/*************************************************************************** listpanel.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD S o u r c e F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include // QT includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Krusader includes #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "panelfunc.h" #include "../kicons.h" #include "../VFS/krpermhandler.h" #include "listpanel.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../panelmanager.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../resources.h" #include "../MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #include "../BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspwidgets.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspecialwidgets.h" #include "../GUI/kcmdline.h" #include "../Dialogs/percentalsplitter.h" #include "krdetailedview.h" #include "krbriefview.h" #include "krpreviewpopup.h" #include "../GUI/dirhistorybutton.h" #include "../GUI/dirhistoryqueue.h" #include "../GUI/mediabutton.h" #include "../GUI/syncbrowsebutton.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "panelpopup.h" #include "../UserAction/useractionpopupmenu.h" #include "../Dialogs/popularurls.h" #include "krpopupmenu.h" #ifdef __LIBKONTQ__ #include #include #endif typedef TQValueList OfferList; #define URL(X) KURL::fromPathOrURL(X) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The list panel constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ListPanel::ListPanel( TQString typeIn, TQWidget *parent, bool &left, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), panelType( typeIn ), colorMask( 255 ), compareMode( false ), currDragItem( 0 ), statsAgent( 0 ), quickSearch( 0 ), cdRootButton( 0 ), cdUpButton( 0 ), popupBtn(0), popup(0),inlineRefreshJob(0), _left( left ) { func = new ListPanelFunc( this ); setAcceptDrops( true ); layout = new TQGridLayout( this, 3, 3 ); mediaButton = new MediaButton( this, "mediaButton" ); connect( mediaButton, TQT_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( mediaButton, TQT_SIGNAL( openUrl( const KURL& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( openUrl( const KURL& ) ) ); status = new KrSqueezedTextLabel( this ); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); status->setFont( krConfig->readFontEntry( "Filelist Font", _FilelistFont ) ); status->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground ); status->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Raised ); status->setLineWidth( 1 ); // a nice 3D touch :-) status->setText( "" ); // needed for initialization code! status->enableDrops( true ); int sheight = TQFontMetrics( status->font() ).height() + 4; status->setMaximumHeight( sheight ); TQWhatsThis::add ( status, i18n( "The statusbar displays information about the FILESYSTEM " "which holds your current directory: Total size, free space, " "type of filesystem, etc." ) ); connect( status, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( status, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped( TQDropEvent *) ), this, TQT_SLOT( handleDropOnStatus(TQDropEvent *) ) ); // ... create the history button dirHistoryQueue = new DirHistoryQueue( this ); historyButton = new DirHistoryButton( dirHistoryQueue, this, "historyButton" ); connect( historyButton, TQT_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( historyButton, TQT_SIGNAL( openUrl( const KURL& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( openUrl( const KURL& ) ) ); bookmarksButton = new KrBookmarkButton(this); connect( bookmarksButton, TQT_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( bookmarksButton, TQT_SIGNAL( openUrl( const KURL& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( openUrl( const KURL& ) ) ); TQWhatsThis::add ( bookmarksButton, i18n( "Open menu with bookmarks. You can also add " "current location to the list, edit bookmarks " "or add subfolder to the list." ) ); TQHBoxLayout *totalsLayout = new TQHBoxLayout; totals = new KrSqueezedTextLabel( this ); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); totals->setFont( krConfig->readFontEntry( "Filelist Font", _FilelistFont ) ); totals->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Raised ); totals->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground ); totals->setLineWidth( 1 ); // a nice 3D touch :-) totals->setMaximumHeight( sheight ); totals->enableDrops( true ); TQWhatsThis::add ( totals, i18n( "The totals bar shows how many files exist, " "how many selected and the bytes math" ) ); connect( totals, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( totals, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped( TQDropEvent *) ), this, TQT_SLOT( handleDropOnTotals(TQDropEvent *) ) ); // a cancel button for the inplace refresh mechanism inlineRefreshCancelButton = new KPushButton(this); inlineRefreshCancelButton->setFixedSize( 22, 20 ); inlineRefreshCancelButton->setPixmap(krLoader->loadIcon("cancel", KIcon::Toolbar, 16)); connect(inlineRefreshCancelButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(inlineRefreshCancel())); // a quick button to open the popup panel popupBtn = new TQToolButton( this, "popupbtn" ); popupBtn->setFixedSize( 22, 20 ); popupBtn->setPixmap(krLoader->loadIcon("1uparrow", KIcon::Toolbar, 16)); connect(popupBtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(togglePanelPopup())); TQToolTip::add( popupBtn, i18n( "Open the popup panel" ) ); totalsLayout->addWidget(totals); totalsLayout->addWidget(inlineRefreshCancelButton); inlineRefreshCancelButton->hide(); totalsLayout->addWidget(popupBtn); quickSearch = new KrQuickSearch( this ); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); quickSearch->setFont( krConfig->readFontEntry( "Filelist Font", _FilelistFont ) ); quickSearch->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Raised ); quickSearch->setLineWidth( 1 ); // a nice 3D touch :-) quickSearch->setMaximumHeight( sheight ); TQHBox * hbox = new TQHBox( this ); // clear-origin button bool clearButton = krConfig->readBoolEntry("Clear Location Bar Visible", _ClearLocation); if (clearButton){ clearOrigin = new TQToolButton(hbox, "clearorigin"); clearOrigin->setPixmap(krLoader->loadIcon("locationbar_erase", KIcon::Toolbar, 16)); TQToolTip::add( clearOrigin, i18n( "Clear the location bar" ) ); } QuickNavLineEdit *qnle = new QuickNavLineEdit(this); origin = new KURLRequester( qnle, hbox ); TQPixmap pixMap = origin->button() ->iconSet() ->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ); origin->button() ->setFixedSize( pixMap.width() + 4, pixMap.height() + 4 ); TQWhatsThis::add ( origin, i18n( "Use superb TDE file dialog to choose location. " ) ); origin->setShowLocalProtocol( false ); origin->lineEdit() ->setURLDropsEnabled( true ); origin->lineEdit() ->installEventFilter( this ); TQWhatsThis::add ( origin->lineEdit(), i18n( "Name of directory where you are. You can also " "enter name of desired location to move there. " "Use of Net protocols like ftp or fish is possible." ) ); origin->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly ); connect( origin, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( const TQString& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( openUrl( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( origin, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( origin, TQT_SIGNAL( urlSelected( const TQString& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( openUrl( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( origin, TQT_SIGNAL( urlSelected( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); // this is here on purpose, do not move up! if (clearButton) { clearOrigin->setFixedSize( 20, origin->button() ->height() ); connect(clearOrigin, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), origin->lineEdit(), TQT_SLOT(clear())); connect(clearOrigin, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), origin->lineEdit(), TQT_SLOT(setFocus())); } // cdOtherButton = new TQToolButton( hbox, "cdOtherButton" ); cdOtherButton->setFixedSize( 20, origin->button() ->height() ); cdOtherButton->setText( i18n( "=" ) ); TQToolTip::add( cdOtherButton, i18n( "Equal" ) ); connect( cdOtherButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusAndCDOther() ) ); cdUpButton = new TQToolButton( hbox, "cdUpButton" ); cdUpButton->setFixedSize( 20, origin->button() ->height() ); cdUpButton->setText( i18n( ".." ) ); TQToolTip::add( cdUpButton, i18n( "Up" ) ); connect( cdUpButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusAndCDup() ) ); cdHomeButton = new TQToolButton( hbox, "cdHomeButton" ); cdHomeButton->setFixedSize( 20, origin->button() ->height() ); cdHomeButton->setText( i18n( "~" ) ); TQToolTip::add( cdHomeButton, i18n( "Home" ) ); connect( cdHomeButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusAndCDHome() ) ); cdRootButton = new TQToolButton( hbox, "cdRootButton" ); cdRootButton->setFixedSize( 20, origin->button() ->height() ); cdRootButton->setText( i18n( "/" ) ); TQToolTip::add( cdRootButton, i18n( "Root" ) ); connect( cdRootButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusAndCDRoot() ) ); // ... creates the button for sync-browsing syncBrowseButton = new SyncBrowseButton( hbox ); setPanelToolbar(); header = new TQHeader( this ); header->hide(); // create a splitter to hold the view and the popup splt = new PercentalSplitter(this); splt->setChildrenCollapsible(true); splt->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); createView(); // make sure that a focus/path change reflects in the command line and activePanel connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( cmdLineUpdate( TQString ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotCurrentChanged( TQString ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( activePanelChanged( ListPanel * ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSetActivePanel( ListPanel * ) ) ); // add a popup popup = new PanelPopup(splt, left); connect(popup, TQT_SIGNAL(selection(const KURL&)), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT(refresh(const KURL&))); connect(popup, TQT_SIGNAL(hideMe()), this, TQT_SLOT(togglePanelPopup())); popup->hide(); // finish the layout layout->addMultiCellWidget( hbox, 0, 0, 0, 3 ); layout->addWidget( mediaButton, 1, 0 ); layout->addWidget( status, 1, 1 ); layout->addWidget( historyButton, 1, 2 ); layout->addWidget( bookmarksButton, 1, 3 ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( header, 2, 2, 0, 3 ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( splt, 3, 3, 0, 3 ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( quickSearch, 4, 4, 0, 3 ); quickSearch->hide(); layout->addMultiCellLayout( totalsLayout, 5, 5, 0, 3 ); //filter = ALL; } void ListPanel::createView() { header->hide(); if( panelType == "Brief" ) { view = new KrBriefView( header, splt, _left, krConfig ); view->init(); connect( dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SIGNAL( middleButtonClicked( KrViewItem * ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newTab( KrViewItem * ) ) ); connect( dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged( KrViewItem * ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( updatePopupPanel( KrViewItem* ) ) ); // connect quicksearch connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( quickSearch( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( otherMatching( const TQString&, int ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( quickSearch( const TQString& , int ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( stop( TQKeyEvent* ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( stopQuickSearch( TQKeyEvent* ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( process( TQKeyEvent* ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( handleQuickSearchEvent( TQKeyEvent* ) ) ); } else { /* Detailed */ panelType = "Detailed"; view = new KrDetailedView( splt, _left, krConfig ); view->init(); connect( dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SIGNAL( middleButtonClicked( KrViewItem * ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newTab( KrViewItem * ) ) ); connect( dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged( KrViewItem * ) ), SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( updatePopupPanel( KrViewItem * ) ) ); // connect quicksearch connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( quickSearch( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( otherMatching( const TQString&, int ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( quickSearch( const TQString& , int ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( stop( TQKeyEvent* ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( stopQuickSearch( TQKeyEvent* ) ) ); connect( quickSearch, TQT_SIGNAL( process( TQKeyEvent* ) ), dynamic_cast( view ), TQT_SLOT( handleQuickSearchEvent( TQKeyEvent* ) ) ); } connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( renameItem( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( rename( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( executed( TQString& ) ), func, TQT_SLOT( execute( TQString& ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( needFocus() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotFocusOnMe() ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateTotals() ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( itemDescription( TQString& ) ), krApp, TQT_SLOT( statusBarUpdate( TQString& ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenu( const TQPoint & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( popRightClickMenu( const TQPoint & ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( emptyContextMenu( const TQPoint &) ), this, TQT_SLOT( popEmptyRightClickMenu( const TQPoint & ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( letsDrag( TQStringList, TQPixmap ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( startDragging( TQStringList, TQPixmap ) ) ); connect( view->op(), TQT_SIGNAL( gotDrop( TQDropEvent * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( handleDropOnView( TQDropEvent * ) ) ); } void ListPanel::changeType( const TQString & type ) { if( panelType != type ) { panelType = type; delete view; createView(); slotStartUpdate(); if( panelType == "Brief" ) dynamic_cast( view )->show(); else /* Detailed */ dynamic_cast( view )->show(); } } ListPanel::~ListPanel() { delete func; delete view; delete status; delete bookmarksButton; delete totals; delete quickSearch; delete origin; delete cdRootButton; delete cdHomeButton; delete cdUpButton; delete cdOtherButton; delete syncBrowseButton; delete layout; } int ListPanel::getProperties() { int props = 0; if( syncBrowseButton->state() == SYNCBROWSE_CD ) props |= PROP_SYNC_BUTTON_ON; return props; } void ListPanel::setProperties( int prop ) { if( prop & PROP_SYNC_BUTTON_ON ) syncBrowseButton->setOn( true ); else syncBrowseButton->setOn( false ); } bool ListPanel::eventFilter ( TQObject * watched, TQEvent * e ) { if( e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(origin->lineEdit()) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(watched) ) { TQKeyEvent *ke = (TQKeyEvent *)e; if( ( ke->key() == Key_Down ) && ( ke->state() == ControlButton ) ) { slotFocusOnMe(); return true; } } return false; } void ListPanel::togglePanelPopup() { if (popup->isHidden()) { if (popupSizes.count() > 0) { dynamic_cast(popup->parent())->setSizes(popupSizes); } else { // on the first time, resize to 50% TQValueList lst; lst << height()/2 << height()/2; dynamic_cast(popup->parent())->setSizes(lst); } popup->show(); popupBtn->setPixmap(krLoader->loadIcon("1downarrow", KIcon::Toolbar, 16)); TQToolTip::add( popupBtn, i18n( "Close the popup panel" ) ); } else { popupSizes.clear(); popupSizes = dynamic_cast(popup->parent())->sizes(); popup->hide(); popupBtn->setPixmap(krLoader->loadIcon("1uparrow", KIcon::Toolbar, 16)); TQToolTip::add( popupBtn, i18n( "Open the popup panel" ) ); TQValueList lst; lst << height() << 0; dynamic_cast(popup->parent())->setSizes(lst); if( ACTIVE_PANEL ) ACTIVE_PANEL->slotFocusOnMe(); } } KURL ListPanel::virtualPath() const { return func->files()->vfs_getOrigin(); } TQString ListPanel::realPath() const { return _realPath.path(); } void ListPanel::setPanelToolbar() { krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool panelToolBarVisible = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Panel Toolbar visible", _PanelToolBar ); if ( panelToolBarVisible && ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Root Button Visible", _cdRoot ) ) ) cdRootButton->show(); else cdRootButton->hide(); if ( panelToolBarVisible && ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Home Button Visible", _cdHome ) ) ) cdHomeButton->show(); else cdHomeButton->hide(); if ( panelToolBarVisible && ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Up Button Visible", _cdUp ) ) ) cdUpButton->show(); else cdUpButton->hide(); if ( panelToolBarVisible && ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Equal Button Visible", _cdOther ) ) ) cdOtherButton->show(); else cdOtherButton->hide(); if ( !panelToolBarVisible || ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Open Button Visible", _Open ) ) ) origin->button() ->show(); else origin->button() ->hide(); if ( panelToolBarVisible && ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "SyncBrowse Button Visible", _syncBrowseButton ) ) ) syncBrowseButton->show(); else syncBrowseButton->hide(); } void ListPanel::slotUpdateTotals() { totals->setText( view->statistics() ); } void ListPanel::slotFocusAndCDOther() { slotFocusOnMe(); func->openUrl( otherPanel->func->files() ->vfs_getOrigin() ); } void ListPanel::slotFocusAndCDHome() { slotFocusOnMe(); func->openUrl( TQString( "~" ), TQString() ); } void ListPanel::slotFocusAndCDup() { slotFocusOnMe(); func->dirUp(); } void ListPanel::slotFocusAndCDRoot() { slotFocusOnMe(); func->openUrl( TQString( "/" ), TQString() ); } void ListPanel::select( KRQuery query, bool select) { if ( !query.isNull() ) { if ( select ) view->select( query ); else view->unselect( query ); } } void ListPanel::select( bool select, bool all ) { if ( all ) { if ( select ) view->select( KRQuery( "*" ) ); else view->unselect( KRQuery( "*" ) ); } else { KRQuery query = KRSpWidgets::getMask( ( select ? i18n( " Select Files " ) : i18n( " Unselect Files " ) ) ); // if the user canceled - quit if ( query.isNull() ) return ; if ( select ) view->select( query ); else view->unselect( query ); } } void ListPanel::invertSelection() { view->invertSelection(); } void ListPanel::compareDirs() { krConfig->setGroup( "Private" ); int compareMode = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Compare Mode", 0 ); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool selectDirs = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Mark Dirs", false ); KrViewItem *item, *otherItem; for( item = view->getFirst(); item != 0; item = view->getNext( item ) ) { if( item->name() == ".." ) continue; for( otherItem = otherPanel->view->getFirst(); otherItem != 0 && otherItem->name() != item->name() ; otherItem = otherPanel->view->getNext( otherItem ) ); bool isSingle = ( otherItem == 0 ), isDifferent = false, isNewer = false; if( func->getVFile(item)->vfile_isDir() && !selectDirs ) { item->setSelected( false ); continue; } if( otherItem ) { if( !func->getVFile(item)->vfile_isDir() ) isDifferent = ITEM2VFILE(otherPanel,otherItem)->vfile_getSize() != func->getVFile(item)->vfile_getSize(); isNewer = func->getVFile(item)->vfile_getTime_t() > ITEM2VFILE(otherPanel, otherItem)->vfile_getTime_t(); } switch( compareMode ) { case 0: item->setSelected( isNewer || isSingle ); break; case 1: item->setSelected( isNewer ); break; case 2: item->setSelected( isSingle ); break; case 3: item->setSelected( isDifferent || isSingle ); break; case 4: item->setSelected( isDifferent ); break; } } view->updateView(); } void ListPanel::slotFocusOnMe() { // give this VFS the focus (the path bar) // we start by calling the KVFS function krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); // take care of the 'otherpanel' TQPalette q( otherPanel->status->palette() ); q.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, KGlobalSettings::textColor() ); q.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, KGlobalSettings::baseColor() ); otherPanel->status->setPalette( q ); otherPanel->totals->setPalette( q ); otherPanel->view->prepareForPassive(); // now, take care of this panel TQPalette p( status->palette() ); p.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, KGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor() ); p.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, KGlobalSettings::highlightColor() ); status->setPalette( p ); totals->setPalette( p ); view->prepareForActive(); emit cmdLineUpdate( realPath() ); emit activePanelChanged( this ); func->refreshActions(); Krusader::actDetailedView->setEnabled( panelType != "Detailed" ); // enable/disable the detailed view action Krusader::actBriefView->setEnabled( panelType != "Brief" ); // enable/disable the brief view action if( panelType == "Brief" ) { KrBriefView * v = dynamic_cast( view ); if ( v ) v->refreshColors(); } else /* detailed */ { KrDetailedView * v = dynamic_cast( view ); if ( v ) v->refreshColors(); } if( otherPanel->panelType == "Brief" ) { KrBriefView * v = dynamic_cast( otherPanel->view ); if ( v ) v->refreshColors(); } else /* detailed */ { KrDetailedView *v = dynamic_cast( otherPanel->view ); if ( v ) v->refreshColors(); } } // this is used to start the panel, AFTER setOther() has been used ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ListPanel::start( KURL url, bool immediate ) { KURL virt; virt = url; if ( !virt.isValid() ) virt = URL("/"); if( virt.isLocalFile() ) _realPath = virt; else _realPath = URL("/"); if( immediate ) func->immediateOpenUrl( virt ); else func->openUrl( virt ); slotFocusOnMe(); setJumpBack( virt ); } void ListPanel::slotStartUpdate() { while ( func->inRefresh ) ; // wait until the last refresh finish func->inRefresh = true; // make sure the next refresh wait for this one if (inlineRefreshJob) inlineRefreshListResult(0); if( this == ACTIVE_PANEL ){ slotFocusOnMe(); } setCursor( KCursor::workingCursor() ); view->clear(); if ( func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) _realPath = virtualPath(); this->origin->setURL( vfs::pathOrURL( virtualPath() ) ); emit pathChanged( this ); emit cmdLineUpdate( realPath() ); // update the command line slotGetStats( virtualPath() ); slotUpdate(); if ( compareMode ) { otherPanel->view->clear(); otherPanel->slotUpdate(); } // return cursor to normal arrow setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); slotUpdateTotals(); krApp->popularUrls->addUrl(virtualPath()); } void ListPanel::slotUpdate() { // if we are not at the root add the ".." entery TQString protocol = func->files() ->vfs_getOrigin().protocol(); bool isFtp = ( protocol == "ftp" || protocol == "smb" || protocol == "sftp" || protocol == "fish" ); TQString origin = virtualPath().prettyURL(-1); if ( origin.right( 1 ) != "/" && !( ( func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::FTP ) && isFtp && origin.find( '/', origin.find( ":/" ) + 3 ) == -1 ) ) { view->addItems( func->files() ); } else view->addItems( func->files(), false ); func->inRefresh = false; } void ListPanel::slotGetStats( const KURL& url ) { if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) { status->setText( i18n( "No space information on non-local filesystems" ) ); return ; } // check for special filesystems; TQString path = url.path(); // must be local url if ( path.left(4) == "/dev") { status->setText(i18n( "No space information on [dev]" )); return; } #if defined(BSD) if ( path.left( 5 ) == "/procfs" ) { // /procfs is a special case - no volume information status->setText(i18n( "No space information on [procfs]" )); return; } #else if ( path.left( 5 ) == "/proc" ) { // /proc is a special case - no volume information status->setText(i18n( "No space information on [proc]" )); return; } #endif status->setText( i18n( "Mt.Man: working ..." ) ); statsAgent = KDiskFreeSp::findUsageInfo( path ); connect( statsAgent, TQT_SIGNAL( foundMountPoint( const TQString &, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( gotStats( const TQString &, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long ) ) ); } void ListPanel::gotStats( const TQString &mountPoint, unsigned long kBSize, unsigned long, unsigned long kBAvail ) { int perc = 0; if (kBSize != 0) { // make sure that if totalsize==0, then perc=0 perc = (int)(((float)kBAvail / (float)kBSize)*100.0); } // mount point information - find it in the list first KMountPoint::List lst = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(); TQString fstype = i18n("unknown"); for (KMountPoint::List::iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->mountPoint() == mountPoint) { fstype = (*it)->mountType(); break; } } TQString stats = i18n( "%1 free out of %2 (%3%) on %4 [ (%5) ]" ) .arg( KIO::convertSizeFromKB( kBAvail ) ) .arg( KIO::convertSizeFromKB( kBSize ) ).arg( perc ) .arg( mountPoint ).arg( fstype ); status->setText( stats ); } void ListPanel::handleDropOnTotals( TQDropEvent *e ) { handleDropOnView( e, totals ); } void ListPanel::handleDropOnStatus( TQDropEvent *e ) { handleDropOnView( e, status ); } void ListPanel::handleDropOnView( TQDropEvent *e, TQWidget *widget ) { // if copyToPanel is true, then we call a simple vfs_addfiles bool copyToDirInPanel = false; bool dragFromOtherPanel = false; bool dragFromThisPanel = false; bool isWritable = func->files() ->vfs_isWritable(); vfs* tempFiles = func->files(); vfile *file; KrViewItem *i = 0; if( widget == 0 ) { i = view->getKrViewItemAt( e->pos() ); widget = this; } if ( e->source() == otherPanel ) dragFromOtherPanel = true; if ( e->source() == this ) dragFromThisPanel = true; if ( i ) { file = func->files() ->vfs_search( i->name() ); if ( !file ) { // trying to drop on the ".." copyToDirInPanel = true; } else { if ( file->vfile_isDir() ) { copyToDirInPanel = true; isWritable = file->vfile_isWriteable(); if ( isWritable ) { // keep the folder_open icon until we're finished, do it only // if the folder is writeable, to avoid flicker } } else if ( e->source() == this ) return ; // no dragging onto ourselves } } else // if dragged from this panel onto an empty spot in the panel... if ( dragFromThisPanel ) { // leave! e->ignore(); return ; } if ( !isWritable && getuid() != 0 ) { e->ignore(); KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "Can't drop here, no write permissions." ) ); return ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decode the data KURL::List URLs; if ( !KURLDrag::decode( e, URLs ) ) { e->ignore(); // not for us to handle! return ; } bool isLocal = true; for( unsigned u = 0; u != URLs.count(); u++ ) if( !URLs[ u ].isLocalFile() ) { isLocal = false; break; } KIO::CopyJob::CopyMode mode = KIO::CopyJob::Copy; // the KURL::List is finished, let's go // --> display the COPY/MOVE/LINK menu TQPopupMenu popup( this ); popup.insertItem( i18n( "Copy Here" ), 1 ); if ( func->files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) popup.insertItem( i18n( "Move Here" ), 2 ); if ( func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL && isLocal ) popup.insertItem( i18n( "Link Here" ), 3 ); popup.insertItem( i18n( "Cancel" ), 4 ); TQPoint tmp = widget->mapToGlobal( e->pos() ); int result = popup.exec( tmp ); switch ( result ) { case 1 : mode = KIO::CopyJob::Copy; break; case 2 : mode = KIO::CopyJob::Move; break; case 3 : mode = KIO::CopyJob::Link; break; case - 1 : // user pressed outside the menu case 4: return ; // cancel was pressed; } TQString dir = ""; if ( copyToDirInPanel ) { dir = i->name(); } TQWidget *notify = ( !e->source() ? 0 : e->source() ); tempFiles->vfs_addFiles( &URLs, mode, TQT_TQOBJECT(notify), dir ); } void ListPanel::startDragging( TQStringList names, TQPixmap px ) { KURL::List * urls = func->files() ->vfs_getFiles( &names ); if ( urls->isEmpty() ) { // avoid draging empty urls delete urls; return ; } KURLDrag *d = new KURLDrag(*urls, this); d->setPixmap( px, TQPoint( -7, 0 ) ); d->dragCopy(); delete urls; // free memory } // pops a right-click menu for items void ListPanel::popRightClickMenu( const TQPoint &loc ) { // run it, on the mouse location int j = TQFontMetrics( font() ).height() * 2; KrPopupMenu::run(TQPoint( loc.x() + 5, loc.y() + j ), this); } void ListPanel::popEmptyRightClickMenu( const TQPoint &loc ) { KrPopupMenu::run(loc, this); } void ListPanel::setFilter( KrViewProperties::FilterSpec f ) { switch ( f ) { case KrViewProperties::All : //case KrView::EXEC: break; case KrViewProperties::Custom : filterMask = KRSpWidgets::getMask( i18n( " Select Files " ) ); // if the user canceled - quit if ( filterMask.isNull() ) return; view->setFilterMask( filterMask ); break; default: return ; } view->setFilter( f ); // do that in any case func->files()->vfs_invalidate(); func->refresh(); } TQString ListPanel::getCurrentName() { TQString name = view->getCurrentItem(); if ( name != ".." ) return name; else return TQString(); } void ListPanel::prepareToDelete() { view->setNameToMakeCurrent( view->firstUnmarkedBelowCurrent() ); } void ListPanel::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Enter : case Key_Return : if ( e->state() & ControlButton ) { if (e->state() & AltButton) { vfile *vf = func->files()->vfs_search(view->getCurrentKrViewItem()->name()); if (vf && vf->vfile_isDir()) SLOTS->newTab(vf->vfile_getUrl()); } else { SLOTS->insertFileName( ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) != 0 ); } } else e->ignore(); break; case Key_Right : case Key_Left : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // user pressed CTRL+Right/Left - refresh other panel to the selected path if it's a // directory otherwise as this one if ( ( _left && e->key() == Key_Right ) || ( !_left && e->key() == Key_Left ) ) { KURL newPath; KrViewItem *it = view->getCurrentKrViewItem(); if( it->name() == ".." ) { newPath = func->files()->vfs_getOrigin().upURL(); } else { vfile *v = func->getVFile( it ); if ( v && v->vfile_isDir() && v->vfile_getName() != ".." ) { newPath = v->vfile_getUrl(); } else { newPath = func->files() ->vfs_getOrigin(); } } otherPanel->func->openUrl( newPath ); } else func->openUrl( otherPanel->func->files() ->vfs_getOrigin() ); return ; } else e->ignore(); break; case Key_Down : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // give the keyboard focus to the command line if ( MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine->isVisible() ) MAIN_VIEW->cmdLineFocus(); else MAIN_VIEW->focusTerminalEmulator(); return ; } else if ( e->state() == ( ControlButton | ShiftButton ) ) { // give the keyboard focus to TE MAIN_VIEW->focusTerminalEmulator(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Key_Up : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // give the keyboard focus to the command line origin->lineEdit()->setFocus(); return ; } else e->ignore(); break; default: // if we got this, it means that the view is not doing // the quick search thing, so send the characters to the commandline, if normal key if ( e->state() == Qt::NoButton ) MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine->addText( e->text() ); //e->ignore(); } } void ListPanel::slotItemAdded(vfile *vf) { view->addItem(vf); } void ListPanel::slotItemDeleted(const TQString& name) { view->delItem(name); } void ListPanel::slotItemUpdated(vfile *vf) { view->updateItem(vf); } void ListPanel::slotCleared() { view->clear(); } void ListPanel::showEvent( TQShowEvent *e ) { panelActive(); TQWidget::showEvent(e); } void ListPanel::hideEvent( TQHideEvent *e ) { panelInactive(); TQWidget::hideEvent(e); } void ListPanel::panelActive() { // don't refresh when not active (ie: hidden, application isn't focussed ...) func->files()->vfs_enableRefresh(true); } void ListPanel::panelInactive() { func->files()->vfs_enableRefresh(false); } void ListPanel::slotJobStarted(KIO::Job* job) { // disable the parts of the panel we don't want touched //static_cast(view)->setEnabled(false); status->setEnabled(false); origin->setEnabled(false); cdRootButton->setEnabled(false); cdHomeButton->setEnabled(false); cdUpButton->setEnabled(false); cdOtherButton->setEnabled(false); popupBtn->setEnabled(false); popup->setEnabled(false); bookmarksButton->setEnabled(false); historyButton->setEnabled(false); syncBrowseButton->setEnabled(false); // connect to the job interface to provide in-panel refresh notification connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( infoMessage( KIO::Job*, const TQString & ) ), TQT_SLOT( inlineRefreshInfoMessage( KIO::Job*, const TQString & ) ) ); connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ), TQT_SLOT( inlineRefreshPercent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ) ); connect(job,TQT_SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)), this,TQT_SLOT(inlineRefreshListResult(KIO::Job*))); connect(job,TQT_SIGNAL(canceled(KIO::Job*)), this,TQT_SLOT(inlineRefreshListResult(KIO::Job*))); inlineRefreshJob = job; totals->setText(i18n(">> Reading...")); inlineRefreshCancelButton->show(); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshCancel() { if (inlineRefreshJob) { inlineRefreshJob->kill(false); inlineRefreshJob = 0; } } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshPercent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long perc) { TQString msg = TQString(">> %1: %2 % complete...").arg(i18n("Reading")).arg(perc); totals->setText(msg); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshInfoMessage( KIO::Job*, const TQString &msg ) { totals->setText(">> " + i18n("Reading: ") + msg); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshListResult(KIO::Job*) { inlineRefreshJob = 0; // reenable everything //static_cast(view)->setEnabled(true); status->setEnabled(true); origin->setEnabled(true); cdRootButton->setEnabled(true); cdHomeButton->setEnabled(true); cdUpButton->setEnabled(true); cdOtherButton->setEnabled(true); popupBtn->setEnabled(true); popup->setEnabled(true); bookmarksButton->setEnabled(true); historyButton->setEnabled(true); syncBrowseButton->setEnabled(true); inlineRefreshCancelButton->hide(); } void ListPanel::jumpBack() { func->openUrl( _jumpBackURL ); } void ListPanel::setJumpBack( KURL url ) { _jumpBackURL = url; } #include "listpanel.moc"