/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek Based on KexiTableView code. Copyright (C) 2002 Till Busch Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KEXIDATAAWAREOBJECTINTERFACE_H #define KEXIDATAAWAREOBJECTINTERFACE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "kexitableviewdata.h" class TQObject; class TQScrollBar; class KPopupMenu; class KexiTableItem; class KexiTableViewData; class KexiRecordMarker; class KexiTableViewHeader; class KexiRecordNavigator; #include namespace KexiDB { class RowEditBuffer; } //! default column width in pixels #define KEXI_DEFAULT_DATA_COLUMN_WIDTH 120 //! \brief The KexiDataAwareObjectInterface is an interface for record-based data object. /** This interface is implemented by KexiTableView and KexiFormView and used by KexiDataAwareView. If yu're implementing this interface, add KEXI_DATAAWAREOBJECTINTERFACE convenience macro just after TQ_OBJECT. You should add following code to your destructor so data is deleted: \code if (m_owner) delete m_data; m_data = 0; \endcode This is not performed in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface because you may need to access m_data in your desctructor. */ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface { public: KexiDataAwareObjectInterface(); virtual ~KexiDataAwareObjectInterface(); /*! Sets data for this object. if \a owner is true, the object will own \a data and therefore will be destroyed when needed, else: \a data is (possibly) shared and not owned by the widget. If widget already has _different_ data object assigned (and owns this data), old data is destroyed before new assignment. */ void setData( KexiTableViewData *data, bool owner = true ); /*! \return data structure displayed for this object */ inline KexiTableViewData *data() const { return m_data; } /*! \return currently selected column number or -1. */ inline int currentColumn() const { return m_curCol; } /*! \return currently selected row number or -1. */ inline int currentRow() const { return m_curRow; } /*! \return last row visible on the screen (counting from 0). The returned value is guaranteed to be smaller or equal to currentRow() or -1 if there are no rows. */ virtual int lastVisibleRow() const = 0; /*! \return currently selected item (row data) or null. */ KexiTableItem *selectedItem() const { return m_currentItem; } /*! \return number of rows in this view. */ int rows() const; /*! \return number of visible columns in this view. By default returns dataColumns(), what is proper table view. In case of form view, there can be a number of duplicated columns defined (data-aware widgets, see KexiFormScrollView::columns()), so columns() can return greater number than dataColumns(). */ virtual int columns() const { return dataColumns(); } /*! Helper function. \return number of columns of data. */ int dataColumns() const; /*! \return true if data represented by this object is not editable (it can be editable with other ways although, outside of this object). */ virtual bool isReadOnly() const; /*! Sets readOnly flag for this object. Unless the flag is set, the widget inherits readOnly flag from it's data structure assigned with setData(). The default value if false. This method is useful when you need to switch on the flag indepentently from the data structure. Note: it is not allowed to force readOnly off when internal data is readOnly - in that case the method does nothing. You can check internal data flag calling data()->isReadOnly(). If \a set is true, insertingEnabled flag will be cleared automatically. \sa isInsertingEnabled() */ void setReadOnly(bool set); /*! \return true if sorting is enabled. */ inline bool isSortingEnabled() const { return m_isSortingEnabled; } /*! Sets sorting on column \a col, or (when \a col == -1) sets rows unsorted this will do not work if sorting is disabled with setSortingEnabled() */ virtual void setSorting(int col, bool ascending=true); /*! Enables or disables sorting for this object This method is different that setSorting() because it prevents both user and programmer from sorting by clicking a column's header or calling setSorting(). By default sorting is enabled. */ virtual void setSortingEnabled(bool set); /*! \return sorted column number or -1 if no column is sorted within data. This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this object, because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object. */ int dataSortedColumn() const; /*! \return 1 if ascending order for data sorting data is set, -1 for descending, 0 for no sorting. This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this objetct, because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object. */ int dataSortingOrder() const; /*! Sorts all rows by column selected with setSorting(). If there is currently row edited, it is accepted. If acception failed, sort() will return false. \return true on success. */ virtual bool sort(); /*! Sorts currently selected column in ascending order. This slot is used typically for "data_sort_az" action. */ void sortAscending(); /*! Sorts currently selected column in descending order. This slot is used typically for "data_sort_za" action. */ void sortDescending(); /*! \return true if data inserting is enabled (the default). */ virtual bool isInsertingEnabled() const; /*! Sets insertingEnabled flag. If true, empty row is available at the end of this widget for new entering new data. Unless the flag is set, the widget inherits insertingEnabled flag from it's data structure assigned with setData(). The default value if false. Note: it is not allowed to force insertingEnabled on when internal data has insertingEnabled set off - in that case the method does nothing. You can check internal data flag calling data()->insertingEnabled(). Setting this flag to true will have no effect if read-only flag is true. \sa setReadOnly() */ void setInsertingEnabled(bool set); /*! \return true if row deleting is enabled. Equal to deletionPolicy() != NoDelete && !isReadOnly()). */ bool isDeleteEnabled() const; /*! \return true if inserting empty rows are enabled (false by default). Mostly usable for not db-aware objects (e.g. used in Kexi Alter Table). Note, that if inserting is disabled, or the data set is read-only, this flag will be ignored. */ bool isEmptyRowInsertingEnabled() const { return m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled; } /*! Sets emptyRowInserting flag. Note, that if inserting is disabled, this flag is ignored. */ void setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled(bool set); /*! Enables or disables filtering. Filtering is enabled by default. */ virtual void setFilteringEnabled(bool set); /*! \return true if filtering is enabled. */ inline bool isFilteringEnabled() const { return m_isFilteringEnabled; } /*! Added for convenience: configure this object to behave more like spreadsheet (it's used for things like alter-table view). - hides navigator - disables sorting, inserting and filtering - enables accepting row after cell accepting; see setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() - enables inserting empty row; see setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled() */ virtual void setSpreadSheetMode(); /*! \return true id "spreadSheetMode" is enabled. It's false by default. */ bool spreadSheetMode() const { return m_spreadSheetMode; } /*! \return true if currently selected row is edited. */ inline bool rowEditing() const { return m_rowEditing; } enum DeletionPolicy { NoDelete = 0, AskDelete = 1, ImmediateDelete = 2, SignalDelete = 3 }; /*! \return deletion policy for this object. The default (after allocating) is AskDelete. */ DeletionPolicy deletionPolicy() const { return m_deletionPolicy; } virtual void setDeletionPolicy(DeletionPolicy policy); /*! Deletes currently selected record; does nothing if no record is currently selected. If record is in edit mode, editing is cancelled before deleting. */ virtual void deleteCurrentRow(); /*! Inserts one empty row above row \a row. If \a row is -1 (the default), new row is inserted above the current row (or above 1st row if there is no current). A new item becomes current if row is -1 or if row is equal currentRow(). This method does nothing if: -inserting flag is disabled (see isInsertingEnabled()) -read-only flag is set (see isReadOnly()) \ return inserted row's data */ virtual KexiTableItem *insertEmptyRow(int row = -1); /*! For reimplementation: called by deleteItem(). If returns false, deleting is aborted. Default implementation just returns true. */ virtual bool beforeDeleteItem(KexiTableItem *item); /*! Deletes \a item. Used by deleteCurrentRow(). Calls beforeDeleteItem() before deleting, to double-check if deleting is allowed. \return true on success. */ bool deleteItem(KexiTableItem *item);//, bool moveCursor=true); /*! Inserts newItem at \a row. -1 means current row. Used by insertEmptyRow(). */ void insertItem(KexiTableItem *newItem, int row = -1); /*! Clears entire table data, its visible representation and deletes data at database backend (if this is db-aware object). Does not clear columns information. Does not destroy KexiTableViewData object (if present) but only clears its contents. Displays confirmation dialog if \a ask is true (the default is false). Repaints widget if \a tqrepaint is true (the default). For empty tables, true is returned immediately. If isDeleteEnabled() is false, false is returned. For spreadsheet mode all current rows are just replaced by empty rows. \return true on success, false on failure, and cancelled if user cancelled deletion (only possible if \a ask is true). */ tristate deleteAllRows(bool ask = false, bool tqrepaint = true); /*! \return maximum number of rows that can be displayed per one "page" for current view's size. */ virtual int rowsPerPage() const = 0; virtual void selectRow(int row); virtual void selectNextRow(); virtual void selectPrevRow(); virtual void selectNextPage(); //!< page down action virtual void selectPrevPage(); //!< page up action virtual void selectFirstRow(); virtual void selectLastRow(); virtual void addNewRecordRequested(); /*! Clears current selection. Current row and column will be now unspecified: currentRow(), currentColumn() will return -1, and selectedItem() will return null. */ virtual void clearSelection(); /*! Moves cursor to \a row and \a col. If \a col is -1, current column number is used. If forceSet is true, cursor position is updated even if \a row and \a col doesn't differ from actual position. */ virtual void setCursorPosition(int row, int col = -1, bool forceSet = false); /*! Ensures that cell at \a row and \a col is visible. If \a col is -1, current column number is used. \a row and \a col (if not -1) must be between 0 and rows() (or cols() accordingly). */ virtual void ensureCellVisible(int row, int col/*=-1*/) = 0; /*! Specifies, if this object automatically accepts row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit (i.e. after acceptEditor()). \sa acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() */ virtual void setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting(bool set); /*! \return true, if this object automatically accepts row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit (i.e. after acceptEditor()). By default this flag is set to false. Not that if the query for this table has given constraints defined, like NOT NULL / NOT EMPTY for more than one field - editing a record would be impossible for the flag set to true, because of constraints violation. However, setting this flag to true can be useful especially for not-db-aware data set (it's used e.g. in Kexi Alter Table's field editor). */ bool acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() const { return m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting; } /*! \return true, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows. */ bool dropsAtRowEnabled() const { return m_dropsAtRowEnabled; } /*! Specifies, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows. If enabled: - dragging over row is indicated by drawing a line at bottom side of this row - dragOverRow() signal will be emitted on dragging, -droppedAtRow() will be emitted on dropping By default this flag is set to false. */ virtual void setDropsAtRowEnabled(bool set); /*! \return currently used data (field/cell) editor or 0 if there is no data editing. */ inline KexiDataItemInterface *editor() const { return m_editor; } /*! Cancels row editing All changes made to the editing row during this current session will be undone. \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist) */ virtual bool cancelRowEdit(); /*! Accepts row editing. All changes made to the editing row during this current session will be accepted (saved). \return true if accepting was successful, false otherwise (e.g. when current row contain data that does not meet given constraints). */ virtual bool acceptRowEdit(); virtual void removeEditor(); /*! Cancels changes made to the currently active editor. Reverts the editor's value to old one. \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist) */ virtual bool cancelEditor(); //! Accepst changes made to the currently active editor. //! \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist or there is data validation error) virtual bool acceptEditor(); //! Creates editors and shows it, what usually means the beginning of a cell editing virtual void createEditor(int row, int col, const TQString& addText = TQString(), bool removeOld = false) = 0; /*! Used when Return key is pressed on cell, the cell has been double clicked or "+" navigator's button is clicked. Also used when we want to continue editing a cell after "invalid value" message was displayed (in this case, \a setText is usually not empty, what means that text will be set in the cell replacing previous value). */ virtual void startEditCurrentCell(const TQString& setText = TQString()); /*! Deletes currently selected cell's contents, if allowed. In most cases delete is not accepted immediately but "row editing" mode is just started. */ virtual void deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell(); inline KexiTableItem *itemAt(int row) const; /*! \return column information for column number \a col. Default implementation just returns column # col, but for Kexi Forms column data corresponding to widget number is used here (see KexiFormScrollView::fieldNumberForColumn()). */ virtual KexiTableViewColumn* column(int col); /*! \return field number within data model connected to a data-aware widget at column \a col. Can return -1 if there's no such column. */ virtual int fieldNumberForColumn(int col) { return col; } bool hasDefaultValueAt(const KexiTableViewColumn& tvcol); const TQVariant* bufferedValueAt(int col, bool useDefaultValueIfPossible = true); //! \return a type of column \a col - one of KexiDB::Field::Type int columnType(int col); //! \return default value for column \a col TQVariant columnDefaultValue(int col) const; /*! \return true is column \a col is editable. Default implementation takes information about 'readOnly' flag from data member. Within forms, this is reimplemented for checking 'readOnly' flag from a widget ('readOnly' flag from data member is still checked though). */ virtual bool columnEditable(int col); /*! Redraws the current cell. To be implemented. */ virtual void updateCurrentCell() = 0; inline KexiRecordMarker* verticalHeader() const { return m_verticalHeader; } //! signals virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col) = 0; virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col, TQVariant oldValue) = 0; virtual void itemDeleteRequest(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col) = 0; virtual void currentItemDeleteRequest() = 0; //! Emitted for spreadsheet mode when an item was deleted and a new item has been appended virtual void newItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode() = 0; /*! Data has been refreshed on-screen - emitted from initDataContents(). */ virtual void dataRefreshed() = 0; virtual void dataSet( KexiTableViewData *data ) = 0; /*! \return a pointer to context menu. This can be used to plug some actions there. */ KPopupMenu* contextMenu() const { return m_popupMenu; } /*! \return true if the context menu is enabled (visible) for the view. True by default. */ bool contextMenuEnabled() const { return m_contextMenuEnabled; } /*! Enables or disables the context menu for the view. */ void setContextMenuEnabled(bool set) { m_contextMenuEnabled = set; } /*! \return true if vertical scrollbar's tooltips are enabled (true by default). */ bool scrollbarToolTipsEnabled() const; /*! Enables or disables vertical scrollbar's tooltip. */ void setScrollbarToolTipsEnabled(bool set); /*! Typically handles pressing Enter or F2 key: if current cell has boolean type, toggles it's value, otherwise starts editing (startEditCurrentCell()). */ void startEditOrToggleValue(); /*! \return true if new row is edited; implies: rowEditing==true. */ inline bool newRowEditing() const { return m_newRowEditing; } /*! Reaction on toggling a boolean value of a cell: we're starting to edit the cell and inverting it's state. */ virtual void boolToggled(); virtual void connectCellSelectedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* intIntMember) = 0; virtual void connectRowEditStartedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* intMember) = 0; virtual void connectRowEditTerminatedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) = 0; virtual void connectReloadActionsSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) = 0; virtual void connectDataSetSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* kexiTableViewDataMember) = 0; virtual void connectToReloadDataSlot(const TQObject* sender, const char* voidSignal) = 0; virtual void slotDataDestroying(); //! Copy current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell) virtual void copySelection() = 0; //! Cut current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell) virtual void cutSelection() = 0; //! Paste current clipboard contents (e.g. to a cell) virtual void paste() = 0; /*! Finds \a valueToFind within the data items \a options are used to control the process. Selection is moved to found value. If \a next is true, "find next" is performed, else "find previous" is performed. Searching behaviour also depends on status of the previous search: for every search, position of the cells containing the found value is stored internally by the data-aware interface (not in options). Moreover, position (start, end) of the found value is also stored. Thus, the subsequent search will reuse this information to be able to start searching exactly after the previously found value (or before for "find previous" option). The flags can be zeroed, what will lead to seaching from the first character of the current item (cell). \return true if value has been found, false if value has not been found, and cancelled if there is nothing to find or there is no data to search in. */ virtual tristate tqfind(const TQVariant& valueToFind, const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool next); /*! Finds \a valueToFind within the data items and replaces with \a replacement \a options are used to control the process. \return true if value has been found and replaced, false if value has not been found and replaced, and cancelled if there is nothing to find or there is no data to search in or the data is read only. If \a replaceAll is true, all found values are replaced. */ virtual tristate findNextAndReplace(const TQVariant& valueToFind, const TQVariant& replacement, const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool replaceAll); /*! \return vertical scrollbar */ virtual TQScrollBar* verticalScrollBar() const = 0; /*! Used in KexiTableView::keyPressEvent() (and in continuous forms). \return true when the key press event \e was consumed. You should also check e->isAccepted(), if it's true, nothing should be done; if it is false, you should call setCursorPosition() for the altered \a curCol and \c curRow variables. If \a moveToFirstField is not 0, *moveToFirstField will be set to true when the cursor should be moved to the first field (in tab order) and to false otherwise. If \a moveToLastField is not 0, *moveToLastField will be set to true when the cursor should be moved to the last field (in tab order) and to false otherwise. Note for forms: if moveToFirstField and moveToLastField are not 0, \a curCol is altered after calling this method, so setCursorPosition() will set to the index of an appropriate column (field). This is needed because field widgets can be inserted and ordered in custom tab order, so the very first field in the data source can be other than the very first field in the form. Used by KexiTableView::keyPressEvent() and KexiTableView::keyPressEvent(). */ virtual bool handleKeyPress(TQKeyEvent *e, int &curRow, int &curCol, bool fullRowSelection, bool *moveToFirstField = 0, bool *moveToLastField = 0); protected: /*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface. Initializes data contents (resizes it, sets cursor at 1st row). Sets record count for record navigator. Sets cursor positin (using setCursorPosition()) to first row or sets (-1, -1) position if no rows are available. Called on setData(). Also called once on show event after refreshRequested() signal was received from KexiTableViewData object. */ virtual void initDataContents(); /*! Clears columns information and thus all internal table data and its visible representation. Repaints widget if \a tqrepaint is true. */ virtual void clearColumns(bool tqrepaint = true); /*! Called by clearColumns() to clear internals of the object. For example, KexiTableView removes contents of it's horizontal header. */ virtual void clearColumnsInternal(bool tqrepaint) = 0; /*! @internal for implementation This should append another section within horizontal header or any sort of caption for a field using provided names. \a width is a hint for new field's width. */ virtual void addHeaderColumn(const TQString& caption, const TQString& description, const TQIconSet& icon, int size) = 0; /*! @internal for implementation \return sorting order (within GUI): -1: descending, 1: ascending, 0: no sorting. This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this object, because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object. @see dataSortingOrder()*/ virtual int currentLocalSortingOrder() const = 0; /*! @internal for implementation \return sorted column number for this widget or -1 if no column is sorted witin GUI. This does not mean that the same sorting is performed within data member which is used by this widget, because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI widget. @see dataSortedColumn() */ virtual int currentLocalSortColumn() const = 0; /*! @internal for implementation Shows sorting indicator order within GUI: -1: descending, 1: ascending, 0: no sorting. This should not perform any sorting within data member which is used by this object. col = -1 should mean "no sorting" as well. */ virtual void setLocalSortingOrder(int col, int order) = 0; /*! @internal Sets order for \a column: -1: descending, 1: ascending, 0: invert order */ virtual void sortColumnInternal(int col, int order = 0); /*! @internal for implementation Updates GUI after sorting. After sorting you need to ensure current row and column is visible to avoid user confusion. For exaple, in KexiTableView implementation, current cell is centered (if possible) and updateContents() is called. */ virtual void updateGUIAfterSorting() = 0; /*! Emitted in initActions() to force reload actions You should remove existing actions and add them again. Define and emit reloadActions() signal here. */ virtual void reloadActions() = 0; /*! Reloads data for this object. */ virtual void reloadData(); /*! for implementation as a signal */ virtual void itemSelected(KexiTableItem *) = 0; /*! for implementation as a signal */ virtual void cellSelected(int col, int row) = 0; /*! for implementation as a signal */ virtual void sortedColumnChanged(int col) = 0; /*! for implementation as a signal */ virtual void rowEditTerminated(int row) = 0; /*! Clear temporary members like the pointer to current editor. If you reimplement this method, don't forget to call this one. */ virtual void clearVariables(); /*! @internal Creates editor structure without filling it with data. Used in createEditor() and few places to be able to display cell contents dependending on its type. If \a ignoreMissingEditor is false (the default), and editor cannot be instantiated, current row editing (if present) is cancelled. */ virtual KexiDataItemInterface *editor( int col, bool ignoreMissingEditor = false ) = 0; /*! Updates editor's position, size and shows its focus (not the editor!) for \a row and \a col, using editor(). Does nothing if editor not found. */ virtual void editorShowFocus( int row, int col ) = 0; /*! Redraws specified cell. */ virtual void updateCell(int row, int col) = 0; /*! Redraws all cells of specified row. */ virtual void updateRow(int row) = 0; /*! Updates contents of the widget. Just call update() here on your widget. */ virtual void updateWidgetContents() = 0; /*! Updates widget's contents size e.g. using TQScrollView::resizeContents(). */ virtual void updateWidgetContentsSize() = 0; /*! Updates scrollbars of the widget. TQScrollView::updateScrollbars() will be usually called here. */ virtual void updateWidgetScrollBars() = 0; /*! @internal Updates row appearance after canceling row edit. Used by cancelRowEdit(). By default just calls updateRow(m_curRow). Reimplemented by KexiFormScrollView. */ virtual void updateAfterCancelRowEdit(); /*! @internal Updates row appearance after accepting row edit. Used by acceptRowEdit(). By default just calls updateRow(m_curRow). Reimplemented by KexiFormScrollView. */ virtual void updateAfterAcceptRowEdit(); //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowRepaintRequested() signal virtual void slotRowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem& item) { Q_UNUSED( item ); } //! Handles KexiTableViewData::aboutToDeleteRow() signal. Prepares info for slotRowDeleted(). virtual void slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result, bool tqrepaint); //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowDeleted() signal to tqrepaint when needed. virtual void slotRowDeleted(); //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowInserted() signal to tqrepaint when needed. virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool tqrepaint); //! Like above, not db-aware version virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool tqrepaint); virtual void slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList & ) {} //! for sanity checks (return true if m_data is present; else: outputs warning) inline bool hasData() const; /*! Only needed for forms: called by KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setCursorPosition() if cursor's position is really changed. */ virtual void selectCellInternal() {} /*! Used in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted() to tqrepaint tow \a row and all visible below. Implemented if there is more than one row displayed, i.e. currently for KexiTableView. */ virtual void updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(int row) { Q_UNUSED( row ); } //! Call this from the subclass. */ virtual void focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent* e); /*! Handles verticalScrollBar()'s valueChanged(int) signal. Called when vscrollbar's value has been changed. Call this method from the subclass. */ virtual void vScrollBarValueChanged(int v); /*! Handles sliderReleased() signal of the verticalScrollBar(). Used to hide the "row number" tooltip. */ virtual void vScrollBarSliderReleased(); /*! Handles timeout() signal of the m_scrollBarTipTimer. If the tooltip is visible, m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is set to 0 and m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is restarted; else the m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is just set to 0.*/ virtual void scrollBarTipTimeout(); /*! Shows error message box suitable for \a resultInfo. This can be "sorry" or "detailedSorry" message box or "queryYesNo" if resultInfo->allowToDiscardChanges is true. \return code of button clicked: KMessageBox::Ok in case of "sorry" or "detailedSorry" messages and KMessageBox::Yes or KMessageBox::No in case of "queryYesNo" message. */ int showErrorMessageForResult(KexiDB::ResultInfo* resultInfo); /*! Prepares array of indices of visible values to search within. This is per-interface global cache. Needed for faster lookup because there could be lookup values. Called whenever columns definition changes, i.e. in setData() and clearColumns(). @see tqfind() */ void updateIndicesForVisibleValues(); //! data structure displayed for this object KexiTableViewData *m_data; //! true if m_data member is owned by this object bool m_owner : 1; //! cursor position int m_curRow, m_curCol; //! current data item KexiTableItem *m_currentItem; //! data item's iterator KexiTableViewData::Iterator *m_itemIterator; //! item data for inserting KexiTableItem *m_insertItem; //! when (current or new) row is edited - changed field values are temporary stored here // KexiDB::RowEditBuffer *m_rowEditBuffer; /*! true if currently selected row is edited */ bool m_rowEditing : 1; /*! true if new row is edited; implies: rowEditing==true. */ bool m_newRowEditing : 1; /*! 'sorting by column' availability flag for widget */ bool m_isSortingEnabled : 1; /*! true if filtering is enabled for the view. */ bool m_isFilteringEnabled : 1; /*! Public version of 'acceptsRowEditAfterCellAcceptin' flag (available for a user). It's OR'es together with above flag. */ bool m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting : 1; /*! Used in acceptEditor() to avoid infinite recursion, eg. when we're calling acceptRowEdit() during cell accepting phase. */ bool m_inside_acceptEditor : 1; /*! @internal if true, this object automatically accepts row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit (i.e. after acceptEditor()). */ bool m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting : 1; /*! true, if inserting empty rows are enabled (false by default) */ bool m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled : 1; /*! Contains 1 if the object is readOnly, 0 if not; otherwise (-1 means "do not know") the 'readOnly' flag from object's internal data structure (KexiTableViewData *KexiTableView::m_data) is reused. */ int m_readOnly; //! @todo really keep this here and not in KexiTableView? /*! true if currently double click action was is performed (so accept/cancel editor shoudn't be executed) */ bool m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick : 1; /*! like for readOnly: 1 if inserting is enabled */ int m_insertingEnabled; /*! true, if initDataContents() should be called on show event. */ bool m_initDataContentsOnShow : 1; /*! Set to true in setCursorPosition() to indicate that cursor position was set before show() and it shouldn't be changed on show(). Only used if initDataContentsOnShow is true. */ bool m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow : 1; /*! true if spreadSheetMode is enabled. False by default. @see KexiTableView::setSpreadSheetMode() */ bool m_spreadSheetMode : 1; /*! true, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows (false by default). */ bool m_dropsAtRowEnabled : 1; /*! true, if this entire (visible) row should be updated when boving to other row. False by default. For table view with 'row highlighting' flag enabled, it is true. */ bool m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow : 1; DeletionPolicy m_deletionPolicy; //! @todo make generic interface out of KexiRecordMarker KexiRecordMarker *m_verticalHeader; //! @todo make generic interface out of KexiTableViewHeader KexiTableViewHeader *m_horizontalHeader; KexiDataItemInterface *m_editor; // KexiTableEdit *m_editor; /*! Navigation panel, used if navigationPanelEnabled is true. */ KexiRecordNavigator *m_navPanel; //!< main navigation widget bool m_navPanelEnabled : 1; /*! true, if certical header shouldn't be increased in KexiTableView::slotRowInserted() because it was already done in KexiTableView::createEditor(). */ bool m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded : 1; /*! Row number that over which user drags a mouse pointer. Used to indicate dropping possibility for that row. Equal -1 if no indication is needed. */ int m_dragIndicatorLine; /*! Context menu widget. */ KPopupMenu *m_popupMenu; bool m_contextMenuEnabled : 1; //! Used by updateAfterCancelRowEdit() bool m_alsoUpdateNextRow : 1; /*! Row number (>=0 or -1 == no row) that will be deleted in deleteRow(). It is set in slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem&,KexiDB::ResultInfo*,bool)) slot received from KexiTableViewData member. This value will be used in slotRowDeleted() after rowDeleted() signal is received from KexiTableViewData member and then cleared (set to -1). */ int m_rowWillBeDeleted; /*! Displays passive error popup label used when invalid data has been entered. */ TQGuardedPtr m_errorMessagePopup; /*! Used to enable/disable execution of vScrollBarValueChanged() when users navigate through rows using keyboard, so vscrollbar tooltips are not visible. */ bool m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled : 1; /*! True, if vscrollbar tooltips are enabled (true by default). */ bool m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled : 1; TQLabel* m_scrollBarTip; //!< scrollbar tooltip TQTimer m_scrollBarTipTimer; //!< scrollbar tooltip's timer uint m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt; //!< helper for timeout counting (scrollbar tooltip) //! Used to mark recently found value class PositionOfValue { public: PositionOfValue() : firstCharacter(0), lastCharacter(0), exists(false) {} uint firstCharacter; uint lastCharacter; bool exists : 1; }; /*! Used to mark recently found value. Updated on succesful execution of tqfind(). If the current cursor's position changes, or data in the current cell changes, positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists is set to false. */ PositionOfValue m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue; /*! Used to compare whether we're looking for new value. */ TQVariant m_recentlySearchedValue; /*! Used to compare whether the search direction has changed. */ KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchDirection m_recentSearchDirection; //! Setup by updateIndicesForVisibleValues() and used by tqfind() TQValueVector m_indicesForVisibleValues; }; inline bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::hasData() const { if (!m_data) kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface: No data assigned!" << endl; return m_data!=0; } inline KexiTableItem *KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::itemAt(int row) const { KexiTableItem *item = m_data->at(row); if (!item) kdDebug() << "KexiTableView::itemAt(" << row << "): NO ITEM!!" << endl; else { /* kdDebug() << "KexiTableView::itemAt(" << row << "):" << endl; int i=1; for (KexiTableItem::Iterator it = item->begin();it!=item->end();++it,i++) kdDebug() << i<<": " << (*it).toString()<< endl;*/ } return item; } //! Convenience macro used for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface implementations. #define KEXI_DATAAWAREOBJECTINTERFACE \ public: \ void connectCellSelectedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* intIntMember) { \ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(cellSelected(int,int)), receiver, intIntMember); \ } \ void connectRowEditStartedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* intMember) { \ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(rowEditStarted(int)), receiver, intMember); \ } \ void connectRowEditTerminatedSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) { \ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(rowEditTerminated(int)), receiver, voidMember); \ } \ void connectReloadActionsSignal(const TQObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) { \ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(reloadActions()), receiver, voidMember); \ } \ void connectDataSetSignal(const TQObject* receiver, \ const char* kexiTableViewDataMember) { \ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(dataSet(KexiTableViewData*)), receiver, kexiTableViewDataMember); \ } \ void connectToReloadDataSlot(const TQObject* sender, const char* voidSignal) { \ connect(sender, voidSignal, this, TQT_SLOT(reloadData())); \ } #endif