Bookmarks provide an easy way to navigate through a defined set of positions in the source code. Most editors support the concept of bookmarks as tags attached to lines in a source file. &kapp; can enhance the usablity of per-file markers by enabling users to access the bookmarks currently defined in all open files. &kapp; also saves and restores these bookmarks as part of its session-management services.
The Bookmarks dialogue is invoked by the GoGlobal Bookmarks menu command. Once open, it displays the set bookmarks among all currently-open files. This includes the file path, the source line and the line's text (similar to other source views available in &kapp;).
The Bookmarks dialogue
The Bookmarks dialogue
Navigating to a defined bookmark can be done by either double-clicking an entry in the dialogue, or by choosing the View Source item from the context menu (available by right-clicking over a bookmark entry). Other choices presented by the context menu include Copy [FIELD] for copying the contents of the current field to the clipboard, Filter... for selecting entries based on some criteria, Show All for removing all filters and Remove Item for deleting the bookmark.