/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vgradienttool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include VGradientTool::VGradientOptionsWidget::VGradientOptionsWidget( VGradient& gradient ) : KDialogBase( 0L, "", true, i18n( "Edit Gradient" ), Ok | Cancel ) { m_gradientWidget = new VGradientTabWidget( gradient, KarbonFactory::rServer(), this ); setMainWidget( m_gradientWidget ); setFixedSize( baseSize() ); } VGradientTool::VGradientTool( KarbonView *view ) : VTool( view, "gradienttool" ), m_state( normal ), m_handleSize( 3 ), m_active( false ) { setName( "tool_gradient" ); m_optionsWidget = new VGradientOptionsWidget( m_gradient ); registerTool( this ); } VGradientTool::~VGradientTool() { delete m_optionsWidget; } void VGradientTool::activate() { m_active = true; m_state = normal; view()->statusMessage()->setText( i18n( "Gradient" ) ); view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::crossCursor ) ); VTool::activate(); if( view() ) { // disable selection handles view()->part()->document().selection()->showHandle( false ); // connect to the stroke-fill-preview to get notice when the stroke or fill gets selected VStrokeFillPreview* preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); if( preview ) { connect( preview, TQT_SIGNAL( fillSelected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( targetChanged() ) ); connect( preview, TQT_SIGNAL( strokeSelected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( targetChanged() ) ); } view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); } } void VGradientTool::deactivate() { m_active = false; if( view() ) { // enable selection handles view()->part()->document().selection()->showHandle( true ); VStrokeFillPreview* preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); if( preview ) { disconnect( preview, TQT_SIGNAL( fillSelected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( targetChanged() ) ); disconnect( preview, TQT_SIGNAL( strokeSelected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( targetChanged() ) ); } view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); } } TQString VGradientTool::statusText() { return i18n( "Gradient Tool" ); } TQString VGradientTool::contextHelp() { TQString s = i18n( "Gradient tool:
" ); s += i18n( "Click and drag to choose the gradient vector.
" ); s += i18n( "Click and drag a gradient vector handle to change the gradient vector.
" ); s += i18n( "Shift click and drag to move the radial gradient focal point.
" ); s += i18n( "Press i or Shift+i to decrease or increase the handle size.
" ); s += i18n( "
Gradient editing:
" ); s += i18n( "Click and drag to move points.
" ); s += i18n( "Double click on a color point to edit it.
" ); s += i18n( "Right click on a color point to remove it.
" ); return s; } bool VGradientTool::getGradient( VGradient &gradient ) { if( ! view() ) return false; // determine if stroke of fill is selected for editing VStrokeFillPreview *preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); bool strokeSelected = ( preview && preview->strokeIsSelected() ); VSelection* selection = view()->part()->document().selection(); if( selection->objects().count() != 1 ) return false; VObject *obj = selection->objects().getFirst(); // get the gradient of the first selected object, if any if( strokeSelected && obj->stroke()->type() == VStroke::grad ) gradient = obj->stroke()->gradient(); else if( ! strokeSelected && obj->fill()->type() == VFill::grad ) gradient = obj->fill()->gradient(); else return false; return true; } bool VGradientTool::getOpacity( double &opacity ) { if( ! view() ) return false; // determine if stroke of fill is selected for editing VStrokeFillPreview *preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); bool strokeSelected = ( preview && preview->strokeIsSelected() ); VSelection* selection = view()->part()->document().selection(); if( selection->objects().count() != 1 ) return false; VObject *obj = selection->objects().getFirst(); // get the opacity of the first selected object, if any if( strokeSelected && obj->stroke()->type() == VStroke::grad ) opacity = obj->stroke()->color().opacity(); else if( ! strokeSelected && obj->fill()->type() == VFill::grad ) opacity = obj->fill()->color().opacity(); else return false; return true; } void VGradientTool::draw( VPainter* painter ) { if( ! m_active ) return; if( m_state != normal ) return; if( ! getGradient( m_gradient ) ) return; KoPoint s = m_gradient.origin(); KoPoint e = m_gradient.vector(); KoPoint f = m_gradient.focalPoint(); // save the handle rects for later inside testing m_origin = KoRect( s.x()-m_handleSize, s.y()-m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize ); m_vector = KoRect( e.x()-m_handleSize, e.y()-m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize ); m_center = KoRect( f.x()-m_handleSize, f.y()-m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize, 2*m_handleSize ); painter->setPen( TQt::blue.light() ); painter->setBrush( TQt::blue.light() ); painter->setRasterOp( TQt::XorROP ); // draw the gradient vector painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo( s ); painter->lineTo( e ); painter->strokePath(); if( m_gradient.type() == VGradient::radial ) { // draw the focal point cross double size = (double)m_handleSize / view()->zoom(); KoPoint focal = m_center.center(); KoRect cross = KoRect( focal.x()-3*size, focal.y()-3*size, 6*size, 6*size ); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo( cross.topLeft() ); painter->lineTo( cross.bottomRight() ); painter->strokePath(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo( cross.bottomLeft() ); painter->lineTo( cross.topRight() ); painter->strokePath(); } // draw the handle rects painter->drawNode( m_origin.center(), m_handleSize ); painter->drawNode( m_vector.center(), m_handleSize ); } void VGradientTool::draw() { if( ! view() || view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count() == 0 ) return; VPainter *painter = view()->painterFactory()->editpainter(); painter->setRasterOp( TQt::NotROP ); painter->setPen( TQt::DotLine ); painter->newPath(); // differentiate between moving a handle and creating a complete new vector if( m_state == moveOrigin || m_state == moveVector ) { painter->moveTo( m_fixed ); painter->lineTo( m_current ); // draw the handle rects painter->drawNode( m_fixed, m_handleSize ); painter->drawNode( m_current, m_handleSize ); } else if( m_state == createNew ) { painter->moveTo( first() ); painter->lineTo( m_current ); // draw the handle rects painter->drawNode( first(), m_handleSize ); painter->drawNode( m_current, m_handleSize ); } else if( m_state == moveCenter ) { // draw the focal point cross double size = (double)m_handleSize / view()->zoom(); KoRect cross = KoRect( m_current.x()-3*size, m_current.y()-3*size, 6*size, 6*size ); painter->moveTo( cross.topLeft() ); painter->lineTo( cross.bottomRight() ); painter->strokePath(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo( cross.bottomLeft() ); painter->lineTo( cross.topRight() ); } painter->strokePath(); } void VGradientTool::mouseDrag() { if( m_state == normal ) return; // undo old line draw(); m_current = last(); draw(); } void VGradientTool::mouseButtonPress() { m_current = first(); // set the apropriate editing state if( m_center.tqcontains( m_current ) && shiftPressed()) { m_state = moveCenter; } else if( m_origin.tqcontains( m_current ) ) { m_state = moveOrigin; m_fixed = m_vector.center(); } else if( m_vector.tqcontains( m_current ) ) { m_state = moveVector; m_fixed = m_origin.center(); } else m_state = createNew; } void VGradientTool::mouseButtonRelease() { m_state = normal; if( ! view() || view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count() == 0 ) return; // save old gradient position VGradient oldGradient = m_gradient; bool strokeSelected = false; // determine the target from the stroke-fill-preview-widget VStrokeFillPreview* preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); if( preview && preview->strokeIsSelected() ) strokeSelected = true; if( first() == last() ) { m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->setGradient( m_gradient ); if( strokeSelected ) { m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->setTarget( VGradientTabWidget::STROKE ); m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->setOpacity( 1.0 ); } else { m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->setTarget( VGradientTabWidget::FILL ); double opacity; if( getOpacity( opacity ) ) m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->setOpacity( opacity ); } if( ! showDialog() ) return; m_gradient = m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->gradient(); // if the gradient dialog was shown and accepted, determine the target from the dialog strokeSelected = ( m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->target() == VGradientTabWidget::STROKE ); } // calculate a sane intial position for the new gradient if( view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count() == 1 ) { VObject *obj = view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().getFirst(); if( ( ! strokeSelected && obj->fill()->type() != VFill::grad ) || ( strokeSelected && obj->stroke()->type() != VStroke::grad ) ) { KoRect bbox = obj->boundingBox(); switch( m_gradient.type() ) { case VGradient::linear: oldGradient.setOrigin( bbox.bottomLeft() + 0.5*(bbox.bottomRight()-bbox.bottomLeft()) ); oldGradient.setVector( bbox.topLeft() + 0.5*(bbox.topRight()-bbox.topLeft()) ); oldGradient.setFocalPoint( bbox.center() ); break; case VGradient::radial: oldGradient.setOrigin( bbox.center() ); oldGradient.setVector( bbox.topLeft() + 0.5*(bbox.topRight()-bbox.topLeft()) ); oldGradient.setFocalPoint( bbox.center() ); break; case VGradient::conic: oldGradient.setOrigin( bbox.center() ); oldGradient.setVector( bbox.topLeft() + 0.5*(bbox.topRight()-bbox.topLeft()) ); oldGradient.setFocalPoint( bbox.center() ); break; } } } // workaround for a libart 2.3.10 bug if( oldGradient.origin() == oldGradient.vector() ) oldGradient.vector().rx()+=1; // use the old gradient position m_gradient.setVector( oldGradient.vector() ); m_gradient.setOrigin( oldGradient.origin() ); m_gradient.setFocalPoint( oldGradient.focalPoint() ); if( ! strokeSelected ) { VFill fill; fill.gradient() = m_gradient; fill.setType( VFill::grad ); VColor c = fill.color(); c.setOpacity( m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->opacity() ); fill.setColor( c, false ); view()->part()->addCommand( new VFillCmd( &view()->part()->document(), fill, "14_gradient" ), true ); } else { view()->part()->addCommand( new VStrokeCmd( &view()->part()->document(), &m_gradient ), true ); } } void VGradientTool::mouseDragRelease() { if( ! view() || m_state == normal ) return; if( view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count() == 0 ) { draw(); return; } if( m_state == moveOrigin ) m_gradient.setOrigin( last() ); else if( m_state == moveVector ) m_gradient.setVector( last() ); else if( m_state == moveCenter ) m_gradient.setFocalPoint( last() ); else if( m_state == createNew ) { m_gradient.setOrigin( first() ); m_gradient.setFocalPoint( first() ); m_gradient.setVector( last() ); } m_state = normal; VStrokeFillPreview* preview = view()->strokeFillPreview(); if( ! preview ) return; if( ! preview->strokeIsSelected() ) { VFill fill; fill.gradient() = m_gradient; fill.setType( VFill::grad ); VColor c = fill.color(); c.setOpacity( m_optionsWidget->gradientWidget()->opacity() ); fill.setColor( c, false ); view()->part()->addCommand( new VFillCmd( &view()->part()->document(), fill, "14_gradient" ), true ); } else view()->part()->addCommand( new VStrokeCmd( &view()->part()->document(), &m_gradient ), true ); } void VGradientTool::cancel() { // Erase old object: if( isDragging() ) draw(); m_state = normal; } bool VGradientTool::showDialog() const { return m_optionsWidget->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted; } void VGradientTool::setup( KActionCollection *collection ) { m_action = static_cast(collection -> action( name() ) ); if( m_action == 0 ) { m_action = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Gradient Tool" ), "14_gradient", TQt::Key_G, this, TQT_SLOT( activate() ), collection, name() ); m_action->setToolTip( i18n( "Gradient" ) ); m_action->setExclusiveGroup( "misc" ); //m_ownAction = true; } } void VGradientTool::setCursor() const { if( !view() ) return; // set a different cursor if mouse is inside the handle rects if( m_origin.tqcontains( last() ) || m_vector.tqcontains( last() ) || m_center.tqcontains( last() ) ) view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::SizeAllCursor ) ); else view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::arrowCursor ) ); } bool VGradientTool::keyReleased( TQt::Key key ) { // increase/decrease the handle size switch( key ) { case TQt::Key_I: if( shiftPressed() ) m_handleSize++; else if( m_handleSize > 3 ) m_handleSize--; break; default: return false; } if( view() ) view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); return true; } void VGradientTool::targetChanged() { if( view() ) view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); } #include "vgradienttool.moc"