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Here are some scripts that can help you in everyday life with konvi.
They are usually put in ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/ and executed by
typing /exec <scriptname> in konversation.
Since scripts are executed by system, they should have 'executable' flag on.
This is most easily achieved by running chmod +x <scriptname>
Please add descriptions here as new scripts appear:
bug Opens up konqueror with kde bugzilla on specified bug number.
usage: /bug 65090
gauge Displays funny "beer load" meter. Author: Eisfuchs, Idea: berkus.
usage: /gauge 55
uptime Displays the system uptime on the current channel.
usage: /uptime
fortune Displays a random fortune cookie
usage: /fortune
kdeversion Displays the Qt/KDE version.
usage: /kdeversion
cmd Prints the output of a given command.
usage: /cmd command
sayclip Prints the contents of the clipboard on the current channel
with flood protection. Klipper must be running.
usage: /sayclip [pause-time]
weather Displays current weather using KWeather applet.
usage: /weather
colorizer Randomly colorizes the message.
usage: /colorize message
media Plays the currently played media.
Supports amaroK,JuK,Noatun,Kaffeine
Usage: /media
mail Print the number of unread emails in your inbox folder in
kmail. Kmail or kontact must be running.
Usage: /mail [folder-substring]
google Use Google services
Usage: /google (--search) <query> # Search <query> in Google
/google --spell <word> # Spellcheck <word> using Google
/google -b|--browser <query> # Launch konqueror with google search for <query>
qurl Display a short version of the url using
Requires Ruby.
usage: /qurl