// -*- mode: c++; c-file-style: "bsd"; c-basic-offset: 4; tabs-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* shows a user tree of friends per server begin: Sam Aug 31 2002 copyright: (C) 2002 by Dario Abatianni email: eisfuchs@tigress.com */ #include "nicksonline.h" #include "channel.h" #include "server.h" #include "konversationapplication.h" #include "connectionmanager.h" #include "images.h" #include "query.h" #include "linkaddressbook/linkaddressbookui.h" #include "linkaddressbook/addressbook.h" #include "linkaddressbook/nicksonlinetooltip.h" #include "konversationmainwindow.h" #include "viewcontainer.h" #include "nicksonlineitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include NicksOnline::NicksOnline(TQWidget* tqparent): ChatWindow(tqparent) { setName(i18n("Watched Nicks Online")); setType(ChatWindow::NicksOnline); m_nickListView=new KListView(this); // Set to false every 8 seconds to permit a whois on watched nicks lacking information. // Remove when server or addressbook does this automatically. m_whoisRequested = true; m_nickListView->addColumn(i18n("Network/Nickname/Channel")); m_kabcIconSet = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("kaddressbook",KIcon::Small); m_nickListView->addColumn(i18n("Additional Information")); m_nickListView->setFullWidth(true); m_nickListView->setRootIsDecorated(true); m_nickListView->setShowToolTips(false); m_nickListView->setShadeSortColumn(true); m_nickListView->setShowSortIndicator(true); TQString nickListViewWT = i18n( "

These are all the nicknames on your Nickname Watch list, listed under the " "server network they are connected to. The list also includes the nicknames " "in KAddressBook associated with the server network.

" "

The Additional Information column shows the information known " "for each nickname.

" "

The channels the nickname has joined are listed underneath each nickname.

" "

Nicknames appearing under Offline are not connected to any of the " "servers in the network.

" "

Right-click with the mouse on a nickname to perform additional functions.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(m_nickListView, nickListViewWT); m_tooltip = new Konversation::KonversationNicksOnlineToolTip(m_nickListView->viewport(), this); setMargin(margin()); setSpacing(spacing()); TQHBox* buttonBox=new TQHBox(this); buttonBox->setSpacing(spacing()); TQPushButton* editButton=new TQPushButton(i18n("&Edit Watch List..."), buttonBox,"edit_notify_button"); TQString editButtonWT = i18n( "Click to edit the list of nicknames that appear on this screen."); TQWhatsThis::add(editButton, editButtonWT); connect(editButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SIGNAL(editClicked()) ); connect(m_nickListView, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)), this,TQT_SLOT(processDoubleClick(TQListViewItem*))); TQLabel* addressbookLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Address book:"), buttonBox, "nicksonline_addressbook_label"); TQString addressbookLabelWT = i18n( "When you select a nickname in the list above, the buttons here are used " "to associate the nickname with an entry in KAddressBook."); TQWhatsThis::add(addressbookLabel, addressbookLabelWT); addressbookLabel->tqsetAlignment(TQt::AlignRight | TQt::AlignVCenter); m_editContactButton = new TQPushButton(i18n("Edit C&ontact..."), buttonBox, "nicksonline_editcontact_button"); TQString editContactButtonWT = i18n( "Click to create, view, or edit the KAddressBook entry associated with the nickname " "selected above."); TQWhatsThis::add(m_editContactButton, editContactButtonWT); m_editContactButton->setIconSet(m_kabcIconSet); m_changeAssociationButton = new TQPushButton(i18n("&Change Association..."), buttonBox, "nicksonline_changeassociation_button"); TQString changeAssociationButtonWT = i18n( "Click to associate the nickname selected above with an entry in KAddressBook."); TQWhatsThis::add(m_changeAssociationButton, changeAssociationButtonWT); m_changeAssociationButton->setIconSet(m_kabcIconSet); m_deleteAssociationButton = new TQPushButton(i18n("&Delete Association"), buttonBox, "nicksonline_deleteassociation_button"); TQString deleteAssociationButtonWT = i18n( "Click to remove the association between the nickname selected above and a " "KAddressBook entry."); TQWhatsThis::add(m_deleteAssociationButton, deleteAssociationButtonWT); m_deleteAssociationButton->setIconSet(m_kabcIconSet); connect(m_editContactButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotEditContactButton_Clicked())); connect(m_changeAssociationButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeAssociationButton_Clicked())); connect(m_deleteAssociationButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDeleteAssociationButton_Clicked())); connect(m_nickListView, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNickListView_SelectionChanged())); setupAddressbookButtons(nsNotANick); // Create context menu. Individual menu entries are created in rightButtonClicked slot. m_popupMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this,"nicksonline_context_menu"); connect(m_nickListView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int )), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNickListView_RightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &))); connect(m_popupMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPopupMenu_Activated(int))); // Display info for all currently-connected servers. refreshAllServerOnlineLists(); // Connect and start refresh timer. m_timer = new TQTimer(this, "nicksOnlineTimer"); connect(m_timer, TQT_SIGNAL (timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(timerFired())); // TODO: User preference for refresh interval. m_timer->start(8000); } NicksOnline::~NicksOnline() { m_timer->stop(); delete m_timer; delete m_nickListView; } KListView* NicksOnline::getNickListView() { return m_nickListView; } /** * Returns the named child of tqparent item in a NicksOnlineItem * @param tqparent Pointer to a NicksOnlineItem. * @param name The name in the desired child TQListViewItem, must be in column 0. * @param type The type of entry to be found * @return Pointer to the child TQListViewItem or 0 if not found. */ TQListViewItem* NicksOnline::findItemChild(const TQListViewItem* tqparent, const TQString& name, NicksOnlineItem::NickListViewColumn type) { if (!tqparent) return 0; TQListViewItem* child; for (child = tqparent->firstChild(); (child) ; child = child->nextSibling()) { if(static_cast(child)->type() == type && child->text(0) == name) return child; } return 0; } /** * Returns the first occurrence of a child item of a given type in a NicksOnlineItem * @param tqparent Pointer to a NicksOnlineItem. * @param type The type of entry to be found * @return Pointer to the child TQListViewItem or 0 if not found. */ TQListViewItem* NicksOnline::findItemType(const TQListViewItem* tqparent, NicksOnlineItem::NickListViewColumn type) { if (!tqparent) return 0; TQListViewItem* child; for (child = tqparent->firstChild(); (child) ; child = child->nextSibling()) { if(static_cast(child)->type() == type) return child; } return 0; } /** * Returns a pointer to the network TQListViewItem with the given name. * @param name The name of the network, assumed to be in column 0 of the item. * @return Pointer to the TQListViewItem or 0 if not found. */ TQListViewItem* NicksOnline::findNetworkRoot(const TQString& name) { TQListViewItem* child; for (child = getNickListView()->firstChild(); (child) ; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->text(0) == name) return child; } return 0; } /** * Return a string containing formatted additional information about a nick. * @param nickInfo A pointer to NickInfo structure for the nick. May be Null. * @param addressee Addressbook entry for the nick. May be empty. * @return A string formatted for display containing the information * about the nick. * @return needWhois True if a WHOIS needs to be performed on the nick * to get additional information. */ TQString NicksOnline::getNickAdditionalInfo(NickInfoPtr nickInfo, KABC::Addressee addressee, bool& needWhois) { TQString info; if (!addressee.isEmpty()) { if (addressee.fullEmail().isEmpty()) info += addressee.realName(); else info += addressee.fullEmail(); } TQString niInfo; if (nickInfo) { if (nickInfo->isAway()) { niInfo += i18n("Away"); if (!nickInfo->getAwayMessage().isEmpty()) niInfo += '(' + nickInfo->getAwayMessage() + ')'; } if (!nickInfo->getHosttqmask().isEmpty()) niInfo += ' ' + nickInfo->getHosttqmask(); if (!nickInfo->getRealName().isEmpty()) niInfo += " (" + nickInfo->getRealName() + ')'; if (!nickInfo->getNetServer().isEmpty()) { niInfo += i18n( " online via %1" ).tqarg( nickInfo->getNetServer() ); if (!nickInfo->getNetServerInfo().isEmpty()) niInfo += " (" + nickInfo->getNetServerInfo() + ')'; } if (!nickInfo->getOnlineSince().isNull()) niInfo += i18n( " since %1" ).tqarg( nickInfo->getPrettyOnlineSince() ); } needWhois = niInfo.isEmpty(); if (!info.isEmpty() && !needWhois) info += ' '; return info + niInfo; } /** * Refresh the nicklistview for a single server. * @param server The server to be refreshed. */ void NicksOnline::updateServerOnlineList(Server* servr) { bool newNetworkRoot = false; TQString serverName = servr->getServerName(); TQString networkName = servr->getDisplayName(); TQListViewItem* networkRoot = findNetworkRoot(networkName); // If network is not in our list, add it. if (!networkRoot) { networkRoot = new NicksOnlineItem(NicksOnlineItem::NetworkRootItem,m_nickListView,networkName); newNetworkRoot = true; } // Store server name in hidden column. // Note that there could be more than one server in the network connected, // but it doesn't matter because all the servers in a network have the same // watch list. networkRoot->setText(nlvcServerName, serverName); // Update list of servers in the network that are connected. TQStringList serverList = TQStringList::split(",", networkRoot->text(nlvcAdditionalInfo)); if (!serverList.tqcontains(serverName)) serverList.append(serverName); networkRoot->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, serverList.join(",")); // Get item in nicklistview for the Offline branch. TQListViewItem* offlineRoot = findItemType(networkRoot, NicksOnlineItem::OfflineItem); if (!offlineRoot) { offlineRoot = new NicksOnlineItem(NicksOnlineItem::OfflineItem,networkRoot,i18n("Offline")); offlineRoot->setText(nlvcServerName, serverName); } // Get watch list. TQStringList watchList = servr->getWatchList(); TQStringList::iterator itEnd = watchList.end(); TQString nickname; for (TQStringList::iterator it = watchList.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { nickname = (*it); NickInfoPtr nickInfo = getOnlineNickInfo(networkName, nickname); if (nickInfo && nickInfo->getPrintedOnline()) { // Nick is online. // Which server did NickInfo come from? Server* server=nickInfo->getServer(); // Get addressbook entry (if any) for the nick. KABC::Addressee addressee = nickInfo->getAddressee(); // Construct additional information string for nick. bool needWhois = false; TQString nickAdditionalInfo = getNickAdditionalInfo(nickInfo, addressee, needWhois); // Remove from offline branch if present. TQListViewItem* item = findItemChild(offlineRoot, nickname, NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem); if (item) delete item; // Add to network if not already added. TQListViewItem* nickRoot = findItemChild(networkRoot, nickname, NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem); if (!nickRoot) nickRoot = new NicksOnlineItem(NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem,networkRoot, nickname, nickAdditionalInfo); nickRoot->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, nickAdditionalInfo); nickRoot->setText(nlvcServerName, serverName); // If no additional info available, request a WHOIS on the nick. if (!m_whoisRequested) { if (needWhois) { requestWhois(networkName, nickname); m_whoisRequested = true; } } // Set Kabc icon if the nick is associated with an addressbook entry. if (!addressee.isEmpty()) nickRoot->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::On)); else nickRoot->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Disabled, TQIconSet::Off)); TQStringList channelList = server->getNickChannels(nickname); TQStringList::iterator itEnd2 = channelList.end(); for (TQStringList::iterator it2 = channelList.begin(); it2 != itEnd2; ++it2) { // Known channels where nickname is online and mode in each channel. // FIXME: If user connects to multiple servers in same network, the // channel info will differ between the servers, resulting in inaccurate // mode and led info displayed. TQString channelName = (*it2); ChannelNickPtr channelNick = server->getChannelNick(channelName, nickname); TQString nickMode; if (channelNick->hasVoice()) nickMode = nickMode + i18n(" Voice"); if (channelNick->isHalfOp()) nickMode = nickMode + i18n(" HalfOp"); if (channelNick->isOp()) nickMode = nickMode + i18n(" Operator"); if (channelNick->isOwner()) nickMode = nickMode + i18n(" Owner"); if (channelNick->isAdmin()) nickMode = nickMode + i18n(" Admin"); TQListViewItem* channelItem = findItemChild(nickRoot, channelName, NicksOnlineItem::ChannelItem); if (!channelItem) channelItem = new NicksOnlineItem(NicksOnlineItem::ChannelItem,nickRoot, channelName, nickMode); channelItem->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, nickMode); // Icon for mode of nick in each channel. Images::NickPrivilege nickPrivilege = Images::Normal; if (channelNick->hasVoice()) nickPrivilege = Images::Voice; if (channelNick->isHalfOp()) nickPrivilege = Images::HalfOp; if (channelNick->isOp()) nickPrivilege = Images::Op; if (channelNick->isOwner()) nickPrivilege = Images::Owner; if (channelNick->isAdmin()) nickPrivilege = Images::Admin; if (server->getJoinedChannelMembers(channelName) != 0) channelItem->setPixmap(nlvcChannel, KonversationApplication::instance()->images()->getNickIcon(nickPrivilege, false)); else channelItem->setPixmap(nlvcChannel, KonversationApplication::instance()->images()->getNickIcon(nickPrivilege, true)); } // Remove channel if nick no longer in it. TQListViewItem* child = nickRoot->firstChild(); while (child) { TQListViewItem* nextChild = child->nextSibling(); if (channelList.tqfind(child->text(nlvcNick)) == channelList.end()) delete child; child = nextChild; } } else { // Nick is offline. // Remove from online nicks, if present. TQListViewItem* item = findItemChild(networkRoot, nickname, NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem); if (item) delete item; // Add to offline list if not already listed. TQListViewItem* nickRoot = findItemChild(offlineRoot, nickname, NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem); if (!nickRoot) nickRoot = new NicksOnlineItem(NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem,offlineRoot, nickname); nickRoot->setText(nlvcServerName, serverName); // Get addressbook entry for the nick. KABC::Addressee addressee = servr->getOfflineNickAddressee(nickname); // Format additional information for the nick. bool needWhois = false; TQString nickAdditionalInfo = getNickAdditionalInfo(0, addressee, needWhois); nickRoot->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, nickAdditionalInfo); // Set Kabc icon if the nick is associated with an addressbook entry. if (!addressee.isEmpty()) nickRoot->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::On)); else nickRoot->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Disabled, TQIconSet::Off)); } } // Erase nicks no longer being watched. TQListViewItem* item = networkRoot->firstChild(); while (item) { TQListViewItem* nextItem = item->nextSibling(); if (static_cast(item)->type() != NicksOnlineItem::OfflineItem) { TQString nickname = item->text(nlvcNick); if ((watchList.tqfind(nickname) == watchList.end()) && (serverName == item->text(nlvcServerName))) delete item; } item = nextItem; } item = offlineRoot->firstChild(); if(item) { while (item) { TQListViewItem* nextItem = item->nextSibling(); TQString nickname = item->text(nlvcNick); if ((watchList.tqfind(nickname) == watchList.end()) && (serverName == item->text(nlvcServerName))) delete item; item = nextItem; } } else { delete offlineRoot; } // Expand server if newly added to list. if (newNetworkRoot) { networkRoot->setOpen(true); // Connect server NickInfo updates. connect (servr, TQT_SIGNAL(nickInfoChanged(Server*, const NickInfoPtr)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNickInfoChanged(Server*, const NickInfoPtr))); } } /** * Determines if a nick is online in any of the servers in a network and returns * a NickInfo if found, otherwise 0. * @param networkName Server network name. * @param nickname Nick name. * @return NickInfo if nick is online in any server, otherwise 0. */ NickInfoPtr NicksOnline::getOnlineNickInfo(TQString& networkName, TQString& nickname) { // Get list of pointers to all servers. KonversationApplication* konvApp = static_cast(kapp); TQPtrList serverList = konvApp->getConnectionManager()->getServerList(); for (Server* server = serverList.first(); server; server = serverList.next()) { if (server->getDisplayName() == networkName) { NickInfoPtr nickInfo = server->getNickInfo(nickname); if (nickInfo) return nickInfo; } } return 0; } /** * Requests a WHOIS for a specified server network and nickname. * The request is sent to the first server found in the network. * @param groupName Server group name. * @param nickname Nick name. */ void NicksOnline::requestWhois(TQString& networkName, TQString& nickname) { KonversationApplication* konvApp = static_cast(kapp); TQPtrList serverList = konvApp->getConnectionManager()->getServerList(); for (Server* server = serverList.first(); server; server = serverList.next()) { if (server->getDisplayName() == networkName) { server->requestWhois(nickname); return; } } } /** * Refresh the nicklistview for all servers. */ void NicksOnline::refreshAllServerOnlineLists() { KonversationApplication* konvApp = static_cast(kapp); TQPtrList serverList = konvApp->getConnectionManager()->getServerList(); Server* server; // Remove servers no longer connected. TQListViewItem* child = m_nickListView->firstChild(); while (child) { TQListViewItem* nextChild = child->nextSibling(); TQString networkName = child->text(nlvcNetwork); TQStringList serverNameList = TQStringList::split(",", child->text(nlvcAdditionalInfo)); TQStringList::Iterator itEnd = serverNameList.end(); TQStringList::Iterator it = serverNameList.begin(); while (it != itEnd) { TQString serverName = *it; // Locate server in server list. bool found = false; for (server = serverList.first(); server; server = serverList.next()) { if ((server->getServerName() == serverName) && (server->getDisplayName() == networkName)) found = true; } if (!found) it = serverNameList.remove(it); else ++it; } // Remove Networks with no servers connected, otherwise update list of connected // servers. if (serverNameList.empty()) delete child; else child->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, serverNameList.join(",")); child = nextChild; } // Display info for all currently-connected servers. for (server = serverList.first(); server; server = serverList.next()) { updateServerOnlineList(server); } // Refresh addressbook buttons. slotNickListView_SelectionChanged(); } void NicksOnline::timerFired() { // Allow one WHOIS request per cycle. m_whoisRequested = false; refreshAllServerOnlineLists(); } /** * When a user double-clicks a nickname in the nicklistview, let server know so that * it can perform the user's chosen default action for that. */ void NicksOnline::processDoubleClick(TQListViewItem* item) { // Only emit signal when the user double clicked a nickname rather than // a server name or channel name. TQString serverName; TQString nickname; if (getItemServerAndNick(item, serverName, nickname)) emit doubleClicked(serverName, nickname); } /** * Returns the server name and nickname of the specified nicklistview item. * @param item The nicklistview item. * @return serverName Name of the server for the nick at the item, or Null if not a nick. * @return nickname The nickname at the item. */ bool NicksOnline::getItemServerAndNick(const TQListViewItem* item, TQString& serverName, TQString& nickname) { if (!item) return false; // convert into NicksOnlineItem const NicksOnlineItem* nlItem=static_cast(item); // If on a network, return false; if (nlItem->type() == NicksOnlineItem::NetworkRootItem) return false; // get server name serverName = item->text(nlvcServerName); // If on a channel, move up to the nickname. if (nlItem->type() == NicksOnlineItem::ChannelItem) { item = item->tqparent(); serverName = item->text(nlvcServerName); } nickname = item->text(nlvcNick); // offline columns are not nick names if (nlItem->type() == NicksOnlineItem::OfflineItem) return false; return true; } NickInfoPtr NicksOnline::getNickInfo(const TQListViewItem* item) { TQString serverName; TQString nickname; getItemServerAndNick(item, serverName, nickname); if (!serverName || !nickname) return 0; Server* server = KonversationApplication::instance()->getConnectionManager()->getServerByName(serverName); if (server) return server->getNickInfo(nickname); return 0; } /** * Given a server name and nickname, returns the item in the Nick List View displaying * the nick. * @param serverName Name of server. * @param nickname Nick name. * @return Pointer to TQListViewItem displaying the nick, or 0 if not found. * * @see getItemServerAndNick */ TQListViewItem* NicksOnline::getServerAndNickItem(const TQString& serverName, const TQString& nickname) { Server* server = KonversationApplication::instance()->getConnectionManager()->getServerByName(serverName); if (!server) return 0; TQString networkName = server->getDisplayName(); TQListViewItem* networkRoot = m_nickListView->tqfindItem(networkName, nlvcNetwork); if (!networkRoot) return 0; TQListViewItem* nickRoot = findItemChild(networkRoot, nickname, NicksOnlineItem::NicknameItem); return nickRoot; } /** * Perform an addressbook command (edit contact, create new contact, * change/delete association.) * @param id The command id. @ref CommandIDs. * * The operation is performed on the nickname at the currently-selected item in * the nicklistview. * * Also refreshes the nicklistview display to reflect the new addressbook state * for the nick. */ void NicksOnline::doCommand(int id) { if(id < 0) { return; } TQString serverName; TQString nickname; TQListViewItem* item = m_nickListView->selectedItem(); if(!getItemServerAndNick(item, serverName, nickname)) { return; } // Get the server object corresponding to the server name. Server* server = KonversationApplication::instance()->getConnectionManager()->getServerByName(serverName); if (!server) return; // Get NickInfo object corresponding to the nickname. NickInfoPtr nickInfo = server->getNickInfo(nickname); // Get addressbook entry for the nick. KABC::Addressee addressee; if(nickInfo) { addressee = nickInfo->getAddressee(); } else { addressee = server->getOfflineNickAddressee(nickname); } switch(id) { case ciSendEmail: Konversation::Addressbook::self()->sendEmail(addressee); return; //no need to refresh item case ciAddressbookEdit: Konversation::Addressbook::self()->editAddressee(addressee.uid()); return; //no need to refresh item - nickinfo changed will be called anyway. case ciAddressbookChange: if(nickInfo) { nickInfo->showLinkAddressbookUI(); } else { LinkAddressbookUI *linkaddressbookui = new LinkAddressbookUI(server->getViewContainer()->getWindow(), NULL, nickname, server->getServerName(), server->getDisplayName(), addressee.realName()); linkaddressbookui->show(); } break; case ciAddressbookNew: case ciAddressbookDelete: { Konversation::Addressbook *addressbook = Konversation::Addressbook::self(); if(addressbook && addressbook->getAndCheckTicket()) { if(id == ciAddressbookDelete) { if (addressee.isEmpty()) { return; } addressbook->unassociateNick(addressee, nickname, server->getServerName(), server->getDisplayName()); } else { addressee.setGivenName(nickname); addressee.setNickName(nickname); addressbook->associateNickAndUnassociateFromEveryoneElse(addressee, nickname, server->getServerName(), server->getDisplayName()); } if(addressbook->saveTicket()) { //saveTicket will refresh the addressees for us. if(id == ciAddressbookNew) { Konversation::Addressbook::self()->editAddressee(addressee.uid()); } } } break; } case ciJoinChannel: { // only join real channels if (static_cast(m_nickListView->selectedItem())->type() == NicksOnlineItem::ChannelItem) { TQString contactChannel = m_nickListView->selectedItem()->text(nlvcChannel); server->queue( "JOIN "+contactChannel ); } break; } case ciWhois: server->queue("WHOIS "+nickname); return; case ciOpenQuery: NickInfoPtr nickInfo = server->obtainNickInfo(nickname); class Query* query = server->addQuery(nickInfo, true /*we initiated*/); emit showView(query); return; } refreshItem(item); } /** * Get the addressbook state of the nickname at the specified nicklistview item. * @param item Item of the nicklistview. * @return Addressbook state. * 0 = not a nick, 1 = nick has no addressbook association, 2 = nick has association */ int NicksOnline::getNickAddressbookState(TQListViewItem* item) { int nickState = nsNotANick; TQString serverName; TQString nickname; if (getItemServerAndNick(item, serverName, nickname)) { Server *server = KonversationApplication::instance()->getConnectionManager()->getServerByName(serverName); if (!server) return nsNotANick; NickInfoPtr nickInfo = server->getNickInfo(nickname); if (nickInfo) { if (nickInfo->getAddressee().isEmpty()) nickState = nsNoAddress; else nickState = nsHasAddress; } else { if (server->getOfflineNickAddressee(nickname).isEmpty()) nickState = nsNoAddress; else nickState = nsHasAddress; } } return nickState; } /** * Sets the enabled/disabled state and labels of the addressbook buttons * based on the given nick addressbook state. * @param nickState The state of the nick. 1 = not associated with addressbook, * 2 = associated with addressbook. @ref getNickAddressbookState. */ void NicksOnline::setupAddressbookButtons(int nickState) { switch (nickState) { case nsNotANick: { m_editContactButton->setEnabled(false); m_changeAssociationButton->setEnabled(false); m_deleteAssociationButton->setEnabled(false); break; } case nsNoAddress: { m_editContactButton->setText(i18n("Create New C&ontact...")); m_editContactButton->setEnabled(true); m_changeAssociationButton->setText(i18n("&Choose Association...")); m_changeAssociationButton->setEnabled(true); m_deleteAssociationButton->setEnabled(false); break; } case nsHasAddress: { m_editContactButton->setText(i18n("Edit C&ontact...")); m_editContactButton->setEnabled(true); m_changeAssociationButton->setText(i18n("&Change Association...")); m_changeAssociationButton->setEnabled(true); m_deleteAssociationButton->setEnabled(true); break; } } } /** * Received when user clicks the Edit Contact (or New Contact) button. */ void NicksOnline::slotEditContactButton_Clicked() { switch (getNickAddressbookState(m_nickListView->selectedItem())) { case nsNotANick: break; case nsNoAddress: { doCommand(ciAddressbookNew); break; } case nsHasAddress: { doCommand(ciAddressbookEdit); break; } } } /** * Received when user clicks the Change Association button. */ void NicksOnline::slotChangeAssociationButton_Clicked() { doCommand(ciAddressbookChange); } /** * Received when user clicks the Delete Association button. */ void NicksOnline::slotDeleteAssociationButton_Clicked() { doCommand(ciAddressbookDelete); } /** * Received when user selects a different item in the nicklistview. */ void NicksOnline::slotNickListView_SelectionChanged() { TQListViewItem* item = m_nickListView->selectedItem(); int nickState = getNickAddressbookState(item); setupAddressbookButtons(nickState); } /** * Received when right-clicking an item in the NickListView. */ void NicksOnline::slotNickListView_RightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem* item, const TQPoint& pt) { if (!item) return; m_popupMenu->clear(); int nickState = getNickAddressbookState(item); switch (nickState) { case nsNotANick: { break; } case nsNoAddress: { m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Choose Association..."), ciAddressbookChange); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Create New C&ontact..."), ciAddressbookNew); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Whois"), ciWhois); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Open &Query"), ciOpenQuery); if (item->text(nlvcServerName).isEmpty()) m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Join Channel"), ciJoinChannel); break; } case nsHasAddress: { m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("mail_generic"), i18n("&Send Email..."), ciSendEmail); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("contents"), i18n("Edit C&ontact..."), ciAddressbookEdit); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Change Association..."), ciAddressbookChange); m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("editdelete"), i18n("&Delete Association"), ciAddressbookDelete); m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Whois"), ciWhois); m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Open &Query"), ciOpenQuery); if (item->text(nlvcServerName).isEmpty()) m_popupMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Join Channel"), ciJoinChannel); break; } } if (nickState != nsNotANick) m_popupMenu->popup(pt); } /** * Received from popup menu when user chooses something. */ void NicksOnline::slotPopupMenu_Activated(int id) { doCommand(id); } /** * Received from server when a NickInfo changes its information. */ void NicksOnline::slotNickInfoChanged(Server* server, const NickInfoPtr nickInfo) { if (!nickInfo) return; TQString nickname = nickInfo->getNickname(); if (!server) return; TQString serverName = server->getServerName(); TQListViewItem* item = getServerAndNickItem(serverName, nickname); refreshItem(item); } /** * Refreshes the information for the given item in the list. * @param item Pointer to listview item. */ void NicksOnline::refreshItem(TQListViewItem* item) { if (!item) return; TQString serverName; TQString nickname; if (getItemServerAndNick(item, serverName, nickname)) { Server *server = KonversationApplication::instance()->getConnectionManager()->getServerByName(serverName); if (server) { NickInfoPtr nickInfo = server->getNickInfo(nickname); KABC::Addressee addressee; if (nickInfo) addressee = nickInfo->getAddressee(); else addressee = server->getOfflineNickAddressee(nickname); int nickState = 2; if (addressee.isEmpty()) nickState = 1; switch (nickState) { case nsNotANick: break; case nsNoAddress: { item->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Disabled, TQIconSet::Off)); break; } case nsHasAddress: { item->setPixmap(nlvcKabc, m_kabcIconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::On)); break; } } TQString nickAdditionalInfo; bool needWhois = false; if (nickInfo) nickAdditionalInfo = getNickAdditionalInfo(nickInfo, addressee, needWhois); item->setText(nlvcAdditionalInfo, nickAdditionalInfo); if (item == m_nickListView->selectedItem()) setupAddressbookButtons(nickState); } } } void NicksOnline::childAdjustFocus() {} #include "nicksonline.moc" // kate: space-indent on; tab-width 4; indent-width 4; mixed-indent off; tqreplace-tabs on; // vim: set et sw=4 ts=4 cino=l1,cs,U1: