# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game # STEP 5 # First of all we convert all the $$-> to @ : this is faster both to write and for KVIrc to process class(minelabel,label) { mousePressEvent() { # We also pass the mouse button pressed @$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this,$0) } } class(minesweepermain,widget) { constructor() { @%rows = 20 @%cols = 20 @%mines = 60 @%bGameRunning = 0 @%layout = $new(layout,$this) for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++) { for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++) { @%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j") @%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i @%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumWidth(26) @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumHeight(26) @%label{%i,%j}->$setAlignment(HCenter , VCenter) @%layout->$addWidget(@%label{%i,%j},%i,%j) } } } newGame() { for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++) { for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++) { %l = @%label{%i,%j} %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel); %l->%bIsMine = 0 %l->%numMines = 0 %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0 %l->%iState = 0; # In state 0 it doesn't show anything %l->$setText("") %l->$setImage(); # show no image %l->$setEnabled(1) } } for(%i = 0;%i < @%mines;%i++) { %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1)) %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1)) while(@%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0) { %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1)) %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1)) } @%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1 if(%row > 0) { @%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++ } if(%row < (@%rows - 1)) { @%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++ } if(%col > 0)@%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++ } @%bGameRunning = 1 } mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed,$1 = the button that has been pressed) { if(!@%bGameRunning)return # We add the right button handling : the user can mark the cells discovered if($1 == 1) { # Right button was pressed if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return; # does nothing # we loop the state thru 0->1->2->0 switch($0->%iState) { case(0): { $0->$setImage(58) $0->%iState = 1 } case(1): { $0->$setImage(28) $0->%iState = 2 } case(2): { $0->$setImage() $0->%iState = 0 } } return; } if($0->%bIsMine) { $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken) $0->$setImage(82); # 82 is a bomb @$emit(gameOver) for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++) { for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++) { @%label{%i,%j}->$setEnabled(0) } } $0->$setEnabled(1) @%bGameRunning = 0 } else { @$discoverCells($0) } } discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered) { if($0->%bIsMine)return; if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return; $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1 $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken) if($0->%iState != 0)$0->$setImage(); # ensure that no image is shown if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines) else { if($0->%row > 0) { @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col}) if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)}) if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)}) } if($0->%row < (@%rows - 1)) { @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col}) if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)}) if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)}) } if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)}) if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)}) } } } class(minesweeper,widget) { constructor() { @$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)"); @%layout = $new(layout,$$) @%gamepool = $new(minesweepermain,$$) @%layout->$addWidget(@%gamepool,1,0) connect @%gamepool gameOver $$ gameOver @%output = $new(label,$$) @%output->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken) @%layout->$addWidget(@%output,2,0) @$newGame() } gameOver() { @%output->$setText("Game Over :(") } newGame() { @%gamepool->$newGame() @%output->$setText("Ready") } } %m = $new(minesweeper) %m->$show()