KPilot was written by Dan Pilone. It is currently under active development by a worldwide group of contributors. Adriaan de Groot and Reinhold Kainhofe are currently the maintainers. o Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper is prime motivator in 2006. o The vcal and todo conduit were originally written by Preston Brown. o The popclient conduit was written by Michael Kropfberger. o The null conduit and KNotes conduit were written by Adriaan de Groot. o The XML GUI stuff was written by Martin Junius. o Philipp Hullmann fixed many bugs in the todo conduit. o David Bishop converted most of the UI to Qt Designer .ui. o Reinhold Kainhofer fixed and extended the VCal conduits when it was really needed. o The addressbook conduit was rewritten by R. Kainhofer to use libtdeabc o The time conduit, the MAL conduit (AvantGo) and the PalmDOC conduit were also written by R. Kainhofer o Aaron J. Seigo, Jorg Habenicht, and others contributed too. o David Mott contributed useful extra features. For more information, see the About box or: -- Dan Pilone 5/30/99 -- Adriaan de Groot April 14th 2001 -- Adriaan de Groot January 20th 2002 -- Reinhold Kainhofer, April 5th 2003 -- Adriaan de Groot, March 4th 2004 -- Adriaan de Groot, November 18th 2006