You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
6.3 KiB

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2004 Peter Simonsson <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Eike Hein <>
#include "common.h"
#include "konversationapplication.h"
#include "config/preferences.h"
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqbitmap.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <klocale.h>
namespace Konversation
#include "guess_ja.cpp"
#include "unicode.cpp"
static TQRegExp colorRegExp("((\003([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-5])(,([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-5])|)|\017)|\x02|\x09|\x13|\x16|\x1f)");
static TQRegExp urlPattern("((www\\.(?!\\.)|(fish|irc|(f|sf|ht)tp(|s))://)(\\.?[\\d\\w/,\\':~\\?=;#@\\-\\+\\%\\*\\{\\}\\!\\(\\)]|&)+)|"
static TQRegExp tdlPattern("(.*)\\.(\\w+),$");
TQString removeIrcMarkup(const TQString& text)
TQString escaped = text;
// Escape text decoration
// Remove Mirc's 0x03 characters too, they show up as rectangles
return escaped;
TQString tagURLs(const TQString& text, const TQString& fromNick, bool useCustomColor)
// TQTime timer;
// timer.start();
TQString filteredLine = text;
TQString linkColor = Preferences::color(Preferences::Hyperlink).name();
TQString link;
TQString insertText;
int pos = 0;
int urlLen = 0;
TQString href;
link = "<font color=\""+linkColor+"\"><a href=\"#%1\">%2</a></font>";
link = "<a href=\"#%1\">%2</a>";
TQRegExp chanExp("(^|\\s|^\"|\\s\"|,|'|\\(|\\:|!|@|%|\\+)(#[^,\\s;\\)\\:\\/\\(\\<\\>]*[^.,\\s;\\)\\:\\/\\(\"\''\\<\\>])");
while((pos =, pos)) >= 0)
href = chanExp.cap(2);
urlLen = href.length();
pos += chanExp.cap(1).length();
// HACK:Use space as a placeholder for \ as TQt tries to be clever and does a replace to / in urls in TQTextEdit
insertText = link.tqarg(TQString(href).tqreplace('\\', " "), href);
filteredLine.tqreplace(pos, urlLen, insertText);
pos += insertText.length();
pos = 0;
urlLen = 0;
TQString protocol;
link = "<font color=\"" + linkColor + "\"><u><a href=\"%1%2\">%3</a></u></font>";
link = "<u><a href=\"%1%2\">%3</a></u>";
while((pos =, pos)) >= 0)
TQString append;
// check if the matched text is already replaced as a channel
if ( filteredLine.tqfindRev( "<a", pos ) > filteredLine.tqfindRev( "</a>", pos ) )
urlLen = urlPattern.matchedLength();
href = filteredLine.mid( pos, urlLen );
// Don't consider trailing comma part of link.
if (href.right(1) == ",")
append = ',';
// Don't consider trailing semicolon part of link.
if (href.right(1) == ";")
append = ';';
// Don't consider trailing closing tqparenthesis part of link when
// there's an opening tqparenthesis preceding the beginning of the
// URL or there is no opening tqparenthesis in the URL at all.
if (href.right(1) == ")" && (filteredLine.mid(pos-1,1) == "(" || !href.tqcontains("(")))
// TQt doesn't support (?<=pattern) so we do it here
if((pos > 0) && filteredLine[pos-1].isLetterOrNumber())
if (urlPattern.cap(1).tqstartsWith("www.", false))
protocol = "http://";
else if (urlPattern.cap(1).isEmpty())
protocol = "mailto:";
// Use \x0b as a placeholder for & so we can readd them after changing all & in the normal text to &amp;
// HACK Replace % with \x03 in the url to keep TQt from doing stupid things
insertText = link.tqarg(protocol, TQString(href).tqreplace('&', "\x0b").tqreplace('%', "\x03"), href) + append;
filteredLine.tqreplace(pos, urlLen, insertText);
pos += insertText.length();
KonversationApplication::instance()->storeUrl(fromNick, href);
// Change & to &amp; to prevent html entities to do strange things to the text
filteredLine.tqreplace('&', "&amp;");
filteredLine.tqreplace("\x0b", "&");
// kdDebug() << "Took (msecs) : " << timer.elapsed() << " for " << filteredLine << endl;
return filteredLine;
//TODO: there's room for optimization as pahlibar said. (strm)
// the below two functions were taken from kopeteonlinestatus.cpp.
TQBitmap overlayMasks( const TQBitmap *under, const TQBitmap *over )
if ( !under && !over ) return TQBitmap();
if ( !under ) return *over;
if ( !over ) return *under;
TQBitmap result = *under;
bitBlt( &result, 0, 0, over, 0, 0, over->width(), over->height(), TQt::OrROP );
return result;
TQPixmap overlayPixmaps( const TQPixmap &under, const TQPixmap &over )
if ( over.isNull() ) return under;
TQImage imResult; imResult=under;
TQImage imOver; imOver=over;
TQPixmap result;
return result;