PicProgrammerConfigWidget PicProgrammerConfigWidget 0 0 464 493 PIC Programmer Config unnamed 0 groupBox3 Programmer Configuration unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 295 20 addButton &Add ... Alt+A removeButton Re&move Alt+M textLabel1_3 Program: kcfg_PicProgrammerProgram 1 0 1 0 false m_pProgrammerDescription (Program Description) commandsGroupBox Commands unnamed textLabel1_2 Initialization: verifyCommand writeCommand readCommand initCommand textLabel4 Read: textLabel3 Write: blankCheckCommand eraseCommand textLabel2 The following strings will be replaced when the command is run: <ul> <li><b>%port</b> - Port that the programmer is connected to</li> <li><b>%device</b> - PIC device</li> <li><b>%file</b> - File to read from or write to</li> </ul> RichText textLabel5 Erase: textLabel2_3 Verify: textLabel1_4 Blank Check: layout5 unnamed textLabel1 Default port: kcfg_PicProgrammerPort true spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 kcfg_PicProgrammerProgram addButton removeButton initCommand readCommand writeCommand verifyCommand blankCheckCommand eraseCommand kcfg_PicProgrammerPort kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h