/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer 2001 Sven Leiber This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef koautoformat_h #define koautoformat_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KoDocument; class KoTextParag; class KoTextObject; class KoVariableCollection; class KoVariableFormatCollection; class KCompletion; class KoTextCursor; class KCommand; class KoSearchContext; class KoTextFormat; class KoCompletionBox : public TQLabel { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KoCompletionBox( TQWidget * tqparent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ); ~KoCompletionBox(); TQString& lastWord(); void setLastWord(TQString const &); protected: void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * ); private: TQString m_lastWord; }; /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KWAutoFormatEntry */ /******************************************************************/ class KoAutoFormatEntry { public: // The text to find is actually the key in KWAutoFormat's map. // What we replace it with is tqreplace(). KoAutoFormatEntry(const TQString& tqreplace = TQString()); ~KoAutoFormatEntry(); TQString tqreplace() const { return m_tqreplace; } void changeReplace(const TQString & rep){ m_tqreplace = rep; } KoSearchContext *formatEntryContext()const; void createNewEntryContext(); void setFormatEntryContext( KoSearchContext * ); void clearFormatEntryContext( ); protected: TQString m_tqreplace; // For formatting in the replacement - not implemented yet KoSearchContext *m_formatOptions; }; typedef TQMap< TQString, KoAutoFormatEntry > KoAutoFormatEntryMap; /******************************************************************/ /* Class: KoAutoFormat */ /******************************************************************/ class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoAutoFormat { public: /** * There is a single instance of KoAutoFormat per document * (and a temporary one in the auto-format dialog). */ KoAutoFormat( KoDocument *_doc, KoVariableCollection *_varCollection, KoVariableFormatCollection *_varFormatCollection ); /** Copy constructor, used by KoAutoFormatDia */ KoAutoFormat( const KoAutoFormat& format ); ~KoAutoFormat(); enum KeyCompletionAction { Enter = 0, Tab = 1, Space = 2, End = 3, Right = 4}; KCommand *applyAutoFormat( KoTextObject * obj ); /** * Called by edit widget when a character (@p ch) has been inserted * into @p parag, at the given @p index. */ void doAutoFormat( KoTextCursor* cursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, TQChar ch,KoTextObject *txtObj ); /** * Called by edit widget when a call a competion */ bool doCompletion( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int const index,KoTextObject *txtObj ); bool doToolTipCompletion( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index,KoTextObject *txtObj,int keyPress ); void showToolTipBox(KoTextParag *parag, int index, TQWidget *widget, const TQPoint &pos); void removeToolTipCompletion(); bool doIgnoreDoubleSpace( KoTextParag *parag, int index,TQChar ch ); /** * Helper method, returns the last word before parag,index */ static TQString getLastWord( KoTextParag *parag, int const index ); TQString getLastWord( const int max_words, KoTextParag *parag, int const index ); /** * Helper method, returns the last word before parag,index * different from getLastWord, because we test just space character * and not punctualtion character */ static TQString getWordAfterSpace( KoTextParag * parag, int const index); // Config for the typographic quotes. Used by the dialog. struct TypographicQuotes { TQChar begin, end; bool tqreplace; // aka enabled }; // Configuration (on/off/settings). Called by the dialog. void configTypographicDoubleQuotes( TypographicQuotes _tq ); void configTypographicSimpleQuotes( TypographicQuotes _tq ); void configUpperCase( bool _uc ); void configUpperUpper( bool _uu ); void configAdvancedAutocorrect( bool _aa ); void configAutoDetectUrl(bool _au); void configIgnoreDoubleSpace( bool _ids); void configRemoveSpaceBeginEndLine( bool _space); void configUseBulletStyle( bool _ubs); void configBulletStyle( TQChar b ); void configAutoChangeFormat( bool b); void configAutoReplaceNumber( bool b ); void configAutoNumberStyle( bool b ); void configCompletion( bool b ); void configToolTipCompletion( bool b ); void configAppendSpace( bool b); void configMinWordLength( uint val ); void configNbMaxCompletionWord( uint val ); void configAddCompletionWord( bool b ); void configIncludeTwoUpperUpperLetterException( bool b); void configIncludeAbbreviation( bool b ); void configAutoSuperScript( bool b ); void configCorrectionWithFormat( bool b); void configCapitalizeNameOfDays( bool b); void configAutoFormatLanguage( const TQString &_lang); void configKeyCompletionAction( KeyCompletionAction action ); TypographicQuotes getConfigTypographicSimpleQuotes() const { return m_typographicSimpleQuotes; } TypographicQuotes getConfigTypographicDoubleQuotes() const { return m_typographicDoubleQuotes; } TypographicQuotes getDefaultTypographicDoubleQuotes() const { return m_typographicDefaultDoubleQuotes; } TypographicQuotes getDefaultTypographicSimpleQuotes() const { return m_typographicDefaultSimpleQuotes; } bool getConfigUpperCase() const { return m_convertUpperCase; } bool getConfigUpperUpper() const { return m_convertUpperUpper; } bool getConfigAdvancedAutoCorrect() const { return m_advancedAutoCorrect;} bool getConfigAutoDetectUrl() const { return m_autoDetectUrl;} bool getConfigIgnoreDoubleSpace() const { return m_ignoreDoubleSpace;} bool getConfigRemoveSpaceBeginEndLine() const { return m_removeSpaceBeginEndLine;} bool getConfigUseBulletSyle() const { return m_useBulletStyle;} TQChar getConfigBulletStyle() const { return m_bulletStyle; } bool getConfigAutoChangeFormat() const { return m_autoChangeFormat;} bool getConfigAutoReplaceNumber() const { return m_autoReplaceNumber; } bool getConfigAutoNumberStyle() const { return m_useAutoNumberStyle; } bool getConfigCompletion() const { return m_completion; } bool getConfigToolTipCompletion() const { return m_toolTipCompletion; } bool getConfigAppendSpace() const { return m_completionAppendSpace; } uint getConfigMinWordLength() const { return m_minCompletionWordLength; } uint getConfigNbMaxCompletionWord() const { return m_nbMaxCompletionWord; } bool getConfigAddCompletionWord() const { return m_addCompletionWord; } bool getConfigIncludeTwoUpperUpperLetterException() const { return m_includeTwoUpperLetterException; } bool getConfigIncludeAbbreviation() const { return m_includeAbbreviation; } bool getConfigAutoSuperScript( ) const { return m_bAutoSuperScript; } bool getConfigCorrectionWithFormat() const { return m_bAutoCorrectionWithFormat; } bool getConfigCapitalizeNameOfDays() const { return m_bCapitalizeNameOfDays; } TQString getConfigAutoFormatLanguage( )const { return m_autoFormatLanguage;} KeyCompletionAction getConfigKeyAction() const { return m_keyCompletionAction;} const TQDict & getAutoFormatEntries() const{ return m_entries; } KoAutoFormatEntry * findFormatEntry(const TQString & text) { return m_entries[text]; } // Add/remove entries, called by the dialog void addAutoFormatEntry( const TQString &key, KoAutoFormatEntry *entry ) { m_entries.insert( key, entry ); buildMaxLen(); } void addAutoFormatEntry( const TQString &key, const TQString &tqreplace ); void removeAutoFormatEntry( const TQString &key ) { m_entries.setAutoDelete(true); m_entries.remove( key ); m_entries.setAutoDelete(false); buildMaxLen(); } // Copy all autoformat entries from another KWAutoFormat. Called by the dialog void copyAutoFormatEntries( const KoAutoFormat & other ) { m_entries = other.m_entries; } void copyListException( const TQStringList & _list) { m_upperCaseExceptions=_list;} void copyListTwoUpperCaseException( const TQStringList &_list) { m_twoUpperLetterException=_list; } TQStringList listException() const {return m_upperCaseExceptions;} TQStringList listTwoUpperLetterException() const {return m_twoUpperLetterException;} TQStringList listCompletion() const; KCompletion *getCompletion() const { return m_listCompletion; } int nbSuperScriptEntry() const { return m_superScriptEntries.count(); } // Read/save config ( into kwordrc ) void readConfig(bool force = false); void saveConfig(); static bool isUpper( const TQChar &c ); static bool isLower( const TQChar &c ); static bool isMark( const TQChar &c ); // End of sentence static bool isSeparator( const TQChar &c ); void updateMaxWords(); protected: //return a ref to index otherwise when we uperCase, index is bad ! KCommand *doAutoCorrect( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int & index, KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doUpperCase( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, const TQString & word , KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand * doTypographicQuotes( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, KoTextObject *txtObj, bool doubleQuotes ); void buildMaxLen(); void doAutoDetectUrl( KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int & index, TQString & word, KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doRemoveSpaceBeginEndLine( KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, KoTextObject *txtObj, int& index ); KCommand *doAutoChangeFormat( KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, const TQString & word, KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doUseBulletStyle(KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, KoTextObject *txtObj, int& index ); KCommand *doAutoReplaceNumber( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int & index, const TQString & word , KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doUseNumberStyle(KoTextCursor * /*textEditCursor*/, KoTextParag *parag, KoTextObject *txtObj, int& index ); void doAutoIncludeUpperUpper(KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, KoTextObject *txtObj ); void doAutoIncludeAbbreviation(KoTextCursor *textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doAutoSuperScript( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, const TQString & word , KoTextObject *txtObj ); KCommand *doCapitalizeNameOfDays( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int index, const TQString & word , KoTextObject *txtObj ); static void changeTextFormat(KoSearchContext *formatOptions, KoTextFormat * format, int & flags ); void loadEntry( const TQDomElement &nl, bool _allLanguages = false); TQDomElement saveEntry( TQDictIterator _entry, TQDomDocument doc); private: void detectStartOfLink(KoTextParag * parag, int const index, bool const insertedDot); void autoFormatIsActive(); void loadListOfWordCompletion(); void loadAutoCorrection( const TQDomElement & _de, bool _allLanguages = false ); void loadAllLanguagesAutoCorrection(); KCommand *autoFormatWord( KoTextCursor* textEditCursor, KoTextParag *parag, int &index, KoTextObject *txtObj, TQString * _wordArray, bool _allLanguages ); void readAutoCorrectConfig(); KoDocument *m_doc; KoVariableCollection *m_varCollection; KoVariableFormatCollection *m_varFormatCollection; TQString m_autoFormatLanguage; bool m_configRead; bool m_convertUpperCase, m_convertUpperUpper,m_advancedAutoCorrect; bool m_autoDetectUrl, m_ignoreDoubleSpace, m_removeSpaceBeginEndLine; bool m_useBulletStyle, m_autoChangeFormat, m_autoReplaceNumber; bool m_useAutoNumberStyle; bool m_completion; bool m_toolTipCompletion; bool m_completionAppendSpace; bool m_addCompletionWord; bool m_includeTwoUpperLetterException; bool m_includeAbbreviation; bool m_ignoreUpperCase; bool m_bAutoFormatActive; bool m_bAutoSuperScript; bool m_bAutoCorrectionWithFormat; bool m_bCapitalizeNameOfDays; /// Indicates if doAutoFormat has called itself bool m_wordInserted; TQChar m_bulletStyle; TypographicQuotes m_typographicSimpleQuotes; TypographicQuotes m_typographicDoubleQuotes; TypographicQuotes m_typographicDefaultDoubleQuotes; TypographicQuotes m_typographicDefaultSimpleQuotes; KCompletion *m_listCompletion; TQDict m_entries; TQDict m_allLanguages; KoAutoFormatEntryMap m_superScriptEntries; TQStringList m_upperCaseExceptions; TQStringList m_twoUpperLetterException; uint m_maxFindLength; uint m_minCompletionWordLength; uint m_nbMaxCompletionWord; uint m_countMaxWords; TQStringList m_cacheNameOfDays; KoCompletionBox *m_completionBox; KeyCompletionAction m_keyCompletionAction; }; #endif