/* libppt - library to read PowerPoint presentation Copyright (C) 2005 Yolla Indria This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "objects.h" #include "ustring.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Libppt; class PropertyValue { public: enum { InvalidType, IntType, DoubleType, StringType, BoolType, ColorType } type; bool b; int i; double d; std::string s; Color c; PropertyValue() { type = InvalidType; b = false; i = 0; d = 0.0; } }; class Object::Private { public: int id; double top; double left; double width; double height; bool background; std::map properties; }; Object::Object() { d = new Private; d->id = -1; d->top = 0.0; d->left = 0.0; d->width = 10.0; d->height = 3.0; d->background = false; } Object::~Object() { delete d; } int Object::id() const { return d->id; } void Object::setId( int id ) { d->id = id; } double Object::top() const { return d->top; } double Object::left() const { return d->left; } double Object::width() const { return d->width; } double Object::height() const { return d->height; } void Object::setTop( double top ) { d->top = top; } void Object::setLeft( double left ) { d->left = left; } void Object::setWidth( double width ) { d->width = width; } void Object::setHeight( double height) { d->height = height; } bool Object::isBackground() const { return d->background; } void Object::setBackground( bool bg ) { d->background = bg; } bool Object::hasProperty( std::string name ) { std::map::const_iterator i; i = d->properties.find( name ); if( i == d->properties.end() ) return false; else return true; } void Object::setProperty( std::string name, std::string value ) { PropertyValue pv; pv.type = PropertyValue::StringType; pv.s = value; d->properties[ name ] = pv; } void Object::setProperty( std::string name, int value ) { PropertyValue pv; pv.type = PropertyValue::IntType; pv.i = value; d->properties[ name ] = pv; } void Object::setProperty( std::string name, double value ) { PropertyValue pv; pv.type = PropertyValue::DoubleType; pv.d = value; d->properties[ name ] = pv; } void Object::setProperty( std::string name, bool value ) { PropertyValue pv; pv.type = PropertyValue::BoolType; pv.b = value; d->properties[ name ] = pv; } void Object::setProperty( std::string name, Color value ) { PropertyValue pv; pv.type = PropertyValue::ColorType; pv.c = value; d->properties[ name ] = pv; } int Object::getIntProperty( std::string name ) { PropertyValue pv; pv = d->properties[ name ]; if( pv.type == PropertyValue::IntType ) return pv.i; else return 0; } double Object::getDoubleProperty( std::string name ) { PropertyValue pv; pv = d->properties[ name ]; if( pv.type == PropertyValue::DoubleType ) return pv.d; else return 0; } bool Object::getBoolProperty( std::string name ) { PropertyValue pv; pv = d->properties[ name ]; if( pv.type == PropertyValue::BoolType ) return pv.b; else return false; } std::string Object::getStrProperty( std::string name ) { PropertyValue pv; pv = d->properties[ name ]; if( pv.type == PropertyValue::StringType ) return pv.s; else return "NoString"; } Color Object::getColorProperty(std::string name) { PropertyValue pv; pv = d->properties[ name ]; if( pv.type == PropertyValue::ColorType ) return pv.c; else return Color(153,204,255); // #99ccff } class TextObject::Private { public: unsigned type; std::vector text; unsigned listSize; std::vector bulletFlag; }; TextObject::TextObject(): Object() { d = new Private; } TextObject::~TextObject() { delete d; } unsigned TextObject::type() const { return d->type; } unsigned TextObject::listSize() const { return d->text.size(); } const char* TextObject::typeAsString() const { switch( d->type ) { case Title : return "Title"; case Body : return "Body"; case Notes : return "Notes"; case NotUsed : return "NotUsed"; case Other : return "Other"; case CenterBody : return "CenterBody"; case CenterTitle : return "CenterTitle"; case HalfBody : return "HalfBody"; case QuarterBody : return "QuarterBody"; default: break; } return "Unknown"; } bool TextObject::bulletFlag( unsigned index ) const { return d->bulletFlag[index]; } void TextObject::setBulletFlag( bool flag ) { d->bulletFlag.push_back( flag ); } void TextObject::setType( unsigned type ) { d->type = type; } UString TextObject::text( unsigned index) const { return d->text[index]; } void TextObject::setText( const UString& text ) { d->text.push_back( text ); } void TextObject::convertFrom( Object* object ) { setId( object->id() ); setLeft( object->left() ); setTop( object->top() ); setWidth( object->width() ); setHeight( object->height() ); if( object->isText() ) { TextObject* textObj = static_cast( object ); setType( textObj->type() ); // jgn lupa diganti : setText( textObj->text() ); } } class GroupObject::Private { public: std::vector objects; }; GroupObject::GroupObject() { d = new Private; } GroupObject::~GroupObject() { for( unsigned i=0; iobjects.size(); i++ ) delete d->objects[i]; delete d; } unsigned GroupObject::objectCount() const { return d->objects.size(); } Object* GroupObject::object( unsigned i ) { return d->objects[i]; } void GroupObject::addObject( Object* object ) { d->objects.push_back( object ); } void GroupObject::takeObject( Object* object ) { std::vector result; for( unsigned i=0; iobjects.size(); i++ ) { Object* obj = d->objects[i]; if( obj != object ) result.push_back( obj ); } d->objects.clear(); for( unsigned j=0; jobjects.push_back( result[j] ); } class DrawObject::Private { public: unsigned shape; bool isVerFlip; bool isHorFlip; }; DrawObject::DrawObject() { d = new Private; d->shape = None; } DrawObject::~DrawObject() { delete d; } unsigned DrawObject::shape() const { return d->shape; } void DrawObject::setShape( unsigned s ) { d->shape = s; } bool DrawObject::isVerFlip() const { return d->isVerFlip; } void DrawObject::setVerFlip( bool isVerFlip ) { d->isVerFlip = isVerFlip; } bool DrawObject::isHorFlip() const { return d->isHorFlip; } void DrawObject::setHorFlip( bool isHorFlip ) { d->isHorFlip = isHorFlip; }