You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
6.5 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#ifndef CNITEM_H
#define CNITEM_H
#include "item.h"
#include "ciwidgetmgr.h"
class Button;
class CNItem;
class ICNDocument;
class Connector;
class DoubleSpinBox;
class LibraryItem;
class Node;
class TQSlider;
class TQString;
class TQToolButton;
class TQWMatrix;
class Slider;
class Text;
class NodeInfo
TQString id; // External id (ICNDocument scope)
Node *node; //Pointer to the node
double x; // X position relative to item
double y; // Y position relative to item
int orientation; // Qt::Orientation relative to item
typedef TQMap<TQString, TQString> StringMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, NodeInfo> NodeMap; // Internal id, node info
typedef TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<Connector> > ConnectorList;
typedef TQMap<TQString, TQGuardedPtr<Text> > TextMap;
Essentially, all items that live on ICNDocument should inherit from this class.
This class provides much functionality (moving items, creation of associated nodes,
saving and editing of associated data, cutting / copying, etc)
@short Base class for all components/flowparts/etc
@author Daniel Clarke
@author David Saxton
class CNItem : public Item, public CIWidgetMgr
CNItem( ICNDocument *_icnView, bool newItem, const TQString &id );
virtual ~CNItem();
* Returns the run-time identifier for the CNItem - ItemDocument::RTTI::CNItem
int rtti() const;
* Creates a node which is attached to the item. The node will be moved
* about with the item, and destroyed along with the item. The position
* coordinates of the node are relative to the upper left corner of the item.
* @param type See Node::node_type
Node* createNode( double _x, double _y, int orientation, const TQString &name, uint type );
* Removes a child node. You should use this function if you want to remove
* any nodes during the lifetime of the CNItem.
bool removeNode( const TQString &name );
* Sets the mouse click point when moving this item
void setInitialPos( const TQPoint &pos );
* Snaps the component to the grid.
void snap( int newx = -1, int newy = -1 );
* Returns the closest node that is associated with the CNItem
Node *getClosestNode( const TQPoint &pos );
* Returns a list of connectors associated with the CNItem
ConnectorList connectorList();
virtual bool preResize( TQRect sizeRect );
virtual bool mousePressEvent( const EventInfo &eventInfo );
virtual bool mouseReleaseEvent( const EventInfo &eventInfo );
virtual bool mouseDoubleClickEvent ( const EventInfo &eventInfo );
virtual bool mouseMoveEvent( const EventInfo &eventInfo );
virtual bool wheelEvent( const EventInfo &eventInfo );
virtual void enterEvent();
virtual void leaveEvent();
* ICNDocument needs to know what 'cells' a CNItem is present in,
* so that connection mapping can be done to avoid CNItems.
* This function will add the hit penalty to the cells pointed to
* by ICNDocument::cells()
virtual void updateConnectorPoints( bool add );
* Converts the id used to internally identify a node to the global
* ICNDocument node id. eg "vss" might return "node__13".
TQString nodeId( const TQString &internalNodeId );
* Returns a pointer to the node with the given internal (child) id
Node *childNode( const TQString &childId );
* Returns the node map used:
* TQMap<TQString, NodeInfo> NodeMap
* It's probably best to cache this data
NodeMap nodeMap() const { return m_nodeMap; }
* Returns the TextMap used for canvas text
TextMap textMap() const { return m_textMap; }
virtual void setVisible( bool yes );
virtual void updateZ( int baseZ );
virtual ItemData itemData() const;
virtual void restoreFromItemData( const ItemData &itemData );
virtual void updateNodeLevels();
public slots:
* Moves item - use this instead of moveBy() so that associated Nodes also get moved
virtual void moveBy( double dx, double dy );
* Remove the item and associated nodes. It appends the item to the
* ICNDocument's delete list, so you must call ICNDocument::flushDeleteList()
* after calling this (and possible ICNDocument::clearDeleteList() befor
* calling it) The virtual function void handleRemove() is called to allow
* any child classes to clear up any neccessary data (which doesn't do
* anything by default), before CNItem does the rest
virtual void removeItem();
* This item has been resized, so update the nodes relative positions
virtual void updateAttachedPositioning();
virtual void reparented( Item *oldParent, Item *newParent );
virtual void drawShape( TQPainter &p );
virtual void postResize();
* CNItem handles drawing of text associated with the CNItem.
* @param id is a unique identifier that can be used to change the text displayed.
* @param pos is the position that the text occupies relative to the top left corner of the CNItem.
* @param display is the actual text to be displayed.
* @param internal is used to determine the z-level of the text - whether it should be below or above the item
* @param flags Text tqalignment flags - TQt::AlignmentFlags and TQt::TextFlags OR'd together.
Text* addDisplayText( const TQString &id, const TQRect & pos, const TQString &display, bool internal = true, int flags = TQt::AlignHCenter | TQt::AlignVCenter );
void setDisplayText( const TQString &id, const TQString &display );
* Remove the display text with the given id
void removeDisplayText( const TQString &id );
* Sets the right colour if selected, transforms the matrix of the painter
virtual void initPainter( TQPainter &p );
TQPoint m_offset;
TQGuardedPtr<ICNDocument> p_icnDocument;
TextMap m_textMap;
NodeMap m_nodeMap;
TQColor m_selectedCol;
TQColor m_brushCol;
bool b_pointsAdded;
typedef TQValueList<CNItem*> CNItemList;