/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Pigg Copyright (C) 2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "pqxxmigrate.h" #include "pg_type.h" #include #include #include //I maybe should not use stl? #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //for pgsqlCStrToVariant() using namespace KexiDB; using namespace KexiMigration; /* This is the implementation for the pqxx specific import routines Thi is currently pre alpha and in no way is it meant to compile, let alone work. This is meant as an example of what the system might be and is a work in progress */ KEXIMIGRATE_DRIVER_INFO( PqxxMigrate, pqxx ) //================================================================================== //Constructor /*PqxxMigrate::PqxxMigrate() : KexiMigrate(parent, name, args) { m_res=0; m_trans=0; m_conn=0; }*/ PqxxMigrate::PqxxMigrate(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args) : KexiMigrate(parent, name, args) { m_res=0; m_trans=0; m_conn=0; KexiDB::DriverManager manager; m_kexiDBDriver = manager.driver("pqxx"); } //================================================================================== //Destructor PqxxMigrate::~PqxxMigrate() { clearResultInfo(); } //================================================================================== //This is probably going to be quite complex...need to get the types for all columns //any any other attributes required by kexi //helped by reading the 'tables' test program bool PqxxMigrate::drv_readTableSchema( const TQString& originalName, KexiDB::TableSchema& tableSchema) { // m_table = new KexiDB::TableSchema(table); //TODO IDEA: ask for user input for captions //moved m_table->setCaption(table + " table"); //Perform a query on the table to get some data if (query("select * from \"" + originalName + "\" limit 1")) { //Loop round the fields for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)m_res->columns(); i++) { TQString fldName(m_res->column_name(i)); KexiDB::Field::Type fldType = type(m_res->column_type(i), fldName); TQString fldID( KexiUtils::string2Identifier(fldName) ); const pqxx::oid toid = tableOid(originalName); if (toid==0) return false; KexiDB::Field *f = new KexiDB::Field(fldID, fldType); f->setCaption(fldName); f->setPrimaryKey(primaryKey(toid, i)); f->setUniqueKey(uniqueKey(toid, i)); f->setAutoIncrement(autoInc(toid, i));//This should be safe for all field types tableSchema.addField(f); // Do this for var/char types //m_f->setLength(m_res->at(0)[i].size()); // Do this for numeric type /*m_f->setScale(0); m_f->setPrecision(0);*/ kdDebug() << "Added field [" << f->name() << "] type [" << f->typeName() << "]" << endl; } return true; } else { return false; } } //================================================================================== //get a list of tables and put into the supplied string list bool PqxxMigrate::drv_tableNames(TQStringList& tableNames) { /* //pg_ = standard postgresql tables, pga_ = tables added by pgaccess, sql_ = probably information schemas, kexi__ = existing kexi tables if (query("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE ((relkind = 'r') AND ((relname !~ '^pg_') AND (relname !~ '^pga_') AND (relname !~ '^sql_') AND (relname !~ '^kexi__')))")) */ if (query("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE ((relkind = 'r') AND ((relname !~ '^pg_') AND (relname !~ '^pga_') AND (relname !~ '^sql_')))")) { for (pqxx::result::const_iterator c = m_res->begin(); c != m_res->end(); ++c) { // Copy the result into the return list tableNames << TQString::fromLatin1 (c[0].c_str()); } return true; } else { return false; } } //================================================================================== //Convert a postgresql type to a kexi type KexiDB::Field::Type PqxxMigrate::type(int t, const TQString& fname) { switch(t) { case UNKNOWNOID: return KexiDB::Field::InvalidType; case BOOLOID: return KexiDB::Field::Boolean; case INT2OID: return KexiDB::Field::ShortInteger; case INT4OID: return KexiDB::Field::Integer; case INT8OID: return KexiDB::Field::BigInteger; case FLOAT4OID: return KexiDB::Field::Float; case FLOAT8OID: return KexiDB::Field::Double; case NUMERICOID: return KexiDB::Field::Double; case DATEOID: return KexiDB::Field::Date; case TIMEOID: return KexiDB::Field::Time; case TIMESTAMPOID: return KexiDB::Field::DateTime; case BYTEAOID: return KexiDB::Field::BLOB; case BPCHAROID: return KexiDB::Field::Text; case VARCHAROID: return KexiDB::Field::Text; case TEXTOID: return KexiDB::Field::LongText; } //Ask the user what to do with this field return userType(fname); } //================================================================================== //Connect to the db backend bool PqxxMigrate::drv_connect() { kdDebug() << "drv_connect: " << m_migrateData->sourceName << endl; TQString conninfo; TQString socket; //Setup local/remote connection if (m_migrateData->source->hostName.isEmpty()) { if (m_migrateData->source->fileName().isEmpty()) { socket="/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"; } else { socket=m_migrateData->source->fileName(); } } else { conninfo = "host='" + m_migrateData->source->hostName + "'"; } //Build up the connection string if (m_migrateData->source->port == 0) m_migrateData->source->port = 5432; conninfo += TQString::fromLatin1(" port='%1'").arg(m_migrateData->source->port); conninfo += TQString::fromLatin1(" dbname='%1'").arg(m_migrateData->sourceName); if (!m_migrateData->source->userName.isNull()) conninfo += TQString::fromLatin1(" user='%1'").arg(m_migrateData->source->userName); if (!m_migrateData->source->password.isNull()) conninfo += TQString::fromLatin1(" password='%1'").arg(m_migrateData->source->password); try { m_conn = new pqxx::connection( conninfo.latin1() ); return true; } catch(const std::exception &e) { kdDebug() << "PqxxMigrate::drv_connect:exception - " << e.what() << endl; } catch(...) { kdDebug() << "PqxxMigrate::drv_connect:exception(...)??" << endl; } return false; } //================================================================================== //Connect to the db backend bool PqxxMigrate::drv_disconnect() { if (m_conn) { m_conn->disconnect(); delete m_conn; m_conn = 0; } return true; } //================================================================================== //Perform a query on the database and store result in m_res bool PqxxMigrate::query(const TQString& statement) { kdDebug() << "query: " << statement.latin1() << endl; Q_ASSERT (m_conn); // Clear the last result information... clearResultInfo (); try { //Create a transaction m_trans = new pqxx::nontransaction(*m_conn); //Create a result opject through the transaction m_res = new pqxx::result(m_trans->exec(statement.latin1())); //Commit the transaction m_trans->commit(); //If all went well then return true, errors picked up by the catch block return true; } catch (const std::exception &e) { //If an error ocurred then put the error description into _dbError kdDebug() << "pqxxImport::query:exception - " << e.what() << endl; return false; } catch(...) { kdDebug() << "PqxxMigrate::query:exception(...)??" << endl; } return true; } //========================================================================= //Clears the current result void PqxxMigrate::clearResultInfo() { delete m_res; m_res = 0; delete m_trans; m_trans = 0; } //========================================================================= //Return the OID for a table pqxx::oid PqxxMigrate::tableOid(const TQString& table) { TQString statement; static TQString otable; static pqxx::oid toid; pqxx::nontransaction* tran = 0; pqxx::result* tmpres = 0; //Some simple result caching if (table == otable) { kdDebug() << "Returning table OID from cache..." << endl; return toid; } else { otable = table; } try { statement = "SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE (relname = '"; statement += table; statement += "')"; tran = new pqxx::nontransaction(*m_conn, "find_t_oid"); tmpres = new pqxx::result(tran->exec(statement.latin1())); tran->commit(); if (tmpres->size() > 0) { //We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column tmpres->at(0).at(0).to(toid); } else { toid = 0; } } catch(const std::exception &e) { kdDebug() << "pqxxSqlDB::tableOid:exception - " << e.what() << endl; kdDebug() << "pqxxSqlDB::tableOid:failed statement - " << statement << endl; toid = 0; } catch(...) { kdDebug() << "PqxxMigrate::tableOid:exception(...)??" << endl; } delete tmpres; tmpres = 0; delete tran; tran = 0; kdDebug() << "OID for table [" << table << "] is [" << toid << "]" << endl; return toid; } //========================================================================= //Return whether or not the curent field is a primary key //TODO: Add result caching for speed bool PqxxMigrate::primaryKey(pqxx::oid table_uid, int col) const { TQString statement; bool pkey; int keyf; pqxx::nontransaction* tran = 0; pqxx::result* tmpres = 0; try { statement = TQString("SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE ((indisprimary = true) AND (indrelid = %1))").arg(table_uid); tran = new pqxx::nontransaction(*m_conn, "find_pkey"); tmpres = new pqxx::result(tran->exec(statement.latin1())); tran->commit(); if (tmpres->size() > 0) { //We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column tmpres->at(0).at(0).to(keyf); if (keyf-1 == col) //-1 because pg counts from 1 and we count from 0 { pkey = true; kdDebug() << "Field is pkey" << endl; } else { pkey = false; kdDebug() << "Field is NOT pkey" << endl; } } else { pkey = false; kdDebug() << "Field is NOT pkey" << endl; } } catch(const std::exception &e) { kdDebug() << "pqxxSqlDB::primaryKey:exception - " << e.what() << endl; kdDebug() << "pqxxSqlDB::primaryKey:failed statement - " << statement << endl; pkey = false; } delete tmpres; tmpres = 0; delete tran; tran = 0; return pkey; } //========================================================================= /*! Fetches single string at column \a columnNumber from result obtained by running \a sqlStatement. On success the result is stored in \a string and true is returned. \return cancelled if there are no records available. */ tristate PqxxMigrate::drv_queryStringListFromSQL( const TQString& sqlStatement, uint columnNumber, TQStringList& stringList, int numRecords) { std::string result; int i = 0; if (query(sqlStatement)) { for (pqxx::result::const_iterator it = m_res->begin(); it != m_res->end() && (numRecords == -1 || i < numRecords); ++it, i++) { if (it.size() > 0 && it.size() > columnNumber) { it.at(columnNumber).to(result); stringList.append( TQString::fromUtf8(result.c_str()) ); } else { clearResultInfo(); return cancelled; } } } else return false; clearResultInfo(); /* delete tmpres; tmpres = 0; delete tran; tran = 0;*/ if (i < numRecords) return cancelled; return true; /* if (d->executeSQL(sqlStatement)) { MYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(d->mysql); if (res != NULL) { MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res); if (!row) { tristate r = mysql_errno(d->mysql) ? false : cancelled; mysql_free_result(res); return r; } uint numFields = mysql_num_fields(res); if (columnNumber > (numFields-1)) { kdWarning() << "PqxxMigrate::drv_querySingleStringFromSQL("<begin(); firstRecord = false; } else ++m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter; if (m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter == m_res->end()) { clearResultInfo(); return cancelled; } std::string result; const int numFields = m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter.size(); data.resize(numFields); for (int i=0; i < numFields; i++) data[i] = KexiDB::pgsqlCStrToVariant(m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter.at(i)); return true; } //========================================================================= /*! Copy PostgreSQL table to KexiDB database */ bool PqxxMigrate::drv_copyTable(const TQString& srcTable, KexiDB::Connection *destConn, KexiDB::TableSchema* dstTable) { if (query(TQString("SELECT * FROM ") + srcTable.latin1())) { pqxx::work T(*m_conn, "PqxxMigrate::drv_copyTable"); //Loop round each row, reading into a vector of strings const KexiDB::QueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded( dstTable->query()->fieldsExpanded() ); for (pqxx::result::const_iterator rowIt = m_res->begin(); rowIt != m_res->end(); ++rowIt) { TQValueList vals; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowIt.size(); ++i, index++) { if (fieldsExpanded.at(index)->field->type()==KexiDB::Field::BLOB || fieldsExpanded.at(index)->field->type()==KexiDB::Field::LongText) { vals.append(KexiDB::pgsqlByteaToByteArray(rowIt.at(i).c_str(), rowIt.at(i).size())); } else if (fieldsExpanded.at(index)->field->type()==KexiDB::Field::Boolean) { vals.append(TQString(rowIt.at(i).c_str()).lower() == "t" ? TQVariant(true, 1) : TQVariant(false, 1)); } else { vals.append(KexiDB::cstringToVariant(rowIt.at(i).c_str(), fieldsExpanded.at(index)->field, rowIt.at(i).size())); } } if (!destConn->insertRecord(*dstTable, vals)) { return false; } updateProgress(); } m_res->clear(); } return true; } //========================================================================= //Return whether or not the curent field is a primary key //TODO: Add result caching for speed bool PqxxMigrate::uniqueKey(pqxx::oid table_uid, int col) const { TQString statement; bool ukey; int keyf; pqxx::nontransaction* tran = 0; pqxx::result* tmpres = 0; try { statement = TQString("SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE ((indisunique = true) AND (indrelid = %1))").arg(table_uid); tran = new pqxx::nontransaction(*m_conn, "find_ukey"); tmpres = new pqxx::result(tran->exec(statement.latin1())); tran->commit(); if (tmpres->size() > 0) { //We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column tmpres->at(0).at(0).to(keyf); if (keyf-1 == col) //-1 because pg counts from 1 and we count from 0 { ukey = true; kdDebug() << "Field is unique" << endl; } else { ukey = false; kdDebug() << "Field is NOT unique" << endl; } } else { ukey = false; kdDebug() << "Field is NOT unique" << endl; } } catch(const std::exception &e) { kdDebug() << "uniqueKey:exception - " << e.what() << endl; kdDebug() << "uniqueKey:failed statement - " << statement << endl; ukey = false; } delete tmpres; tmpres = 0; delete tran; tran = 0; return ukey; } //================================================================================== //TODO::Implement bool PqxxMigrate::autoInc(pqxx::oid /*table_uid*/, int /*col*/) const { return false; } //================================================================================== //TODO::Implement bool PqxxMigrate::notNull(pqxx::oid /*table_uid*/, int /*col*/) const { return false; } //================================================================================== //TODO::Implement bool PqxxMigrate::notEmpty(pqxx::oid /*table_uid*/, int /*col*/) const { return false; } //================================================================================== //Return a list of database names /*bool PqxxMigrate::drv_getDatabasesList( TQStringList &list ) { KexiDBDrvDbg << "pqxxSqlConnection::drv_getDatabaseList" << endl; if (executeSQL("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn = TRUE")) { std::string N; for (pqxx::result::const_iterator c = m_res->begin(); c != m_res->end(); ++c) { // Read value of column 0 into a string N c[0].to(N); // Copy the result into the return list list << TQString::fromLatin1 (N.c_str()); KexiDBDrvDbg << N.c_str() << endl; } return true; } return false; }*/ #include "pqxxmigrate.moc"