/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Nicolas HADACEK (hadacek@kde.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "misc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Link.h" #include "Catalog.h" #include "GfxState.h" #include "GfxFont.h" namespace PDFImport { TQColor toColor(GfxRGB &rgb) { return TQColor(tqRound(rgb.r*255), tqRound(rgb.g*255), tqRound(rgb.b*255)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DRect::operator ==(const DRect &r) const { return ( equal(_top, r._top) && equal(_bottom, r._bottom) && equal(_left, r._left) && equal(_right, r._right) ); } bool DRect::isInside(const DRect &r, double percent) const { return ( more(r._top, _top, percent) && less(r._bottom, _bottom, percent) && more(r._left, _left, percent) && less(r._right, _right, percent) ); } void DRect::unite(const DRect &r) { if ( !r.isValid() ) return; if ( !isValid() ) { *this = r; return; } _left = kMin(_left, r._left); _right = kMax(_right, r._right); _top = kMin(_top, r._top); _bottom = kMax(_bottom, r._bottom); } TQString DRect::toString() const { if ( !isValid() ) return "invalid rect"; return TQString("left=%1 right=%2 top=%3 bottom=%4").tqarg(_left).tqarg(_right) .tqarg(_top).tqarg(_bottom); } bool DPath::isRectangle() const { if ( size()!=5 ) return false; if ( !equal(at(0).x, at(3).x) || !equal(at(0).x, at(4).x) ) return false; if ( !equal(at(0).y, at(1).y) || !equal(at(0).y, at(4).y) ) return false; if ( !equal(at(1).x, at(2).x) || !equal(at(2).y, at(3).y) ) return false; return true; } DRect DPath::boundingRect() const { if ( size()==0 ) return DRect(); DRect r(at(0).x, at(0).x, at(0).y, at(0).y); for (uint i=1; i *Font::_dict = 0; const char *Font::FAMILY_DATA[Nb_Family] = { "Times", "Helvetica", "Courier", "Symbol" }; void Font::init() { Q_ASSERT( _dict==0 ); _dict = new TQDict(100, false); // case insensitive _dict->setAutoDelete(true); } void Font::cleanup() { delete _dict; _dict = 0; } Font::Font() : _pointSize(12), _color(TQt::black) { init("times-roman"); } Font::Font(const GfxState *state, double size) { if ( size<1 ) kdDebug(30516) << "very small font size=" << size << endl; _pointSize = tqRound(size); GfxRGB rgb; state->getFillRGB(&rgb); _color = toColor(rgb); GfxFont *font = state->getFont(); GString *gname = (font ? font->getName() : 0); TQString name = (gname ? gname->getCString() : 0); // kdDebug(30516) << "font: " << name << endl; name = name.section('+', 1, 1).lower(); if ( name.isEmpty() ) name = "##dummy"; // dummy name init(name); } struct KnownData { const char *name; FontFamily family; FontStyle style; bool latex; }; static const KnownData KNOWN_DATA[] = { // standard XPDF fonts (the order is important for finding !) { "times-roman", Times, Regular, false }, { "times-bolditalic", Times, BoldItalic, false }, { "times-bold", Times, Bold, false }, { "times-italic", Times, Italic, false }, { "helvetica-bolditalic", Helvetica, BoldItalic, false }, { "helvetica-bold", Helvetica, Bold, false }, { "helvetica-italic", Times, Italic, false }, { "helvetica", Helvetica, Regular, false }, { "courier-bolditalic", Courier, BoldItalic, false }, { "courier-bold", Courier, Bold, false }, { "courier-italic", Courier, Italic, false }, { "courier", Courier, Regular, false }, { "symbol", Symbol, Regular, false }, // some latex fonts { "cmr", Times, Regular, true }, { "cmbx", Times, Bold, true }, { "cmcsc", Times, Regular, true }, // small caps { "cmmi", Times, Italic, true }, { "cmtt", Courier, Regular, true }, { "cmsy", Symbol, Regular, true }, { "msbm", Times, Regular, true }, // math caps { 0, Nb_Family, Regular, false } }; void Font::init(const TQString &n) { // check if font already parsed _data = _dict->tqfind(n); if ( _data==0 ) { // kdDebug(30516) << "font " << n << endl; TQString name = n; name.tqreplace("oblique", "italic"); // check if known font _data = new Data; uint i = 0; while ( KNOWN_DATA[i].name!=0 ) { if ( name.tqfind(KNOWN_DATA[i].name)!=-1 ) { // kdDebug(30516) << "found " << KNOWN_DATA[i].name // << " " << isBold(KNOWN_DATA[i].style) << endl; _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[KNOWN_DATA[i].family]; _data->style = KNOWN_DATA[i].style; _data->latex = KNOWN_DATA[i].latex; break; } i++; } if ( _data->family.isEmpty() ) { // let's try harder // simple heuristic kdDebug(30516) << "unknown font : " << n << endl; if ( name.tqfind("times")!=-1 ) _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Times]; else if ( name.tqfind("helvetica")!=-1 ) _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Helvetica]; else if ( name.tqfind("courier")!=-1 ) _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Courier]; else if ( name.tqfind("symbol")!=-1 ) _data->family = FAMILY_DATA[Symbol]; else { // with TQt TQFontDatabase fdb; TQStringList list = fdb.tqfamilies(); list = list.grep(name, false); if ( !list.isEmpty() ) { _data->family = list[0]; kdDebug(30516) << "in TQt database as " << list[0] << endl; } else { kdDebug(30516) << "really unknown font !" << endl; _data->family = name; } } bool italic = ( name.tqfind("italic")!=-1 ); bool bold = ( name.tqfind("bold")!=-1 ); _data->style = toStyle(bold, italic); _data->latex = false; } _dict->insert(name, _data); } // check if TQFont already created if ( !_data->height.tqcontains(_pointSize) ) { TQFont font(_data->family, _pointSize, (isBold(_data->style) ? TQFont::Bold : TQFont::Normal), isItalic(_data->style)); TQFontMetrics fm(font); _data->height.insert(_pointSize, fm.height()); } } bool Font::operator ==(const Font &font) const { if ( _pointSize!=font._pointSize ) return false; if ( _data->family!=font._data->family ) return false; if ( _data->style!=font._data->style ) return false; // if ( _underline!=font._underline ) return false; // if ( _strikeOut!=font._strikeOut ) return false; if ( _color!=font._color ) return false; return true; } bool Font::format(TQDomDocument &doc, TQDomElement &f, uint pos, uint len, bool all) const { f.setAttribute("id", 1); if (!all) f.setAttribute("pos", pos); if (!all) f.setAttribute("len", len); TQDomElement element; Font def; if ( all || _data->family!=def._data->family ) { element = doc.createElement("FONT"); element.setAttribute("name", _data->family); f.appendChild(element); } if ( all || _pointSize!=def._pointSize ) { element = doc.createElement("SIZE"); element.setAttribute("value", _pointSize); f.appendChild(element); } if ( all || isItalic(_data->style)!=isItalic(def._data->style) ) { element = doc.createElement("ITALIC"); element.setAttribute("value", (isItalic(_data->style) ? 1 : 0)); f.appendChild(element); } if ( all || isBold(_data->style)!=isBold(def._data->style) ) { element = doc.createElement("WEIGHT"); element.setAttribute("value", (isBold(_data->style) ? TQFont::Bold : TQFont::Normal)); f.appendChild(element); } // if ( all || _underline!=def._underline ) { // element = doc.createElement("UNDERLINE"); // element.setAttribute("value", (_underline ? 1 : 0)); // f.appendChild(element); // } // if ( all || _strikeOut!=def._strikeOut ) { // element = doc.createElement("STRIKEOUT"); // element.setAttribute("value", (_strikeOut ? 1 : 0)); // f.appendChild(element); // } if (all) { element = doc.createElement("VERTALIGN"); element.setAttribute("value", 0); f.appendChild(element); } if ( all || _color!=def._color ) { element = doc.createElement("COLOR"); element.setAttribute("red", _color.red()); element.setAttribute("green", _color.green()); element.setAttribute("blue", _color.blue()); f.appendChild(element); } if (all) { // #### FIXME element = doc.createElement("TEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR"); element.setAttribute("red", 255); element.setAttribute("green",255); element.setAttribute("blue", 255); f.appendChild(element); } return f.hasChildNodes(); } void Font::setFamily(FontFamily f) { int k = -1; uint i=0; while ( KNOWN_DATA[i].name!=0 ) { if ( KNOWN_DATA[i].family==f ) { if ( KNOWN_DATA[i].style==_data->style ) { k = i; break; } if ( k==-1 ) k = i; } i++; } if ( k==-1 ) k = 0; init(KNOWN_DATA[k].name); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link::Link(const DRect &rect, LinkAction &action, Catalog &catalog) : _rect(rect) { switch ( action.getKind() ) { case actionGoTo: { LinkGoTo &lgoto = static_cast(action); LinkDest *dest = (lgoto.getDest() ? lgoto.getDest()->copy() : catalog.findDest( lgoto.getNamedDest() )); int page = 1; if (dest) { if ( dest->isPageRef() ) { Ref pageref = dest->getPageRef(); page = catalog.findPage(pageref.num, pageref.gen); } else page = dest->getPageNum(); delete dest; } _href = TQString("bkm://") + pageLinkName(page); // kdDebug(30516) << "link to page " << page << endl; break; } case actionGoToR: { LinkGoToR &lgotor = static_cast(action); _href = "file://"; if ( lgotor.getFileName() ) _href += lgotor.getFileName()->getCString(); int page = 1; if ( lgotor.getDest() ) { LinkDest *dest = lgotor.getDest()->copy(); if ( !dest->isPageRef() ) page = dest->getPageNum(); delete dest; } kdDebug(30516) << "link to filename \"" << _href << "\" (page " << page << ")" <(action); _href = "file://"; if ( llaunch.getFileName() ) _href += llaunch.getFileName()->getCString(); kdDebug(30516) << "link to launch/open \"" << _href << "\"" << endl; break; } case actionURI: { LinkURI &luri = static_cast(action); if ( luri.getURI() ) _href = luri.getURI()->getCString(); kdDebug(30516) << "link to URI \"" << _href << "\"" << endl; break; } case actionMovie: case actionNamed: case actionUnknown: kdDebug(30516) << "unsupported link=" << action.getKind() << endl; break; } } void Link::format(TQDomDocument &doc, TQDomElement &f, uint pos, const TQString &text) const { f.setAttribute("id", 4); f.setAttribute("pos", pos); f.setAttribute("len", 1); TQDomElement v = doc.createElement("VARIABLE"); TQDomElement element = doc.createElement("TYPE"); element.setAttribute("type", 9); element.setAttribute("key", "STRING"); element.setAttribute("text", text); v.appendChild(element); element = doc.createElement("LINK"); element.setAttribute("linkName", text); element.setAttribute("hrefName", _href); v.appendChild(element); f.appendChild(v); } TQString Link::pageLinkName(uint i) { return TQString("page") + TQString::number(i); } } // namespace