KoCompletionBase KoCompletionBase 0 0 462 346 unnamed cbAllowCompletion Enable word completion Toggle autocompletion on and off: if this is checked then autocompletion will be enabled. tqlayout9 unnamed m_lbListCompletion Suggestion list for autocompletion: contains all the words that will be autocompleted. tqlayout8 unnamed pbAddCompletionEntry Add... By clicking this button you can add manually an individual word to the completion list. pbRemoveCompletionEntry Remove To remove words from the completion list, select the word with the left mouse button from the list, then click this button. spacer10 Vertical Expanding 20 31 cbAddCompletionWord Automatically add new words to suggestion list If this option is enabled, any word equal to or longer than the "Characters needed" typed in this document will automatically be added to the list of words used by the completion. completionBox Completion Options unnamed cbShowToolTip Show words in tooltip If this option is enabled, a tool tip box will appear when you type the beginning of a word that exists in the completion list. To complete the word, press the key you set to accept suggestions in the "Key to accept suggestion" drop-down list. tqlayout11 unnamed slider2 1 500 20 100 Horizontal Below 50 This sets the maximum number of words in the completion list. All additional words will not be included in the list. You can select any value from 1 to 500. This option keeps the list from becoming too cumbersome. This option is most important when Automatically add words to completion list is enabled. textLabel2 Characters needed: slider1 textLabel3 Suggest words: slider2 m_maxNbWordCompletion 500 1 100 This sets the maximum number of words in the completion list. All additional words will not be included in the list. You can select any value from 1 to 500. This option keeps the list from becoming too cumbersome. This option is most important when Automatically add words to completion list is enabled. slider1 5 100 Horizontal Below Use this spinbox/slider combination to prevent automatically adding short words to the completion list. You can select any value from 5-100 and the words will need to be at least the number of characters set here to be added to the list. m_minWordLength 100 5 Use this spinbox/slider combination to prevent automatically adding short words to the completion list. You can select any value from 5-100 and the words will need to be at least the number of characters set here to be added to the list. cbAppendSpace Append space If checked, it adds a single space to the end of a word after autocompletion, this means it is not necessary to add the space manually for the next word. tqlayout10 unnamed textLabel1 Key to accept suggestion: m_completionKeyAction m_completionKeyAction Set the key you want to use when an autocompleted word is suggested to you and you want to accept it. You can choose Enter, Tab, Space, End or Right. spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 101 20 tqlayout5 unnamed pbSaveCompletionEntry Make Default Completion is configured per document. Making this list the default will allow you to use it for new documents automatically. A dialog will appear to inform you that the list will be used for all documents from now on. spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 101 20 slider1 valueChanged(int) m_minWordLength setValue(int) m_minWordLength valueChanged(int) slider1 setValue(int) slider2 valueChanged(int) m_maxNbWordCompletion setValue(int) m_maxNbWordCompletion valueChanged(int) slider2 setValue(int)