[Manager] # Default configuration of texticons. # If you add any entry then please increase this number both here # and in kvi_texticonmanager.cpp (they MUST match) ConfigUpdate=3 [TextIcons] smile=94 sad=95 heart=214 irc=208 bomb=82 spy=109 home=107 heartbreak=215 rose=216 biggrin=217 smileglasses=218 surprise=219 idea=148 penguin=111 linux=111 flower=124 love=214 lol=217 exclamation=220 !=220 dots=221 ...=221 ?=49 question=49 kiss=222 finger=268 prrr=265 time=93 shy=271 oooh=223 cafe=273 hum=282 slurp=283