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sq_diroperator.h - description
begin : Mon Mar 15 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Baryshev Dmitry
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tdediroperator.h>
class TQTimer;
class TQListViewItem;
class TQIconViewItem;
class KDirLister;
class KFileIconView;
class KFileItem;
class SQ_Downloader;
class SQ_DirOperator : public KDirOperator
* View type.
* - list view with small icons
* - icon view with large icons
* - detailed view with file details
* - thumbnail view with image thumbnails
enum ViewT {TypeList = 0, TypeIcons, TypeDetailed, TypeThumbs };
* Constructor. Creates diroperator with specified view type. SQ_DirOperatorBase
* reimplements createView() to create different custom views.
* View type is determined by 'type_'.
SQ_DirOperator(const KURL &url = KURL(), ViewT type_ = SQ_DirOperator::TypeList,
TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
void stopThumbnailUpdate();
void enableThumbnailActions(bool enable);
void fireDiskSize(const KURL &url);
void setLazy(bool l, int delay, int rows);
* Deselect all items, set current item, select this item,
* and ensure it visible.
void setCurrentItem(KFileItem *item);
void calcTotalSize();
* Save new view type for future use. It means that SQ_WidgetStack
* wants to change view type (for example "list view" => "thumbnail view"),
* and will activate an SQ_DirOperator's action, which will change view type.
* See SQ_WidgetStack::raiseWidget() for more.
void prepareView(ViewT);
KFileView* preparedView();
void setPreparedView();
void startOrNotThumbnailUpdate();
* Is current diropertor manages thumbnail view ?
bool isThumbView() const;
int viewType() const;
* Smart update. Store all file items, reset view,
* and transfer all items back.
void smartUpdate();
* Remove ".." item from current view
void removeCdUpItem();
void stopPreview();
void setPendingFile(const TQString &p);
void execute(KFileItem *item);
void saveConfig();
void selectOld();
* Reimplement createView() to create custom views.
virtual KFileView* createView(TQWidget *parent, KFile::FileView view);
void itemKill(KFileItem *);
void executePrivate(KFileItem *);
void disableSpecificActions(KFileIconView *);
* SQ_DirOperator has context menu, derived from KDirOperator.
* This method will change this menu, insert new actions.
void setupActionsMy();
void clearListers();
* If user clicked on item, and it is archive file,
* emit this signal. Normally SQ_WidgetStack will catch it.
void tryUnpack(KFileItem *item);
* Run selected file separately (with default application)
void runSeparately(KFileItem *item);
public slots:
void urlAdded(const KURL &);
void urlRemoved(const KURL &);
* Invoked, when current directory has been loaded.
void slotFinishedLoading();
* Change thumbnail size.
void slotSetThumbSize(const TQString&);
private slots:
void slotDownloadPercents(int);
void slotCopyPath();
void slotCopyURL();
void slotEnableFileActions(bool);
void slotInvokeBrowser();
* Since KDE 3.4 (or 3.5 ?) it is neccessary to reimplement this slot
* to insert our own actions in context menu.
void activatedMenu(const KFileItem *, const TQPoint &pos);
void slotDownloaderResult(const KURL &);
void slotSetURL(const KURL &);
* Connected to dirLister()
void slotNewItems(const KFileItemList &);
void slotRefreshItems(const KFileItemList &);
void slotDelayedFinishedLoading();
void slotFoundMountPoint(const unsigned long&,
const unsigned long&,
const unsigned long&,
const TQString&);
* Edit current item's mimetype (Konqueror-related action).
void slotEditMime();
void slotPreview();
void slotDropped(const KFileItem *, TQDropEvent*, const KURL::List&);
void slotAddToBasket();
void slotAddToDirectoryBasket();
* Execute item. If current clicking policy is "Single click",
* single click will execute item, and double click otherwise.
void slotExecutedConst(const KFileItem *item);
* URL entered.
void slotUrlEntered(const KURL&);
* Invoked, when some item has been deleted. We should
* remove appropriate thumbnail from pixmap cache.
void slotItemDeleted(KFileItem *);
void slotUpdateInformation(int,int);
void slotSelectionChanged();
void slotCurrentChanged(TQListViewItem *);
void slotCurrentChanged(TQIconViewItem *);
typedef TQMap<KURL, KDirLister *> SQ_Listers;
SQ_Listers listers;
* Pointer to current view. All view types (such as icon view, list view ...)
* are derived from KFileView.
KFileView *fileview;
* Some additional menus.
TDEActionMenu *pADirOperatorMenu, *pAFileActions, *pAImageActions;
TDEToggleAction *actionHidden;
ViewT type;
TQTimer *timer_preview;
KURL lasturl;
bool usenew;
TQString m_pending;
TDEIO::filesize_t totalSize;
KFileItemList oldSelected;
KFileItem *oldCurrentItem;
SQ_Downloader *down;
int SQ_DirOperator::viewType() const
return static_cast<int>(type);
bool SQ_DirOperator::isThumbView() const
return (type == SQ_DirOperator::TypeThumbs);
KFileView* SQ_DirOperator::preparedView()
return fileview;
KFileView* SQ_DirOperator::createView(TQWidget *, KFile::FileView)
return fileview;
void SQ_DirOperator::setPendingFile(const TQString &p)
m_pending = p;