1.6.2 (?) * New: Support for hidden project folders under the source root * Bug fix: Make the configuration script sh-friendly * Bug fix: Handle unicode characters on gcc's output * Bug fix: KScope crashes when clicking on empty area in the tree view * Bug fix: Do not show the "Function" column in the error list * Bug fix: Do not close KScope when choosing "Cancel" in the "Save Files?" message box 1.6.1 (9-Jan-2008) * New: Support for case-insensitive queries * New: Per-project Ctags command line (for advanced users only) * Bug fix: Stop queries when their result windows are destroyed * Bug fix: Query results sorted by line numbers are sorted numerically * Translation: Chinese 1.6.0 (10-Jul-2007) * Improved: Updated the documentation * Improved: Implemented multiple-call nodes in the call-graph * Improved: Workspace toolbar buttons re-arranged * Improved: Hitting Enter in the "Open Project" dialogue's list of recent projects opens the selected project * Bug fix: Handle file extensions correctly in the file list * Bug fix: Avoid hanging status bar messages when a project is closed * Bug fix: Prevent infinite loops in the file finder in the presence of recursive symbolic links * Bug fix: Child windows should not disappear when dialogues are invoked * Bug fix: Added padding to the call graph, to avoid chopped-off drawing of nodes close to the borders * Bug fix: Honour the preferred font when drawing the graph * Bug fix: Delete temporary dot files used for drawing graphs * Bug fix: Save call-tree files when a project is closed * Bug fix: Clean-up a project's directory name after it is created 1.5.2 (7-May-2007) * New: Useable global bookmarks system * Improved: Better infrastructure for handling projects * Improved: The soure root is set in the project properties dialogue * Improved: When saving a new file, the user is asked whether to include it in the project * Improved: New toolbar layout * Improved: Temporary projects appear in the list of recently open projects * Improved: Load a temporary project's cscope.files file, if it exists * Bug fix: Enable file/project menu items only when a file/project is open * Bug fix: Handle column numbers in make output * Bug fix: Do not allow multiple instances of the same command in the make history * Bug fix: Dropped project semaphores (too much hassle for a minor feature) * Compilation fix: Support for automake 1.10 1.5.1 (15-Feb-2007) * Improved: Support for recursive builds (make changing directories) * Improved: Show build errors/warnings on a separate list * Bug fix: The main window was not activated when requesting a source position in a child window (call tree or the make window) * Bug fix: Maintain Call-tree child item order (by line) * Bug fix: Build output occasionally mixed standard output with standard error 1.5.0 (6-Feb-2007) * New: Make front-end (Rudimentary) * New: Global bookmarks list * New: Support for Cscope's -c and -D command-line options (-D requires a patch to Cscope) * Improved: Detect Cscope's executable and capabilities on each load * Improved: Graph windows are no longer top-level (can be minimised or hidden behind the main window) * Improved: Do not automatically open a project if it was already loaded by another instance of KScope * Improved: Show #include directives in the tag list * Bug fix: Better calculation of the area defined by a graph arrow * Bug fix: Files could not be found in the file list when using a common root ($) 1.4.3 (15-Jan-2007) * New: Option for negating filters on query result lists * New: Command for setting the keyboard focus to the tag list * Improved: Restrict tag/file list navigation to current search pattern * Improved: Show goto labels in the tag list * Bug fix: Crash due to in-edges not being removed along with a function * Bug fix: Connected components disappeared after filtering calling/ called functions * Bug fix: Use only sh-style ouput redirection in kscope_config 1.4.2 (16-Oct-2006) * New: Tool-tips for the project's file list * New: "Find Definition" entry in the query-results popup menu * Improved: Added '*.S' (kernel assembly files) to the list of standard file types * Improved: Some code clean-ups in the query-results popup menu * Bug fix: All query results following a global definition were omitted 1.4.1 (23-Aug-2006) * Improved: Speed-up result list filtering * Improved: Keyboard shortcuts for the first entries in the Window menu * Improved: Show assmebly labels in the tag list * Bug fix: KScope crashes when a node is removed from the graph * Bug fix: KScope crashes when Next/Previous Result is invoked on an empty query results list * Bug fix: Prevent whitespace in project names * Bug fix: Add entries to the results query list in the right order * Bug fix: Fixed several memory leaks 1.4.0 (9-Aug-2006) * New: Option for sorting the file list when a project is loaded (on by default) * Improved: The documentation is now up to date * Improved: Nicer layout for the "New Project" dialogue * Improved: Corrections to the desktop file (thanks to Tom Albers) * Improved: Close a project automatically before a new one is created * Bug fix: Do not show the progress dialogue if building fails to start * Compilation fix: Include stdlib.h in graphwidget.cpp * Compilation fix: Support for autoconf 2.6x * Compilation fix: Removed unnecessary options from the YACC source file * Compilation fix: Abort configuration if lex/flex and yacc/bison are not found 1.3.4 (14-Apr-2006) * New: Use graphviz from the command-line (dot). Should finally solve _all_ licensing issues * New: Informative welcome message * Improved: Allow multiple files on "File->Open..." * Improved: Better tool-tips for the tag list * Bug fix: KScope crashes after startup when attempting to set the cursor to a non-existing line 1.3.3 (5-Jan-2006) * License changed to BSD due to incompatibility between the GPL and the CPL (graphviz) * New: Multiple-view call graph/tree dialogue * Improved: Function name is displayed first (consistent behaviour for query views and call tree widgets) * Improved: Updated to the latest KDE 'configure' template 1.3.2 (16-Nov-2005) * New: Support for graphviz 2.6 * Improved: The 'configure' script detects he graphviz version and build flags * Improved: Better automatic configuration script for Cscope and Ctags * Improved: Added 'exctags' to the search for exuberant-ctags (FreeBSD) * Bug fix: Cursor set to the end of the line when jumping to a location in the code * Bug fix: Draw the call graph using the current DPI settings * Bug fix: Automatic configuration script no longer depends on "source" (which is not available for all shells) * Bug fix: Editor GUI not merged upon opening a project if the selected file is the last one loaded 1.3.1 (14-Oct-2005) * New: "Save All" menu command (was not included in previous release, despite a claim to the contrary) * New: List and filter called/calling functions in the call graph * New: Delete graph nodes * New: Limit graph node in/out degree (requires latest Cscope CVS snapshot) * Improved: Redesigned node menu in the graph widget * Improved: All query result views share the same widget * Improved: Session management remembers file locations and last open file (thanks to Alexander Kern) * Bug Fix: Delete graph files when they are no longer required (i.e., after a graph dialogue is manually closed) * Bug fix: Do not show a border around the graph (nasty fix, but it works) * Bug fix: Nodes are now always drawn on top of edges * Compilation fix: Use QPtrList instead of the deprecated QList * Compilation fix: Should now compile with gcc 4.x 1.3.0 (29-Jun-2005) * New: A new call graph based on the graphviz library * New: Use a special dialogue for executing and displaying quick definition queries * New: Use the project's root in the file list (root directory replaced by a $ symbol) * Improved: Faster compilation through the inclusion of moc files * Improved: Better organised menu and toolbars * Improved: Quick definition does not write into the query widget 1.2.0 (25-May-2005) * New: Keyboard shortcut for setting the focus to the file list * Improved: Documentation is now up to date * Improved: Use standard configuration actions * Improved: Faster loading times for projects * Bug fix: Incorrect sorting of the symbol history combo-box * Bug fix: Query window hidden unnecessarily on some occasions * Bug fix: A hidden query window is shown by the "Position History" menu command * Bug fix: Modifying non-project files triggered a database rebuild 1.1.1 (17-Mar-2005) * New: A new tab widget that displays a popup-menu with all open tabs * New: Automatic configuration of Cscope/Ctags paths and parameters * New: Filter query results * New: Tag list can be hidden * Improved: Display unique entries in the completion list * Improved: Two options for the editor's popup menu: Cscope actions embedded in the editor's own menu, or the old-style KScope-only menu * Improved: The process of closing all editor windows (explicitly, when closing a project or when exiting KScope) is much faster * Bug fix: Do not show a hidden query window when browsing through position history * Bug fix: Refreshing a locked query opened a new page * Bug fix: Possibly wrong tag-highlighting if cursor was moved while Ctags is working * Compilation Fix: Compiles under KDE 3.2 again 1.1.0 (1-Feb-2005) * New: Cross-reference database is rebuilt automatically * New: Symbol completion (manual and automatic) * New: Allow multiple queries to be issued simultaneously * New: Query dialogue with symbol hinting, history, substring search option and and the ability to change the query type * New: System profiles (fast/slow) determine default settings for time-consuming operations * New: Multiple position history paths * New: Postion history can be saved and restored * New: Drag&Drop support * New: Optional warnings when file is modified outside KScope (Supports Kate part only) * New: Call Tree support for both Called and Calling tree modes * New: Call Tree save/restore support within the project * New: Unobtrusive progress information for all Cscope queries * New: Query results popup-menu for copying and removing items * New: Menu option for showing/hiding the toolbar * New: Configurable keyboard shortcuts * Improved: More command line options * Improved: External editor can be invoked in read-write mode * Improved: Faster project load times (file list is not sorted by default) * Bug fix: Symbol list last entry was not found * Bug fix: Crashed when jumping to a new position and no pages are open * Bug fix: Synchronise splitter sizes whenever a page gains focus * Bug fix: Query dialogue suggested text did not check current character * Bug fix: the progress information did not work with inverted index or regular expressions 1.0 (7-Dec-2004) * Bug fix: Selecting entries in the position history dialogue messes up the history (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: Double clicking a directory name in the file system tree view opens an editor page (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: "No source file found" message not detected since error output may be broken (fix allows Cscope restart mechanism to be re-enabled) * Bug fix: Return file-system root as the root directory of a temporary project * Bug fix: Handle file names without an extension in the file list (thanks to Anton G. Alvedro) * Bug fix: Show the main window before loading the last project (fixes problems with the width of the tag list) * Bug fix: Use CTRL-5 for the EGrep pattern shortcut (CTRL-6 is already used by Kate) * Bug fix: Do not restart Cscope when a file of the wrong format is opened as a cscope.out file * Bug fix: Open editor pages were not found when using relative paths in cscope.files (thanks to Chris Mason) * Bug fix: Cannot rebuild database when working with temporary projects, re-run Cscope instead (thanks to Chris Mason) * Bug fix: Do not populate file tree recursively (may significantly increase the project loading time) (thanks to Albert Yosher) * Bug fix: Maximise main window before displaying the welcome message (on first time usage) * Bug fix: Empty position history was added if jumping when no files were open (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: Editor was not set to read-write mode if the edited file changed its permission (thanks to Albert Yosher) * Bug fix: Clean paths from '.' and '..' before opening a file (thanks to Albert Yosher) * Bug fix: KScope Crashes after applying new configuration if an empty query page exists * Bug fix: Use Ctrl-\ for a call tree (Ctrl-- is already used by Kate) * Improved project loading process * Made documentation compliant with KDE's conventions 0.9 (14-Oct-2004) * Option for using an external editor * File-system tree-view * Use application icons for tabs (for consistent look across themes) * Option for shorter query captions (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Store current location before jumping (fixes position history behaviour) * Show current file path in KScope's title bar * Handle read-only files correctly * Show a special tab icon for a read-only file * Vim-style quick definition * Bug fix: ignore Cscope's "Possible references retrieved" messages (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: report Cscope is working when rebuilding the cross-reference database 0.8 (2-Aug-2004) * Select word from cursor position when initiating a query * Show cursor position in status bar * Highlight relevant tag based on cursor position * Allow running KScope in read-only mode * "Fonts" preference page * "Options" preference page * A "refresh query" command for the query pages * Query file format changed to include query type and text (old files will not be loaded) * Bug fix: restore file icon to unchanged when all undo levels have been applied (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: better handling of the tag list width * Bug fix: accept any file name containing "ctags" as the Ctags executable (since Gentoo is using exuberant-ctags) * Bug fix: files could not be reopened after "Close All Windows" (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: query window may be incorrectly hidden if query returns a single record 0.7 (15-Jun-2004) * Restore project session (open files and locked queries) * Lock/unlock queries * Prompt to save files before any file is closed * Use KTabWidget for both the Editors window and the Query window * Mark modified files * Show/hide the file list and the query window (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Save/restore main window layout * Better Ctags support (using native Ctags files) * Open Cscope.out files in temporary projects, also available from the command line (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Removed sort buttons (requires further consideration) * Tag list sorting order is saved * Query page buttons to the right of the query widget * Bug fix: project was not closed if program was terminated from the main window's title-bar * Bug fix: allow ctags-exuberant as the programme name for Ctags 0.6 (21-Apr-2004) * Adjusted to KDE 3.2 (previous versions are no longer supported) * Implemented standard "New File" and "Open File" commands * Line numbers are aligned to the right * Display the type of each file in the file list * Use unsigned int for the entry size in Frontend (fixes compiler warnings) * Implemented Cscope's search for file query * Files are opened automatically if only one record was returned by a query * Close buttons for the editor tabs * Display Cscope error messages in a modeless dialogue * Basic navigation through position history * Open last project on restart * Option to build inverted index for projects (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Project properties dialogue * Bug fix: calling for an including files query prompts for an EGrep pattern (thanks to Fekete Gabor) * Bug fix: program crashes on including files query * Bug fix: set keyboard focus to editor when moving between tabs 0.5 (3-Jan-2004) * Moved project to KDevelop 3.0 format * A new "Window" menu displaying a list of open files * The full path name appears as a tool-tip on each editor tab * Close buttons for query results windows * Fixed Tab order in dialogues 0.4 (9-Oct-2003) * New integrated manual * Project files dialogue (add/remove source files) * Prompt for files when a project is empty * Bug fix: Error in rebuild command to cscope (string too long) * Bug fix: Directory names in the paths configuration were mistaken as legal executable files * Bug fix: The directory scanner did not clean its list between consecutive searches (thanks to Craig Graham for this fix) * Bug fix: Initial file count in the dir scanning progress dialogue showed '123456' instead of '0' * Prompt the user to close the active project before creating a new one * Prevent the user from cancelling an already-finished query (i.e., while results are written to the query window) 0.3 (3-Aug-2003) * Context menu for running queries from an editor window * A dummy progress dialogue is displayed when progress information is unavailable (simply to indicate that KScope is working) * Bug fix: Mix-up between the "Calling functions" and "Called functions" in the query page titles * Bug fix: Only ".c" and ".h" files could be added to a project * New query type: find #including files * Inform the user when a query ends with no results * Menu command to close the active project * All query pages are removed when a project is closed 0.2 (21-Jul-2003) * Call tree window * High-colour icons * Sort buttons for the tag list * Partial fix for the cursor positioning bug in Kate 0.1 (3-Jul-2003) * First public release * Front-end to most CScope features * Basic editing environment (multiple windows) * Tag list for each open editor * Multiple query windows * Basic project management