Keyboard Commands CommandsKeyboard Keyboard Usage NOTE: this chaper is work in progress ;) In this chapter we will learn how to use the keyboard because most operations can be done much more quickly by keyboard than with the mouse. So put away your mouse and get ready for the next exercise ;) It will take some time to learn the &keybindigs_lnk;, but once you can "play piano" with &krusader; you will save a lot of time every day! Please note that &krusader; can use &keybindigs_profiles_lnk; to swap easily to other Key-binding setups, e.g. of other commanders, or you can create your own key-bindings. After starting &krusader; the keyboard action can begin. Use Ctrl+I to jump to the &location_toolbar_lnk;, here you type the desired directory. After Ctrl+Down Arrow you are in the &termemu_lnk;, and you can type any command you desire, use Ctrl+Up arrow to jump back to the active panel. If you want to jump to a file or directory that starts with "f", then simply press "f" on the keyboard to use the &quick_search_lnk; . Use the Enter key to execute the file or to open a directory that has the focus. Be sure to remember the Function Keys - to View F3, to Edit F4, to Copy F5, Alt+u Unpack, etc. You can also perform several operations with the &foldertabs_lnk;, including several selection operations. And at the end you can close &krusader; with F10. Key Bindings Key Bindings Commands Keyboard Most of the key bindings (shortcuts) are configurable in the &konfiglookandfeel_lnk;. Some key bindings are not &krusader; Key Bindings ⪚ &kde; Key Bindings. By default &krusader; has the following key bindings: If you are used to use other Key Bindings then the default ones listed below, change them with the &konfiglookandfeel_lnk;. Here you will find even more actions who can be linked to a Key Binding. Function (FN) Keys These are the Key Bindings of the &fnkeybar_lnk;. These Key Bindings are configurable since version 1.51 F1 Help F2 Terminal F3 View files F4 Edit files F5 Copy files F6 Move files F7 Create a new directory F8 Delete (or move to Trash) files F9 Rename files F10 Quit &krusader; SHIFT keys &Shift;F1 What's this? &Shift;F3 Enter an &URL; to view &Shift;F4 Edit new file &Shift;F9 Multi Rename (&krename;) &Shift;F10 View all files &Shift;F12 Custom view files &Shift;Left Arrow Change to left tab &Shift;Right Arrow Change to right tab ALT keys &Alt;d &diskusage_lnk; &Alt;e Test Archive &Alt;k Start &rootmode_lnk; &krusader; &Alt;L &panel_profiles_lnk; &Alt;p Pack files &Alt;u Unpack files &Alt;+ Select All &Alt;- Unselect All &Alt;* Invert Selection &Alt;/ MountMan &Alt;` &usermenu_lnk; &Alt;&Enter; Properties &Alt;Left Arrow Left bookmarks &Alt;Right Arrow Right bookmarks &Alt;Down Arrow &popup_panel_lnk; &Alt;F1..F12 Standard (&kde;) key-bindings CTRL keys &Ctrl;+ Select Group &Ctrl;- Unselect Group &Ctrl;= Compare directories (Compare Mode) &Ctrl;. Show/Hide Hidden (dot) Files &Ctrl;/ Opens command line history list &Ctrl;Down arrow Go from the active panel to the command line/terminal emulator &Ctrl;Up arrow Go from the command line/terminal emulator to the active panel &Ctrl;Up arrow Go from the active panel to the &location_toolbar_lnk; &Ctrl;Home Jumps to the Home directory &Ctrl;Left or Right arrow Focus a file or directory on the left panel, press &Ctrl;Left arrow and the right panel changes: on a file: the right panel gets the same path as the left panel on a directory: refreshes the right panel with the contents of the directory For the right panel: press &Ctrl;Right arrow and the left panel will change. &Ctrl;b &combinefiles_lnk; &Ctrl;d Open Bookmarks in the active panel. &Ctrl;e Edit file as root (Default Useraction) &Ctrl;h Opens History list in the active panel. &Ctrl;j A &safari;-like Jump-Back . &Ctrl;l Go to the &location_toolbar_lnk; (origin) as in &firefox; and &konqueror; &Ctrl;m Open media list. &Ctrl;n New Network Connection dialog. &Ctrl;o Select directory dialog to open this directory in the panel. &Ctrl;p Split file &Ctrl;u Swap Panels &Ctrl;r Reload (Refresh) Panel Ctrls Search &Ctrl;q Quit &krusader; &Ctrl;w Close tab &Ctrl;y &syncdirs_lnk; &Ctrl;z Popular URL's &Ctrl;&Backspace; Jumps to the Root directory &Ctrl;PageUp Up one directory CTRL+SHIFT keys &Ctrl;&Shift;d Bookmark current item &Ctrl;&Shift;f Disconnect remote connection &Ctrl;&Shift;j Set jump back point &Ctrl;&Shift;l &locate_lnk; &Ctrl;&Shift;Left arrow Open left media list. &Ctrl;&Shift;Right arrow Open right media list. CTRL+ALT keys &Ctrl;&Alt;j &javascript_console_lnk; &Ctrl;&Alt;m Mount (Default Useraction) &Ctrl;&Alt;n New tab &Ctrl;&Alt;r Toggels the &list_panel_lnk; between horizontal and vertical mode. &Ctrl;&Alt;s Create a new symlink. &Ctrl;&Alt;t Show/hide the terminal emulator. &Ctrl;&Alt;Left Arrow Left History list &Ctrl;&Alt;Right Arrow Right History list &Ctrl;&Alt;= Equal Panel Size (Default Useraction) &Ctrl;&Alt;&Shift;n Duplicate a tab &Ctrl;&Alt;&Enter; Open current folder in a new tab General CTRL keys &Ctrl;a Select all &Ctrl;PageDown Move to the lower part in the current directory &Ctrl;F1..F12 Standard (&kde;) key-bindings &Ctrl;&Shift;F1..F12 Standard (&kde;) key-bindings Other keys foo &quick_search_lnk; Switch between the panels &Enter; On a file: open/execute that file On an archive file: browse the archive as if it was a directory &Esc; Will make the menu bar loose the focus if it has it Delete Delete (or move to Trash) &Shift;Delete Delete permanently SPACE On a file: toggle the marking of the file without affecting the marking of other files/directories. On a directory: calculate the size, without without affecting the marking of other files/directories. &Backspace; One directory up INSERT Does the same as the SPACE key but it will go one position down to toggle the next file. MENU Right-click menu Home Cursor jumps to the top of the list End Cursor jumps to the last file in the list Command Line &cmdline_lnk; keybindings. Up arrow and Down arrow scroll through previously typed commands. &Ctrl;/ opens the command line history list. &Ctrl;Up arrow jumps from the command line to the active panel. &Ctrl;Down arrow jumps from the active panel to the command line. &Ctrl;&Enter; inserts current file / directory name without path to current command line position. &Ctrl;&Shift;&Enter; inserts current file / directory with full path name to current command line position. Default Useractions Default &useractions_lnk; keybindings provided by &krusader;. &Ctrl;e Edit a file as root &Ctrl;&Alt;c Copy current item to clipboard &Ctrl;&Alt;m Mount a new filesystem &Ctrl;&Alt;= Equal panel-size Wina Enqueue in Amarok Win1 Sort by Name Win2 Sort by Extension Win3 Sorts the active panel by Size Win4 Sort by Modified Other Key-bindings Marking files KrViewer &diskusage_lnk; &locate_lnk; &kcontrolcenter; -> Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts &useractions_lnk; configurable key-bindings