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter | TQt::WordBreak ); else d->label->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter ); // TQWidget* widgetToAlterForegroundColor; if(d->widgetType == Boolean) { static_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget)->setText(realText); // widgetToAlterForegroundColor = m_subwidget; } else { d->label->setText(realText); // widgetToAlterForegroundColor = d->label; } /* if (unbound) widgetToAlterForegroundColor->setPaletteForegroundColor( KexiUtils::blendedColors( widgetToAlterForegroundColor->paletteForegroundColor(), widgetToAlterForegroundColor->paletteBackgroundColor(), 2, 1)); else widgetToAlterForegroundColor->setPaletteForegroundColor( paletteForegroundColor() );*/ } void KexiDBAutoField::setCaption(const TQString &caption) { d->caption = caption; if(!d->autoCaption && !caption.isEmpty()) changeText(d->caption); } void KexiDBAutoField::setAutoCaption(bool autoCaption) { d->autoCaption = autoCaption; if(d->autoCaption) { //d->caption = TQString(); if(columnInfo()) { changeText(columnInfo()->captionOrAliasOrName()); } else { changeText(d->fieldCaptionInternal); } } else changeText(d->caption); } void KexiDBAutoField::setDataSource( const TQString &ds ) { KexiFormDataItemInterface::setDataSource(ds); if (ds.isEmpty()) { setColumnInfo(0); } } TQSize KexiDBAutoField::sizeHint() const { if (d->lblPosition == NoLabel) return m_subwidget ? m_subwidget->sizeHint() : TQWidget::sizeHint(); TQSize s1(0,0); if (m_subwidget) s1 = m_subwidget->sizeHint(); TQSize s2(d->label->sizeHint()); if (d->lblPosition == Top) return TQSize(TQMAX(s1.width(), s2.width()), s1.height()+KexiDBAutoField_SPACING+s2.height()); //left return TQSize(s1.width()+KexiDBAutoField_SPACING+s2.width(), TQMAX(s1.height(), s2.height())); } void KexiDBAutoField::setFocusPolicy( TQ_FocusPolicy policy ) { d->focusPolicyChanged = true; TQWidget::setFocusPolicy(policy); d->label->setFocusPolicy(policy); if (m_subwidget) m_subwidget->setFocusPolicy(policy); } void KexiDBAutoField::updateInformationAboutUnboundField() { if ( (d->autoCaption && (dataSource().isEmpty() || dataSourceMimeType().isEmpty())) || (!d->autoCaption && d->caption.isEmpty()) ) { d->label->setText( TQString::fromLatin1(name())+" "+i18n("Unbound Auto Field", " (unbound)") ); } // else // d->label->setText( TQString::fromLatin1(name())+" "+i18n(" (unbound)") ); } /*void KexiDBAutoField::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* pe ) { TQWidget::paintEvent( pe ); if ( (d->autoCaption && (dataSource().isEmpty() || dataSourceMimeType().isEmpty())) || (!d->autoCaption && d->caption.isEmpty()) ) { TQPainter p(this); p.setPen( d->label->paletteForegroundColor() ); p.setClipRect(pe->rect()); p.setFont(d->label->font()); p.drawText(rect(), TQt::AlignLeft | TQt::WordBreak, TQString::fromLatin1(name())+" "+i18n(" (unbound)")); } }*/ void KexiDBAutoField::paletteChange( const TQPalette& oldPal ) { Q_UNUSED(oldPal); d->label->setPalette( palette() ); } void KexiDBAutoField::unsetPalette() { TQWidget::unsetPalette(); } // ===== methods below are just proxies for the internal editor or label ===== const TQColor & KexiDBAutoField::paletteForegroundColor() const { return d->textColor; } void KexiDBAutoField::setPaletteForegroundColor( const TQColor & color ) { d->textColor = color; copyPropertiesToEditor(); } const TQColor & KexiDBAutoField::paletteBackgroundColor() const { return d->baseColor; } void KexiDBAutoField::setPaletteBackgroundColor( const TQColor & color ) { d->baseColor = color; copyPropertiesToEditor(); } const TQColor & KexiDBAutoField::foregroundLabelColor() const { if(d->widgetType == Boolean) return paletteForegroundColor(); return d->label->paletteForegroundColor(); } void KexiDBAutoField::setForegroundLabelColor( const TQColor & color ) { if(d->widgetType == Boolean) setPaletteForegroundColor(color); else { d->label->setPaletteForegroundColor(color); TQWidget::setPaletteForegroundColor(color); } } const TQColor & KexiDBAutoField::backgroundLabelColor() const { if(d->widgetType == Boolean) return paletteBackgroundColor(); return d->label->paletteBackgroundColor(); } void KexiDBAutoField::setBackgroundLabelColor( const TQColor & color ) { if(d->widgetType == Boolean) setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); else { d->label->setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); TQWidget::setPaletteBackgroundColor(color); } // if (m_subwidget) // m_subwidget->setPalette( tqApp->palette() ); } TQVariant KexiDBAutoField::property( const char * name ) const { bool ok; TQVariant val = KFormDesigner::WidgetWithSubpropertiesInterface::subproperty(name, ok); if (ok) return val; return TQWidget::property(name); } bool KexiDBAutoField::setProperty( const char * name, const TQVariant & value ) { bool ok = KFormDesigner::WidgetWithSubpropertiesInterface::setSubproperty(name, value); if (ok) return true; return TQWidget::setProperty(name, value); } bool KexiDBAutoField::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(d->label) && d->label->buddy() && e->type()==TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { //focus label's buddy when user clicked the label d->label->buddy()->setFocus(); } return TQWidget::eventFilter(o, e); } void KexiDBAutoField::setDisplayDefaultValue(TQWidget* widget, bool displayDefaultValue) { KexiFormDataItemInterface::setDisplayDefaultValue(widget, displayDefaultValue); if (dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget)) dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget)->setDisplayDefaultValue(m_subwidget, displayDefaultValue); } void KexiDBAutoField::moveCursorToEnd() { KexiDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if (iface) iface->moveCursorToEnd(); } void KexiDBAutoField::moveCursorToStart() { KexiDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if (iface) iface->moveCursorToStart(); } void KexiDBAutoField::selectAll() { KexiDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if (iface) iface->selectAll(); } bool KexiDBAutoField::keyPressed(TQKeyEvent *ke) { KexiFormDataItemInterface *iface = dynamic_cast((TQWidget*)m_subwidget); if (iface && iface->keyPressed(ke)) return true; return false; } #include "kexidbautofield.moc"