You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

372 lines
10 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// based on the SVG exporter. Not intended for public release
// Microsoft WVG renamed to XAML Graphics. Worry about that later.
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <KoFilter.h>
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <KoStore.h>
#include "xamlexport.h"
#include "vcolor.h"
#include "vcomposite.h"
#include "vdashpattern.h"
#include "vdocument.h"
#include "vfill.h"
#include "vgradient.h"
#include "vgroup.h"
#include "vlayer.h"
#include "vpath.h"
#include "vsegment.h"
#include "vselection.h"
#include "vstroke.h"
//#include "vtext.h" // TODO Convert Text to Paths for basic export. Not our problem.
// TODO inline Images?
#include <kdebug.h>
typedef KGenericFactory<XAMLExport, KoFilter> XAMLExportFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkarbonxamlexport, XAMLExportFactory( "kofficefilters" ) )
XAMLExport::XAMLExport( KoFilter*, const char*, const TQStringList& )
: KoFilter()
m_gc.setAutoDelete( true );
XAMLExport::convert( const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to )
// TODO: ???
if ( to != "image/wvg+xml" || from != "application/x-karbon" )
return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
KoStoreDevice* storeIn = m_chain->storageFile( "root", KoStore::Read );
if( !storeIn )
return KoFilter::StupidError;
TQFile fileOut( m_chain->outputFile() );
if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
delete storeIn;
return KoFilter::StupidError;
TQDomDocument domIn;
domIn.setContent( storeIn );
TQDomElement docNode = domIn.documentElement();
m_stream = new TQTextStream( &fileOut );
TQString body;
m_body = new TQTextStream( &body, IO_ReadWrite );
TQString defs;
m_defs = new TQTextStream( &defs, IO_ReadWrite );
// load the document and export it:
VDocument doc;
doc.load( docNode );
doc.accept( *this );
*m_stream << defs;
*m_stream << body;
delete m_stream;
delete m_defs;
delete m_body;
return KoFilter::OK;
XAMLExport::visitVDocument( VDocument& document )
// select all objects:
// get the bounding box of the page
KoRect rect( 0, 0, document.width(), document.height() );
// standard header:
*m_defs <<
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n" <<
/* "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN\" " <<* */
// "\"\">"
/*<<*/ endl;
// Add one line comment to identify Content Creator,
// probably remove this later
// TODO: schemas
// need to mention defs too Defenitions namespace xmlns:def="Definition"
*m_defs <<
"<!-- Generator: Karbon14 WVG XAML Graphics export filter $VERSION/$DATE. -->" << endl;
*m_defs <<
"<Canvas xmlns=\"\" Width=\"" << rect.width() <<
"Height=\"" << rect.height() << "\">" << endl;
*m_defs << "<Canvas.Resources>" << endl;
// bleuch: this is horrible, do something about it TODO
// Microsoft Acrylic has a transform group just like this
*m_body << "<Transform=\"scale(1, -1) Translate(0, -" << rect.height() << ")\">" << endl;
// we dont need the selection anymore:
// set up gc
XAMLGraphicsContext *gc = new XAMLGraphicsContext;
m_gc.push( gc );
// export layers:
VVisitor::visitVDocument( document );
// end tag:
*m_body << "</Canvas>" << endl;
*m_defs << "</Canvas.Resources>" << endl;
*m_body << "</Canvas>" << endl;
XAMLExport::getID( VObject *obj )
if( obj && !obj->name().isEmpty() )
return TQString( " Name=\"%1\"" ).arg( obj->name() );
return TQString();
// which markup to use? Group or Canvas?
// for now assume Group will work. TODO: Test properly!
XAMLExport::visitVGroup( VGroup& group )
*m_body << "<Canvas" << getID( &group ) << ">" << endl;
VVisitor::visitVGroup( group );
*m_body << "</Canvas>" << endl;
XAMLExport::visitVPath( VPath& composite )
*m_body << "<Path" << getID( &composite );
VVisitor::visitVPath( composite );
getFill( *( composite.fill() ) );
getStroke( *( composite.stroke() ) );
TQString d;
composite.saveSvgPath( d );
*m_body << " Data=\"" << d << "\" ";
if( composite.fillRule() != m_gc.current()->fillRule )
if( composite.fillRule() == evenOdd )
*m_body << " FillRule=\"EvenOdd\"";
*m_body << " FillRule=\"NonZero\"";
*m_body << " />" << endl;
XAMLExport::visitVSubpath( VSubpath& )
TQString createUID()
static unsigned int nr = 0;
return "defitem" + TQString().setNum( nr++ );
XAMLExport::getColorStops( const TQPtrVector<VColorStop> &colorStops )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < colorStops.count() ; i++ )
*m_defs << "<GradientStop Color=\"";
getHexColor( m_defs, i )->color );
*m_defs << "\" Offset=\"" << TQString().setNum( i )->rampPoint );
// XAML uses ARGB values and other methods such as masks for Transparency/Opacity # aa rrggbb
// *m_defs << "\" stop-opacity=\"" << i )->color.opacity() << "\"" << " />" << endl;
// Maybe this only applies to gradients, need to check.
XAMLExport::getGradient( const VGradient& grad )
TQString uid = createUID();
if( grad.type() == VGradient::linear )
// do linear grad
*m_defs << "<LinearGradientBrush id=\"" << uid << "\" ";
*m_defs << "GradientUnits=\"UserSpaceOnUse\" ";
*m_defs << "StartPoint=\"" << grad.origin().x() << ",";
*m_defs << grad.origin().y() << "\" ";
*m_defs << "EndPoint=\"" << grad.vector().x() << ",";
*m_defs << grad.vector().y() << "\" ";
if( grad.repeatMethod() == VGradient::reflect )
*m_defs << "SpreadMethod=\"Reflect\" ";
else if( grad.repeatMethod() == VGradient::repeat )
*m_defs << "SpreadMethod=\"Repeat\" ";
*m_defs << ">" << endl;
// color stops
getColorStops( grad.colorStops() );
*m_defs << "</LinearGradientBrush>" << endl;
*m_body << "url(#" << uid << ")";
else if( grad.type() == VGradient::radial )
// do radial grad
*m_defs << "<RadialGradientBrush Name=\"" << uid << "\" ";
// *m_defs << "gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" "; // Absolute?
*m_defs << "Center=\"" << grad.origin().x() << ",";
*m_defs << grad.origin().y() << "\" ";
// Gradient Origin also known as Focus
*m_defs << "GradientOrigin=\"" << grad.focalPoint().x() << ",";
*m_defs << grad.focalPoint().y() << "\" ";
double r = sqrt( pow( grad.vector().x() - grad.origin().x(), 2 ) + pow( grad.vector().y() - grad.origin().y(), 2 ) );
*m_defs << "Radius=\"" << TQString().setNum( r ) << "\" ";
if( grad.repeatMethod() == VGradient::reflect )
*m_defs << "SpreadMethod=\"Reflect\" ";
else if( grad.repeatMethod() == VGradient::repeat )
*m_defs << "SpreadMethod=\"Repeat\" ";
*m_defs << ">" << endl;
// color stops
getColorStops( grad.colorStops() );
*m_defs << "</RadialGradientBrush>" << endl;
*m_body << "url(#" << uid << ")";
XAMLExport::getFill( const VFill& fill )
*m_body << " Fill=\"";
if( fill.type() == VFill::none )
*m_body << "none";
else if( fill.type() == VFill::grad )
getGradient( fill.gradient() );
getHexColor( m_body, fill.color() );
*m_body << "\"";
if( fill.color().opacity() != m_gc.current()->fill.color().opacity() )
*m_body << " FillOpacity=\"" << fill.color().opacity() << "\"";
XAMLExport::getStroke( const VStroke& stroke )
if( stroke.type() != m_gc.current()->stroke.type() )
*m_body << " Stroke=\"";
if( stroke.type() == VStroke::none )
*m_body << "None";
else if( stroke.type() == VStroke::grad )
getGradient( stroke.gradient() );
getHexColor( m_body, stroke.color() );
*m_body << "\"";
if( stroke.color().opacity() != m_gc.current()->stroke.color().opacity() )
*m_body << " StrokeOpacity=\"" << stroke.color().opacity() << "\"";
if( stroke.lineWidth() != m_gc.current()->stroke.lineWidth() )
*m_body << " StrokeThickness=\"" << stroke.lineWidth() << "\"";
if( stroke.lineCap() != m_gc.current()->stroke.lineCap() )
if( stroke.lineCap() == VStroke::capButt )
*m_body << " StrokeLineCap=\"Butt\"";
else if( stroke.lineCap() == VStroke::capRound )
*m_body << " StrokeLineCap=\"round\"";
else if( stroke.lineCap() == VStroke::capSquare )
*m_body << " StrokeLineCap=\"square\"";
if( stroke.lineJoin() != m_gc.current()->stroke.lineJoin() )
if( stroke.lineJoin() == VStroke::joinMiter )
*m_body << " StrokeLineJoin=\"Miter\"";
*m_body << " StrokeMiterLimit=\"" << stroke.miterLimit() << "\"";
else if( stroke.lineJoin() == VStroke::joinRound )
*m_body << " StrokeLineJoin=\"Round\"";
else if( stroke.lineJoin() == VStroke::joinBevel )
*m_body << " StrokeLineJoin=\"Bevel\"";
// dash
if( stroke.dashPattern().array().count() > 0 )
*m_body << " StrokeDashOffset=\"" << stroke.dashPattern().offset() << "\"";
*m_body << " StrokeDashArray=\" ";
TQValueListConstIterator<float> itr;
for(itr = stroke.dashPattern().array().begin(); itr != stroke.dashPattern().array().end(); ++itr )
*m_body << *itr << " ";
*m_body << "\"";
XAMLExport::getHexColor( TQTextStream *stream, const VColor& color )
// Convert the various color-spaces to hex
TQString Output;
VColor copy( color );
copy.setColorSpace( VColor::rgb );
Output.sprintf( "#%02x%02x%02x", int( copy[0] * 255.0 ), int( copy[1] * 255.0 ), int( copy[2] * 255.0 ) );
*stream << Output;
#include "xamlexport.moc"