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572 lines
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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kexidb/cursor.h>
#include <kexidb/driver.h>
#include <kexidb/driver_p.h>
#include <kexidb/error.h>
#include <kexidb/roweditbuffer.h>
#include <kexiutils/utils.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace KexiDB;
Cursor::Cursor(Connection* conn, const QString& statement, uint options)
: QObject()
, m_conn(conn)
, m_query(0)
, m_rawStatement(statement)
, m_options(options)
KexiUtils::addKexiDBDebug(QString("Create cursor: ")+statement);
Cursor::Cursor(Connection* conn, QuerySchema& query, uint options )
: QObject()
, m_conn(conn)
, m_query(&query)
, m_options(options)
KexiUtils::addKexiDBDebug(QString("Create cursor for query \"%1\": ").arg(;
void Cursor::init()
m_opened = false;
// , m_atFirst(false)
// , m_atLast(false)
// , m_beforeFirst(false)
m_atLast = false;
m_afterLast = false;
m_readAhead = false;
m_at = 0;
//js:todo: if (m_query)
// m_fieldCount = m_query->fieldsCount();
// m_fieldCount = m_query ? m_query->fieldCount() : 0; //do not know
//<members related to buffering>
// m_cols_pointers_mem_size = 0;
m_records_in_buf = 0;
m_buffering_completed = false;
m_at_buffer = false;
m_result = -1;
m_containsROWIDInfo = (m_query && m_query->masterTable())
&& m_conn->driver()->beh->ROW_ID_FIELD_RETURNS_LAST_AUTOINCREMENTED_VALUE == false;
if (m_query) {
//get list of all fields
m_fieldsExpanded = new QueryColumnInfo::Vector();
*m_fieldsExpanded = m_query->fieldsExpanded(
m_containsROWIDInfo ? QuerySchema::WithInternalFieldsAndRowID : QuerySchema::WithInternalFields);
m_logicalFieldCount = m_fieldsExpanded->count()
- m_query->internalFields().count() - (m_containsROWIDInfo?1:0);
m_fieldCount = m_fieldsExpanded->count();
} else {
m_fieldsExpanded = 0;
m_logicalFieldCount = 0;
m_fieldCount = 0;
m_orderByColumnList = 0;
m_queryParameters = 0;
if (m_query)
KexiUtils::addKexiDBDebug(QString("~ Delete cursor for query"));
KexiUtils::addKexiDBDebug(QString("~ Delete cursor: ")+m_rawStatement);
/* if (!m_query)
KexiDBDbg << "Cursor::~Cursor() '" << m_rawStatement.latin1() << "'" << endl;
KexiDBDbg << "Cursor::~Cursor() " << endl;*/
//take me if delete was
if (!m_conn->m_destructor_started)
else {
KexiDBDbg << "Cursor::~Cursor() can be destroyed with Conenction::deleteCursor(), not with delete operator !"<< endl;
delete m_fieldsExpanded;
delete m_queryParameters;
bool Cursor::open()
if (m_opened) {
if (!close())
return false;
if (!m_rawStatement.isEmpty())
m_conn->m_sql = m_rawStatement;
else {
if (!m_query) {
KexiDBDbg << "Cursor::open(): no query statement (or schema) defined!" << endl;
setError(ERR_SQL_EXECUTION_ERROR, i18n("No query statement or schema defined."));
return false;
Connection::SelectStatementOptions options;
options.alsoRetrieveROWID = m_containsROWIDInfo; /*get ROWID if needed*/
m_conn->m_sql = m_queryParameters
? m_conn->selectStatement( *m_query, *m_queryParameters, options )
: m_conn->selectStatement( *m_query, options );
if (m_conn->m_sql.isEmpty()) {
KexiDBDbg << "Cursor::open(): empty statement!" << endl;
setError(ERR_SQL_EXECUTION_ERROR, i18n("Query statement is empty."));
return false;
m_sql = m_conn->m_sql;
m_opened = drv_open();
// m_beforeFirst = true;
m_afterLast = false; //we are not @ the end
m_at = 0; //we are before 1st rec
if (!m_opened) {
setError(ERR_SQL_EXECUTION_ERROR, i18n("Error opening database cursor."));
return false;
m_validRecord = false;
// if (!m_readAhead) // jowenn: to ensure before first state, without cluttering implementation code
// KexiDBDbg << "READ AHEAD:" << endl;
m_readAhead = getNextRecord(); //true if any record in this query
// KexiDBDbg << "READ AHEAD = " << m_readAhead << endl;
m_at = 0; //we are still before 1st rec
return !error();
bool Cursor::close()
if (!m_opened)
return true;
bool ret = drv_close();
m_opened = false;
// m_beforeFirst = false;
m_afterLast = false;
m_readAhead = false;
m_fieldCount = 0;
m_logicalFieldCount = 0;
m_at = -1;
// KexiDBDbg<<"Cursor::close() == "<<ret<<endl;
return ret;
bool Cursor::reopen()
if (!m_opened)
return open();
return close() && open();
bool Cursor::moveFirst()
if (!m_opened)
return false;
// if (!m_beforeFirst) { //cursor isn't @ first record now: reopen
if (!m_readAhead) {
if (m_options & Buffered) {
if (m_records_in_buf==0 && m_buffering_completed) {
//eof and bof should now return true:
m_afterLast = true;
m_at = 0;
return false; //buffering completed and there is no records!
if (m_records_in_buf>0) {
//set state as we would be before first rec:
m_at_buffer = false;
m_at = 0;
//..and move to next, ie. 1st record
// m_afterLast = m_afterLast = !getNextRecord();
m_afterLast = !getNextRecord();
return !m_afterLast;
if (m_afterLast && m_at==0) //failure if already no records
return false;
if (!reopen()) //try reopen
return false;
if (m_afterLast) //eof
return false;
else {
//we have a record already read-ahead: we now point @ that:
m_at = 1;
// if (!m_atFirst) { //cursor isn't @ first record now: reopen
// reopen();
// }
// if (m_validRecord) {
// return true; //there is already valid record retrieved
// }
//get first record
// if (drv_moveFirst() && drv_getRecord()) {
// m_beforeFirst = false;
m_afterLast = false;
m_readAhead = false; //1st record had been read
// }
return m_validRecord;
bool Cursor::moveLast()
if (!m_opened)
return false;
if (m_afterLast || m_atLast) {
return m_validRecord; //we already have valid last record retrieved
if (!getNextRecord()) { //at least next record must be retrieved
// m_beforeFirst = false;
m_afterLast = true;
m_validRecord = false;
m_atLast = false;
return false; //no records
while (getNextRecord()) //move after last rec.
// m_beforeFirst = false;
m_afterLast = false;
//cursor shows last record data
m_atLast = true;
// m_validRecord = true;
//we are before or @ last record:
// if (m_atLast && m_validRecord) //we're already @ last rec.
// return true;
if (m_validRecord) {
if (drv_getRecord())
if (!m_validRecord) {
if (drv_getRecord() && m_validRecord)
return true;
return true;
bool Cursor::moveNext()
if (!m_opened || m_afterLast)
return false;
if (getNextRecord()) {
// m_validRecord = true;
return true;
return false;
bool Cursor::movePrev()
if (!m_opened /*|| m_beforeFirst*/ || !(m_options & Buffered))
return false;
//we're after last record and there are records in the buffer
//--let's move to last record
if (m_afterLast && (m_records_in_buf>0)) {
m_at_buffer = true; //now current record is stored in the buffer
return true;
//we're at first record: go BOF
if ((m_at <= 1) || (m_records_in_buf <= 1/*sanity*/)) {
m_at_buffer = false;
return false;
if (m_at_buffer) {//we already have got a pointer to buffer
drv_bufferMovePointerPrev(); //just move to prev record in the buffer
} else {//we have no pointer
//compute a place in the buffer that contain next record's data
m_at_buffer = true; //now current record is stored in the buffer
return true;
bool Cursor::eof() const
return m_afterLast;
bool Cursor::bof() const
return m_at==0;
Q_LLONG Cursor::at() const
if (m_readAhead)
return 0;
return m_at - 1;
bool Cursor::isBuffered() const
return m_options & Buffered;
void Cursor::setBuffered(bool buffered)
if (!m_opened)
if (isBuffered()==buffered)
m_options ^= Buffered;
void Cursor::clearBuffer()
if ( !isBuffered() || m_fieldCount==0)
bool Cursor::getNextRecord()
m_result = -1; //by default: invalid result of row fetching
if ((m_options & Buffered)) {//this cursor is buffered:
// KexiDBDbg << "m_at < m_records_in_buf :: " << (long)m_at << " < " << m_records_in_buf << endl;
//js if (m_at==-1) m_at=0;
if (m_at < m_records_in_buf) {//we have next record already buffered:
/// if (m_at < (m_records_in_buf-1)) {//we have next record already buffered:
//js if (m_at_buffer && (m_at!=0)) {//we already have got a pointer to buffer
if (m_at_buffer) {//we already have got a pointer to buffer
drv_bufferMovePointerNext(); //just move to next record in the buffer
} else {//we have no pointer
//compute a place in the buffer that contain next record's data
// drv_bufferMovePointerTo(m_at+1);
m_at_buffer = true; //now current record is stored in the buffer
else {//we are after last retrieved record: we need to physically fetch next record:
if (!m_readAhead) {//we have no record that was read ahead
if (!m_buffering_completed) {
//retrieve record only if we are not after
//the last buffer's item (i.e. when buffer is not fully filled):
// KexiDBDbg<<"==== buffering: drv_getNextRecord() ===="<<endl;
if ((FetchResult) m_result != FetchOK) {//there is no record
m_buffering_completed = true; //no more records for buffer
// KexiDBDbg<<"m_result != FetchOK ********"<<endl;
m_validRecord = false;
m_afterLast = true;
//js m_at = m_records_in_buf;
m_at = -1; //position is invalid now and will not be used
if ((FetchResult) m_result == FetchEnd) {
return false;
setError(ERR_CURSOR_RECORD_FETCHING, i18n("Cannot fetch next record."));
return false;
//we have a record: store this record's values in the buffer
else //we have a record that was read ahead: eat this
m_readAhead = false;
else {//we are after last retrieved record: we need to physically fetch next record:
if (!m_readAhead) {//we have no record that was read ahead
// KexiDBDbg<<"==== no prefetched record ===="<<endl;
if ((FetchResult)m_result != FetchOK) {//there is no record
// KexiDBDbg<<"m_result != FetchOK ********"<<endl;
m_validRecord = false;
m_afterLast = true;
m_at = -1;
if ((FetchResult) m_result == FetchEnd) {
return false;
setError(ERR_CURSOR_RECORD_FETCHING, i18n("Cannot fetch next record."));
return false;
else //we have a record that was read ahead: eat this
m_readAhead = false;
// if (m_data->curr_colname && m_data->curr_coldata)
// for (int i=0;i<m_data->curr_cols;i++) {
// KexiDBDbg<<i<<": "<< m_data->curr_colname[i]<<" == "<< m_data->curr_coldata[i]<<endl;
// }
// KexiDBDbg<<"m_at == "<<(long)m_at<<endl;
m_validRecord = true;
return true;
bool Cursor::updateRow(RowData& data, RowEditBuffer& buf, bool useROWID)
//! @todo doesn't update cursor's buffer YET!
if (!m_query)
return false;
return m_conn->updateRow(*m_query, data, buf, useROWID);
bool Cursor::insertRow(RowData& data, RowEditBuffer& buf, bool getROWID)
//! @todo doesn't update cursor's buffer YET!
if (!m_query)
return false;
return m_conn->insertRow(*m_query, data, buf, getROWID);
bool Cursor::deleteRow(RowData& data, bool useROWID)
//! @todo doesn't update cursor's buffer YET!
if (!m_query)
return false;
return m_conn->deleteRow(*m_query, data, useROWID);
bool Cursor::deleteAllRows()
//! @todo doesn't update cursor's buffer YET!
if (!m_query)
return false;
return m_conn->deleteAllRows(*m_query);
QString Cursor::debugString() const
QString dbg = "CURSOR( ";
if (!m_query) {
dbg += "RAW STATEMENT: '";
dbg += m_rawStatement;
dbg += "'\n";
else {
dbg += "QuerySchema: '";
dbg += m_conn->selectStatement( *m_query );
dbg += "'\n";
if (isOpened())
dbg += " OPENED";
dbg += " NOT_OPENED";
if (isBuffered())
dbg += " BUFFERED";
dbg += " NOT_BUFFERED";
dbg += " AT=";
dbg += QString::number((unsigned long)at());
dbg += " )";
return dbg;
void Cursor::debug() const
KexiDBDbg << debugString() << endl;
void Cursor::setOrderByColumnList(const QStringList& columnNames)
//! @todo implement this:
// all field names should be fooun, exit otherwise ..........
// OK
//TODO if (!m_orderByColumnList)
/*! Convenience method, similar to setOrderBy(const QStringList&). */
void Cursor::setOrderByColumnList(const QString& column1, const QString& column2,
const QString& column3, const QString& column4, const QString& column5)
//! @todo implement this, like above
//! @todo add ORDER BY info to debugString()
QueryColumnInfo::Vector Cursor::orderByColumnList() const
return m_orderByColumnList ? *m_orderByColumnList: QueryColumnInfo::Vector();
QValueList<QVariant> Cursor::queryParameters() const
return m_queryParameters ? *m_queryParameters : QValueList<QVariant>();
void Cursor::setQueryParameters(const QValueList<QVariant>& params)
if (!m_queryParameters)
m_queryParameters = new QValueList<QVariant>(params);
*m_queryParameters = params;
#include "cursor.moc"