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// File : kvi_actionmanager.h
// Created on Sun 21 Nov 2004 03:37:57 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVIrc IRC Client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2004 Szymon Stefanek <pragma at kvirc dot net>
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_action.h"
#include <qobject.h>
#include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h"
class KviActionDrawer;
class KviCustomToolBar;
class KVIRC_API KviActionManager : public QObject
friend class KviActionDrawer;
friend class KviCustomizeToolBarsDialog;
friend class KviCustomToolBar;
friend class KviFrame;
static KviActionManager * m_pInstance;
KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviAction> * m_pActions;
KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviActionCategory> * m_pCategories;
static bool m_bCustomizingToolBars;
// action categories
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryIrc;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryGeneric;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategorySettings;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryScripting;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryGUI;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryChannel;
static KviActionCategory * m_pCategoryTools;
// internal , current toolbar to be edited (only when customizing)
static KviCustomToolBar * m_pCurrentToolBar;
bool m_bCoreActionsRegistered;
static void init();
static void done();
static KviActionManager * instance(){ return m_pInstance; };
static void loadAllAvailableActions();
static bool customizingToolBars(){ return m_bCustomizingToolBars; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryIrc(){ return m_pCategoryIrc; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryGeneric(){ return m_pCategoryGeneric; };
static KviActionCategory * categorySettings(){ return m_pCategorySettings; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryScripting(){ return m_pCategoryScripting; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryGUI(){ return m_pCategoryGUI; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryChannel(){ return m_pCategoryChannel; };
static KviActionCategory * categoryTools(){ return m_pCategoryTools; };
KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviAction> * actions(){ return m_pActions; };
KviActionCategory * category(const QString &szName);
KviPointerHashTable<QString,KviActionCategory> * categories(){ return m_pCategories; };
void killAllKvsUserActions();
static KviCustomToolBar * currentToolBar(){ return m_pCurrentToolBar; };
KviAction * getAction(const QString &szName);
void listActionsByCategory(const QString &szCatName,KviPointerList<KviAction> * pBuffer);
QString nameForAutomaticAction(const QString &szTemplate);
bool coreActionExists(const QString &szName);
void load(const QString &szFileName);
void save(const QString &szFileName);
bool registerAction(KviAction * a);
bool unregisterAction(const QString &szName);
void emitRemoveActionsHintRequest();
void setCurrentToolBar(KviCustomToolBar * t);
KviAction * findAction(const QString &szName){ return m_pActions->find(szName); };
void customizeToolBarsDialogCreated();
void customizeToolBarsDialogDestroyed();
void tryFindCurrentToolBar();
void delayedRegisterAccelerators(); // this is called ONCE by KviFrame, at startup
protected slots:
void actionDestroyed();
void beginCustomizeToolBars();
void endCustomizeToolBars();
void currentToolBarChanged(); // emitted only when customizing!
void removeActionsHintRequest(); // connected by the KviCustomToolBarDialog to flash the trashcan
// when the user tries to remove an action from the toolbar
// and it fails to drag it on the trashcan
#define ACTION_POPUP_ITEM(__name,__popup) \
{ KviAction * a = KviActionManager::instance()->getAction(__name); if(a)a->addToPopupMenu(__popup); }