/* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2004 Clarence Dang * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_PAINTER_H_ #define KIS_PAINTER_H_ #include #include "kis_color.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_point.h" #include "kis_filter.h" #include "kis_progress_subject.h" #include "kis_paintop.h" #include "kis_color.h" #include class TQRect; class KisTransaction; class KisBrush; class KisPattern; /** * KisPainter contains the graphics primitives necessary to draw on a * KisPaintDevice. This is the same kind of abstraction as used in TQt * itself, where you have TQPainter and TQPaintDevice. * * However, KisPainter works on a tiled image and supports different * colour models, and that's a lot more complicated. * * KisPainter supports transactions that can group various paint operations * in one undoable step. * * For more complex operations, you might want to have a look at the subclasses * of KisPainter: KisConvolutionPainter, KisFillPainter and KisGradientPainter */ class KRITACORE_EXPORT KisPainter : public KisProgressSubject { typedef KisProgressSubject super; public: /// Construct painter without a device KisPainter(); /// Construct a painter, and begin painting on the device KisPainter(KisPaintDeviceSP device); virtual ~KisPainter(); private: // Implement KisProgressSubject virtual void cancel() { m_cancelRequested = true; } public: /** * Start painting on the specified device. Not undoable. */ void begin(KisPaintDeviceSP device); /** * Finish painting on the current device */ KCommand *end(); /// Begin an undoable paint operation void beginTransaction(const TQString& customName = TQString()); /// Finish the undoable paint operation KCommand *endTransaction(); /// begin a transaction with the given command void beginTransaction( KisTransaction* command); /// Return the current transcation KisTransaction * transaction() { return m_transaction; } /// Returns the current paint device. KisPaintDeviceSP device() const { return m_device; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Native paint methods that are undo/redo-able, // use the color strategies and the composite operations. /** * Blast the specified region from src onto the current paint device. */ void bitBlt(TQ_INT32 dx, TQ_INT32 dy, const KisCompositeOp& op, KisPaintDeviceSP src, TQ_INT32 sx, TQ_INT32 sy, TQ_INT32 sw, TQ_INT32 sh) { bitBlt(dx, dy, op, src, OPACITY_OPAQUE, sx, sy, sw, sh); } /** * Overloaded version of the previous, differs in that it is possible to specify * a value for opacity */ void bitBlt(TQ_INT32 dx, TQ_INT32 dy, const KisCompositeOp& op, KisPaintDeviceSP src, TQ_UINT8 opacity, TQ_INT32 sx, TQ_INT32 sy, TQ_INT32 sw, TQ_INT32 sh); /** * A version of bitBlt that renders using an external tqmask, ignoring * the src device's own selection, if it has one. */ void bltMask(TQ_INT32 dx, TQ_INT32 dy, const KisCompositeOp &op, KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisPaintDeviceSP selMask, TQ_UINT8 opacity, TQ_INT32 sx, TQ_INT32 sy, TQ_INT32 sw, TQ_INT32 sh); /** * A version of bitBlt that renders using an external selection tqmask, ignoring * the src device's own selection, if it has one. */ void bltSelection(TQ_INT32 dx, TQ_INT32 dy, const KisCompositeOp &op, KisPaintDeviceSP src, KisSelectionSP selMask, TQ_UINT8 opacity, TQ_INT32 sx, TQ_INT32 sy, TQ_INT32 sw, TQ_INT32 sh); /** * A version of bitBlt that renders using the src device's selection tqmask, if it has one. */ void bltSelection(TQ_INT32 dx, TQ_INT32 dy, const KisCompositeOp &op, KisPaintDeviceSP src, TQ_UINT8 opacity, TQ_INT32 sx, TQ_INT32 sy, TQ_INT32 sw, TQ_INT32 sh); /** * The methods below are 'higher' level than the above methods. They need brushes, colors * etc. set before they can be called. The methods do not directly tell the image to * update, but you can call dirtyRect() to get the rect that needs to be notified by your * painting code. * * Call will RESET the dirtyRect! */ TQRect dirtyRect(); /** * Add the r to the current dirty rect, and return the dirtyRect after adding r to it. */ TQRect addDirtyRect(TQRect r) { m_dirtyRect |= r; return m_dirtyRect; } /** * Paint a line that connects the dots in points */ void paintPolyline(const TQValueVector &points, int index = 0, int numPoints = -1); /** * Draw a line between pos1 and pos2 using the currently set brush and color. * If savedDist is less than zero, the brush is painted at pos1 before being * painted along the line using the spacing setting. * @return the drag distance, that is the remains of the distance between p1 and p2 not covered * because the currenlty set brush has a spacing greater than that distance. */ double paintLine(const KisPoint &pos1, const double pressure1, const double xTilt1, const double yTilt1, const KisPoint &pos2, const double pressure2, const double xTilt2, const double yTilt2, const double savedDist = -1); /** * Draw a Bezier curve between pos1 and pos2 using control points 1 and 2. * If savedDist is less than zero, the brush is painted at pos1 before being * painted along the curve using the spacing setting. * @return the drag distance, that is the remains of the distance between p1 and p2 not covered * because the currenlty set brush has a spacing greater than that distance. */ double paintBezierCurve(const KisPoint &pos1, const double pressure1, const double xTilt1, const double yTilt1, const KisPoint &control1, const KisPoint &control2, const KisPoint &pos2, const double pressure2, const double xTilt2, const double yTilt2, const double savedDist = -1); /** * Fill the given vector points with the points needed to draw the Bezier curve between * pos1 and pos2 using control points 1 and 2, excluding the final pos2. */ void getBezierCurvePoints(const KisPoint &pos1, const KisPoint &control1, const KisPoint &control2, const KisPoint &pos2, vKisPoint& points); /** * Paint the rectangle with given begin and end points */ void paintRect(const KisPoint &startPoint, const KisPoint &endPoint, const double pressure, const double xTilt, const double yTilt); /** * Paint the ellipse with given begin and end points */ void paintEllipse(const KisPoint &startPoint, const KisPoint &endPoint, const double pressure, const double /*xTilt*/, const double /*yTilt*/); /** * Paint the polygon with the points given in points. It automatically closes the polygon * by drawing the line from the last point to the first. */ void paintPolygon(const vKisPoint& points); /** Draw a spot at pos using the currently set paint op, brush and color */ void paintAt(const KisPoint &pos, const double pressure, const double /*xTilt*/, const double /*yTilt*/); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Set the parameters for the higher level graphics primitives. /// Determines whether the brush spacing should vary when drawing /// lines with the pressure void setVaryBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine( bool varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine ) { m_varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine = varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine; } bool varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine() { return m_varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine; } /// Set the current brush void setBrush(KisBrush* brush) { m_brush = brush; } /// Returns the currently set brush KisBrush * brush() const { return m_brush; } /// Set the current pattern void setPattern(KisPattern * pattern) { m_pattern = pattern; } /// Returns the currently set pattern KisPattern * pattern() const { return m_pattern; } /// Set the color that will be used to paint with void setPaintColor(const KisColor& color) { m_paintColor = color;} /// Returns the color that will be used to paint with KisColor paintColor() const { return m_paintColor; } /// Set the current background color void setBackgroundColor(const KisColor& color) {m_backgroundColor = color; } /// Returns the current background color KisColor backgroundColor() const { return m_backgroundColor; } /// Set the current fill color void setFillColor(const KisColor& color) { m_fillColor = color; } /// Returns the current fill color KisColor fillColor() const { return m_fillColor; } /// This enum contains the styles with which we can fill things like polygons and ellipses enum FillStyle { FillStyleNone, FillStyleForegroundColor, FillStyleBackgroundColor, FillStylePattern, FillStyleGradient, FillStyleStrokes }; /// Set the current style with which to fill void setFillStyle(FillStyle fillStyle) { m_fillStyle = fillStyle; } /// Returns the current fill style FillStyle fillStyle() const { return m_fillStyle; } /// The style of the brush stroke around polygons and so enum StrokeStyle { StrokeStyleNone, StrokeStyleBrush }; /// Set the current brush stroke style void setStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle strokeStyle) { m_strokeStyle = strokeStyle; } /// Returns the current brush stroke style StrokeStyle strokeStyle() const { return m_strokeStyle; } /// Set the opacity which is used in painting (like filling polygons) void setOpacity(TQ_UINT8 opacity) { m_opacity = opacity; } /// Returns the opacity that is used in painting TQ_UINT8 opacity() const { return m_opacity; } /** * Sets the current composite operation. Everything painted will be composited on * the destination layer with this composite op. **/ void setCompositeOp(const KisCompositeOp& op) { m_compositeOp = op; } /// Returns the current composite operation KisCompositeOp compositeOp() const { return m_compositeOp; } /// Sets the current KisFilter, used by the paintops that support it (like KisFilterOp) void setFilter(KisFilterSP filter) { m_filter = filter; } /// Returns the current KisFilter KisFilterSP filter() { return m_filter; } /** * The offset for paint operations that use it (like KisDuplicateOp). It will use as source * the part of the layer that is at its paintedPosition - duplicateOffset */ // TODO: this is an hack ! it must be fix, the following functions have nothing to do here void setDuplicateOffset(const KisPoint& offset) { m_duplicateOffset = offset; } /// Returns the offset for duplication KisPoint duplicateOffset(){ return m_duplicateOffset; } inline void setDuplicateHealing(bool v) { m_duplicateHealing = v; } inline bool duplicateHealing() { return m_duplicateHealing; } inline void setDuplicateHealingRadius(int r) { m_duplicateHealingRadius = r; } inline int duplicateHealingRadius() { return m_duplicateHealingRadius; } inline void setDuplicatePerspectiveCorrection(bool v) { m_duplicatePerspectiveCorrection = v; } inline bool duplicatePerspectiveCorrection() { return m_duplicatePerspectiveCorrection; } void setDuplicateStart(const KisPoint start) { m_duplicateStart = start;} KisPoint duplicateStart() { return m_duplicateStart;} /// Sets the current pressure for things that like to use this void setPressure(double pressure) { m_pressure = pressure; } /// Returns the current pressure double pressure() { return m_pressure; } /** * Set the current paint operation. This is used for all drawing functions. * The painter will DELETE the paint op itself!! * That means no that you should not delete it yourself (or put it on the stack) */ void setPaintOp(KisPaintOp * paintOp) { delete m_paintOp; m_paintOp = paintOp; } /// Returns the current paint operation KisPaintOp * paintOp() const { return m_paintOp; } /// Set a current 'dab'. This usually is a paint device containing a rendered brush void setDab(KisPaintDeviceSP dab) { m_dab = dab; } /// Get the currently set dab KisPaintDeviceSP dab() const { return m_dab; } /// Is cancel Requested by the KisProgressSubject for this painter bool cancelRequested() const { return m_cancelRequested; } protected: /// Initialize, set everything to '0' or defaults void init(); KisPainter(const KisPainter&); KisPainter& operator=(const KisPainter&); /// Calculate the distance that point p is from the line made by connecting l0 and l1 static double pointToLineDistance(const KisPoint& p, const KisPoint& l0, const KisPoint& l1); /// Fill the polygon defined by points with the fillStyle void fillPolygon(const vKisPoint& points, FillStyle fillStyle); protected: KisPaintDeviceSP m_device; KisTransaction *m_transaction; TQRect m_dirtyRect; KisColor m_paintColor; KisColor m_backgroundColor; KisColor m_fillColor; FillStyle m_fillStyle; StrokeStyle m_strokeStyle; KisBrush *m_brush; KisPattern *m_pattern; KisPoint m_duplicateOffset; KisPoint m_duplicateStart; bool m_duplicateHealing; int m_duplicateHealingRadius; bool m_duplicatePerspectiveCorrection; TQ_UINT8 m_opacity; KisCompositeOp m_compositeOp; KisFilterSP m_filter; KisPaintOp * m_paintOp; double m_pressure; bool m_cancelRequested; TQ_INT32 m_pixelSize; KisColorSpace * m_colorSpace; KisProfile * m_profile; KisPaintDeviceSP m_dab; bool m_varyBrushSpacingWithPressureWhenDrawingALine; }; #endif // KIS_PAINTER_H_